[情報] The rise of WindowsPhone 8

看板WindowsPhone作者 (布阿送)時間11年前 (2013/05/09 07:08), 編輯推噓17(17034)
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這篇是我昨天在WPcentral看到一篇還蠻感動的文章 看完真的有種we are part of some bigger plan的感覺 總算有種動能的感覺,雖然大牌app,高品質app連發感覺很爽 但是我覺得Daniel這次還是太樂觀了啊。 順手翻翻,希望真的文章所述一般 原文網址 http://m.wpcentral.com/hero-apps-breathe-life-legitimacy-windows-phone-8 App counts don't matter but so-called "flagship apps" do. Ever since Windows Phone 7.x came out nearly three years ago, the "break moment" has been anxiously anticipated. That's the instant where things click with consumers and the phones become an accepted, viable option for people to consider when shopping—the third way, if you will. App數量並不重要,可是旗艦app就很要緊,WP7出來已經快三年了,大家一直很焦慮的 盼望著所謂"突破",一個當大家買手機都會考慮WP的時候 There have been false alarms in the past: Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango", Nokia's Lumia 900 (with AT&T's "Hero" status) and then finally Windows Phone 8 and the Lumia 920. 曾經有幾個假警報,例如WP 7.5、Lumia900還有WP 8跟Lumia920發佈的時候 Every one of those turning points it felt as if Windows Phone would finally catch on and go mainstream, but alas it never happened. Granted, with the Windows Phone 8/Lumia 920 combo, Microsoft and company had their best opportunity. But even then, things have been slower than expected despite the award winning OS and hardware. 在那些時刻,看似WP總算要變成主流了,不過卻總是令人失望。雖然WP8跟Lumia920 看似很強,拿了再多的獎項,事情發展還是不如預料中順利 Now in May 2013, I think Windows Phone is finally reaching critical mass. Six months after it was introduced, Windows Phone 8 is growing faster and more popular than ever before. We're seeing numerous high profile apps come to the platform, including an authentic YouTube client, Pandora, Hulu Plus, Tumbr, NBC News, Star Trek, GoComics, HSN and overhauled apps like OpenTable, Facebook, Viber and Foursquare. 現在,我認為,WP總算達到了一個門檻,發佈半年以來,WP8的發展比起任何時刻都快、 也更受歡迎,有更多知名的app也在WP Store上架,包括Youtube, Pandora, Hulu Plus, Tumblr, OpenTable, Viber Foursquare等 And don't get me started on Instagram. Not only are these new experiences, they're solid, quality apps that set the bar in design. There's little disagreement that the Pandora app for Windows Phone is one of the nicest experiences on any platform. 這些都是設計精美又功能強大的app,尤其Pandora的使用體驗更是各系統最好的 More and more we're seeing high profile games based on the Unity engine arriving in a timely manner and developers committing to the platform (just yesterday Digitally Imported jumped on board). It's an exciting time both for developers and longtime users of Windows Phone who finally feel like they’re getting the respect they deserve. 更多基於Unity engine知名的遊戲也登陸WP,也有更多開發者投入。對老用戶而言, 似乎他們終於受到該有的尊重。 Getting the message out Combined with all of the new app momentum, we're also seeing an even more aggressive advertising push from Microsoft, culminating in the cheeky "Wedding" commercial directed by Roman Coppola. That ad, which has garnered a massive 4.5 million views in just over a week on YouTube alone, nearly doubling the Grant Hill ad. And that ad is now in regular rotation on TV, playing on TBS and other channels on a fairly regular basis. 除了大牌app連發的動量之外,我們還看到了更據侵略性的廣告策略:The Wedding commercial,短短一周之內,已經達到450萬人次點閱,比Grant Hill那個還多兩倍 For all intents and purposes, it has gone viral. Why? Because it's hilarious and is something to talk about, despite all the naysayers who suggested that Microsoft missed the point with the ad. 因為夠好笑、夠有話題性,雖然批評者認為MS沒抓到重點,這部影片還是紅了 In addition, we're seeing Windows Phone Challenge commercials playing before packed theaters for Iron Man 3 and other blockbuster films, raising even more awareness.And this is just the warm up. 還有Windows Phone Challenge系列廣告,在各大電影院播放,也吸引更多注目 The Next Stage What's really fascinating about all of this is Microsoft is just getting started. 真正令人期待的是,對微軟來說,這一切只是開始而已 Next week in London, Nokia is expected to reveal their aluminum-based Lumia "Catwalk" design - an updated Lumia 920 but with a thinner, lighter body. Verizon is on the cusp of releasing the Nokia Lumia 928 - their first "hero" Nokia phone that looks to even surpass the Lumia 920 due to it being thinner, lighter and featuring a Xenon flash. T-Mobile is just starting to roll out the Lumia 521, going for a remarkable $130 off contract. 下星期在倫敦的發表,Nokia將帶來Catwalk,Verizon也將發佈928, T-Mobile 521也要開賣 Then in June, Microsoft is holding their BUILD conference in California where they are expected to reveal Windows 8 and Windows Phone "Blue" projects aka the next milestone for both operating systems. In between those releases, Windows Phone users will get OS updates including GDR2 and GDR3, adding new functions including FM radio, 1080P support and more to their current and future hardware. 六月在加州,Windows 8 and Windsows Phone Blue也將發表,正式推送之前,還有 GDR2, GDR3的存在,為既有,或是即將發佈的產品,帶來包括FM Radio跟1080P等等支援 Come this fall we can expect Nokia to finally show off their "EOS" 41MP Windows Phone, a device expected to launch here in the US on AT&T, not to mention Sprint finally getting on board with two new devices. It's an unrelenting juggernaut that is in full motion. 這是一個全速前進、勢不可擋的龐然巨獸 Make no mistake, these aren't just some awesome apps we're getting on Windows Phone, it's the moment that Microsoft's OS, in conjunction with Nokia and HTC, begins to go mainstream. 這是WP8即將邁向主流的關鍵時刻。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: fischcheng 來自: (05/09 07:10)

