Re: [小威] 美網事件落幕 ITF公佈最後懲罰

看板Williams作者 (VStarr)時間14年前 (2009/12/11 02:28), 編輯推噓16(1608)
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小威的公開信 To Be Honest, I Believe I Reached My Boiling Point Posted by: Serena Williams Hey Guys! As the world seems to know or for those who don't I want to speak about my recently dubbed "outburst" and how I feel. 我想談談我對於這次失控事件的感受 I have recently been fined by the Grand Slam Committee of the ITF (International Tennis Federation) over 82 thousand dollars for getting mad and using the "F-bomb" at a line Judge. 我最近被ITF的大滿貫委員會罰了八萬兩千元 原因是因為對線審發怒並且罵f-words To clear things up FIRST I was NOT fined 82 thousand dollars. I was fined 92 thousand dollars! I paid 10 thousand dollars on site immediately after the U. S. Open. So for the record, I was fined $92,000 not $82,000! The biggest fine EVER in tennis. 首先我要說我並不是只被罰八萬二 因為我在美網當下已經先罰了一萬 所以實際上是九萬二! 這是網球史上最大張罰單 Also for all those that don't know, I felt incredibly bad, and miserable for losing my cool, and most importantly not representing the person I really am spiritually and the role model I want to be to my young fans. I have been a very feisty player all my life, but when the time came for me to be calm and cool, I did not exercise a mild temper. How I regret not being a better role model and person to all of my fans. I apologized to my fans and even wrote a personal letter to the lines woman with my apologies. She understood as she often witnesses this as it is not uncommon in my sport, or any other sport. She was extremely supportive and said that she did not think any further actions should be taken against me. 我要跟所有不知道的人說 我真的感覺糟透了 失去冷靜的感覺很悲慘 最重要的是我沒有表現出我平常的性格 以及沒有做好我想要給年輕球迷們的好榜樣 我一直都是個喧鬧的人 但是當我需要冷靜下來的時候 我從來不需要練習控制情緒 我真的很抱歉在我的球迷面前沒有做好一個榜樣 也沒有做一個更好的人 我向球迷們道歉 後來還寫了封道歉信給女線審 他表示能理解我的行為 他常常看見在運動中有情緒性的事件 所以並不是太陌生 他很支持我 並且說他沒有想要對我採取其他行動 A few years ago in a most important match being watched my millions; I was blatantly cheated and robbed of a US Open title by yet another official. I was again on the wrong side of not one or two, but several other bad calls. This incident however changed tennis. Because of what was incorrectly done to me, the whole sport of tennis adapted new technology for a player to challenge the calls lines persons make if the player feels they were wronged. I was expected to take solace in the fact even though I lost the U.S Open title (a dream I've been working for since I was 2 years old). At least others won't be wronged in the future. I am always happy for the next person. I always am. I received apologies from the USTA, the Lines Official, and the Head of the US Open. However I don't recall EVER receiving a note, a phone call, a letter even a text from anyone at the Grand Slam Committee ITF apologizing about the wrong and disastrous call one of THEIR officials made. 幾年前發生一件重大的事 我的美網爭冠機會被裁判搶走了 有很多誤判都針對我 這個事件改變了網球 整個網球後來適應了新的科技 允許球員能夠在比賽挑戰線審判決 雖然我丟掉了爭奪美網的機會(這是我兩歲以來的夢想) 7但卻感到了一點安慰 至少在未來球員們不再會遭受錯誤判決 我為後輩們感到高興 我後來收到了線審.美國網協以及美網高層的道歉 但我從來沒有收到大滿貫委員會的 一張紙條.一通電話或是一封信 甚至一個簡訊 對於他們官員之一造成的錯誤道歉 When I was a teenager I was booed by an entire packed stadium at Indian Wells. In my new book "On the line" I talk about how I remember crying on every changeover in the towel. Praying and wishing I could lose and the match would just be done with. When the match was over I thanked the crowd those that cheered for me, and even those that did not. Looking back I am still amazed how I remained so calm and positive, and even managed to come out on top. 當我還未成年時 在Indian Wells我被全場觀眾噓 在我的自傳中有提到這件事 我記得當時在換邊時我拿著毛巾哭 祈禱能撐下去結束比賽 即使輸球也沒關係 當比賽結束 我謝謝那些支持我的觀眾 甚至也感謝噓我的人 回顧之前的事件 我仍然很驚訝我能夠這麼理性.正面 甚至最後奪冠 The fact is every professional athlete gets wronged in one way or another. And every athlete gets upset. We have been working, sacrificing, missing out on numerous things, things we will never get back or experience for the sake of our careers. For the sake of that one moment in time where we have a chance to shine through. 