[外電] 2014奧斯卡的遺珠們..

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2014 Oscar Snubs: Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, 'Saving Mr. Banks' and More http://bit.ly/1mlb0mT by Hilary Lewis 前言:今年奧斯卡的提名不意外地又引起不少影迷的爭議,其爭議程度跟去年相比可說 有過之而無不及,以下就是好萊塢記者報選出23個有機會提名卻功敗垂成的遺珠之憾( 美國娛樂網站統稱為「Snubs」) 另外,為了增加文章可讀性,我這回也從娛樂週刊網站精選出美國網友的意見,美國 網友不但會對一些被冷落的人/片表達遺憾,甚至還會直率地點名一些他們認為其實 不應該入圍的人,詳情可點選娛樂週刊網站 http://bit.ly/1mlmvug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下就是今年奧斯卡一些值得注意的遺珠 「怒海劫」的湯姆漢克斯 Tom Hanks, 'Captain Phillips' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男主角 分析: The star of Captain Phillips was considered to be a shoo-in for a best actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of real-life captain Richard Phillips. Hanks has received five Oscar nominations, winning twice. He was also nominated for SAG, BAFTA, Critics' Choice and Golden Globe awards for his work in Captain Phillips, and even The Hollywood Reporter's Scott Feinberg had Hanks on his list of projected nominees, listing Christian Bale as an alternate. But this morning Bale made the cut and Hanks was left out of the race. 漢克斯原先被認為再次獲得奧斯卡男主角提名應該是十拿九穩的事,因為他有以下根基 作為利多- 1.他新作飾演的菲力普船長是真實人物 2.他是入圍5次並拿獎2次的入圍常客 3.他先前曾經以「怒」片獲得演員工會獎、英國金像獎、廣電影評人獎與金球獎提名 就連好萊塢記者報的當家影評Scott Feinberg 在做預測時,也把他列入今年的男主角 五強之中。然而當入圍名單公布時,原先被Feinberg 列入第六順位的克利斯丁貝爾, 靠著「瞞天大布局」的強大氣勢入圍了男主角獎,反而擠走了湯叔。 網友反應: .Can't believe that Tom Hanks didn't get a nomination for either of his two films (Captain Phillips and Saving Mr. Banks). Absolutely shocked 無法相信湯叔今年兩部片的優質表現(包括大夢想家),都無法讓他獲得奧斯卡提名 .The tom hanks snub hurts the most for me. He did more in the last 5 minutes of that movie than many actors are able to do throughout their careers 湯叔沒有再次獲得提名讓我好難過,因為他在「怒」片最後五分鐘做到的事情,遠比其他 演員電影生涯所做的還要多 .I thought that last scene [of Captain Phillips] alone was enough to secure him a nomination. He was incredible — I still get teary just thinking about that scene. It made the whole movie for me 我本來也認為湯叔在「怒」片的表現可以讓他成為今年男主角的五強,畢竟那實在太棒 了,我一想到那場戲就會感動到想哭,而這無疑對我有畫龍點睛的效果。 .Amazed to see Tom Hanks snubbed for both Captain Phillips and Saving Mr. Banks. The golden boy of '90s Hollywood seems to have lost his luster with the voters unfortunately :( 很意外目睹到湯叔今年兩部代表作都被奧斯卡擋在門外,看來這位90年代的雙料金童, 終究不幸地失去了對投票者的吸引力.. 「白宮第一管家」的歐普拉&佛瑞斯懷塔克Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker, 'Lee Daniels' The Butler' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳女配角、男主角 分析: Lee Daniels' The Butler, once regarded as a major Oscar contender, was shut out by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The most shocking snub, though, was Oprah Winfrey's omission from the best supporting actress category. Feinberg had Winfrey on his list of potential nominees and she's received SAG, BAFTA and Critics Choice nominations for her work in the film. 