[情報] 微軟新品連發 供應鏈旺

看板WindowsPhone作者 (傲嬌魚)時間8年前 (2015/10/05 11:17), 8年前編輯推噓31(32136)
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(原本想改個不那麼商業的標題 可沒想法 只好繼續沿用) http://goo.gl/Kko7Ve from UDN 微軟將於美東6日召開Window 10新裝置發表大會,有望為Windows陣營增添活水。市場預 期,微軟將一口氣推出七款新品,包含Surface Pro 4、兩款Lumia手機、Xbox One新機、 穿戴裝置Band 2等。 法人預期,微軟新裝置為衝刺年底銷售旺季,將要求供應鏈夥伴和碩、鴻海、台達電、光 寶科,以及關鍵組件供應商大立光、台光電、欣興、美律等加緊備貨。 國際財經時報倫敦分站等最新消息指出,微軟執行長納德拉(Satya Nadella)等人將出 席紐約6日召開的Window 10新裝置發表大會,將宣布系列Window 10新品包含搭載Win 10 的5.7吋與5.2吋的Lumia智慧機兩款、5.5Surface phone等系列七款新產品。 目前市場聚焦微軟將推出的行動與二合一裝置,長期關注微軟動態的爆料網站 wmpoweruser在推特帳號發文指出,Surface手機將搭載Window 10作業系統,具備2,100萬 畫素主鏡頭與800萬畫素前鏡頭,配備4GB RAM與支援USB Type-C、無線充電等。 另一方面,微軟Window 10新裝置發表大會上新款Surface Pro產品也備受關注。業界人士 多認為,新Surface Pro將是「iPad殺手」,具備iPad使用者夢寐以求的殺手級功能與高 性價比。 The Cubic Lane指出,微軟Surface Pro系列產品在內部電路設計將大幅升級,包含增加 生物與指紋辨識感測、新鍵盤背蓋,搭載英特爾新架構Skylake處理器等。 Tech Gadget Central爆料,將有兩種尺寸包含12吋與14吋版本,依規格建議售價分別在 800美元(新台幣2.6萬元)、1,500美元(新台幣4.9萬元)起跳,有望成為耶誕節的熱銷 商品之一。 微軟總部已確定在美國曼哈頓第五大道開設新旗艦店,預計10月25日開幕,與蘋果旗艦店 相近,目前微軟已在美國和加拿大開設超過100家專賣店,目標以體驗行銷刺激年終銷售 旺季。 -- Surface phone?! 真的假的? 我是不太信拉... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WindowsPhone/M.1444015062.A.AE4.html

10/05 11:21, , 1F
新xbox one?不可能吧 這樣同綑包賣誰阿
10/05 11:21, 1F

10/05 11:22, , 2F
我記得隔壁好像說過 新的就是體積變小之類?
10/05 11:22, 2F

10/05 11:22, , 3F
同捆包當然是賣粉絲啊! XD
10/05 11:22, 3F

10/05 11:22, , 4F
10/05 11:22, 4F

10/05 11:23, , 5F
上一個是哪一個? 我忘了排隊輪到誰了..
10/05 11:23, 5F

10/05 11:27, , 6F
10/05 11:27, 6F

10/05 11:30, , 7F
surface phone聽起來很唬爛
10/05 11:30, 7F

10/05 11:30, , 8F
10/05 11:30, 8F

10/05 11:30, , 9F
10/05 11:30, 9F

10/05 11:31, , 10F
10/05 11:31, 10F

10/05 11:31, , 11F
最新的八卦是Google App會出現在10/6的會場上
10/05 11:31, 11F

10/05 11:33, , 12F
surface phone... 拭目以待
10/05 11:33, 12F

10/05 11:35, , 13F
10/05 11:35, 13F

10/05 11:35, , 14F
我推特也有追蹤WMPU怎麼沒看到surface Phone的推文
10/05 11:35, 14F

10/05 11:39, , 15F
不過Google的 Pixel C也是發表會前一天才有情報流出
10/05 11:39, 15F

10/05 11:39, , 16F
10/05 11:39, 16F
我猜想是這篇說的才對 Here's What To Expect From Microsoft's Windows 10 Event: Surface Pro 4, Lumia 950, Surface Phone, Band 2, Slimmer Xbox And More http://goo.gl/7ZrSPX (IB Time) ※ 編輯: felaray (, 10/05/2015 11:47:04

