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作者 IAMSOBAD 在 PTT [ EngTalk ] 看板的留言(推文), 共147則
[Talk] Wow It's so amazing
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: a3309902 - 發表於 2011/12/18 16:58(12年前)
2FIAMSOBAD:ya practice makes perfect :)12/21 10:40
[Mind] Open your mind
[ EngTalk ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: pwnfl49 - 發表於 2011/12/13 19:30(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:indeed, trust yoself!!12/14 11:50
[Talk] I'm really tired.
[ EngTalk ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2011/12/11 22:29(12年前)
5FIAMSOBAD:life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what12/12 16:34
6FIAMSOBAD:you are going to get. but what you should do is to12/12 16:34
7FIAMSOBAD:believe in yourself, and that things will turn for12/12 16:35
8FIAMSOBAD:the better. we have our fingers crossed for ya :)12/12 16:35
[Mind] MISS U
[ EngTalk ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: j0109 - 發表於 2011/12/10 23:33(12年前)
3FIAMSOBAD:sounds like a long distance relationship...12/12 16:36
[Intr] A New Yorker in Taiwan
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: winkie23 - 發表於 2011/11/27 03:07(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:why are you only staying for half a month?11/27 11:08
[Talk] facebook
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: super101 - 發表於 2011/11/27 00:48(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:good try, you'll literally give up when you find that11/27 11:08
2FIAMSOBAD:there are so many people with the same name LOOOOOOL11/27 11:09
[Talk] thansgiving
[ EngTalk ]1 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: super101 - 發表於 2011/11/27 00:36(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:you can buy it at costco?11/27 11:09
[Mind] Remedy
[ EngTalk ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: thoughts - 發表於 2011/11/24 13:12(12年前)
7FIAMSOBAD:tat's some proverted sickass...11/27 11:10
introduce my self
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: bowlong19 - 發表於 2011/11/17 14:48(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:nice try, only some minor mistake11/18 11:35
2FIAMSOBAD:i have live in...... green and blue on TV11/18 11:35
Re: [Mind] unhappy
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: hmresort - 發表於 2011/11/01 10:20(12年前)
1FIAMSOBAD:(pat on the shoulders of both writers)11/01 10:24