Re: [請益] 宿舍房間的磁場很奇怪!

看板ask-why作者 (Man in Madison)時間18年前 (2006/05/24 13:08), 編輯推噓3(307)
留言10則, 3人參與, 最新討論串9/9 (看更多)
推 daze:問題是你到底想知道什麼? 是想知道指南針偏轉的原因還是想知 05/23 23:11 → daze:道身體不適的理由? 基本上就算有磁場...那種程度的磁場對你也 05/23 23:13 → daze:該沒有任何影響 有人做過實驗暴露在數十Tesla的磁場下,也沒 05/23 23:13 → daze:當場暴斃... 區區比地磁還弱的磁場當不致有影響...又...如果 05/23 [以下恕刪] 這個應該還是要保持科學的懷疑。 對於靜磁場,人體應該有一定的適應能力,但是重點並不是在靜磁場中,而是在 「變動的」磁場,也就是以人體對超導磁鐵(ie. strongest 應用型磁鐵,如中 研院的(solution state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer,目前為 18.8T(中心探頭的磁場)與人體的中線畫一無限大平面,這個平面的磁通量若 有改變,則對生物體會產生「影響」#。 我基本上同意您的論點,數量級=G的磁場跟本不足為懼。但這並不是指數十T的 磁場無害。目前是我們知道磁通量的變化對生物體有影響,但是這影響是什麼? 就是以我所知還沒有定論(不同的條件下有不同的結果,有時候增強,有時候 減弱,而沒有一定的定論)所以,所以無法證實有害*,也無法證實無害。只能說 我們還不清楚。至於人會不會立刻死,和有沒有害也是兩回事。 您或許會覺得我吹毛求疵,但我想講的是,目前知道,「有影響」。但並不是 「證實無害」亦非「證實有害」*(註)。這兩個是有很大的距離的。 所以囉,長期使用手機,(該電磁波亦屬變動電磁場)與人體的關係為何? 我還蠻想知道相關的理論研究的,如果板友知道相關資訊,也請提供期刊名與 reference,感謝! 以上的「影響」老實說我是在seminar(1998年於清大工工館)講到植物受磁 場影響產生不同的生長速度。至於reference…找到再PO上來。有相關資訊的 也請不吝給我指正! 另外部份言論來自與清大教授間的閒談。 我個人是作NMR的,對於這種問題當然很關心,因為我天天接觸數十數百G以上 的磁場。 不過我想原波不必太擔心,你接觸的比我少極多。以物理的眼光,你那個比我 根本是無限小的scale。 *註:傳言都是說有害啊,但因為手機公司的○○xx所以沒公布,那倒底有沒有 誰有相關的證據和paper?(不要告訴我機密什麼的,那沒用,和流言的等級 差不了多少) # Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 Jan;27(1):26-34. Effects of static magnetic fields on growth of Paramecium caudatum. Elahee KB, Poinapen D. Biosciences Department, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius. 摘要: Keywords population growth ?Gaussian distribution model, diamagnetic susceptibility ?ciliary movement Abstract Little is known about the influence of magnetic fields on growth of primitive eukaryotes such as the ciliate Paramecium. The latter are known to exhibit interesting characteristics such as electrotaxis, gravitaxis, and membrane excitability not commonly encountered in higher organisms. This preliminary study reports the effects of static magnetic fields on growth of Paramecium caudatum. The microorganisms were either permanently or 24 h on-and-off exposed to North and South polarity magnetic fields of average field gradient 4.3 T/m, for a period of 96 h. The growth rate and lag phase of all exposed populations were not significantly different from control ones exposed to normal geomagnetic field (P > .05). However, a significant negative shift in tmax (time taken for maximum growth) of 10.5%-12.2% and a significant decrease (P < .05) in population size of 10.2%-15.1% during the 96 h of experimental conditions were recorded for exposed populations compared to control. (這就是我所說的,生物體其實在靜磁場內都可能會受到影響 (這隻是某條件下受到影響的,也有不受影響的條件), 而在變動磁場內,則必定受到影響,因為要「調控」到「適合生長/作用」 的條件中。這個還太籠統…應該說相關的研究還很多,待有興趣的同好 研究看看吧!) Our results suggest that magnetic fields, irrespective of polarity and exposure period reduce Paramecium growth by triggering early senescence of the population. The mechanisms underlying the small changes in population growth are unknown at this level, but various hypotheses have been suggested, including disorganization of swimming patterns resulting from (i) changes in cell membrane electric potential due to high speed movement through a gradient magnetic field and (ii) thermodynamic effect of anisotropic magnetic energies on cell membrane components affecting functioning of calcium channels. Altered swimming movements could in turn affect highly orchestrated processes such as conjugation, essential for survival of the organisms during development of adverse environmental conditions as thought to occur in the closed culture system used in this study. Bioelectromagnetics 27:26-34, 2006. c 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. ============================================================= 看完以下的,突然覺得有點危險…(不過應該是只限我,你們應該都不 會受到影響吧…請同好幫忙研究一下…我該睡了orz,越寫越多,夭壽...) J Cell Physiol. 