Re: [請益] 會計師尾聲的音樂消失

看板movie作者時間7年前 (2016/11/22 20:57), 7年前編輯推噓2(203)
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※ 引述《ss9873210 (zaihong)》之銘言: : 標題: [請益] 會計師尾聲的音樂 : 時間: Tue Oct 18 23:44:41 2016 : : 想請教會計師快演完時的音樂 : : 有大大知道是哪首歌嗎? : : 不得不說會計師真的超好看的 : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: : ※ 文章網址: : 推 dewdew: Sean Rowe - "To Leave Something Behind" 10/19 00:34 : 推 ixdezalex: 很有味道的一首歌,可惜找不到中英歌詞 10/19 14:37 前幾天剛看完正好在找這首歌,估狗 會計師 音樂 都是介紹巴哈跟畫們。 抱著姑且一試的心情來電影版試試看,居然兩個關鍵字就找到。 想回饋一下電影版碰到的好運氣, 推文中正好有板友想看中英對照, 不才就在下面獻醜了。 如果有不同的意見歡迎提出,但請勿轉載,感謝各位! To Leave Something-BehindSean Rowe
I cannot say that I know you well 不能說我很了解你。 But you can't lie to me with all these books that you sell 但是你不能這樣欺騙我;尤其你是如此道貌岸然。 I'm not trying to follow you to the end of the world 我沒有要跟隨你到天涯海角。 I'm just trying to leave something behind 我只是想遺忘些甚麼。 Words have come from men and mouse 來自鼠輩的言論。 But I can't help thinking that I've heard the wrong crowd 但是我不由得去想,那些我從錯誤的人們中聽見的話。 When all the water is gone my job will be too 當海水枯盡;我的責任也會隨之結束。 And I'm trying to leave something behind 我試圖想遺忘些甚麼。 Oh money is free but love costs more than our bread 噢,金錢沒有價值;但愛比我們的麵包需要更多代價。 And the ceiling is hard to reach 難以觸及的天花板。 Oh the future ahead is broken and red 噢,前途破碎又一片猩紅。 But I'm trying to leave something behind 但我想試圖想遺忘些甚麼。 This whole world is a foreign land 整個世界皆如異鄉般。 We swallow the moon but we don't know our own hand 我們捨近求遠。 We're running with the case but we ain't got the gold 我們汲汲營營卻徒勞無功。 Yet we're trying to leave something behind 然而我們都試圖遺忘些甚麼。 My friends I believe we are at the wrong fight 朋友們,我相信我們都在錯誤的戰鬥中。 And I cannot read what I did not write 我無法辨認那些不是我寫的東西。 I've been to His house, but the master is gone 我去了他家,但主人已經遠去。 But I'd like to leave something behind 但是我想遺忘些甚麼。 There is a beast who has taken my blame 那裡有一頭野獸承擔了我的責任。 You can put me to bed but you can't feel my pain 你可以哄我入睡,但你無法感受我的痛苦。 When the machine has taken the soul from the man 當機器帶走一個人的靈魂。 It's time to leave something behind 是時候忘卻些甚麼了。 Oh money is free but love costs more than our bread 噢,金錢沒有價值;但愛比我們的麵包需要更多代價。 And the ceiling is hard to reach 難以觸及的天花板。 Oh the future ahead is already dead 噢,前途黯淡。 So I'm trying to leave something behind 所以我試圖要忘卻些甚麼。 I got this feeling that I'm still at the shore 在仍未離岸時我有種感覺; And pockets don't know what it means to be poor 那時還不知窮困是何物。 I can get through the wall if you give me a door 我無法跨越你特意設下的障礙。 So I can leave something behind 所以我可以忘卻些甚麼了。 Oh wisdom is lost in the trees somewhere 噢,智慧在枝椏間失落。 You're not going to find it in some mental gray hair 你無法在蒼老的心境中找到它。 It's locked up from those who hurry ahead 它被那些遙遙領先的人佔據了。 And it's time to leave something behind 是時候忘卻些甚麼了。 Oh money is free but love costs more than our bread 噢,金錢沒有價值;但愛比我們的麵包需要更多代價。 And the ceiling is hard to reach 難以觸及的天花板。 When my son is a man he will know what I meant 當我的孩子長大成人,他就會明白我的意思。 I was just trying to leave something behind 我只是想遺忘些甚麼。 I was just trying to leave something behind 我只是想遺忘些甚麼。 Read more: Sean Rowe - To Leave Something Behind Lyrics | MetroLyrics 最後補一點心得 不才的朋友看完後,大讚本片為此年度最佳心頭好, 但不知為何不才看完後,覺得好看歸好看,但總有股辛酸感揮之不去。 QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

11/22 21:25, , 1F
leave something behind不是"忘掉什麼東西"
11/22 21:25, 1F

11/22 21:25, , 2F
11/22 21:25, 2F
這邊不才也有糾結過,的確遺留sth/sb是比較正確的意思, 但正確用法中文有點不好拼湊所以先用這句,等想到更好的再改Orz

11/22 21:30, , 3F
11/22 21:30, 3F
XDD 但在下看完電影一度以為chris不會再回頭找dana了QQ ※ 編輯: Poro (, 11/22/2016 21:37:01

11/22 21:47, , 4F
雖然leave something hehind但常在心中啊!
11/22 21:47, 4F

11/22 21:49, , 5F
不會忘掉的 這片子是很溫柔的
11/22 21:49, 5F
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