Re: [心得] 菜花byebye跟性病匿名篩檢心得

看板feminine_sex作者 (漫長的戰鬥.......)時間13年前 (2011/07/09 19:43), 編輯推噓7(7011)
留言18則, 8人參與, 最新討論串6/8 (看更多)
有句話叫 "以彼之道 還施彼身" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ※ 引述《kil1ua (--)》之銘言: : : There is no cure for HPV : HPV沒有「治癒」的方法 There's no known cure for common cold. 所以感冒不會好囉? There is no HPV cure, which means that the body's own immune system must get rid of the virus (which it does in a lot of cases). It also means that similar to other viruses (such as those that cause the common cold). 從你的網站上複製貼上 就像感冒病毒,免疫系統有責任消滅之 如果HPV是注定不能被消滅 那你的網頁就不會拿感冒來類比了 更不會用上get rid of這字眼 : : The types of HPV that cause genital warts and cervical cancer can be managed, : not cured. Genital warts can be treated by removing them, however it does not : "cure" the patient. : 醫生可將菜花收成 但無法將病人「治癒」 the virus frequently goes away on its own without any treatment, and without causing any problems. 這網站一開始就說了 不論有無症狀和治療 HPV都常常會消失!! 這是斷章取義... : : the warts may recur because there is not cure for the root of the problem, : which is HPV. : 春風吹又起 菜花即復生 只因HPV 無法全治癒 : XDDDD : : Myth 5: Having genital warts means that I will have recurrences for the rest : of my life. : Fact: In some cases, genital warts do recur but in varying persistence. The : good news is that the immune system gains control over the virus as time : passes by, so the recurrences become less frequent. In most cases, : recurrences are wiped out within two years. However, if the immune system is : impaired through the use of certain drugs or temporary trauma such as serious : illness, surgery, or stress, it may be unable to hinder genital warts from : resurfacing. : 菜花收成後會再長出來 但在免疫系統的對抗之下 可以管控HPV不要作亂 : 所以很多人在兩年內 菜花不會復生 : 但是(However) : 如果免疫系統受損、比如說吃某些藥啦、重病、手術或壓力啦 : 這時候就得重拾鋤頭 再當菜農 啾咪! 人家是說在兩年內擺平復發 你卻說兩年之內不會復發?????? : : Treatment : The primary goal of treating visible genital warts is the removal of the : warts. In the majority of patients, treatment can induce wart-free periods. : If left untreated, visible genital warts might resolve on their own, remain : unchanged, or increase in size or number. Treatment possibly reduces, but : does not eliminate, HPV infection. : 療程可減緩但無法消滅HPV的感染! : : Is there a treatment or cure for HPV? : There is no treatment or cure for HPV. But there are ways to treat the health : problems caused by HPV in men. : 有辦法將HPV治癒嗎? : 沒有方法可將HPV治癒,但由HPV所引起的症狀是可治療的 : : Can HPV vaccines treat HPV infections, cancers, or warts? : HPV vaccines will not treat or get rid of existing HPV infections. Also, HPV : vaccines do not treat or cure health problems (like cancer or warts) caused : by an HPV infection that occurred before vaccination. : HPV疫苗無法消滅HPV的感染的! 也無法治療症狀 : : Can STDs Be Treated? : Antibiotics can successfully cure bacterial STDs, including chlamydia, : gonorrhea, and syphilis. However, drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea are : increasing in many areas of the world, including the United States, and : successful treatment of gonorrhea is becoming more difficult. : There is no treatment that can cure viral STDs, such as HPV and genital : herpes. Antiviral medications can shorten and prevent herpes outbreaks during : the period of time the person takes the medication. In addition, daily : suppressive therapy for symptomatic herpes can reduce transmission to : partners. Visible warts caused by HPV can be treated and removed. : 性傳染病是可以治癒的嗎? : 細菌所引起的性病可用抗生素來治療 但對具抗藥性的菌株則無用! : 病毒所引起的性病是無法治癒的! 像HPV還有生殖器疱疹 : : 終於給我找到2011的資料了! Q_Q : PAGE2: : There is no cure for HPV, but there are treatments for the health problems : that some types of HPV can cause, like genital warts and cervical cancer. : HPV無法治癒!!!! : 但菜花及子宮頸癌可以治療 Usually the infection goes away on its own. 這是從2011那個pdf裡面複製貼上 通常感染會自己消失 又是斷章取義 : : 8.What are the treatment options for HPV infection? : Although there is currently no medical treatment for HPV infections, the : cervical lesions and warts that can result from such infections can be : treated. Methods commonly used to treat cervical lesions include cryosurgery : (freezing that destroys tissue), LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision : procedure, or the removal of tissue using a hot wire loop), : 雖然目前沒有醫學方法可治癒HPV的感染 : 但由HPV所導致的菜花及子宮頸病變,是可以治療的! 1.What are human papillomaviruses, and how are they transmitted? Although genital HPV infections are very common, most occur without any symptoms and go away without any treatment within a few years. However, some HPV infections can persist for many years. Persistent infections with high-risk HPV types can cause cell abnormalities. If untreated, areas of abnormal cells, called lesions, can sometimes develop into cancer. 這當然也是從你的網站複製貼上 上色那段 HPV感染大多沒症狀 不經治療便自行消失 我看又是自動性忽略了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這些資料都是很好的資料 有的甚至引用期刊數據 然而你卻一直區解、誤用、斷章取義... 實在可惜... -- 怕只怕,做告白,關係不保 怕只怕,做暗戀,她心異域 怕只怕,做宅男,永為單身 怕只怕,做好人,服侍所愛 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Rodrigo 來自: (07/09 19:49)

07/09 19:56, , 1F
「菜花長起來後 是不是可以治癒 不再長出來?」這才是要討論
07/09 19:56, 1F

07/09 19:57, , 2F
的議題吧! XDDD 原來從一開始 談論的主題就不一樣啊 哈哈
07/09 19:57, 2F

07/09 19:58, , 3F
究竟能不能cure(治癒)?? 這才是爭議所在
07/09 19:58, 3F

07/09 19:59, , 4F
我個人是傾向美國CDC目前的看法:There is no cure for HPV
07/09 19:59, 4F

07/09 20:00, , 5F
07/09 20:00, 5F

07/09 20:01, , 6F
反正我也不是菜農 只是工作上偶爾會討論到而已
07/09 20:01, 6F

07/09 20:02, , 7F
那就加油啦 把HPV治癒 大幅降低婦女的子宮頸癌的死亡率吧
07/09 20:02, 7F

07/10 01:10, , 8F
07/10 01:10, 8F

07/10 01:16, , 9F
07/10 01:16, 9F

07/10 12:00, , 10F
07/10 12:00, 10F

07/10 12:01, , 11F
兩人討論的目的若只是希望大家都安全 剩下的討論不重要吧
07/10 12:01, 11F

07/10 12:02, , 12F
有些細節的東西就留給專家實驗 其餘人各求安全性生活
07/10 12:02, 12F

07/10 15:06, , 13F
那如果有天K大不小心變菜農 立場還會這麼堅決嗎 ㄎ
07/10 15:06, 13F

07/10 16:32, , 14F
XD 能不能治癒跟我個人的立場無關 連這個都不曉得嗎?
07/10 16:32, 14F

07/12 00:08, , 15F
07/12 00:08, 15F

07/12 00:09, , 16F
viral infection不能用外力根除("cure"),但不表示本身免疫
07/12 00:09, 16F

07/12 00:10, , 17F
07/12 00:10, 17F

08/31 11:17, , 18F
變專業領域文了 lol
08/31 11:17, 18F
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