05/09 07:25, , 1F
這篇文章滿中肯的 都有講到重點
05/09 07:25, 1F

05/09 08:47, , 2F
05/09 08:47, 2F

05/09 09:04, , 3F
微軟不都這樣嗎XDD 剛開始是挫敗的 而等到第二代 第三
05/09 09:04, 3F

05/09 09:04, , 4F
代 就開始收割 戰場XDDD
05/09 09:04, 4F

05/09 09:05, , 5F
05/09 09:05, 5F

05/09 09:08, , 6F
Q_Q 5 6 6.1 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.1 這樣算不算第七代@@
05/09 09:08, 6F

05/09 09:14, , 7F
05/09 09:14, 7F

05/09 09:14, , 8F
05/09 09:14, 8F

05/09 09:15, , 9F
05/09 09:15, 9F

05/09 09:36, , 10F
微軟的市占率從來都不是急速成長 而是龜速成長
05/09 09:36, 10F

05/09 09:36, , 11F
05/09 09:36, 11F

05/09 09:37, , 12F
蘋果當年也是爆紅 後來呢? 還不是節節敗退
05/09 09:37, 12F

05/09 09:37, , 13F
安卓也是一樣 尤其是主導者去年換人 讓我更不看好
05/09 09:37, 13F

05/09 09:38, , 14F
安卓的未來 就像WP廣告中的蘋果教徒說的 : 曇花一現
05/09 09:38, 14F

05/09 09:52, , 15F
05/09 09:52, 15F

05/09 09:56, , 16F
05/09 09:56, 16F

05/09 09:56, , 17F
05/09 09:56, 17F

05/09 10:06, , 18F
除非股狗下場來支援moto進來玩 不然 預期可見
05/09 10:06, 18F

05/09 10:08, , 19F
05/09 10:08, 19F

05/09 10:14, , 20F
蘋果當年是因為開發環境封閉掉下來的,這點現在 WP 和
05/09 10:14, 20F

05/09 10:14, , 21F
iOS 無異
05/09 10:14, 21F

05/09 10:15, , 22F
很難什麼事都用過去看現在,更何況比較接近當年 Windows
05/09 10:15, 22F

05/09 10:15, , 23F
的反而是現在的 Android
05/09 10:15, 23F

05/09 10:17, , 24F
05/09 10:17, 24F

05/09 10:17, , 25F
05/09 10:17, 25F

05/09 10:18, , 26F
05/09 10:18, 26F

05/09 10:19, , 27F
PC, Console game 跟 Mobile 的生態差很多
05/09 10:19, 27F

05/09 10:24, , 28F
05/09 10:24, 28F

05/09 10:27, , 29F
05/09 10:27, 29F

05/09 10:31, , 30F
05/09 10:31, 30F

05/09 10:34, , 31F
原來Windows Phone Challenge會在戲院放 那效果應該不錯
05/09 10:34, 31F

05/09 10:34, , 32F
蘋果生態鏈是夠強 但無法滿足所有人需求
05/09 10:34, 32F

05/09 10:34, , 33F
我是不覺得安卓跟微軟有相近 畢竟在市場策略上有差
05/09 10:34, 33F

05/09 10:35, , 34F
而且PC跟手機市場生態差蠻多的 很難用同等角度去轉換
05/09 10:35, 34F

05/09 10:35, , 35F
只能從未來觀點來看 雖然市場一堆人看好Google 開衰蘋果
05/09 10:35, 35F

05/09 10:36, , 36F
所以你前面拿 PC 上蘋果敗退來舉例是?
05/09 10:36, 36F

05/09 10:36, , 37F
所以一個創新歌 一個狂跌....XD
05/09 10:36, 37F

05/09 10:36, , 38F
手機市場汰換很快 不像PC一但習慣不容易改變
05/09 10:36, 38F

05/09 10:36, , 39F
看symbian死多快就知了 連日本都被iPhone攻陷
05/09 10:36, 39F

05/09 10:37, , 40F
新高 打錯字 純粹爆紅後走下坡 但我沒說誰跟誰像
05/09 10:37, 40F

05/09 10:37, , 41F
對WP來說~7.0以前都不算吧 =.=
05/09 10:37, 41F

05/09 10:48, , 42F
這篇寫的很high 不過提到的FM和1080P卻是別人早就有的XD
05/09 10:48, 42F

05/09 10:49, , 43F
05/09 10:49, 43F

05/09 12:26, , 44F
WP8整個砍掉重練算是新WP的第一代 把它跟WM分開看比較好
05/09 12:26, 44F

05/09 12:59, , 45F
05/09 12:59, 45F

05/09 13:05, , 46F
05/09 13:05, 46F

05/09 13:12, , 47F
05/09 13:12, 47F

05/09 13:27, , 48F
05/09 13:27, 48F

05/09 13:29, , 49F
05/09 13:29, 49F

05/09 13:37, , 50F
IE5 beta 光碟都要錢了 這算甚麼XD
05/09 13:37, 50F

05/09 15:53, , 51F
05/09 15:53, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1HYjhHxE (WindowsPhone)