事實上每個職業運動員都可能在比賽中受到很多形式的誤判 每個運動員也都會沮喪 我們為了這些目標已經工作.犧牲.錯過了很多東西 有些東西是我們人生中無法重來的 特別是那些我們可能閃耀自己的機會 Imagine for 20 years working day in, day out, sacrificing on countless things to get this job, that will make all your hard work and endless efforts worthwhile. Try to imagine having that promotion in one moment being taken away from you because of a slight over sight, by someone overseeing your work. 20 years gone away. Time to start over, dust yourself off and try again. You work harder make positive changes. It happens again. 想想如果二十年都在做一樣的事 犧牲了無數的其他事情來投入這個工作 才能使你的所有努力跟無盡的奮鬥得到應有的價值 想想因為其他人一點點的視覺誤差 你的二十年就這樣消失不見 然後你重新振作 再試一次 你試著更努力讓好事發生 可是事情居然重演 "Dust yourself off" you say. "Try again" 你告訴自己"振作起來 再試一次" You do just that. You work even harder than before, spend longer hours. Then it happens yet again. Another slight oversight. 你做到了 你更努力的工作 花更多時間準備 但是慘劇再度發生 又一次錯誤 Well this is what happened to me, and to be honest I believe I reached my boiling point. After yet ANOTHER wrong call I began to wonder- Was I being "overlooked" or wrongly judged on purpose!??? Is this being done to keep me from achieving my best? Why does this keep happening at the same place? 這就是發生在我身上的事情 坦白說我想我當時已經到達我的沸點 在另外一次誤判後我想我到底是不是被故意被誤判的 我會因為這樣又失去了攀上我最好表現的機會? 為什麼相同的事情一直發生在同個地點? Throughout my career I have remained calm. But I guess I finally reached my breaking point. A point I should have never allowed myself to get to. Everything seemed to have surfaced. As you know, losing my cool cost me over 92 thousand dollars. 92 thousand dollars! This is more than most people make in a year. 92 thousand dollars! Answer this: Why is it another player who also lost HIS cool not to a line judge - like I did - but to the main officiating judge- using the same "f word" why was HE only fined 10 thousand dollars. Was what I did 10 times worse than what he did?! 在我的生涯中 我一直都很冷靜 但這次我想我終於到了臨界點 一個我從來不允許自己到達的地方 每件事情似乎都浮現出來 失去冷靜的結果是我花了九萬二 九萬二! 這比很多人一年賺的錢都還多 但是請回答這個問題 為什麼一個男選手失去冷靜 就像我一樣 但他不是對線審罵髒話 而是直接對主審用f-words 但他最後只被罰一萬 難道我的行為比他糟十倍? [好像是Brydan Klein種族歧視事件 我有點忘了] There is another HE who was fined less than half of what I was fined after someone in his camp actually physically ATTACKED an official!!!! 另外一個男選手罰得比我的一半還少 他甚至直接攻擊裁判! [Jeff Tarango在1990年代有一次跟主審握手時直接把主審從椅子上拉下來] What about the famous HE who made arguing with officials "cool". Cool for "MEN" I guess. Is it because they are all HE's and not a SHE like me? 另外一個知名的男選手很愛用"很酷"的方式跟裁判爭執 [John McEnroe] well 我想這種酷只限用於男性 是因為他們是男選手 而不像我是個女人? It is indeed a massive difference. Being American I guess the 1st amendment, freedom of speech, does not apply to a SHE in this case? In any event the Grand Slam Committee, ITF and its staff did not hesitate to call, send a note, text, nor write letters after this incident. Ironic is it not? 這是個明顯的差異 作為一個美國人 最重要的言論自由居然對我這個女人不適用? 大滿貫委員.ITF.其他工作人員都沒想過在事件過後要打個電話.給我個訊息或是一封信 會不會太冷酷無情? I don't mind being fined. If I did wrong I accept the repercussions. All I ask for is to be treated equal. 我不介意被罰款 我做錯了就會接受懲罰 但我唯一的請求只是被平等對待 When I was fined the 92K, I asked to see if I could donate some of it to different schools, and programs I'm involved in. My request was denied. So, I decided to match the fine by raising money and donating an additional 92K to my 2nd school that I am opening up in Africa, as well as to schools that I am helping here in the United States. I also want to educate women about what I learned from this whole experience. How we as women are still treated as less than equal. I am going to turn this 92K into a positive!!! And I have decided to call it Serena's 92K mission!!! Go to to learn more about my 92K mission. 當我被罰九萬二 我問能否捐一部分給學校 或是給一些我參與的公益計畫 他們拒絕了我的請求 所以我決定捐出同額的金額在非洲開第二間學校 還有我在美國本土幫助的一些學校 我也希望讓女性們看到並從我的經驗中學習 我們仍然被不平等的對待 我會把這次九萬二的教訓化為正面 我決定稱他為Serena的九萬二任務! 上我的官網去了解更多細節 Xxxx, Serena Williams -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/11 05:16, , 1F
12/11 05:16, 1F