「珍愛人生」導演的最新作品,在上映後一度被看好是今年奧斯卡的重要競爭者,但最終 卻被影藝學院的會員宣判提前出局。然而最讓人意外的遺憾,莫過於資深名嘴歐普拉的 最佳女配角獎。因為她在這幾周正陸續獲得演員工會獎、英國金像獎與廣電影評獎的提名 肯定。 Other noteworthy snubs include Forest Whitaker, left out of the best actor category, and director Lee Daniels. 此片其他值得注意的遺珠,還包括男主角佛瑞斯懷塔克,與導演李丹尼爾。 網友反應: .Did you even see The Butler? Oprah stole the movie. She was unforgettable 你有看過「白宮第一管家」嗎?歐普拉簡直偷走了整部片的風采,她在片中的演出真是 讓人難忘。 .Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Idris Elba, Michael B. Jordan, The Butler, Mandela, Fruitvale Station all snubbed. They should have been nominated especially Oprah. Very upset! Boo to the Academy 歐普拉、佛瑞斯懷塔克、伊崔斯艾巴與他主演的「曼德拉」、麥可B.喬丹與他主演的「 奧斯卡的一天」通通成了今年奧斯卡的遺珠,但他們其實應該被提名的,特別是歐普拉 。好難過,我要用噓聲對影藝學院抗議啦! 「大夢想家」的艾瑪湯普遜 Emma Thompson, 'Saving Mr. Banks' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳女主角 分析: Emma Thompson was expected to score a best actress nomination for her portrayal of Mary Poppins author P.L. Travers in Disney's Saving Mr. Banks. The actress has already received SAG, BAFTA, Critics' Choice and Golden Globe award nominations for her role in the film. But she was left out of the Oscars' best actress nominees, and the film itself, which has been nominated for SAG, BAFTA, Critics Choice, Golden Globe and PGA awards, was virtually shut out, only scoring a nod for best score. 湯姨原本有機會在這部迪士尼出品的經典電影幕後內幕溫馨小品中,以難纏的澳洲作家 P.L. Travers再度角逐奧斯卡影后,畢竟她先前已經以這個角色,獲得演員公會、英國 金像獎、廣電影評人獎與金球獎的提名,可惜結果卻是事與願違。 另外,電影本身雖然也獲得英國奧斯卡、廣電影評獎與製片工會獎的決賽門票,但在奧 斯卡基本上是被徹底無視了,「大夢想家」唯一獲得的奧斯卡提名,是Thomas Newman 負責的配樂。 網友反應: .Not having Emma Thompson in there is a crime 影后獎的入圍名單沒有湯姨,這簡直是一種罪了 .Emma Thompson was ROBBED!' 有人搶走了湯姨該有的提名呦! .I cannot believe we live in a world in which Emma Thompson does not get a nomination for her knockout performance in Saving Mr. Banks 我無法相信我們會住在一個湯姨貢獻出她近年最優質演出,卻無法獲得影后提名的世界 裡。 .Emma Thompson was the biggest snub, without question. What a disappointment. She took Saving Mr. Banks from a purely mediocre film to something lovable and enduring. Plus, she knows a whole lot more about subtlety than Ms. Streep 湯姨絕對是今年奧斯卡最大的落榜遺珠,真讓人失望,畢竟她可是能把原本中等的電影 變成可愛又永恆的經典。而且,她的敏銳度比史翠普女士還要好 「海上求生記」的勞柏瑞福 Robert Redford, 'All Is Lost' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男主角 分析: Few have been nominated for an Oscar after being passed over by SAG and BAFTA, so when Robert Redford didn't score nods for either of those awards for his role in All Is Lost, it seemed unlikely that he'd be an Oscar nominee. The film itself, once regarded as an Oscar contender, was also virtually shut out, only receiving a nomination for best sound editing. 在陸續經歷被演員工會與英國金像獎連續忽視的挫敗後,還能獲得奧斯卡提名的演員其實 很少,所以當瑞福錯過上述獎項提名的機會後,沒拿到奧斯卡男主角的提名似乎也是勢 不可免。至於這部讓瑞伯獨撐全場的海難生存片,雖然一度被認為有希望角逐奧斯卡多項 獎項,但當奧斯卡招開入圍記者會時,「海」片獲得提名的只有音效剪接。 