[心得] 死亡復甦 生還者部分成就心得

看板XBOX作者 (東方幻想鄉)時間14年前 (2010/08/15 22:42), 編輯推噓8(803)
留言11則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Day 19 PM 2 Cut from the Same Cloth, P202 PM 4 Man in a Blind, Bill, E214 Barricade Pair, Burt_Aaron, A106 PM 5 A Mother's Lament, Leah, A103 PM 6 Psychos in a Jeep, Sophie, Leisure Park The Gun Shop, Cletus, N127 PM 9 Out of Control, Adam, Greg, Roller Coaster in WP PM 10 Japanese Tourist, Yuu_Shinju, W204 PM 11 Shadows of North Plaza, David, NP Day 20 AM 6 ─┐ │ AM 7 Lovers, Tonya_Ross, W202 │ │ AM 8 The Hatchet Man, Cliff, Babara_Josh_Rich, L2 │ ├ Case 2-x AM 9 The Coward, Gordon, A105 │ │ Twin Sisters, Heather_Pamela, P102 │ │ AM 11 Restaurant Man, Ronald, P104 ─┤ │ AM 12 Photo Challenge, P202 │ │ PM 1 Above the Law, Jo, Kay_Lilly_Kelly_Janet, W208Case 3-xPM 2 The Cult, Jennifer, PP │ │ PM 3 Hanging by a Thread, Sally_Nick, Balloon in WP ─┘ PM 5 Antique Lover, Floyd, E205 Mark of the Sniper, Wayne, E210 The Woman Who Didn't Make It, Jolie_Richel, E105_E216 PM 7 Ronald's Apetite, Food, SR AM 0 Dressed for Action, Kindell, NP A Strange Group, Ray_Nathan_Michelle_Beth_Cheryl, L1 Day 21 AM 2 Floyd the Sommelier, Wine, SR AM ? Chris' Fine Foods, Gil, Food Court AM 5 Long Haired Punk, Paul, Paul_indy_Debbie, W102 AM 8 The Woman Left Behind, Susan, Central of WP A Sick Man, Leroy, W110 AM 10 Huntin' Shack, Brett_Jonathan_Alyssa, N127 AM 12 Photographer's Pride, Tad, P202 A Woman in Despair, Simone, P103 Kindell's Mutiny, SR PM 5 Paul's Present, SR PM 7 Simone the Gunslinger, handgun, SR PM 8 Cheryl's Request, SR 以上是簡易的生還者事件發生時間,亮白的事件不會由Otis通知事件地點 再來說明一下如何一次救到全部的54名生還者,第一次進行遊戲就可以完成 Day 19 1.先完成下午2點的照相活動,接著完成case1-3,就開始救人啦~ 2.E214 -> A106 -> A103 等晚上7點左右,帶著4個人質穿過公園,救Sophie,回到SR 在這邊會遇到比較大的問題是公園的車車...帶上AL水池的槍、2把手槍 叫npc在安全的地點等候就去打他們吧 3.打完小丑後,可以取得超實用的小丑電鋸,配合3本加耐久的書真的是超威的 先讓員工出來,然後去救兩個日本人,最後在利用秘道回到PP 回到PP後再回到WP,帶著這3個人,去NP救David 4.之後大概會有2到3個小時的自由時間,可以利用這個時間先去拿地下室的鑰匙 Day 20 這個遊戲最趕的地方就是Case2-2開始之後,如果要同時救人,又要趕得上劇情 其實會有點趕,如果是以Lv1開始進行遊戲的話,會更有壓力 1.Case2-2開始後,先對Jessie拍照,分數要拿到1000分以上,中午的事件會需要用到 衝到L3打Carlito,7點可以接到The Lovers的事件(手槍不要給男的) 救了他們2個人之後,盡快在9點前回到SR,如果在9點前從SR來到PP 可以先避開那1對雙胞胎先去救Gordon,然後在回頭救她們 2.建議先帶Ronald回SR 3.盡快完成Above the Law的事件,太晚去的話會救不到4個人 接下來是我比較困擾的地方,我玩兩次做的筆記不一樣,可能是時間上的差異 <囧> 3-1.時間不夠的話,先解Above the Law,帶著這4個人回到PP 救到Jennifer後共5人回SR,再回頭去解The Hatchet Man 3-2.時間充足的話,先解The Hatchet Man,帶著這3人去解Above the Law 帶著7個人回到PP,救Jennifer共8人回到SR 4.下午5點之後可以接到3個事件,把他們4人一起帶回SR吧 5.