作者查詢 / NenaPolyglot

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作者 NenaPolyglot 在 PTT [ Gov_owned ] 看板的留言(推文), 共1169則
[閒談] 國營職員英文
[ Gov_owned ]54 留言, 推噓總分: +24
作者: cvs5566 - 發表於 2020/11/15 19:02(3年前)
8FNenaPolyglot: 補習班克漏字答案也有錯,大學校院的認證是未來潛11/15 19:28
9FNenaPolyglot: 在的學生對於他們的選擇做評估有用的工具,第28題11/15 19:28
10FNenaPolyglot: 正確答案是“(D) would-be students ”才對11/15 19:28
31FNenaPolyglot: Intuitively, I chose (C) for question No. 38 wh11/15 22:06
32FNenaPolyglot: atsoever. Yes indeed, to condescend (=to patro11/15 22:06
33FNenaPolyglot: nize to) people essentially is to think very hi11/15 22:06
34FNenaPolyglot: ghly of oneself, believing that one is more imp11/15 22:06
35FNenaPolyglot: ortant and intelligent than others. To me, bein11/15 22:06
36FNenaPolyglot: g holier-than-thou at the cost (=sacraficing) a11/15 22:06
37FNenaPolyglot: ctual nuanced discourse within the context mean11/15 22:06
38FNenaPolyglot: s there's just no sincere exchange of ideas in11/15 22:06
39FNenaPolyglot: spoken or written form.11/15 22:06
40FNenaPolyglot: @vd102:那題我選condescend, 只是提到某補習班的11/15 22:17
41FNenaPolyglot: 其他錯誤沒回你11/15 22:17
42FNenaPolyglot: 閱測不需要跟外師討論吧,第一篇克漏字本來就是在11/15 22:34
43FNenaPolyglot: 講大學校院的認證啊11/15 22:34
47FNenaPolyglot: 整份考題檢視,說實話,109職員才高中程度而已,所11/16 00:32
48FNenaPolyglot: 以真的很簡單。單字、文法、慣用語都非常基本,克11/16 00:32
49FNenaPolyglot: 漏字和閱讀測驗的單字和文法概念也是11/16 00:32
[閒談] 國營職員考試
[ Gov_owned ]229 留言, 推噓總分: +185
作者: Badwoman - 發表於 2020/11/15 06:45(3年前)
98FNenaPolyglot: 台中一中,慎思樓5樓第45試場,應到42人 到考28人11/15 10:48
99FNenaPolyglot: 缺考14人11/15 10:48
102FNenaPolyglot: 英文考得很簡單,國貿組提早交卷11/15 10:51
225FNenaPolyglot: @asd9 : 109年職員只有高中程度而已,單字量頂多7511/16 00:20
226FNenaPolyglot: 00,所以真的很簡單11/16 00:20
Re: [考試] 今年台電僱員的綜合行政國英
[ Gov_owned ]41 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: susanmm - 發表於 2020/06/02 00:50(4年前)
10FNenaPolyglot: 回原po:第35題測驗考生的細心,是否注意題目設計06/02 10:51
11FNenaPolyglot: 不定冠詞只有“a”,而非a/an,故形容詞(A)ideal淘06/02 10:51
12FNenaPolyglot: 汰,(C)success是名詞要改成形容詞successful,(D)06/02 10:51
13FNenaPolyglot: 不用講了,而(B)model本身(除了名詞用法,但這裡不06/02 10:51
14FNenaPolyglot: 是)其實也是形容詞"模範的,典範的;模型的),e.g.06/02 10:51
15FNenaPolyglot: a model student/ answer to the national exam/06/02 10:51
16FNenaPolyglot: a model aircraft,(B)是正解無誤06/02 10:51
19FNenaPolyglot: 官方第48和54題night markets in Taiwan are _和J06/02 11:20
20FNenaPolyglot: apan is one of the most popular_ 是在考英文用06/02 11:20
21FNenaPolyglot: 法是否道地idiomatic (符合英語母語人士語言習慣的06/02 11:20
22FNenaPolyglot: )。並非中文翻譯看似合理的兩個英文單字湊在一起就06/02 11:20
23FNenaPolyglot: 正確,反而會變成有中文思維的Chinglish,tourist06/02 11:20
24FNenaPolyglot: attractions 旅遊勝地、sightseeing spots觀光景點06/02 11:20
