Re: [求助] 哀莫大於心死...

看板marriage作者 (伊斯塔)時間13年前 (2011/04/07 18:48), 編輯推噓14(14010)
留言24則, 18人參與, 最新討論串2/35 (看更多)
這一首流傳甚廣的詩,不知道原PO有沒有看過 我想妳需要好好琢磨,重點在最後一段。 走不走得開,全在妳一念之間。現在的日子已經在地獄裡了,沒有他,會糟到那兒去? 想辦法養活自己跟賭他轉性養妳疼妳,哪一個比較難以達到? 別讓小孩恨妳讓他有個會揍媽媽的爸爸...... I got flowers today. It wasn't my birthday or any otherspecial day. 我今天收到花了… 既非我的生日,也不是什麼特殊的日子。 We had our first argument last night , 昨晚我們發生了第一次爭吵, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. 他說了很多很多殘忍的話,而那的確也刺傷了我.. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said. Because 我知道他很難過,對他所說的也不是有意的,因為.. he sent me flowers today. 他今天送我花了 I got flowers today. It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day. 我今天收到花了…既非我們的結婚紀念日,也不是什麼特殊的日子.. Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. 昨晚他對我拳打腳踢..(摔我撞牆後又勒我脖子) It seemed like a nightmare. I couldn't believe it was real. 就像是一場惡夢似的 ,我不敢相信那是真的.. I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over. 早上醒來全身酸痛,到處是瘀青, I know he must be sorry, because 我知道他該難過的,因為 he sent me flowers today. 他今天送我花了 I got flowers today, and it wasn't Mother's Day or any other special day. 我今天收到花了…今天不是母親節,也不是什麼特殊的日子.. Last night, he beat me up again. And it was much worse than all the other times. 昨晚他又揍我了 .而且比之前更狠、更嚴重.. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? 如果我離開他,那我怎麼辦.. ?我要怎麼照顧我的小孩..? I'm afraid of him and scared to leave. 我怕他,也怕離開.. But I know he must be sorry, because 但我知道他該難過的,因為.. he sent me flowers today. 他今天送我花了 I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. 我今天收到花了…今天是個非常特殊的日子.. It was the day of my funeral. 今天是我出殯的日子.. Last night, he finally killed me. 昨晚,他終於殺了我了。 (譯者按:西方禮儀人死後第二天就拖去"種 ") He beat me to death. 他真的打死我了 If only I had gathered enough courage and strength to leave him, 如果我有夠多的勇氣及力量離開他 I would not have gotten flowers today. 我今天就不會收到他的花了 -- 寶貝的可愛,通常媽咪最知道 ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: saphilos 來自: (04/07 18:49)

04/07 18:50, , 1F
我有看過 也知道;只是如果用罵的可以罵回原PO,她今天就不
04/07 18:50, 1F

04/07 18:51, , 2F
會這樣了;只是想不要一昧罵她 讓她多愛自己一點,然後自己
04/07 18:51, 2F

04/07 18:53, , 3F
下決心離開那個男的;看過太多例子 別人一直罵 原PO還是不
04/07 18:53, 3F

04/07 18:54, , 4F
會離開;要他自己愛自己 悟出這各道理才會真正離開啊~~
04/07 18:54, 4F

04/07 18:55, , 5F
04/07 18:55, 5F

04/07 18:56, , 6F
04/07 18:56, 6F

04/07 18:57, , 7F
04/07 18:57, 7F

04/07 18:59, , 8F
那是他愛自己的方法 較特別 囧
04/07 18:59, 8F

04/07 19:36, , 9F
04/07 19:36, 9F

04/07 19:48, , 10F
04/07 19:48, 10F

04/07 19:56, , 11F
我剛也想到這篇文章~但原PO該清醒了 妳連花都沒有.....
04/07 19:56, 11F

04/07 19:58, , 12F
04/07 19:58, 12F

04/07 20:52, , 13F
04/07 20:52, 13F

04/07 20:54, , 14F
04/07 20:54, 14F

04/07 22:36, , 15F
這首詩真的寫得很好 第一次看到時我愣了好久
04/07 22:36, 15F

04/07 23:24, , 16F
04/07 23:24, 16F

04/07 23:26, , 17F
04/07 23:26, 17F

04/07 23:56, , 18F
04/07 23:56, 18F

04/08 00:16, , 19F
...我有認識的人最後真的收到紙蓮花, 這悲劇一點都不美
04/08 00:16, 19F

04/08 01:17, , 20F
04/08 01:17, 20F

04/08 08:06, , 21F
04/08 08:06, 21F

04/08 15:56, , 22F
04/08 15:56, 22F

04/08 21:58, , 23F
04/08 21:58, 23F

04/08 21:59, , 24F
04/08 21:59, 24F
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