Re: [請益] 為什麼吹到風容易感冒?

看板ask-why作者 (一期一會)時間15年前 (2009/03/28 04:33), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 4人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
唔...關於"受寒是否容易感冒"。 我查詢資料後沒有結論,但我想可以把資料列出來,供各位讀過後自行判斷。 我希望我的摘錄能夠盡可能呈現出資料的原意,但如果各位願意讀原始資料當然更好。 ========== Harrison's Online,Chapter 179. ( ) 關於Rhinovirus Infections的部份,寫到: "Despite anecdotal observations, exposure to cold temperatures, fatigue, and sleep deprivation have not been associated with increased rates of rhinovirus-induced illness in volunteers, although some studies have suggested that psychologically defined "stress" may contribute to development of symptoms." 但並沒有指明這些Study到底是哪些。 ========== 《Acute cooling of the feet and the onset of common cold symptoms 》 Johnson C and Eccles R. Family Practice 2005; 22: 608–613. ( ) 實驗組把腳泡冰水,對照組不做,各90人。 在泡冰水後馬上調查(流鼻水,鼻塞,喉嚨痛,噴嚏,咳嗽,各0~3分),兩組無差別。 但之後第1,2,3,4/5天各調查一次,實驗組的總分較高,達到顯著。 這篇Paper在Introduction提到: "studies involving inoculation of cold viruses into the nose and periods of cold exposure have failed to demonstrate any effect of cold exposure on susceptibility to infection with common cold viruses. 6–8 " 但reference 第6-8篇大概是由於年代久遠(1965, 58, 68),沒有電子檔可以線上查閱。 7跟8在discussion再次被提到: "Laboratory studies using viral challenge and cold exposure do not provide any evidence that chilling increases susceptibility to the development of common cold symptoms7,8 but these studies do not mimic the natural exposure to common cold viruses and they can be criticised for the small numbers of subjects used to power the studies." 這篇Paper的結論: In summary the results of the present study support the folklore that exposure to chilling may cause the onset of common cold symptoms, perhaps by some change in respiratory defence caused by reflex vasoconstriction of the blood vessels of the upper airways. Further studies in this area are needed to determine if the development of common cold symptoms following cold exposure are associated with infection. 但Discussion中也有提到,本篇研究的目標是symptoms。 泡冰水到底是增加了感染率,或者是使已被感染者的症狀加重,需要進一步的研究。 ========== -- 看哪,這論證是極好的:蘇格拉底是人,凡造物都難免要朽壞,所以末了我們知道,蘇格 拉底總要落到死裡面了。從亞里士多德以來的每一個邏輯學家,沒有一個不歡喜這個論證 的。亞里士多德明白的告訴了我們論證形式的道理,因了這個緣故,我們便尊他為邏輯學 的王。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: daze 來自: (03/28 04:36) ※ 編輯: daze 來自: (03/28 04:37)

03/28 04:38, , 1F
03/28 04:38, 1F
※ 編輯: daze 來自: (03/28 04:42)

03/28 10:18, , 2F
03/28 10:18, 2F

03/28 10:19, , 3F
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03/28 10:19, , 4F
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03/28 10:19, , 5F
03/28 10:19, 5F

03/28 10:29, , 6F
此外,古人即便說「寒邪導致感冒or OOXX」,也不等於「
03/28 10:29, 6F

03/28 10:30, , 7F
03/28 10:30, 7F

03/28 10:30, , 8F
03/28 10:30, 8F

03/28 10:31, , 9F
03/28 10:31, 9F

03/28 16:19, , 10F
我快感冒了..... = =+
03/28 16:19, 10F

01/06 23:28, 5年前 , 11F
01/06 23:28, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #19pJWX1c (ask-why)
文章代碼(AID): #19pJWX1c (ask-why)