網友反應: .It bums me that Robert Redford didn't score a nomination for All is Lost. He gave my favorite male performance of the year, but considering how he's been shut out of other precursor races, a snub shouldn't be surprising, but it stings. 看到瑞伯無法獲得影帝獎提名真讓人心痛,因為他是我看過今年最喜歡的男演員演出, 不過當他被其他獎項陸續擋在門外時,看到這結果的確不意外。只是,這真的很傷人。 .Yep, Robert Redford would be my biggest snub as well. 是啊,瑞伯也是我今年最大的奧斯卡遺珠。 .I've said this before but it bears repeating: Jonah Hill has more Oscar acting nominations in his career than Robert Redford. Jonah. Freakin' Hill. 我知道我先前已經說過,但這值得再重複一次: Jonah Hill演藝生涯的奧斯卡演技獎提名數比瑞伯還要多?真是瘋了! .DiCraprio over Redford? WTH? Our world is doomed 李奧納多得票比瑞伯還多?搞什麼啊?看來地球即將毀滅了 「怒海劫」的保羅葛林格萊斯 Paul Greengrass, 'Captain Phillips' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳導演 分析: Although Captain Phillips received six Oscar nominations, including a nod for best picture, its director Paul Greengrass wasn't nominated in the best director category, despite receiving a DGA nomination last week. 「怒海劫」雖然在奧斯卡得到包括最佳影片在內的六項提名,但除了男主角湯姆漢克斯, 導演葛林格萊斯(簡稱綠草哥)也無法進入最佳導演的決選名單,諷刺的是:他在奧斯卡 入圍名單公布前一週,才剛獲得導演工會(DGA)獎的提名。 It's far from the first time the Oscars have left DGA nominees out of the best director category, which is somewhat expected given the different process by which the directors guild and Academy pick their nominees, but Greengrass' absence is a noteworthy snub. 當然,這絕對不是影史上第一次發生DGA與奧斯卡導演獎的入圍名單有落差的情形,畢竟 這兩個單位的評選方式是有差異的。然而,綠草哥仍然是今年值得注意的遺珠之一。 「大亨小傳」的拉娜德蕊歌曲 Lana Del Rey 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳電影歌曲 分析: Lana Del Rey's "Young and Beautiful" from The Great Gatsby was expected to score a best original song nomination, with Feinberg including it in his list of projected nominees, but it was left out of the 2014 Oscar nominees list. Del Rey's soundtrack contribution has also been nominated for Critics' Choice and Grammy Awards. 拉娜德蕊為大亨小傳獻唱的「年輕且美麗(簡稱YAB)」儘管有獲得廣電影評人獎與葛萊美 的提名,也被不少影評(包括THR的Feinberg)預測有機會打進決賽圈,但顯然我們是不 可能在典禮上聽到德蕊演唱這首歌了。 網友反應: .Young and Beautiful.' Spike Jonze for Director. Pacific Rim for effects. Emma Thompson for Saving Mr. Banks.' And what kind of world do we live in where Jackass gets a freaking oscar nomination?!' YAB沒入圍單曲獎、史派克瓊斯沒入圍導演獎、環太平洋沒進入特效獎五強、艾瑪湯普遜 沒入圍女主角,結果「無禮取鬧」的番外篇居然有入圍,這世界是怎麼了? 「決戰終點線」的丹尼爾布爾 Daniel Bruhl, 'Rush' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男配角 分析: Daniel Bruhl received SAG, Critics Choice, BAFTA and Golden Globe nominations for his well-regarded portrayal of real-life Formula One racer Niki Lauda in Ron Howard's Rush, but the actor didn't make the Oscars' list of best supporting nominees. The film itself was also shut out by the Academy. 丹尼爾布爾在這部由朗霍華執導的真人真事改編F1賽車電影中,以巧妙扮演奧地利傳奇 車手Niki Lauda獲得不少肯定,包括演員工會、廣電影評人、英國金像獎與金球獎的 提名。然而,這些指標獎項並不能幫他拿到奧斯卡的提名。對「決」片來說,更慘的是 就連其他獎項也被影藝學院的多數會員徹底忽視了。 網友反應: .No Daniel Brühl for Supporting Actor? Crap!' 布爾落榜?對我來說真是糟透了 .Rush was snubbed! 