10/05 11:47, , 17F
10/05 11:47, 17F

10/05 11:48, , 18F
WMPU http://0rz.tw/3SDbs 完全沒有提到Surface Phone
10/05 11:48, 18F

10/05 11:50, , 19F
難道it那有人留950 那些是中階是不唬的(疑
10/05 11:50, 19F

10/05 11:50, , 20F
專跑WP科技網站跟記者都沒有提到Surface Phone
10/05 11:50, 20F

10/05 11:51, , 21F
不過 看來Win10改版 可能會在這次發表了
10/05 11:51, 21F

10/05 11:51, , 22F
10/05 11:51, 22F

10/05 11:53, , 23F
我也很期待Band2 今年沒有意外的話 想要買支錶來玩
10/05 11:53, 23F

10/05 11:53, , 24F
美10/6 所以台灣要10/7才會有發表會對吧?
10/05 11:53, 24F

10/05 11:53, , 25F
現在就看上 三爽的Gear S2跟尚未發表的Band2 兩者比了
10/05 11:53, 25F

10/05 11:54, , 26F
發表會台灣時間 10/6 晚上10:00
10/05 11:54, 26F

10/05 11:54, , 27F
10/6 晚上10點
10/05 11:54, 27F

10/05 11:54, , 28F
10/05 11:54, 28F

10/05 11:55, , 29F
10/05 11:55, 29F

10/05 11:56, , 30F
10/05 11:56, 30F

10/05 11:56, , 31F
SP4應該會出現了啦 只是會不會有兩種螢幕 就不知道了
10/05 11:56, 31F

10/05 11:56, , 32F
10/05 11:56, 32F

10/05 11:56, , 33F
結果推出 Surface Phone變形手機XDDD
10/05 11:56, 33F

10/05 11:57, , 34F
發表會在紐約早上 10:00,跟台灣相差12小時
10/05 11:57, 34F

10/05 12:02, , 35F
10/05 12:02, 35F

10/05 12:03, , 36F
10/05 12:03, 36F

10/05 12:53, , 37F
surface phone流出的話,950系列應該不好賣吧?
10/05 12:53, 37F

10/05 13:03, , 38F
10/05 13:03, 38F

10/05 13:05, , 39F
10/05 13:05, 39F

10/05 13:14, , 40F
Surface phone 不知道是不是搭載Core m或i系列,超期待
10/05 13:14, 40F

10/05 13:25, , 41F
我好興奮呀 我好興奮呀
10/05 13:25, 41F

10/05 13:36, , 42F
10/05 13:36, 42F

10/05 13:41, , 43F
core m/i就不用想了
10/05 13:41, 43F

10/05 14:06, , 44F
10/05 14:06, 44F

10/05 14:11, , 45F
裝I的話 要另外裝散熱器嗎
10/05 14:11, 45F

10/05 14:15, , 46F
10/05 14:15, 46F

10/05 14:22, , 47F
surface phone用i系列了話,還可以當煎蛋用的鐵盤
10/05 14:22, 47F

10/05 14:24, , 48F
Surface phone 內建風扇lol
10/05 14:24, 48F

10/05 14:29, , 49F
Surface Phone要用也應該用Atom吧....
10/05 14:29, 49F

10/05 14:48, , 50F
10/05 14:48, 50F

10/05 14:50, , 51F
如果叫 NewSurface 樓上就哭哭了..
10/05 14:50, 51F

10/05 14:58, , 52F
10/05 14:58, 52F

10/05 14:58, , 53F
10/05 14:58, 53F

10/05 15:00, , 54F
而且為什麼一定要suface phone 出來才能與surface結合,不
10/05 15:00, 54F

10/05 15:00, , 55F
10/05 15:00, 55F

10/05 15:04, , 56F
10/05 15:04, 56F

10/05 15:13, , 57F
NEW XBOX one...別鬧了我才買賽車限定版沒多久耶
10/05 15:13, 57F

10/05 15:16, , 58F
誠心希望有SurfacePhone 因為Lumia系列已經回不去了
10/05 15:16, 58F

10/05 15:17, , 59F
10/05 15:17, 59F

10/05 15:37, , 60F
new xbox one不用想了啦XD機率很低
10/05 15:37, 60F

10/05 15:38, , 61F
surface phone和xbox one都不用想啦 這報導亂寫
10/05 15:38, 61F
