Re: [問題] 游泳翻轉與踢牆

看板swim作者時間12年前 (2012/02/24 00:54), 7年前編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多) 作者: opgy (opgy) 看板: swim 標題: Re: [問題] 游泳翻轉與踢牆 時間: Fri Feb 24 00:54:22 2012 ※ 引述《Rose001 (公牛)》之銘言: : 恕刪....原地翻轉都OK了~(雖然翻完還是會稍微往左偏個5~10度) : 但是配上短距游泳快到牆了 : 我翻過去都還是踢不到牆 踢不到牆...你是指翻滾後在水中失去方向感,沒法子準確的把腳掌放在牆上嗎? 我剛開始練習時也是一翻馬上天旋地轉,不知道池壁在哪 現在回想起來大部分原因該是我翻地不夠乾脆果斷造成的 一方面是因為我近牆時因害怕而減了速 另一方面則是我翻滾時的團身不夠緊湊 除此之外還有一種原因會讓你踢不到牆,就是翻的時候距離牆壁太遠了 不過看你下面的敘述,應該不是這個造成的 : 而且已經很近了 : 就是站著手都幾乎摸到牆了 : 再往前一點的話幾乎就是我頭要撞到牆壁才翻 : 心裡怕怕的而且感覺一定是有地方錯了 : 翻的距離也太奇怪了 : 請問我哪個地方有錯?? : 抱歉沒有辦法附上影片因為我都自己游QQ 建議你去看下面GoSwim拍的系列影片,多練多想 前面你說你已經會原地翻滾了,那Step #1,2自不消說,從3看起吧 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimming - Freestyle Flip Turn Step #3
影片中重複再重複的重點:在翻滾過程中不要用手去幫助翻滾 如果你還在用手亂甩畫圈輔助定位,就回 Step #2 影片 1:50 處的示範動作重頭練起 Swimming - Freestyle Flip Turn Step #2
手亂畫圈在初學的人身上很常見,這裡利用 noodle 教你在轉身時手應在什麼位置上 另補充一點,關於道具 noodle , 如果手邊沒有這玩意 可拿兩塊浮板或者pullbuoy(俗稱夾腳板or八字板,浮球等等)來代替 更陽春的方法是拿兩個飲料寶特瓶來代替,主要是這些道具都有浮力 目的就是利用浮力來教導你於滾翻開始時手該在的位置,以利後續動作進行 等你習慣了就可以拿掉了 練成這幾部分後你再去練Step #4,5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Step #4 應該就是你目前在跑的進度,但你在這裡出了大問題 建議你回頭去練好上面的影片再回來挑戰會比較實際 而當你一步步練下來都沒問題了,剩下的就是蹬牆出去要注意的細節了 Swimming - Turns - Freestyle Flip Turn Step #5
注意花色泳衣示範者的腳放在牆上時兩腳掌位置並不是完全水平的 有個一上一下的小錯位(呈側角度踩壁),當她蹬離池壁時,兩腳的錯位角度 將有助於她在後續的水下蝶腿過程中側向轉動身體,轉成臉朝下,背朝上的俯臥姿勢 為了練好這點,你可以從池邊蹬壁分解開始練起,開始時一手抓在岸上,試著把腳 放在牆壁上,腳趾朝10點鐘或者11點鐘方向,而不要直著朝上,記好腳在此位置上 的感覺,接著放手蹬離池壁,不要用背部朝下完全水平的仰姿蹬離, 而是稍微側一下身體,以有點小側身的仰姿蹬出 仰姿蹬出打水下蝶腿的過程中,側向去轉動身體直至背朝上為止,此側轉角度約180度 除此之外,還有一種flip turn是在蹬壁時身體就已完成側轉約90度 蹬出的水下打腿過程再接著轉剩下的90度,索普的示範影片就是如此 不過影片只有示範沒有教怎麼練,想學這套的需自行摸索研究
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 最後說一下我練習時的一些經驗 其實也都是一些老生常談,爬爬文就能看到很多 1.游近池壁不要減速,而是要把速度給提起來,最好有多快你就游多快 2.在T線前計畫好最後一次換氣,過T後就不要再換氣了 3.在T線前要想好剩下幾划,不要多划也不要少划 划多了會讓你離牆很近(亦即太晚進行翻身),你翻過來腳掌觸壁時,你的身體 卻還未成水平,姿勢會變成腳在上而頭手卻指向下,造成你蹬出時朝向池底而去 若是少划了,此時你離牆太遠,翻過來腳還要伸直才蹬得到壁,如此反應時間過慢 而蹬牆的力道也不足(也就是你翻得太早了),若錯估距離甚至有可能蹬不到牆 這需要多練習去找到最適合你的划數,我看阿兜仔選手的示範影片幾乎都是過T線 只一划就翻了,而我自己是過T線後最多兩划就得翻,否則就晚了 4.翻滾要有把腳跟往岸邊磕下去的覺悟 一旦翻滾了就不要拖泥帶水,要果斷要迅速 當然,用把腳跟朝岸上磕下去來措辭是有點誇張,但這種覺悟在團身的思想準備上 是有幫助的 為了不把腳跟磕在岸上傷筋動骨破皮流血,你在翻的過程中勢必會記得要緊緊團身 以縮短翻過去後,腳與牆的距離 而緊緊團身這點是你在快速完成翻滾的一個重點要素,一定要做好它 團身越緊你翻滾過去的速度就越快 其物理原理跟溜冰表演的轉身以及高台跳水的轉身是一樣的: 因為角動量守恆,所以你越是懂得收縮身體,緊緊團身 使對質心的轉動慣量變小,則身體相對於質心的轉速便會加快 5.翻滾過程中團身要緊湊 再次強調這一點,而你可以藉由多練習水中原地翻跟斗 來記住那種感覺 6.從離池壁遠的地方練起 此後再慢慢移近找最適合的距離,不要一開始練就離壁很近 腳跟朝岸上硬砸下去可是有真實案例的 7.翻滾完成迅速舒展身體 亦即當你把腳掌放到牆上的同時,雙手立刻交疊成流線形 8.上半身成流線型後立刻蹬出...開始享受無氧地獄...直到出水... 最後一點是翻滾時鼻子要記得噴氣以免嗆水 新手不習慣學不會的可先上鼻夾暫作輔助,熟練動作後再拿掉繼續努力 ========================================================================== 如果速度夠快,細節都有做到,一翻滾完上身伸展兩手交疊完成腳掌就在牆上了 很神奇的...可惜我就只有那麼幾次能有這種感覺..需要多練習啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