「決戰終點線」被無視了 .The fact that he got snubbed but Jonah Hill got nominated infuriates me 看到他落榜但Jonah Hill(華爾街之狼)上榜真令我不爽 「雲端情人」的瓦昆費尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix, 'Her' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男主角、最佳導演 分析: Her received five Oscar nominations, including nods for best picture and best original screenplay, but the film was snubbed in a few other categories. None of its stars received acting nominations, including Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, who were considered potential contenders. Writer-director Spike Jonze was also passed over for a best director nod. 「雲端情人」雖然有獲得五項提名,且最佳影片與原創劇本都榜上有名,但仍然有不少 潛力競爭項目被刷掉了。比方說此片完全沒有獲得任何一個演員獎提名,無論是男主角 瓦昆還是只貢獻聲音的史嘉蕾喬漢森。另外,兼任編劇的導演史派克瓊斯也沒辦法同時 獲得導演獎的提名。 網友反應: .Disappointed no nomination for Spike Jonze directing Her. That was my main hope. 很失望瓊斯沒出現在導演獎的榜單,他可是我今年對奧斯卡的最重要願望。 「內布拉斯加」的威爾佛提 Will Forte, 'Nebraska' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男配角 分析: SNL alum Will Forte received an Independent Spirit award nominations for his more dramatic turn in Nebraska, but he wasn't recognized by the Academy for his performance. 以喜劇綜藝「週六夜現場」中山寨馬蓋先角色獲得注意的佛提,這次在比較劇情導向的「 內布拉斯加」獲得了獨立精神獎的提名肯定,然而他的表演還不足以打進奧斯卡多數評審 的男配角前五強。 「藥命俱樂部」的珍妮佛加娜 Jennifer Garner, 'Dallas Buyers Club' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳女配角 分析: Jennifer Garner was somewhat of a long shot for a best supporting actress nomination, but she failed to get a surprise nod for her performance in Dallas Buyers Club. 艾佛列克夫人先前被認為是角逐女配角獎的黑馬潛力股,可惜「藥命俱樂部」的氣勢並 沒有帶到她身上-儘管她在片中的表現也相當稱職。 「藍色是最溫暖顏色」的愛黛兒愛薩可普絡絲 Adele Exarchopoulos, 'Blue is the Warmest Color' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳女主角 分析: Blue is the Warmest Color wasn't eligible for best foreign language film this year, but the Cannes Palme d'Or winner was still considered a potential, albeit long-shot, nominee in several categories, including best picture, best director, best actress (for breakthrough star Adele Exarchopoulos) and best supporting actress (Lea Seydoux). Instead the film, which received Independent Spirit, Critics' Choice, BAFTA and Golden Globe award nominations, was shut out by the Oscars. 「藍」片(簡稱BITWC)固然因檔期因素無法代表法國角逐最佳外語片,但「坎城影展金棕 櫚獎」的護身符,讓他仍然被不少影評認定是其他獎項的潛在黑馬,如影片、導演、女 主角(Exarchopoulos)與女配角(把頭髮剪短並染藍的Lea Seydoux)。只可惜,BITWC即使 獲得了獨立精神獎、廣電影評人獎、英國金像獎與金球獎的提名,卻無法獲得奧斯卡任 何一個獎項的肯定。 「無需多言」的詹姆斯甘多芬尼 James Gandolfini, 'Enough Said' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男配角 分析: Fans of the late Sopranos star were hoping he would score a posthumous Oscar nomination for his work in Nicole Holofcener's Enough Said, which was also shut out by the Oscars, despite receiving Independent Spirit, SAG, Critics' Choice and Golden Globe nominations. Star Julia Louis-Dreyfus was also passed over by the Oscars. 經典影集「黑道家族」的影迷無不希望去年年終過世的劇中主人翁,能夠像希斯萊傑那 樣,在這部描述中年男女愛情第二春的小成本浪漫喜劇,獲得奧斯卡的過世後提名。 