來看看IB的原文 (SP和XBOX部分) Here's What To Expect From Microsoft's Windows 10 Event: Surface Pro 4, Lumia 950, Surface Phone, Band 2, Slimmer Xbox And More ===================== Slimmer Xbox One With Microsoft set to reveal a new “Xbox One Special Edition: Gears of War Bundle” this week, including a white console and controller, it might sound a bit strange for the company to launch another new version of the Xbox One next week. That said, rumors of a slimmer version of the console persist with some initially expecting an unveiling at E3 last June. However a lack of real details about what a slimmer Xbox One would look like, who it would be aimed at and how much it would cost, suggest this may be nothing more than rumor at this stage. ====================== Surface Pro 4 Microsoft is widely expected to unveil the latest version of its Surface Pro range, with the Surface Pro 4 replacing the Surface Pro 3 that was launched in May last year. Microsoft is unlikely to significantly alter the external appearance of the Surface Pro 4, as the company last year committed to keeping the same charging ports in future devices in order to support businesses which have invested in the Surface platform and accompanying accessories. However, there are likely to be some significant internal changes. With Windows 10 supporting biometric security through Windows Hello, we could see the addition of a RealSense camera for facial recognition. But these sensors are still pretty bulky, so if Microsoft is looking to keep its tablet as thin and light as possible, this may not make the cut. Another option would be the inclusion of a fingerprint sensor on the tablet itself or on the keyboard cover. A Microsoft event attendee photographs the then-new Surface Pro 3, during an event in New York, May 20, 2014. Microsoft is rumored to announce a Surface Pro 4 at its Oct. 6 event. Reuters/Brendan McDermid In terms of chips, Microsoft has two choices. The first is Intel’s new Skylake processors, which were unveiled last month and promise performance and power efficiency benefits over the current generation of chips. The other option is Intel’s Core M chips (code-named Broadwell), which would offer greater battery life but a lot less power. =================================== A Bigger Surface Pro 4 There are a lot of rumors floating around that Microsoft will release a larger version of the Surface Pro, with a 14-inch screen, a higher 2560 x 1440-pixel resolution and potentially up to 1TB of storage alongside up to 16GB of RAM. This sounds like a pretty powerful machine and would suit a lot of Windows 10 features -- like Snap, which allows for more powerful multitasking. ※ 編輯: felaray (, 10/05/2015 16:09:02

10/05 16:18, , 62F
10/05 16:18, 62F

10/05 16:19, , 63F
10/05 16:19, 63F

10/05 16:20, , 64F
10/05 16:20, 64F

10/05 17:13, , 65F
xbox one slim早就被MS"公開"否定過了
10/05 17:13, 65F

10/05 17:13, , 66F
這篇就只是所有謠言大集合 沒什麼可信度
10/05 17:13, 66F

10/06 00:30, , 67F
發文不貼出處, 尤其是這種謠言滿天飛的垃圾文, 版主也不能
10/06 00:30, 67F

10/06 00:30, , 68F
10/06 00:30, 68F

10/06 01:01, , 69F
10/06 01:01, 69F
※ 編輯: felaray (, 10/06/2015 01:02:02
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