作者查詢 / Alanie

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作者 Alanie 的總覽 (PTT發文,留言,暱稱)
發文數量: 2
收到的『推』: 0
收到的『→』: 0
收到的『噓』: 0
留言數量: 27
送出的『推』: 5 (18.5%)
送出的『→』: 17 (63.0%)
送出的『噓』: 5 (18.5%)
使用過的暱稱: 1
Alanie 在 PTT 最新的發文, 共 2 篇
Re: [檢舉] Alanie無斷轉載本人文章
[ AboutBoards ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: Alanie - 發表於 2007/06/20 12:35(17年前)
檢舉 springxx 在基督教版人身攻擊
[ HumService ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: Alanie - 發表於 2007/05/14 21:58(17年前)
Alanie 在 PTT 最新的留言, 共 27 則
Re: [討論] 關於mocear的板主連署
[ Brethren ]26 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: lovetoday - 發表於 2007/06/23 22:32(17年前)
1FAlanie:i agree!!06/23 22:56
Re: [經驗] 修神通的資格
[ soul ]49 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: ilanese - 發表於 2007/06/23 16:04(17年前)
12FAlanie:you are bragging to see yourself partly from mirrors.06/24 02:29
22FAlanie:you are horning to show yourself mighty to mirrows.06/24 02:54
23FAlanie: r06/24 02:55
26FAlanie:you are darker than those mirrors, because you can't06/24 02:56
27FAlanie:see your shadow by proudly standing amongst them.06/24 02:56
28FAlanie:to this end, you will proclaim you are a mightier form06/24 02:58
30FAlanie:of existence or even a god.06/24 02:59
31FAlanie:i am not speeking of you, free6295.06/24 03:00
33FAlanie:there is nothing more than self-assessment.06/24 03:01
35FAlanie:but a man pledged faith to any tinted classics, he has06/24 03:04
37FAlanie:been losing himself to those creeds and standards.06/24 03:04
38FAlanie:ps. all my replies are to ilanese.06/24 03:06
39FAlanie:but maybe the same words work better to you, free6295.06/24 03:27
47FAlanie:i can't type in Ch, but your words show your highness.06/24 14:34
[閒聊] 那基你他x的雜碎
[ Claymore ]14 留言, 推噓總分: +10
作者: swgun - 發表於 2007/06/20 15:11(17年前)
1FAlanie:= =||| (kiss kiss)06/20 15:18
3FAlanie:..... that is so easy!! it is called "KISS BYE" ya~~06/20 15:23
[轉錄] They are denigrating people!!
[ AboutBoards ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: steelfinger - 發表於 2007/06/20 08:18(17年前)
4FAlanie:shit! he insulted me, fuxk~~ 06/19 23:36
Re: [閒聊] 思考以神為本位,與思考有無邏輯之關連?
[ Atheism ]6 留言, 推噓總分: -6
作者: eleta - 發表於 2007/06/15 01:03(17年前)
9FAlanie:new police officer = ="06/15 10:34
Alanie 在 PTT 的暱稱紀錄, 共 1 個