Re: [英檢] where的用法

看板teaching作者 (be good)時間13年前 (2011/07/11 11:52), 編輯推噓4(4057)
留言61則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
We can’t find mosquitoes in the place where it is very cold. 如果依照國中教法,試著讓這個句子出現in which 再變成where的話, 反推回去,這個句子的演化應該是這樣 We can't find mosquitoes in the place. It is very cold in the place. 換句子順序,讓重複的部分靠近一點。 We can’t find mosquitoes in the place. In the place it is very cold. 重複的部分是the place,用which取代 =>We can’t find mosquitoes in the place in which it is very cold. 用where取代in which =>We can’t find mosquitoes in the place where it is very cold. 另一方面 We can't find mosquitoes in the place that is very cold. 這個句子的原形應該是 We can’t find mosquitoes in the place. The place is very cold. 重複的是the place,但是與上一個寫法不同的是, the place在第二句這裡是當主詞用 所以用關係代名詞which 或 that。 We can’t find mosquitoes in the place which/that is very cold. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 但是我個人覺得,以上這兩個寫法在語感上都不怎麼通順, 尤其是用where的寫法在語感上感覺頗為囉嗦。 因為 1. 觀察where這個寫法中, We can’t find mosquitoes in the place where it is very cold. it這個主詞其實是虛字,語意指涉的實際上仍是the place, 所以 …in the place where it… 這個結構中 三個片段the place, where, it其實都指涉同一個概念:the place 相較之下用which/that We can’t find mosquitoes in the place which/that is very cold. 少了it這個虛字,較為簡潔。 2. 更進一步想, 不論是 …in the place where it is very cold 或 …in the place that is very cold 真正有意義的字其實只有in the place, very cold 而英文作為一種語言,目的是表達思想。 表達同一個概念的方式可能有千百種,但是在不失原意的前提下, 越簡潔的方式當然越好。 而本句要表達的意思其實很簡單「在很冷的地方我們找不到蚊子」, 用簡單句 We can’t find mosquitoes in very cold places. 即可表達原本的句意,沒有必要用到相對複雜的複句結構。 書上用where或that,感覺只是硬要加上複句結構,讓句子看起來比較高級。 以上個人意見,供您參考。 可以的話,是否能提供一下那本書的書名呢? 我想去找來看看,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/11 16:08, , 1F
我了解你的意思了^^ 所以其實where也是從關代變成關副
07/11 16:08, 1F

07/11 16:08, , 2F
但我還是覺得這句子超奇怪的... 我覺得學生應該也很
07/11 16:08, 2F

07/11 16:09, , 3F
難被我說服 XD 我得好好想想該怎麼說明 另外這本書是
07/11 16:09, 3F

07/11 16:09, , 4F
簡單出版社 郭慧敏編著 GEPT的閱讀模擬測驗 第二版
07/11 16:09, 4F

07/11 16:10, , 5F
這本書有許多刁鑽的題目 所以我拿來磨程度不錯的學生
07/11 16:10, 5F

07/11 16:10, , 6F
07/11 16:10, 6F

07/11 16:26, , 7F
07/11 16:26, 7F

07/11 16:29, , 8F
對啊 他就故意寫成這樣 ~_~ 他的原句是 We can't
07/11 16:29, 8F

07/11 16:29, , 9F
find mosqitoes in the place where it is very cold
07/11 16:29, 9F