記得對通風口(屋頂往SR)拍照,21號的Huntin' Shack事件會用到 Day 21 1.Case5-1觸發後,帶著Kindell回到SR,然後在去電影院救5個人 2.打Paul之前,先去Food Court救Gil。一定要幫Paul滅火,帶著這4個人回SR 3.中午12點前(建議11:30)就在P202等Photo Challenge,這樣才可以救到Ted 4.之後就沒有時間上的壓力了,就照著時間軸安心玩吧! 5.有4個秘密成就-> Brad和Jessie變殭屍後,立刻到他們變殭屍的地點幫他們拍照 殺掉10個特種部隊,以及公園上方的直升機 補充一下Otis' Transmission,這邊我只留主線的部分 大部分的主線任務都會有通知,而且是在那個case快要開始前才會有通知 支線的部分可以參考前4頁的時間軸,除了亮白的事件,剩下來的都會接到通知 The first time you enter the Warehouse - "Warehouse Intro" transmission. The first time you enter Entrance Plaza (After Case 1-3) - "Entrance Plaza Intro" transmission. The first time you enter the Food Court - "Food Court Intro" transmission. The first time you enter North Plaza - "North Plaza Intro" transmission. The first time you enter Wonderland Plaza - "Wonderland Plaza Intro" transmission. 20th/6am DO NOT BE IN SECURITY OFFICE - Otis calls to tell you to talk to Jessie about Case 2-1. During case 2-2, Otis calls to tell you the EP/PP gate is open. During case 2-3 - "Supermarket Intro" transmission. 20th/11am Anywhere but the Security Room - Otis calls to tell you the medicine is working and Jessie wants you to come see her. 記得要先帶藥回到SR,等時間到了才會有通知 20th/3pm Anywhere but the Security Room - Otis calls and says he sees Isabella on the monitors. First time you enter the Maintainance Tunnel - "Maintainence Tunnel Intro" transmission. 21st/Midnight Anywhere but North Plaza - Otis calls and tells you to meet Isabella for Case 5-1. 21st/3am Anywhere but the Security Room - Otis calls to tell you Isabella is awake. 21st/11am Anywhere but the Security Room - Otis calls to tell you Isabella wants to see you. 21st/5pm Anywhere but the Security Room Otis calls to tell you Jessie is worried about you and that you should see her 以上,有錯誤請指正<(_ _)> -- 話說..生還者的AI真的是有夠低的 ( ̄□ ̄|||)a 帶他們回到通風口真的只有囧字可以形容...全部的人在那邊擠啊擠的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/15 22:47, , 1F
原來是1代 XD 我還以為2遊戲都還沒看到就有攻略了
08/15 22:47, 1F

08/15 22:48, , 2F
益rz 1代出很久了 只是我最近才入手這片
08/15 22:48, 2F

08/15 22:54, , 3F
08/15 22:54, 3F

08/16 00:16, , 4F
08/16 00:16, 4F

08/16 05:21, , 5F
大推!! 俗稱僵屍無雙的好遊戲好心得!! ^^ 期待2上市
08/16 05:21, 5F

08/16 06:12, , 6F
推好文 感謝分享
08/16 06:12, 6F
※ 編輯: sombrio 來自: (08/16 10:08)

08/16 10:54, , 7F
全人質跟七日生存沒解到 攻略感謝
08/16 10:54, 7F

08/16 12:53, , 8F
08/16 12:53, 8F

08/16 14:56, , 9F
08/16 14:56, 9F

08/16 18:51, , 10F
that's right,目前只差上次不小心睡著死掉的無限模式
08/16 18:51, 10F

08/16 18:51, , 11F
08/16 18:51, 11F
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