[轉錄]Re: [新聞] Arenas被無限期禁賽

看板Wizards作者 (Is it over now ?)時間14年前 (2010/01/07 21:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: pheather ( ゜д ゜) 站內: NBA 標題: Re: [新聞] Arenas被無限期禁賽 時間: Thu Jan 7 21:03:27 2010 Arenas 被禁賽對薪資的影響: Coon's CBA FAQ: http://members.cox.net/lmcoon/salarycap.htm#Q58 58. What about suspended players? How do they count against the cap? Can teams suspend players for any reason? The CBA does not give a complete list of reasons for which a player can be suspended. A few reasons are specified, such as for prohibited substances and disciplinary reasons. Teams sometimes suspend players for other reasons, but those suspensions are often grieved. For example, Toronto once suspended Oliver Miller for being too heavy, and the LA Clippers once suspended Keith Closs for being too light! The CBA does not specify the length of suspensions except in the cases of: * Missing the rookie transition program: Five games. * Unlawful violence (convicted of a violent felony): 10 games minimum. * Marijuana: No suspension for the first two violations, five games for the third violations, increasing by five games (10, 15, 20, etc.) for subsequent violations. * Steroids: 10 games for the first violation, 25 games for the second violation, one year for the third violation, banned from the NBA for the fourth violation. * Drugs other than marijuana and steroids: There are different "stages" of this program, and the penalties vary by stage, and could include a six month suspension or being banned from the NBA. The suspensions for drugs become larger if the player refuses to submit to mandatory treatment and monitoring. Players are not paid while they are suspended. If a player is suspended by his team, then all of his salary counts as team salary. If the player is suspended by the league, then 50% of the salary lost due to the suspension counts as team salary. A suspended player can be traded. By the way, the money from fines and suspensions is put to good use -- it's given to charities of the NBA's and Players Association's choice. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 WASHINGTON Gilbert Arenas 16,192,079 17,730,693 19,269,307 20,807,921 22,346,535 Antawn Jamison 11,641,095 13,358,905 15,076,715 Caron Butler 10,030,970 10,811,960 Mike Miller 9,780,937 Mike James 6,466,600 Brendan Haywood 6,000,000 DeShawn Stevenson 3,883,929 4,151,786 Randy Foye 3,575,761 4,795,096 Andray Blatche 3,000,000 3,260,331 3,520,661 Fabricio Oberto 1,990,000 Nick Young 1,714,800 2,630,503 3,695,857 JaVale McGee 1,496,640 1,601,040 2,462,400 3,494,145 Javaris Crittenton 1,477,920 Earl Boykins 1,306,455 (Paul Davis) 855,189 Dominic McGuire 825,497 TOTALS 80,237,872 53,545,218 被聯盟禁賽的球員不支薪,而在計算球隊薪資總額的時候以其薪資的一半計算 目前還不確定 Arenas 的禁賽期間到底有多長,不過很有可能是整個球季(不確定有 沒有跨季禁賽這種事),如果到球季末計算豪華稅的時候還在禁賽期間的話,巫師老 闆除了不必支付 Arenas 本季的薪水 $16,192,079 以外,因為巫師在 Tax level ($69,920,000) 以上,每多花一元要繳一元豪華稅,原本老闆除了總薪資的 $80,237,872 之外,還得付 $10,317,872 的豪華稅,而現在 Arenas 的薪資只以一半 計入球隊薪資,球隊薪資總額變成 $80,237,872 - $16,192,079/2 = $72,141,832, 只要付 $2,221,832 的豪華稅,老闆要花的錢從 $80,237,872 + $10,317,872 = $90,555,744 變成 ($80,237,872 - $16,192,079) + $ 2,221,832 = $66,267,625, 省下了 $24,288,119 (Arenas 薪資的 150%)。 但禁賽對薪資帶來的舒緩只是暫時的,如果巫師老闆真的想要省錢,還是得尋求其他 方式。而根據 ESPN 下面的這篇文章,目前 Arenas 違反的規定應該還不到讓球隊可 以單方面終止合約的程度,起碼在現行 CBA 下可能性不高,但這樣的事態可能讓老闆 們在新版 CBA 談判中想要對合約有更高的決定權。 http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/post/_/id/12080 /the-potential-arenas-impact-on-all-contracts The potential Arenas impact on ALL contracts By J.A. Adande The consensus from both members of the Washington Wizards organization and the NBA office is that actually voiding the remainder of Gilbert Arenas' contract for his violation of league rules by bringing guns into the locker room is unlikely unless he is convicted of a felony. That is one of the actions that can automatically terminate a contract. Short of that, the Wizards would be forced to invoke the "moral turpitude" clause, which can be difficult to define. The thinking is that if Latrell Sprewell and Ron Artest could have their contracts remain intact after choking a coach and fighting in the stands, respectively, Arenas could not be cut loose for an act in which no one was physically harmed. Perhaps Arenas' antics have strengthened the resolve of Stern to at least give it a try. But even if Arenas avoids the most drastic punishment this time, it's possible it could rally owners to push for stronger language in collective bargaining negotiations next year. They could make it easier to void contracts. Perhaps they even attempt to go after NBA players' greatest asset: fully guaranteed contracts. As one team executive said: "Thats the first thing I thought of when this thing happened." Make no mistake, the owners are mad. One called the Arenas situation "ridiculous." Could they be angry enough to put the most sacred covenant in the league on the bargaining table? We'll see if they sustain their current emotions. 然而交易 Arenas 還是很困難,因為他的合約不只今年高,後面還有四年 8000 萬。 就算現省 2400 萬對於為豪華稅所苦的球隊老闆們誘惑不小,看到後面那一串可能也 會卻步。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pheather 來自: (01/07 21:04)

01/07 21:08,
感謝~~ 正想知道這個資訊!
01/07 21:08

01/07 21:08,
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01/07 21:08,
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01/07 21:10,
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01/07 21:15,
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01/07 21:16,
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01/07 21:17,
事情越鬧越大了 據說0號在接受警方訊問時 供出當時
01/07 21:17

01/07 21:18,
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01/07 21:19,
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01/07 21:20,
>ksk 這邊有說目前的CBA中只有對禁藥部份寫得特別明
01/07 21:20

01/07 21:21,
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01/07 21:24,
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01/07 21:28,
要是流言屬實的話 巫師這回可會相當頭痛了
01/07 21:28

01/07 21:32,
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01/07 21:33,
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01/07 21:33,
01/07 21:33

01/07 21:34,
想請問一下0號被宣布無限期禁賽 是代表至少這季一定
01/07 21:34

01/07 21:34,
不能出來打了嗎? 還是還有機會
01/07 21:34

01/07 21:34,
01/07 21:34

01/07 21:43,
借轉巫師板 謝謝
01/07 21:43
-- If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart because a heart can be broken a circle goes on forever -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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