作者查詢 / nkotb131

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作者 nkotb131 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共70則
Re: [見聞] 墾丁某個渡假村
[ marvel ]34 留言, 推噓總分: -10
作者: achallenge - 發表於 2013/11/12 18:43(10年前)
9Fnkotb131:現在國中生都那麼早熟?找個小屋就開始ooxx了?11/12 21:25
[Talk] Feeling sorry ><"
[ EngTalk ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: iwbyaf - 發表於 2013/11/06 00:28(10年前)
6Fnkotb131:Most people here are friendly and will help you, so11/06 21:24
7Fnkotb131:don't worry too much.11/06 21:25
[人生] 害怕失去消失
[ wisdom ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: allen395 - 發表於 2013/11/04 03:22(10年前)
4Fnkotb131:推樓上,曾經擁有才知道珍惜,才會擔心、害怕失去11/06 21:29
[見聞] 神奇的阿公&學姐
[ marvel ]33 留言, 推噓總分: +30
作者: d200190 - 發表於 2013/11/02 02:37(10年前)
9Fnkotb131:推神奇阿公,不過他年輕氣盛的態度不可學11/02 04:13
[見聞] 鄉村路口的車
[ marvel ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +10
作者: nkotb131 - 發表於 2013/11/01 21:36(10年前)
7Fnkotb131:樓上的別鬧了11/02 01:49
8Fnkotb131:謝謝四樓11/02 01:49
[見聞] 隔壁浴室?
[ marvel ]80 留言, 推噓總分: +72
作者: nkotb131 - 發表於 2013/10/31 02:15(10年前)
19Fnkotb131:可能我文筆不好,可是這是真正發生在我身上的事。不過4F10/31 11:32
20Fnkotb131:你也太狠了...10/31 11:33
50Fnkotb131:通常我是早上去,也沒碰到什麼。我想只是晚上不平靜.....11/01 05:07
59Fnkotb131:四樓把我的飄版首貼變成就可版>_<......隔壁真的沒人啦11/01 21:05
[言語] 成功
[ wisdom ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: y2k620 - 發表於 2013/10/28 14:09(10年前)
2Fnkotb131:車禍推,成功不容易10/28 19:15
[愛情] worth suffer for
[ wisdom ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: b51225 - 發表於 2013/10/28 01:23(10年前)
3Fnkotb131:事實上,無論誰都會傷害你,只看你能否找到值得犧牲的人10/28 19:13
4Fnkotb131:Suffer: 受苦;在此用犧牲翻譯10/28 19:14
[Intr] Nice to meet you here:)
[ EngTalk ]92 留言, 推噓總分: +15
作者: iwbyaf - 發表於 2013/10/25 00:52(10年前)
5Fnkotb131:*offense*; agree with poor grammar; but glad to see10/25 22:52
6Fnkotb131:more people showing up in this forum10/25 22:52
10Fnkotb131:Most people learn "American English" though.10/26 10:36
11Fnkotb131:For example, most people say "sweaters" not jumpers10/26 10:36
12Fnkotb131:But I guess words like "colour" or offence are more10/26 10:37
13Fnkotb131:acceptable now10/26 10:38
25Fnkotb131:Not sure you read the comments correctly.10/30 06:23
26Fnkotb131:1st person said no offense and criticized Claire's10/30 06:23
27Fnkotb131:poor grammar. I commented on the spelling, and he10/30 06:24
28Fnkotb131:said it's "British spelling". And I said most people10/30 06:25
29Fnkotb131:learn "American English", not British English.10/30 06:26
46Fnkotb131:"No offense" is just a polite way to criticize,10/31 22:06
47Fnkotb131:doesn't mean it's not offensive or harsh10/31 22:06
48Fnkotb131:and he was right in saying that a person who10/31 22:07
49Fnkotb131:had lived in America for so long still uses poor10/31 22:07
50Fnkotb131:grammar. Besides, without criticism, how will anyone10/31 22:08
51Fnkotb131:improve? Sure, people can use nicer words, but10/31 22:08
52Fnkotb131:rude comments are just as effective10/31 22:08
60Fnkotb131:We should end it here. Sorry that this had dragged on11/01 05:11
61Fnkotb131:for song long11/01 05:11
[心得] 香蕉剝皮正確方法
[ DailyArticle ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: nkotb131 - 發表於 2013/10/25 00:44(10年前)
3Fnkotb131:我最近才看到第一個方法,真的方便很多10/25 02:36