25FNenaPolyglot: 、scenic spots 風景區、travel destinations 旅遊06/02 11:20
26FNenaPolyglot: 目的地...等都是再自然不過的說法,如果做翻譯待過06/02 11:20
27FNenaPolyglot: 國外,一看就知道答案是哪一個囉06/02 11:20
28FNenaPolyglot: 本次考試也鑑別考生判斷介系詞的差異,官方第53和206/02 11:48
29FNenaPolyglot: 8題都是,Sun Moon Lake 那題(A)over 是有高度地越06/02 11:48
30FNenaPolyglot: 過某地方/區,所以錯 (B) on 於此搭配 swim不合邏06/02 11:48
31FNenaPolyglot: 輯,也錯 (C) in 在湖中游 比較 (D) across 是平06/02 11:48
32FNenaPolyglot: 面地橫越某地方/區,to swim across Sun Moon Lake06/02 11:48
33FNenaPolyglot: 一定比 swim in 更 tough 或 energy-consuming ,06/02 11:48
34FNenaPolyglot: 故(D)為正確答案06/02 11:48
35FNenaPolyglot: 第28題(A)through 是穿越、穿透某個空間,尤其是周06/02 12:05
36FNenaPolyglot: 圍有障礙物,Taiwan Strait台灣海峽剛好是介於台灣06/02 12:05
37FNenaPolyglot: 和中國大陸間的狹窄通道,幫助A地Southeast Asia穿06/02 12:05
38FNenaPolyglot: 越到B地Japan,(A)就是正解,(B)across 是從台灣平06/02 12:05
39FNenaPolyglot: 面橫越到中國大陸,不對 (C) over則是有高度地跨越06/02 12:05
40FNenaPolyglot: 、橫越兩岸,也不對 (D)in 就更不用說了06/02 12:05
[ Gov_owned ]62 留言, 推噓總分: +36
作者: hihiwu - 發表於 2020/06/01 10:30(4年前)
7FNenaPolyglot: 109年台電僱員英文考科答案正確無誤,沒有爭議!一06/01 10:50
8FNenaPolyglot: 定會有考生拿100分!06/01 10:50
22FNenaPolyglot: @X842915:英文第二題只有(A)climate change 對,(06/01 11:46
23FNenaPolyglot: D)要改成 global "warming" 才正確06/01 11:46
37FNenaPolyglot: @r5693302:我們說 (D) travel destinations 為“06/01 12:58
38FNenaPolyglot: 旅遊的目的地”,也可說 “tourist destinations”06/01 12:58
39FNenaPolyglot: 旅遊勝地,但不說(A)“travel nations”',nation06/01 12:58
40FNenaPolyglot: 作為國家是有強烈民族性的意味,其人民有共同歷史06/01 12:58
41FNenaPolyglot: 、政治背景、主權獨立06/01 12:58
49FNenaPolyglot: r大別客氣~ 我懂你原來想表達“旅遊國家”的意思,06/01 13:59
50FNenaPolyglot: 其實那題只要改成“tourist countries ”就正確了06/01 13:59
[閒談] 國營職員初試(筆試)國貿報分
[ Gov_owned ]22 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: Wooacp - 發表於 2020/02/05 15:06(4年前)
8FNenaPolyglot: 專B 我只寫英文翻譯與寫作的那50分,我得46分!!02/05 20:40
9FNenaPolyglot: 專B另外50分的國際貿易法規及實務,我完全沒寫02/05 20:42
14FNenaPolyglot: @KINFU:進考場只寫英文相關考科,國貿組比重較多02/06 12:33
15FNenaPolyglot: ,說過每個人付1000元報名的動機不同~~02/06 12:33
16FNenaPolyglot: @sprewellmins:我覺得經濟部職員的共同英文和國貿02/06 12:52
17FNenaPolyglot: 組專B的那50分英文翻譯與寫作考得真的很簡單,寫完02/06 12:52
18FNenaPolyglot: 就交卷了,不知為何後者批改結果時而整數、時而小02/06 12:52
19FNenaPolyglot: 數一堆,106年:45.375,107年:47.5,108年:4602/06 12:52
[情報] 108聯招解答
[ Gov_owned ]393 留言, 推噓總分: +170
作者: satwally - 發表於 2019/11/25 11:12(4年前)
5FNenaPolyglot: 英文 96.6611/25 11:18
6FNenaPolyglot: 交卷前不應該想太多把原先寫對的 "on the ball",11/25 11:20
7FNenaPolyglot: 改成錯的 "on the field "11/25 11:20
9FNenaPolyglot: 今年職員英文考科答案沒有爭議!11/25 11:22
19FNenaPolyglot: 把原先對的答案改成錯的,就差一題滿分,真噢!11/25 11:31
22FNenaPolyglot: 至少今年英文不用試題申訴了!11/25 11:32
28FNenaPolyglot: 說人鍵盤高手的,真是笑死人!11/25 11:41
125FNenaPolyglot: @ a44883 & yangming1028:Keyboard warriors?LMH11/25 13:36