然而,老甘儘管獲得的獨立精神獎、演員工會獎與廣電影評人獎評審的提名肯定,卻 無法在奧斯卡上留下最後的紀錄。此外,女主角茱莉亞露易絲德芮芙絲即使有提名金球 獎喜劇類影后,卻也面臨被奧斯卡忽略的命運。 「翻聲吧保羅」的泰勒絲歌曲 Taylor Swift 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳電影歌曲 分析: Taylor Swift received a Golden Globe nomination for her One Chance song "Sweeter than Fiction" and was a potential original song Oscar nominee. But despite the pop- heavy nature of this year's Oscar music nominees, Swift was left out of the running. 泰勒絲為這部保羅帕茲成名過程勵志傳記喜劇演唱的「比小說更甜美」,曾經獲得金球獎 提名,也一度被看好是角逐奧斯卡的潛力股。然而,儘管奧斯卡這次的主題曲決選對流行 樂態度比以往友善許多,泰勒妹卻無法獲得在奧斯卡演唱歌曲的機會。 「醉鄉民謠」 Inside Llewyn Davis' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳影片、導演、原創劇本、男主角 分析: Inside Llewyn Davis topped many critics' lists of the best films of 2013 and was awarded best picture by the National Society of Film Critics and best feature at the Gotham Independent FIlm Awards. The movie's also been nominated for Independent Spirit, BAFTA, Critics' Choice and Golden Globe awards, but it was virtually left out of this year's Oscar nominations. The Coen brothers film received just two nominations, for best cinematography and sound mixing, but it was expected to be possibly even best actor, for newcomer Oscar Isaac. 「醉鄉民謠(簡稱ILD)」在年底被不少影評人選為去年最佳影片名單,而且也先後獲得 全國影評人協會與高譚獨立影片獎的最佳影片獎。此外,影片還獲得獨立精神獎、英國 金像獎、廣電影評人獎與金球獎的多項提名。然而,奧斯卡提名常客柯恩兄弟的新作, 在奧斯卡卻只獲得攝影與混音兩項技術獎的提名,原本有機會進入決選名單的影片、 導演、原創劇本獎,甚至影片靈魂人物-潛力新生代奧斯卡艾薩克的男主角獎-全部都 落空了。 網友反應: .Inside Llewyn Davis was by far one of the best films of the year. Second only to 12 Years a Slave ILD是我去年看過第二好的電影,唯一能比它好的是「自由之心」 .The Coen Brothers, can't remember the last time they were shut out! 我想不起來柯恩兄弟上次遭到奧斯卡投票會員這樣難堪的對待,要追朔到哪一年了 .Biggest travesty of this morning's announcement: Inside Llewyn Davis losing an Original Screenplay nomination to Dallas F**king Buyers Club?! ILD的劇本會天殺的輸給「藥命俱樂部」?這大概是我在提名記者會看到的最大笑話了 「八月心風暴」'August: Osage County' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳影片、改編劇本 分析: August: Osage County received two acting nominations for stars Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts, but the film was left out of the best picture and adapted screenplay categories, where it was considered a possible contender, even landing a WGA nomination for its screenplay. 「八月心風暴」雖然讓劇中兩位最大牌的演員-梅莉史翠普與茱莉亞羅伯茲都獲得了提 名,但影片本身與劇本都無法進入決賽圈,特別是此劇原作者Tracy Letts親自改編的 劇本,還曾經獲得編劇工會獎提名。 「藍色茉莉」 'Blue Jasmine' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳影片、導演 分析: Blue Jasmine received three Oscar nominations, including expected nods for Cate Blanchett (best actress) and Woody Allen's original screenplay, but the film was left out of the best picture category and Allen failed to score a best director nomination. 藍色茉莉雖然獲得三項提名,其中包括眾望所歸的女主角凱特布蘭奇與伍迪艾倫的劇本, 但它在奧斯卡的運氣就沒有導演前作「午夜巴黎」好,沒有辦法讓艾倫再多獲得一次最佳 影片與導演的提名記錄。 