07/11 16:30, , 10F
or ___ it is very dry. 要選空格為何 當然以or連接
07/11 16:30, 10F

07/11 16:30, , 11F
詞的概念來解釋選where沒錯 不過學生一看到這句就說
07/11 16:30, 11F

07/11 16:30, , 12F
這where是怎麼來的 XD
07/11 16:30, 12F

07/11 16:34, , 13F
原句長這樣啊...這樣還是怪... 明顯是硬湊的
07/11 16:34, 13F

07/12 01:45, , 14F
不知為何 直覺以為有where的那個句子, it指的是天氣
07/12 01:45, 14F

07/12 01:45, , 15F
07/12 01:45, 15F

07/12 01:46, , 16F
we can't the place where the whether is very
07/12 01:46, 16F

07/12 01:46, , 17F
07/12 01:46, 17F

07/12 09:03, , 18F
the weather?
07/12 09:03, 18F

07/12 09:42, , 19F
it是指the weather啊...怎麼會指涉the place @@?
07/12 09:42, 19F

07/12 09:49, , 20F
07/12 09:49, 20F

07/12 09:49, , 21F
Taiwan is hot now. ←這有點不太對勁吧,似乎應該是:
07/12 09:49, 21F

07/12 09:50, , 22F
It is hot now in Taiwan.
07/12 09:50, 22F

07/12 11:07, , 23F
07/12 11:07, 23F

07/12 11:09, , 24F
讓我採用原本寫法的是 it is raining in Taipei
07/12 11:09, 24F

07/12 11:11, , 25F
這裡的it不能用the weather , 那it所指為何?
07/12 11:11, 25F

07/12 11:11, , 26F
07/12 11:11, 26F

07/12 11:13, , 27F
07/12 11:13, 27F

07/12 11:13, , 28F
但我目前只能用這個方式理解這個it 還請各位前輩指教
07/12 11:13, 28F

07/12 11:15, , 29F
補充說一下 我用邏輯概念想表達的並非嚴謹的文法規則
07/12 11:15, 29F

07/12 11:16, , 30F
而是在思考時想法中的資訊片段 還請各位指教
07/12 11:16, 30F

07/12 11:33, , 31F
07/12 11:33, 31F

07/12 11:34, , 32F
氣現象,不一定要代得進the weather才能用it,如何it是指
07/12 11:34, 32F

07/12 11:35, , 33F
07/12 11:35, 33F

07/12 11:36, , 34F
指的是Taipei,為何從來不用Taipei's raining.?
07/12 11:36, 34F

07/12 11:37, , 35F
07/12 11:37, 35F

07/12 11:38, , 36F
07/12 11:38, 36F

07/12 11:39, , 37F
07/12 11:39, 37F

07/12 11:40, , 38F
07/12 11:40, 38F

07/12 11:42, , 39F
翻翻<<Practical English Usage>>,裡面就有提到it是refer
07/12 11:42, 39F

07/12 11:42, , 40F
to weather的單元~
07/12 11:42, 40F

07/12 12:34, , 41F
07/12 12:34, 41F

07/12 12:35, , 42F
不得用the weather代替,就像中文的"二"與"兩"的用法,有時
07/12 12:35, 42F

07/12 12:36, , 43F
07/12 12:36, 43F

07/12 12:36, , 44F
07/12 12:36, 44F

07/12 15:48, , 45F
EX: It's raining. 不能說 The weather is raining.
07/12 15:48, 45F

07/13 22:21, , 46F 不過英文文法沒有統一標準,不同的學
07/13 22:21, 46F

07/13 22:23, , 47F
者會有不同的見解就是。另外就是"Taiwan is hot now"也可
07/13 22:23, 47F

07/13 22:24, , 48F
07/13 22:24, 48F

07/13 22:24, , 49F
07/13 22:24, 49F

07/13 22:25, , 50F
is hot" 或是"Taipei is raining"等等都是尋常expressions
07/13 22:25, 50F

07/13 22:28, , 51F OOps 我打過頭 沒有Taipei is raining
07/13 22:28, 51F

07/13 22:31, , 52F (看樣子我是有聽過這說法,只是我無
07/13 22:31, 52F

07/13 22:32, , 53F
07/13 22:32, 53F

07/14 17:10, , 54F
07/14 17:10, 54F

07/14 17:11, , 55F
07/14 17:11, 55F

07/14 17:12, , 56F
07/14 17:12, 56F

07/14 17:13, , 57F
07/14 17:13, 57F

07/14 17:14, , 58F
07/14 17:14, 58F

07/14 17:19, , 59F
07/14 17:19, 59F

07/14 17:19, , 60F
07/14 17:19, 60F

07/14 17:20, , 61F
07/14 17:20, 61F
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