126FNenaPolyglot: O! Does anyone here in the conversation thread11/25 13:36
127FNenaPolyglot: s impress you that way? I'd take the "credit"11/25 13:36
128FNenaPolyglot: if I deserve it, but in reality I verily don't11/25 13:36
129FNenaPolyglot: merit such a name! I pay for the registration11/25 13:36
130FNenaPolyglot: fee for the sake of only taking English-relat11/25 13:36
131FNenaPolyglot: ed portion of the test on a yearly basis, which11/25 13:36
132FNenaPolyglot: has affectionately come to deemed as a worthy11/25 13:36
133FNenaPolyglot: cause in my life. Can't you just maturely cong11/25 13:36
134FNenaPolyglot: ratulate those high achievers in any given exam11/25 13:36
135FNenaPolyglot: s without harshly degrading their professionali11/25 13:36
136FNenaPolyglot: sm nurtured through educational background or w11/25 13:36
137FNenaPolyglot: ork experience? What's wrong with reporting t11/25 13:36
138FNenaPolyglot: he score though? That's such a petty thing to11/25 13:36
139FNenaPolyglot: even deliberately berate on! I really hope Go11/25 13:36
140FNenaPolyglot: d will touch your heart and make you realize th11/25 13:36
141FNenaPolyglot: at a righteous believer of His will never disto11/25 13:36
142FNenaPolyglot: rt facts nor fabricate stories to make herself11/25 13:36
143FNenaPolyglot: high. I mean no harm nor offence anyway. No h11/25 13:36
144FNenaPolyglot: ard feelings!11/25 13:36
154FNenaPolyglot: @yangming1028:Sorry, I get you wrong... My bad11/25 13:44
155FNenaPolyglot: for misinterpreting your words which doesn't h11/25 13:44
156FNenaPolyglot: ave any connotations.11/25 13:44
241FNenaPolyglot: 回原po,毋須曝光度,純粹回話11/25 17:18
243FNenaPolyglot: 致yangming大,真的很抱歉,我看錯了11/25 17:21
248FNenaPolyglot: 說韓國瑜好用...... What a complete waste of tim11/25 17:34
249FNenaPolyglot: e responding to conspicuous sarcasm! Period.11/25 17:34
266FNenaPolyglot: 行使言論自由何錯之有,再說若非看到"鍵盤高手多"11/25 19:36
267FNenaPolyglot: 的字眼,我是壓根兒不會回覆的,還讓你誤會當鬧 XD11/25 19:36
290FNenaPolyglot: 今年英文考科的答案真的沒爭議,這是公道話11/25 22:01
291FNenaPolyglot: 國貿英文翻譯的部分產出比較有彈性11/25 22:06
367FNenaPolyglot: @sobilly:the music industry "has adapted well"11/26 12:34
368FNenaPolyglot: to the decline in the music industry (音樂產業11/26 12:34
369FNenaPolyglot: 對於音樂市場的下滑"適應良好") ,和逗號前 介係詞11/26 12:34
370FNenaPolyglot: 引導的名詞片語 the financial crisis and illegal11/26 12:34
371FNenaPolyglot: music download (金融危機與非法下載音樂) 語意相11/26 12:34
372FNenaPolyglot: 反,所以只能選 (A) Despite 儘管 = In spite of11/26 12:34
373FNenaPolyglot: 儘管金融危機與非法下載,鄉村音樂產業對於在音樂11/26 13:10
374FNenaPolyglot: 市場中的下滑適應良好。(前後語意完全相反,不可用11/26 13:10
375FNenaPolyglot: “since”)11/26 13:10
