[情報] 大雷 S3E8

看板Zombie作者時間11年前 (2012/11/27 16:37), 編輯推噓69(71247)
留言120則, 55人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
大概是因為快要季中最後一集了 國外爆雷的資訊很亂 雖然前天就有第八集的謠言出來 但我一直不敢po出來 一方面爆雷爆的不完全 一方面我也很擔心我所擔心的是不是成真了 但最有權威 爆雷精準度100%的那個爆雷者 剛剛終於po文了 一切以他的為準 接下來是第八集的雷 警告:本篇文章可能包含第八集的雷 跟後面幾集相關的劇情 和漫畫雷 請慎入 防雷 Episode 8 Spoiler [-] Lots of screaming in the woods. Tyrese and friends fight through walkers in the forest. One of their group is bitten. They stumble across the prison and debate whether to leave their injured comrade behind. Tyrese decides that they will bring her with them for now, and they climb over a broken-down section of the fence. Andrea and The Governor share some more sweet-talk. Gov pays a visit to Penny and sings her a lullaby. He gets angry with her when she won't make eye contact and sends her back into her closet without dinner. Glenn rips the bones out of the walker he fought off last episode and hands one to Maggie. Makeshift weaponry. Meanwhile, Rick's rescue party surveys the Woodbury wall and opts to sneak in around the side. Merle and The Governor plot the decimation of the prison faction and plan to let walkers reclaim the place to cover their tracks. Merle is concerned about Daryl and The Gov agrees to make a play for Daryl to be their inside man. Glenn and Maggie are to be disposed of tonight. Rick's group searches the room where Michone was originally questioned. A Woodbury citizen catches them but is soon neutralized non-lethally. Comic relief moment as Axle hits on Beth, then hits on Carol when he discovers that she's not a lesbian. Maggie and Glenn fight off Merle and his lackey. Maggie stabs the lackey in the neck with the zombie bone. Reinforcements arrive and get the better of Maggie and Glenn, who are led off with bags over their heads. The gunfire from the brief scuffle attracts Rick and crew, who ambush the execution squad with flash and smoke grenades and grab their friends. Commotion is spreading through town at this point and The Governor is alerted. Michone sneaks off amid the chaos, heads straight for the The Governor's apartment, and awaits his return with sword drawn. Andrea refuses to be marginalized as the gunfight spills into the streets, and she fires at "the terrorists". Smoke grenades block her vision and she only gets a glimpse of Oscar, in prison uniform. Daryl lays cover fire as the others escape. A random Woodbury citizen shoots and kills Oscar (to make room for Tyrese). Rick hallucinates that the killer is Shane and guns him down. Maggie puts another round in Oscar to prevent him from reanimating, and the group escapes without Daryl and Michone. Meanwhile, Carl is running things at the prison. Beth, Herschel and Carl hear screams coming from somewhere in the prison, and Carl goes alone to investigate. This leads him into an unsecured part of the prison where Tyrese and friends are not doing too well. Carl leads them back to safety. Michone hears Penny thumping around and discovers The Governor's secret room. The Governor comes home and begs Michone not to hurt Penny, but Michone shows no mercy and stabs Penny through the head. A brutal fight ensues. The fish tanks wind up crashing down on the floor. Gov tries to pin Michone's arm down in front of one of the newly liberated zombie heads, chomping away. Michone reaches for her sword but it's just out of grasp, so she opts for a shard of glass instead, and stabs The Governor right in the eye. She's about to finish the job when Andrea arrives with gun drawn. The two circle each other and Andrea lets Michone walk away while she tends to Gov and surveys the room. The injured member of Tyrese's group is revealed to be Donna. She doesn't make it. Carl maneuvers out of the room and locks up Tyrese's group for the safety of his own. No mingling for now. Michone reunites with Rick. Rick isn't happy about her disappearance, but they will continue working together. The Governor makes his mid-season finale speech at the Woodbury zombie arena. He names Merle a traitor and has his men drag Daryl out into the circle, captured and bound. The town chants for the brothers to be put to death. 節錄幾個重點: 1.漫畫中的Tyrese出場了 誤打誤撞的到了監獄 (已知的是 Tyrese所帶領的團隊一共有五個人) 2.Michone當者Governor的面幹掉他變成walker的女兒 也順便弄傷了他的一隻眼睛 3.終於救到Maggie跟Gleen了 但是代價也很大 Oscar死掉 Daryl沒有逃出來 補上一張照片 http://tinyurl.com/cdstj9f 有國外鄉民說 Daryl在掩護大家逃出Woodbury之後 就像照片中那樣思考者 一邊是友情 一邊是親情 該怎麼辦呢? 最後 Daryl選擇了留下 4.留在監獄的小鬍子露出本性了? 不過還好Beth沒事 (這邊應該只是小插曲 小鬍子只是單純的把妹 感謝demetria大大) 5.Dixon二兄弟將要在角鬥場決鬥? 以下是謠言: 1.在救援任務中 Rick也順便拿回了他的袋子 也就是第二季季末Andrea拿的那一個袋子 裡面有個關鍵物品 就是對講機 對講機重新回歸Rick身上 也表示了S1E1那個黑人即將出現(EP12) 3.雖然Daryl陷入了困境 但我們都知道他不會死 因為目前為止最後一集還在拍(這幾天要殺青了) Daryl也活得好好的 但有謠言說 Governor將會拿Merle當人質 放Daryl回去Rick那邊當內應 PS:第九集美國時間2.10播出 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/27 16:39, , 1F
11/27 16:39, 1F

