Re: Matthew Arnold的Dover Beach

看板poetry作者 (水中瓶子)時間19年前 (2004/12/05 00:27), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
The sea is calm tonight, 今晚的海很平靜 The tide is full,the moon lies fair 浪潮滿溢,月亮完全地斜臥 Upon the straitsy;on the French coast the light 在連接黑海及地中海的水道之上;在法國沿岸閃閃發亮的光線 Gleams and is gone;the cliffs of England stand, 已逐漸成為過往;英國的峭壁依舊屹立不搖 Glimmering and vast,out in the tranquil bay. 在平靜的海灣裡顯現出微微光芒及浩瀚 Come to the window,sweet is the night air! 走向窗口,令人賞心悅目的正是夜晚的丰采 Only,from the long line of spray Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land, Listen!you hear the grating roar 聽!你聽那刺耳的轟隆聲響 Of pebbles which the waves draw back,and fling. 是來自於被海浪不斷後退猛撲衝擊的小圓石 At their return,up the high strand, 使他們經由這樣的週期登上高高的岸邊 Begin,and cease,and then again begin, 開始然後結束,接著再次的開始 With tremulous cadence slow,and bring 隨著膽怯的節奏而變慢,帶來 The eternal note of sadness in. 的不朽旋律隱含著悲傷 Sophocles long ago 很久以前Sophocles Heard it on the Agean,and it brought 在愛琴海聽見了這節奏,並且使他想起 Into hjs mind the turbid ebb and flow 混亂的衰退期和紛湧而至 Of human misery;we 的人類苦難;我們 Find also in the sound a thought, 並且發現這謠言(聲音)裡的一種思潮 Hearing it by this distant northern sea. 經由遙遠的北海聽見了它。 The Sea of Faith 被信仰的海 Was once,too,at the full,and round earth’s shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled But now I only hear 但現在我只聽見 Its melancholy,withdrawing roar, Retreating,to the breath Of the night wind,down the vast edges drear And naked shingles of the world. Ah,love,let us be true 啊!親愛的,讓我們對 To one another!for the world,which seems 彼此忠實!因為橫躺在我們面前的這個世界, To lie before us like a land of dreams, 宛如是片夢幻般的土地 So various,so beautiful,so new, 如此多變,如此美麗,如此新奇, Hath really neither joy,nor love,nor light, 他確實已無喜悅,無愛,,亦無光明, Nor certitude,nor peace,nor help for pain; 也無信諾,無安祥,痛苦時更是無依; And we are here as on a darkling plain 我們置身於此,有如身處黝黑的沙場, Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, 武裝爭鬥和逃亡的混亂恐慌掠過眼前, Where ignorant armies clash by night. 在夜空下無知的軍旅互相拼鬥。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 請大家多多幫忙 這是我自己翻譯的部份 但有些地方怪怪的 還有幾句我實在翻不出來 誰能給我建議呢? 因為我本身不是英文系的學生 所以不懂 沒辦法做很詳盡的討論 謝謝大家! ※ 引述《iamtimothy (水中瓶子)》之銘言: : 自己查字典翻譯 但總是少了那麼一點味道 : 因為是要上台翻譯給同學聽 怕丟臉 : 不知有誰可以分享這首詩的翻譯呢? : 謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 12/05, , 1F
這跟是不是英文系的學生無關...XD 12/05, 1F 12/05, , 2F
我覺得中文的翻譯可以再多一點"詩意" 12/05, 2F 12/05, , 3F
我覺得不差啊 只是要想想中文語法 避贅字 12/05, 3F 12/07, , 4F
本期的聯合文學有這首詩的中譯耶...:) 12/07, 4F
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