381FNenaPolyglot: @oxgn 0111:在某文化中,英文使用的介系詞是"in"11/26 23:02
382FNenaPolyglot: ,in Taiwanese/ Chinese/ Oriental/ Western cult11/26 23:02
383FNenaPolyglot: ure。 把句子拆開各別還原 Intellectual property11/26 23:02
384FNenaPolyglot: creates a culture. It is acceptable to use thi11/26 23:02
385FNenaPolyglot: ngs for free in a culture. 句子用關代合併時,介11/26 23:02
386FNenaPolyglot: 系詞不可省略,但 that 不置於介系詞後,所以不用11/26 23:02
387FNenaPolyglot: “in that”,只能用“in which" 或關係副詞“wher11/26 23:02
388FNenaPolyglot: e”來連接子句,故Intellectual property creates11/26 23:02
389FNenaPolyglot: a culture in which/(where) it is acceptable to11/26 23:05
390FNenaPolyglot: use things for free.11/26 23:05
[考試] 英文疑問
[ Gov_owned ]76 留言, 推噓總分: +34
作者: tienyi - 發表於 2019/11/24 16:34(4年前)
31FNenaPolyglot: 最高級、表序數(the first, the last)、不定代名詞11/24 17:57
32FNenaPolyglot: all that = everything that、表強調 the only+ N.11/24 17:57
33FNenaPolyglot: , the very+ N.、同時指稱人和事物、形容詞子句避11/24 17:57
34FNenaPolyglot: 免which重覆等,都只能用"that"當關係代名詞11/24 17:57
36FNenaPolyglot: suggest...等虛擬語態用法的考題,職員英文考科命11/24 18:04
37FNenaPolyglot: 題者的最愛11/24 18:04
40FNenaPolyglot: 對,去年英文100, 專B我只寫英文翻譯及寫作的那5011/24 19:14
41FNenaPolyglot: 分(得47.5分),國貿法規實務的另50分完全沒寫,專A11/24 19:14
42FNenaPolyglot: 採購法+商事法也沒寫,每個人花1000元報名進考場的11/24 19:14
43FNenaPolyglot: 動機不同11/24 19:14
57FNenaPolyglot: 補習班的答案正確無誤,反倒希望明天試務處公布的11/25 00:11
58FNenaPolyglot: 答案不要像去年讓人啼笑皆非11/25 00:11
59FNenaPolyglot: 其實今天考題有瑕疵:The opening ceremony of the11/25 00:28
60FNenaPolyglot: 32th Olympic Games "will be taken place" 文法11/25 00:28
61FNenaPolyglot: 錯誤!take place 不可用被動式,"will be taking11/25 00:28
62FNenaPolyglot: place/ take place" 才正確,作答時笑了,這顯然是11/25 00:28
63FNenaPolyglot: 國營某公司出題的產物11/25 00:28
68FNenaPolyglot: It's a no-brainer, to say the least!What's the11/25 10:31
69FNenaPolyglot: point of arguing over the usage of the adjecti11/25 10:31
70FNenaPolyglot: ve pronoun "that" here?11/25 10:31
71FNenaPolyglot: 答案100%是"that",有什麼好疑惑的11/25 10:35
73FNenaPolyglot: The use of relative pronouns is strictly dictat11/26 00:29
74FNenaPolyglot: ed by Standard English Grammar, which makes no11/26 00:29
75FNenaPolyglot: allowance for change in exams, whether domestic11/26 00:29
76FNenaPolyglot: ally or internationally.11/26 00:29
[閒談] 明天經濟部聯招
[ Gov_owned ]198 留言, 推噓總分: +171
作者: torrest - 發表於 2019/11/24 00:30(4年前)
143FNenaPolyglot: 文華高中第18試場,應到42人,缺考20人11/24 12:39
[閒談] 報考之後不來考試是什麼心態?
[ Gov_owned ]226 留言, 推噓總分: +129
作者: ZRX1200 - 發表於 2019/11/24 10:32(4年前)
63FNenaPolyglot: 文華高中第18試場,應到42人,缺考20人11/24 12:37
[情報] 台電雇員108年答案
[ Gov_owned ]163 留言, 推噓總分: +86
作者: yel203zxc - 發表於 2019/08/26 09:47(4年前)
15FNenaPolyglot: 108年英文考科答案沒有任何爭議 !08/26 10:50