11/27 16:39, , 2F
11/27 16:39, 2F

11/27 16:44, , 3F
最難過的應該是光頭媽吧 光頭媽哭哭
11/27 16:44, 3F

11/27 16:46, , 4F
11/27 16:46, 4F

11/27 16:46, , 5F
11/27 16:46, 5F

11/27 16:46, , 6F
11/27 16:46, 6F

11/27 16:47, , 7F
11/27 16:47, 7F

11/27 16:47, , 8F
11/27 16:47, 8F

11/27 16:48, , 9F
11/27 16:48, 9F

11/27 16:49, , 10F
11/27 16:49, 10F

11/27 16:49, , 11F
原文最後一段 Governor就是要對這二兄弟怎樣了...
11/27 16:49, 11F

11/27 16:50, , 12F
11/27 16:50, 12F

11/27 16:53, , 13F
11/27 16:53, 13F

11/27 16:53, , 14F
11/27 16:53, 14F

11/27 16:53, , 15F
之前不是有人爆說拍E12現場還有聖騎士 應該不會吧
11/27 16:53, 15F

11/27 16:56, , 16F
安排Andrea在州長身邊不知有沒有什麼伏筆 例:突然醒過來之類的
11/27 16:56, 16F

11/27 16:57, , 17F
我 真 的 很 討 厭 州 長
11/27 16:57, 17F

11/27 16:59, , 18F
Tyrese是誰阿? 看到現在還不知道 是最後一集才出來?
11/27 16:59, 18F

11/27 16:59, , 19F
11/27 16:59, 19F

11/27 17:02, , 20F
Tyrese是漫畫中的重要角色 漫畫中的設定是前NFL球員
11/27 17:02, 20F

11/27 17:02, , 21F
(」〒口〒)」Daryl不能亡~ 不過M&G逃出去了吧?
11/27 17:02, 21F

11/27 17:02, , 22F
所以戰力非常強大 也是Rick重要的手下大將
11/27 17:02, 22F

11/27 17:03, , 23F
11/27 17:03, 23F

11/27 17:03, , 24F
11/27 17:03, 24F

11/27 17:09, , 25F
11/27 17:09, 25F

11/27 17:11, , 26F
11/27 17:11, 26F

11/27 17:26, , 27F
BETH, No!!!!!!!!!!!
11/27 17:26, 27F

11/27 17:28, , 28F
聖騎被抓了 拒看!!!
11/27 17:28, 28F

11/27 17:32, , 29F
11/27 17:32, 29F

11/27 17:36, , 30F
11/27 17:36, 30F

11/27 17:39, , 31F
小屁孩發揮用處了?!?! beth這麼一大塊肉在小鬍子面前晃..
11/27 17:39, 31F

11/27 17:46, , 32F
可以請問一下 小鬍子是哪一個嗎 ?....
11/27 17:46, 32F

11/27 17:47, , 33F
11/27 17:47, 33F

11/27 17:48, , 34F
11/27 17:48, 34F

11/27 17:51, , 36F
看吧 我就說小鬍子有鬼~~~~
11/27 17:51, 36F

11/27 17:51, , 37F
11/27 17:51, 37F

11/27 17:52, , 38F
圖片看不到 QQ
11/27 17:52, 38F

11/27 17:54, , 39F
Axel是漫畫中的大鬍子 戴眼鏡的才是Thomas Richards
11/27 17:54, 39F
還有 41 則推文
還有 1 段內文
11/27 20:41, , 81F
11/27 20:41, 81F

11/27 20:41, , 82F
比起來我還比較擔心Daryl 開一個漫畫的重要角色進來
11/27 20:41, 82F

11/27 20:42, , 83F
11/27 20:42, 83F