「奧斯卡的一天」 'Fruitvale Station' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男主角 分析: Oscar hopeful Fruitvale Station was completely ignored by the Academy. 這部描述弱勢黑人生活的獨立製片,本來很有希望成為半路殺出的程咬金,但還是被影藝 學院徹底忽略了。 網友反應: .Sad to see no nominations for Fruitvale Station. Michael B. Jordan should've at least gotten nominated 看到入圍名單完全沒有「奧」片的蹤影真讓人難過,起碼應該要讓新生代黑人Michael B. Jordan提名最佳男主角吧 .Really tells you the importance of releasing your film in awards season. Everyone was talking about Michael Jordan's performance when it came out, but they clearly forgot come nomination time 這個案例讓我們學到一件事-奧斯卡潛力片在年底頒獎季上映的重要性。以本片來說, 即使大家都說小喬丹演得有多好,但一旦到了提名記者會,幾乎所有評審都記不得了。 「曼德拉:漫長自由路」 'Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳男主角 分析: Mandela received a best original song nomination for U2's "Ordinary Love," but the potential Oscar contender was shut out of all other categories, with star Idris Elba notably failing to secure an acting nomination. 這部曼德拉傳記電影雖然有靠著U2樂團的新單曲獲得最佳電影歌曲獎提名,但其他原先 有機會角逐的獎項都被封殺了,特別是片中飾演曼德拉的英國性格演員伊崔斯艾巴。 「黑魚」 'Blackfish' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳記錄長片 分析: Blackfish was expected to get a best documentary feature nomination, but the film was left off the Oscars' final list. The title has scored BAFTA, Critics Choice and IDA award nominations. 以追蹤殺人鯨攻擊人類緣由探討人類對待海洋動物方式的「黑魚」,儘管因為獲得不少 獎項提名(英國金像獎、廣電影評人獎與紀錄片協會獎)而被看好能獲得角逐小金人的 機會,可惜最終卻意外地被擋在決賽圈的門外。 網友反應: .Blackfish was snubbed in the Best Documentary Feature catagory, and it received many positive reviews at Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic. Even though it was ignored by the Academy Awards, it was one of the most important movies of the year, and people will never look at a killer whale in an aquarium the same way again. The Academy snubbed Blackfish, but, the people have not.'' 即使在爛番茄與MetaCritic這兩個影評網站都有相當好的成績,「黑魚」還是無法獲得 奧斯卡評審足夠的愛。然而,即使被奧斯卡忽視了,「黑魚」依舊是今年最重要的電影 之一,畢竟知道這部片的影迷以後再也不會以過往的方式看待關在水族館裡面的殺人鯨 了。奧斯卡也許不愛「黑魚」,但影迷們不會。 .Really surprised there's no nod for Blackfish, considering the effect and continuing ramifications for Sea World.' 很意外「黑魚」沒被提名紀錄片獎,以它對海洋生態造成的影響力,其實應該要上榜的 「莎拉波莉家庭紀事」 'Stories We Tell' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳記錄長片 分析: Sarah Polley's Stories We Tell was also expected to compete in the best documentary category but was ignored by the Oscars. 加拿大才女莎拉波莉這部自導自演採訪家人的自傳式紀錄片,則是紀錄片迷公認今年另外 一部「被忽略但應該提名」的紀錄長片。 網友反應: .Really surprised to not see Stories We Tell nominated. Blackfish either. Act of Killing has been the clear frontrunner, but the other two have been up there in awards season, especially SWT 真的很意外「家庭紀事」與「黑魚」都無法打進決賽圈,看來丹麥出品的「我是殺人魔」 應該是紀錄片獎的領先者了,但也實在可惜了在其他影評獎表現傑出的上述兩片,尤其是 SWT。 .So disappointed. Stories We Tell is excellent. Such a compelling documentary with a simple concept. 這結果人真讓人失望,畢竟SWT實在太棒了,儘管概念簡單,卻能拍得這麼吸引人。 