作者查詢 / Anchorites

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 Anchorites 的總覽 (PTT發文,留言,暱稱)
發文數量: 108
收到的『推』: 502 (39.1%)
收到的『→』: 693 (53.9%)
收到的『噓』: 90 (7.0%)
留言數量: 1064
送出的『推』: 439 (41.3%)
送出的『→』: 509 (47.8%)
送出的『噓』: 116 (10.9%)
使用過的暱稱: 1
Anchorites 在 PTT 最新的發文, 共 108 篇
Re: [閒聊] 你覺得語言會是談戀愛的障礙嗎
[ CCRomance ]44 留言, 推噓總分: +11
作者: Anchorites - 發表於 2021/07/07 12:57(2年前)
[問題] 拉赫g小調前奏曲yt
[ piano ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: Anchorites - 發表於 2021/02/23 18:37(3年前)
[廢文] 好險
[ NTU ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: Anchorites - 發表於 2021/01/17 15:18(3年前)
Re: [討論] 男友脾氣太好常常被佔便宜是問題嗎?
[ Boy-Girl ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +10
作者: Anchorites - 發表於 2020/12/22 19:58(3年前)
[訓練] 切入&噸位
[ basketball ]61 留言, 推噓總分: +19
作者: Anchorites - 發表於 2020/11/03 19:13(3年前)
Anchorites 在 PTT 最新的留言, 共 1064 則
[選校] 2024Fall 土木CE/水利HE PhD選校
[ studyabroad ]36 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: allen77xddd - 發表於 2023/09/07 20:54(7月前)
1FAnchorites: I’m already working in the US and strongly recomm09/09 15:17
2FAnchorites: end you not to study PhD in civil. I can sense tha09/09 15:17
3FAnchorites: t you have intention to pivot into CS, so stop was09/09 15:17
4FAnchorites: ting your time in civil and just apply for MSCS. G09/09 15:17
5FAnchorites: et out of school as soon as possible and land a so09/09 15:17
6FAnchorites: ftware job. I got my MS in civil and took a couple09/09 15:17
7FAnchorites: of CS class, also trying to break into tech. But09/09 15:17
8FAnchorites: due to visa and the lack of training in CS compare09/09 15:17
9FAnchorites: d to average CS grads, I’ve sacrificed so much ti09/09 15:17
10FAnchorites: me and effort and still don’t know whether I’d s09/09 15:17
11FAnchorites: uccess. So think twice. I’d only recommend PhD if09/09 15:17
12FAnchorites: academic is your passion, otherwise, getting MSCS09/09 15:17
13FAnchorites: is a no brainer, even if it takes extra 1-2 years09/09 15:18
14FAnchorites: . Another thing is, H1B is becoming harder and har09/09 15:18
15FAnchorites: der to acquire, so there’s that.09/09 15:18
16FAnchorites: Most civil companies in the US are also obsolete a09/09 15:20
17FAnchorites: nd old, and those that integrate new technology do09/09 15:20
18FAnchorites: n’t pay that well either, your years put into civ09/09 15:20
19FAnchorites: il would not worth it at all, financially.09/09 15:20
33FAnchorites: I don’t use Ptt that much anymore, but feel free09/11 02:15
34FAnchorites: to PM me09/11 02:16
[請益] 香港理工大學or陽明交大碩士班
[ CareerPlan ]10 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: Manas0816 - 發表於 2023/08/21 12:44(8月前)
6FAnchorites: 結構組在哪都都很差08/25 06:41
[討論] 112二類傳統五科及不含國文排名變化
[ SENIORHIGH ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: j0958322080 - 發表於 2023/08/16 00:11(8月前)
8FAnchorites: 真心不要土木 誤我一生08/17 05:50
[問題] 常見問題-該在現在出國嗎?
[ studyabroad ]48 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: p8410077 - 發表於 2023/04/27 10:35(1年前)
40FAnchorites: I know it might not be what you want to hear, but05/01 15:04
41FAnchorites: the reality is 99.9999% you won’t be able t9 land05/01 15:04
42FAnchorites: with a job in aerospace engineering. So always as05/01 15:04
43FAnchorites: sume you won’t be able to stay if you’re plannin05/01 15:04
44FAnchorites: g to get a degree in AE in the US. I have not see05/01 15:04
45FAnchorites: a single JD of AE not did not explicitly state you05/01 15:04
46FAnchorites: don’t need security clearance. You have to be ex05/01 15:04
47FAnchorites: tremely lucky or outstanding. Go figure which one05/01 15:04
48FAnchorites: you are.05/01 15:04
[閒聊] 奧克蘭大學 IT 碩士生一天都在忙什麼?
[ Aussiekiwi ]15 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: bilibalabow - 發表於 2022/09/25 20:37(1年前)
15FAnchorites: 廣告文10/20 02:43
Anchorites 在 PTT 的暱稱紀錄, 共 1 個