11/27 20:42, , 84F
Dixon兄弟是誰啊 Oscar幹嘛那麼早給他死QQ蠻喜歡他的說
11/27 20:42, 84F

11/27 20:44, , 85F
11/27 20:44, 85F

11/27 20:45, , 86F
11/27 20:45, 86F

11/27 20:45, , 87F
11/27 20:45, 87F

11/27 20:46, , 88F
11/27 20:46, 88F

11/27 20:46, , 89F
11/27 20:46, 89F

11/27 21:14, , 90F
11/27 21:14, 90F

11/27 21:14, , 91F
11/27 21:14, 91F

11/27 21:20, , 92F
11/27 21:20, 92F

11/27 21:23, , 93F
11/27 21:23, 93F

11/27 21:32, , 94F
QQ ... 真是個考驗心臟的爆雷
11/27 21:32, 94F

11/27 21:42, , 95F
Rick影集中那麼威 結果現實生活扛刀女跌倒 XDDDDDDD
11/27 21:42, 95F

11/27 21:46, , 96F
Oscar是那四人當中看起來最忠厚老實的 而實際上也是
11/27 21:46, 96F

11/27 21:49, , 97F
11/27 21:49, 97F

11/27 22:02, , 98F
11/27 22:02, 98F

11/27 22:40, , 99F
剛剛在想 Daryl可能會有好幾集都沒跟Daryl在一起
11/27 22:40, 99F

11/27 22:43, , 100F
打錯 應該是跟Rick在一起
11/27 22:43, 100F

11/27 22:45, , 101F
所以聖騎士戲份會變少?? OH NO Q___Q
11/27 22:45, 101F

11/27 22:53, , 102F
11/27 22:53, 102F

11/27 23:26, , 103F
11/27 23:26, 103F

11/27 23:27, , 104F
州長廢渣!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (太生氣
11/27 23:27, 104F

11/27 23:29, , 105F
Oscar 就跟T dog差不多好用啊 >"<
11/27 23:29, 105F

11/27 23:48, , 106F
第九集 是明天的2月10號嗎= =????????
11/27 23:48, 106F

11/27 23:49, , 107F
11/27 23:49, 107F

11/27 23:50, , 108F
11/27 23:50, 108F

11/27 23:50, , 109F
不過他應該可以被吃很久 有效達到拖延戰術(大誤)
11/27 23:50, 109F

11/28 00:11, , 110F
T-Dog跟Oscar都是默默付出的類型 偉哉 Q_Q
11/28 00:11, 110F

11/28 03:24, , 111F
變潛規則了 只能有一個黑人男的
11/28 03:24, 111F

11/28 11:15, , 112F
聖騎士要跟光頭媽分開了嗎 QQ...
11/28 11:15, 112F

11/28 11:58, , 113F
11/28 11:58, 113F

11/28 12:44, , 114F
11/28 12:44, 114F

11/28 14:05, , 115F
11/28 14:05, 115F

11/28 18:58, , 116F
為什麼不能讓OSCAR戲份多一點 感覺他很穩重可靠
11/28 18:58, 116F

11/28 20:07, , 117F
11/28 20:07, 117F

11/29 13:16, , 118F
11/29 13:16, 118F

12/01 03:19, , 119F
Rick跌倒超好笑+2 XD
12/01 03:19, 119F

12/02 23:50, , 120F
12/02 23:50, 120F
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