2004 Feb;198(2):324-32. Exposure to 900 MHz electromagnetic field induces an unbalance between pro-apoptotic and pro-survival signals in T-lymphoblastoid leukemia CCRF-CEM cells. Marinelli F, La Sala D, Cicciotti G, Cattini L, Trimarchi C, Putti S, Zamparelli A, Giuliani L, Tomassetti G, Cinti C. Institute for Organ Transplantation and Immunocytology, ITOI-CNR, Bologna unit, c/o IOR, Bologna, Italy. It has been recently established that low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMFs) exposure induces biological changes and could be associated with increased incidence of cancer, while the issue remains unresolved as to whether high-frequency EMFs can have hazardous effect on health. Epidemiological studies on association between childhood cancers, particularly leukemia and brain cancer, and exposure to low- and high-frequency EMF suggested an etiological role of EMFs in inducing adverse health effects. To investigate whether exposure to high-frequency EMFs could affect in vitro cell survival, we cultured acute T-lymphoblastoid leukemia cells (CCRF-CEM) in the presence of unmodulated 900 MHz EMF, generated by a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell, at various exposure times. We evaluated the effects of high-frequency EMF on cell growth rate and apoptosis induction, by cell viability (MTT) test, FACS analysis and DNA ladder, and we investigated pro-apoptotic and pro-survival signaling pathways possibly involved as a function of exposure time by Western blot analysis. At short exposure times (2-12 h), unmodulated 900 MHz EMF induced DNA breaks and early activation of both p53-dependent and -independent apoptotic pathways while longer continuous exposure (24-48 h) determined silencing of pro-apoptotic signals and activation of genes involved in both intracellular (Bcl-2) and extracellular (Ras and Akt1) pro-survival signaling. Overall our results indicate that exposure to 900 MHz continuous wave, after inducing an early self-defense response triggered by DNA damage, could confer to the survivor CCRF-CEM cells a further advantage to survive and proliferate. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: renshiue 來自: (05/24 13:55) ※ 編輯: renshiue 來自: (05/24 13:57)

05/24 13:56, , 1F
之前上課 聽過把青蛙放再不知道幾T的磁場內 會在空中游泳
05/24 13:56, 1F

05/24 13:57, , 2F
這種情形 我很難相信對人體沒有影響呀...
05/24 13:57, 2F

05/24 13:58, , 3F
05/24 13:58, 3F

05/24 14:00, , 4F
應該講清楚一點"帶氧血紅素- 反磁性(Diamagnetic)"
05/24 14:00, 4F

05/24 14:01, , 5F
05/24 14:01, 5F

05/24 14:02, , 6F
05/24 14:02, 6F

05/24 14:03, , 7F
05/24 14:03, 7F

05/24 14:03, , 8F
05/24 14:03, 8F
※ 編輯: renshiue 來自: (05/24 14:06)

05/24 14:12, , 9F
05/24 14:12, 9F
※ 編輯: renshiue 來自: (05/24 14:20)

05/25 18:44, , 10F
推有用的文章 XD
05/25 18:44, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #14S-f1Eh (ask-why)
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文章代碼(AID): #14S-f1Eh (ask-why)