「怪獸大學」 'Monsters University' 原本有機會入圍獎項:最佳動畫長片 分析: Pixar was left out of this year's nominees for best animated feature, with its 2013 film Monsters University ignored by the Oscars. The film's been nominated for Annie, BAFTA, Critics' Choice and PGA awards and predecessor Monsters Inc. was nominated for four Oscars, winning two. 即使是動畫獎常勝軍「皮克斯」,也有被擋住門外的難堪時刻。怪獸大學雖然先後被安尼 動畫獎、英國金像獎、廣電影評獎與製片工會獎的先後給予入圍肯定,但是卻無法成為 奧斯卡的決選五強。相較之下,它的前作「怪獸電力公司」不但獲得四項提名,最後也 贏回兩座小金人。 網友反應: . I have never seen an animated movie tell such a poignant, sad lesson that sometimes we have to hear 這是我所看過第一部會教導我們如此淒美、難過,卻又寫實到必須接受其中寓意的動畫片 註:此心得文原文相當長,但值得一讀,詳情請點閱娛樂週刊網站頁面 http://bit.ly/1jsNwfD .The Croods over MU...and I STILL DON'T GET THE DAMN APPEAL FOR DESPICABLE ME!! 看到「古魯家族」在榜單上已經讓人無語,更不用提另一部被提名的「神偷奶爸2」了 .Ummmm....The Croods is nominated but not Monsters University? What was the Academy smoking? 「古魯家族」進入動畫獎五強,卻沒有「怪獸大學」,不禁讓人 想罵影藝學院是不是有人嗑了禁藥? 「紅翼行動」 'Lone Survivor' 原本有機會入圍獎項:五大主要獎項都有,但最佳改編劇本機率最高 分析: Peter Berg's gritty true story of Navy SEALs ambushed in Afghanistan was considered a potential Oscar contender in categories like best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay and even best actor before it was released. Instead, the film just received two nominations, for sound editing and mixing. 動作名導彼得柏格這部根據美軍海豹部隊在阿富汗遭到突襲攻擊的新片,在上映前曾被 看成是不少重要獎項的潛在競爭者,包括最佳影片、導演、改編劇本,甚至男主角。 但是「紅」片實際上只獲得兩項提名,而且都是後製獎項。 「私法爭鋒」 'Prisoners' 原本有機會入圍獎項:六大主要獎項都有,但最佳原創劇本機率最高 分析: Another potential Oscar contender virtually ignored by the Academy, Prisoners only received one nomination, for best cinematography. 「私」片也是一部卡司堅強,但被影藝學院實質上忽略的潛力競爭者,這部驚悚片唯一 獲得的提名,是英國資深攝影師Roger Deakings的攝影獎。 -- 以下另外補充THR.com記者沒選,但仍有被EW.com網友感到可惜的技術獎遺珠 「哈比人2」的最佳歌曲與其他技術獎 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug for technical categories and Best Original Song 註:哈比人2今年獲得奧斯卡的提名有三項,分別是視覺特效、音效剪接與混音 網友反應: .How can Bad Grandpa and Lone Ranger get it but not Hobbit? The Academy is a joke 為什麼「Jackass」番外篇與「獨行俠」可以入圍最佳化妝,裡頭卻沒有哈比人?這真是 影藝學院今年鬧出的另一個笑話 .I don't understand the pathetic and low Best Makeup & Hairstyling nominations. Only 3? And nothing for the amazing 14 lead characters in fantastic prosthetics and full beard-styles for The Hobbit? Really?!! Not even Star Trek? Never mind the amazing horror makeup we see regularly that is never somehow deemed 'Academy worthy' (Warm Bodies, World War Z, Evil Dead, even The Conjuring could be there). 我真的無法理解今年繼可悲又品質低落的化妝獎名單,只有三部片入圍就算了,還沒有 哈比人?黯黑無界?更別提其他其實也值得資格入圍的驚悚片造型了 「環太平洋」的特效獎 Pacific Rim for Best Visual Effects 網友反應: .Pacific Rim should've gotten a visual effects nom... Definitely over Lone Ranger and Star Trek...' 環太平洋應該獲得特效獎的提名肯定,至少可以刷掉「獨行俠」與「暗黑無界」 「飢餓遊戲2」的服裝獎 Catching Fire for Best Costume Design 網友反應: .How is it possible that Catching Fire didn't get a Best Costumes nomination. That's just.... HUH?!'' 飢餓遊戲2沒有被提名服裝獎?頗呵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/25 01:16, , 1F
01/25 01:16, 1F

