Re: [問題] 單手反拍的腰力

看板tennis_life作者 (Homer618)時間19年前 (2005/04/11 04:02), 編輯推噓1(100)
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轉自Tennis連線版 作者 (lance) 看板 Tennis 標題 Re: 請問一下,關於正拍反拍的姿勢 時間 未來最舊小棧 (04/06/05 23:06:20 Wed) ─────────────────────────────────────── ※ 引述《 (Seapoint)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《 (葉子)》之銘言: : > 這學期修到網球課,老師期中報告規定要交出 : > 正、反拍的動作(圖片),還要手寫的說明 : > 可是這類的網站好像很少.. : > 有沒有大大可以提供這類的網站 : > 感激不盡...<(_ _)> : 你們老師有規定握拍方式嗎?? : 不然從東方式西方式到超西方式怎麼轉都有人打 : 姿勢當然也會有點不同 : 所以報告只要不是太離普怎麼寫都對 的確,握拍方式是因人而異的,在不同的情形和場地也會有不同的握法, 根據美國職業網球協會的官方刊物,他們把握拍法分為下列幾種, 東方式正拍、大陸式、半西方式正拍、全西方式正拍、東方式反拍、雙手反拍 各種握拍都有它的優缺點,還有參考握法(圖例,有機會我在掃成圖檔放網路上)。 我就把參考書籍上的內容稍微整理: 1.eastern forehand grip: advantages:easy to generate power waist-high balls adaptable to different surfaces more support topspin good for beginners disadvantages:grip change weak on slice low volley finesse and touch shots difficult to hit high balls remarks: contact point in front of the body with a vertical racquet face often referred to as "shake hands" grip 2.eastern backhand grip advantages:the same as estern forehand disadvantages: the same as eastern forehand remarks: contact point is slightly in front of the body with a vertical racquet face 3.continental grip advantages:low balls, slice, no grip change, adaptable to different strokes, degree of versatility, topspin on serve, late hit on forehand side, good serve and volley,and good for hit touch shots. disadvs: high balls, weak wrist or forearm, hard to topspin, and requires good timing 4.semiwestern forehand grip advantages:topspin, high balls, disguise, passing shot, and power disadvs:low balls, underspin, major grip change to backhand, serve, and low volley. remarks: contact point is more forward of the body 5.fullwestern forehand grip ads: topspin, high balls, disguise, passing shot, and power dis: low balls, underspin, large grip change, serve, and low volley remarks: contact point is very early and preferably higher than your waist this grip closes the face of the racquet and is used for exaggerated topspin and groundstrokes where contact point is preferably made in front of the body. some players who use the western grip for forehands keeps the same grip for backhands, hitting the ball with the same face of the racquet. 6. two-handed backhand: ads: power, topspin, sharp angle, disguise, helps tennis elbow, early success( confidence), and grip support. dis: weakness at net and difficult to slice. 以上是參考書籍上的說明,而它所指之fullwestern grip即是我們常說的超西方式握拍 而semiwestern grip是我們常說的西方式握拍。 以我個人的整理, 一般我會把擊球點之高、低和前、後比較如下, 由高至低:fullwestern→semiwestern→estern→continetal 由前至後:fullwestern→semiwestern→estern→continetal 所以,高的球用fullwestern比較容易處理,相對的低球就不容易, 相對的,低的球用大陸式就比較好打,而高球就不容易。 另一方面,一般我們不會用western grip來發球或截擊,因此,不同的握拍法有其 應用範圍,之前的幾篇文章很多觀念是很正確的,在此我只是將美國職業網球協會的 定義與說明跟大家分享,在網站上有一些影片可以觀賞 歡迎有興趣討論的球友一起討論。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 04/11, , 1F
1推 !!! 04/11, 1F
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