12/11 08:56, , 2F
小威還是偉大的冠軍! 加油~期待他明年的出色比賽!
12/11 08:56, 2F

12/11 10:00, , 3F
小威好棒!!! 挺妳!!
12/11 10:00, 3F

12/11 12:51, , 4F
小威很坦然 這樣的態度很好!
12/11 12:51, 4F
※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (12/11 14:13)

12/11 14:18, , 5F
12/11 14:18, 5F

12/12 01:03, , 6F
12/12 01:03, 6F

12/12 02:05, , 7F
12/12 02:05, 7F

12/12 11:59, , 8F
12/12 11:59, 8F

12/12 16:01, , 9F
12/12 16:01, 9F

12/12 20:37, , 10F
好阿 小威!!!
12/12 20:37, 10F

12/12 23:00, , 11F
12/12 23:00, 11F

12/12 23:10, , 12F
以前都不重罰 現在才重罰 就是種雙重標準吧
12/12 23:10, 12F

12/12 23:11, , 13F
相信小威在這件事上也得到教訓了 繼續加油吧 小威!
12/12 23:11, 13F

12/13 03:56, , 14F
btw Jeff Tarango的老婆還闖進場賞了主審兩巴掌XD
12/13 03:56, 14F

12/13 19:04, , 15F
最後一段很有趣....小威'S STYLE~
12/13 19:04, 15F

12/19 01:21, , 16F
12/19 01:21, 16F

12/19 01:22, , 17F
12/19 01:22, 17F

12/19 01:24, , 18F
12/19 01:24, 18F

12/19 01:24, , 19F
12/19 01:24, 19F

12/19 01:26, , 20F
12/19 01:26, 20F

12/19 01:27, , 21F
12/19 01:27, 21F

12/19 01:28, , 22F
12/19 01:28, 22F

01/05 13:38, , 23F
01/05 13:38, 23F

01/06 11:33, , 24F
01/06 11:33, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1B8Jspcr (Williams)
文章代碼(AID): #1B8Jspcr (Williams)