01/25 01:20, , 2F
01/25 01:20, 2F

01/25 01:25, , 3F
01/25 01:25, 3F

01/25 01:26, , 4F
我原文有寫 「藍色」不能提外語片獎 但美國片商
01/25 01:26, 4F

01/25 01:27, , 5F
可以報其他獎項 我之前原本也以為「藍色」有入圍希望
01/25 01:27, 5F

01/25 01:28, , 6F
01/25 01:28, 6F

01/25 01:29, , 7F
我本來以為是沒報 看來是片商勢力太小了XD
01/25 01:29, 7F

01/25 01:31, , 8F
至於動畫 怪獸大學可能是在還勇敢傳說的債(誤)
01/25 01:31, 8F

01/25 01:39, , 9F
01/25 01:39, 9F

01/25 01:42, , 10F
01/25 01:42, 10F

01/25 01:49, , 11F
01/25 01:49, 11F

01/25 01:53, , 12F
01/25 01:53, 12F

01/25 03:15, , 13F
01/25 03:15, 13F

01/25 09:46, , 14F
01/25 09:46, 14F

01/25 10:40, , 15F
01/25 10:40, 15F

01/25 10:44, , 16F
01/25 10:44, 16F

01/25 11:39, , 17F
01/25 11:39, 17F

01/25 13:03, , 18F
01/25 13:03, 18F
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (01/25 13:31)

01/25 22:13, , 19F
01/25 22:13, 19F

01/25 22:42, , 20F
01/25 22:42, 20F

01/25 22:52, , 21F
Tom Hanks真的演的很好
01/25 22:52, 21F

01/25 23:15, , 22F
01/25 23:15, 22F

01/26 02:46, , 23F
推!!! 艾瑪 老湯 丹尼爾~~〒△〒
01/26 02:46, 23F

01/27 17:27, , 24F
01/27 17:27, 24F

01/27 18:42, , 25F
私法爭鋒沒那麼神 在那麼多強片之下 沒入圍並不意外
01/27 18:42, 25F

01/27 21:29, , 26F
01/27 21:29, 26F

01/29 22:23, , 27F
01/29 22:23, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1IuftVW2 (movie)
文章代碼(AID): #1IuftVW2 (movie)