02/24 06:59, , 1F
02/24 06:59, 1F

02/24 12:50, , 2F
02/24 12:50, 2F

02/24 16:34, , 3F
無氧狀態 我很怕腦細胞死一推 跟暴斃的自我恐懼
02/24 16:34, 3F

02/24 17:47, , 4F
02/24 17:47, 4F

02/24 17:48, , 5F
02/24 17:48, 5F

02/24 22:13, , 6F
02/24 22:13, 6F

02/24 23:59, , 7F
5公尺線有點早 很多老手說看到 T 字就可以準備最後一划!
02/24 23:59, 7F
-- Flip Turns Freestyle and backstroke are the two variations of flip turns. Done correctly,they speed up a swimmer while allowing a brief respite from swimming, thus explaining why short-course times are faster than long-course times for the same events. 1.Freestyle Approach Unless swimmers take a lot of momentum into the wall, they will not take much off of it. The approach is crucial to maintaining speed; any hitches, pauses, or stops are deadly against good competitors. The turn should be seamless and fast. ◆Use attack mode. Swimmers need to attack the wall; this is an attitude as much as a technique. They should not breathe the last two strokes into the wall. ◆Keep your eyes on the cross. Swimmers should keep their eyes on the cross on the end of the pool for precision. Many coaches prefer to have their swimmers focus on the T on the pool bottom. But given the differences in water depth and clarity from pool to pool, swimmers can time their turns more precisely by focusing on the wall. The slight loss in streamlining is made up for by the improved timing. ◆Gauge for a full stroke. Fast in, fast out. Gliding in or chopping the last stroke into the wall kills momentum just when swimmers want to be moving full speed ahead. Instead, they should gauge their strokes into the wall from several strokes out so that they can finish with a strong, full stroke with hands at their sides. Any necessary adjustments in stroke length are spread out over several strokes rather than concentrated on the last one. 2.Freestyle Turn on the Wall For a flip turn, the turn on the wall consists of somersaulting and planting the feet on it for the push-off. Quickness is crucial. ◆Do the quad. For a fast somersault, four things need to happen quickly all once: Duck the chin, dolphin-kick powerfully, tuck at the middle, and back-scull with both hands toward the face. The quad gets the feet over and on the wall quickly. The body should be a small spinning ball in a tuck position, not a layout. ◆Plant and go. The legs flip straight over on the somersault, and the feet plant on the wall with the toes pointing upward. On the wall, it’s one touch and go.There is no twisting and turning on it, and there is no waiting to turn over onto the stomach before pushing off. Instead, swimmers get off the wall as fast as they can and worry about twisting after they push off. They should not add any extra motions that take time and slow them down. 3.Freestyle Send-Away The send-away takes the speed from the somersault and adds the power of the push-off and the underwater kicking. Underwater dolphin kicking is an important weapon in the arsenal of most top swimmers. ◆Explode. The push off the wall is powerful, with a straight back and taut body—no sogginess. ◆Streamline. The head is tucked tight against the upper arms, the elbows are squeezed tight, and the hands are placed one on the other. The swimmer resembles a skinny sharpened pencil coming off the wall. ◆Use hyperspeed. Small, powerful, quick dolphins, working both beats of each kick, are more powerful and streamlined than big, slow dolphins. Every kick from first to last must be powerful. One common mistake is for swimmers to start strong but get progressively weaker until they are almost motionless by the last kick. Underwater dolphins on the send-away are becoming important even with age-groupers, especially in short-course yards racing. Age- groupers must practice this skill. ◆Break out. For most swimmers, the first two breakout strokes are wimpy giveaways. This wastes an opportunity to carry the speed from the push-off and underwater dolphins into the swimming. After a freestyle turn, swimmers should always pull with the bottom arm first (this may not be the arm whose hand is on the bottom), and they should make the breakout strokes long, strong, and powerful, causing the body to surge forward and setting a good rhythm for the length. Never breathe the first two strokes (or more, for short races) since effort and momentum are wasted by climbing upward to breathe. ※ 編輯: opgy (, 10/19/2016 13:35:18
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