[情報] 9/9, 9/10, 9/11 Q&A中譯+α

看板Wargaming作者 (我只是個路過的)時間8年前 (2015/09/13 12:24), 編輯推噓50(588209)
留言275則, 39人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
09/09/2015 Q&A Not much for today: 今天的東西不多 Storm continues to collect bugs from 9.10 (there's something about Strongholds but the description is really unclear). Storm持續在收集9.10的BUG回報(有些是關於領地戰的,但敘述含糊不清) - Earlier it was said by Storm that it's possible that after the new render is fully optimized, the old render ("old graphics") will be removed completely. Now Storm states that it's very difficult to optimize one render for all the configurations and that it's likely that both renders will stay. Storm之前說過在新的著色系統完成優化以後,舊的系統就會完全移除。但現在Storm表示 要單靠一種著色系統就替所有設定進行調校是相當困難的,因此新舊兩種著色系統將會並 存。 - Conqueror might get an upgrade - the upgraded turret found in the archives by David "Listy" Lister and some other upgrades from him as well (improved frontal armor). Storm is currently negotiating this inside Wargaming. 征服者(英國T9重坦)有可能會強化,在David Lister提供的檔案裡找到了升級過的砲塔跟 其他項目(包含改良過的車體前部裝甲),Storm目前正在WG內部商議此事。 10/09/2015 Q&A - Regarding the players complaining about lag and packet loss: no amount of WoT optimization will make the data travel faster from server to WoT and vice versa; 關於玩家們抱怨遊戲LAG跟掉封包的問題: 無論對WoT進行多少優化,都無法加快資料從伺服器傳輸到WoT的速度,反之亦然。 - Current clientside Bigworld has nothing to do with the original Bigworld engine, it was reworked over the years to a WG-only engine; 目前客戶端所使用的Bigworld經過數年改寫重製,已經跟原本的Bigworld引擎完全不同了 ,變成了個WG專屬的遊戲引擎。 - In 9.9 more than a half of the game engine code was switched to a "different engine"; 在9.9版本時,有半數以上的遊戲程式碼都轉換到新的引擎了。 - Soon the new WoT engine will be heavily upgraded further; 不久之後新的WoT引擎將更進一步巨幅升級。 - This upgrade will bring significant improvements to performance and image quality; 這項升級將顯著改良執行效能跟遊戲畫質。 - Storm states that the number of spotting rays will not form a whole globe (removing the "ray" system): the rays will stay and will continue to run from the tank viewports to the spotting points of the tanks that are within the vehicle viewrange (spotchecks are not made against vehicles outside of viewrange altogether). Storm表示.....甘霖老師我看不懂啦!   崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 有請高人補完..... 11/09/2015 Q&A - Storm states that the players weren't officially notified that WoT is now running on a different engine because the new engine is not yet completely implemented. Once it is, the players will learn of the changes; Storm表示尚未正式告知玩家目前的WoT是以新的引擎運作的原因,是因為新的引擎還沒完 全實裝。 一旦完成,到時候就會讓玩家們知道有何更動了。 - New engine will partially support multicore mechanism; 新的引擎會部分支援多核架構(的CPU) - There is no ETA for full implementation ("so that players don't whine"); 何時會完成沒有具體的時間表(所以玩家才不會機機歪歪) - The new engine will at first increase only performance and quality of various effects such as lighting and shadows, later the entire WoT content will be reworked for the new engine, it will essentially be a new client. 新的遊戲引擎起初只會增進效能跟增強各種特效品質(例如光線跟陰影), 之後所有WoT的內容都將以新的引擎重製,最終將會有全新的客戶端程式。 ----------------------------------- Artillery Rebalance Details 火炮重新平衡細節 Russian players met with Storm in the Stalin Line museum (Belarus) to celebrate the Russian Tanker Day. There, Storm announced some of the things that will be tested for the artillery rebalance. Unsurprisingly, many are copied from Armored Warfare. These rebalance features include: 俄國玩家跟Storm為了慶祝俄國坦克日(譯者聽都沒聽過)在白俄羅斯的史達林防線博物館 齊聚一堂。 Storm在當地宣布了一些火炮重新平衡的測試項目。很多東西不出所料,正是從AW照搬過 來的,包括: - Turning artillery into a debuff class by seriously decreasing its damage, but giving it the ability to suppress crew (reduce the crew effectiveness) while increasing its accuracy. This suppression will be rewarded by XP. 將火炮造成的傷害大幅減少,轉變成Debuff單位。 給予其能壓制敵方乘組員的能力(降低組員能力效果),並增加射擊精準度。 此制壓能力會以XP為獎勵。 - Illumination shells for artillery (spotting in certain area) 給予火炮照明彈(針對特定區域開光能力) - Changing the point of view to the one the "arty mod" (Battle Assistant) and Armored Warfare use 將視角改變為與Battle Assistant模組還有AW一樣。 - Artillery warning (for players who are being fired on by arty) 砲火來襲警告(給正被SPG開火攻擊的玩家) This is not definitive but will be tested. 一切尚未定論,將進行測試 ------------------------------------ Tier 11-12 tanks in World of Tanks? 11階&12階戰車出現於WoT? -this could be a hoax but according to SerB, a special mode will come with tier 11 and 12 tanks. Probably some sort of fun event but it could be interesting. 這有可能只是空穴來風,但根據SerB所言,11階跟12階戰車會跟某個特殊模式一起到來。 也許只是某種趣味活動,但應該會挺有意思的。 -------------------------------------- World of Tanks on PlayStation WoT登上PS平台 Serb has confirmed that World of Tanks will be released on PlayStation, there is no estimated date but sources indicate that will happen next year. PlayStation is the only niche that WoT hasn't been implemented yet, this was expected to happen. SerB證實WoT會發布於PS上,雖然沒有明確的預估日期,但根據情報來源指出應該會在明 年。 PS是唯一WoT還尚未登上的平台,一切指日可待。 (譯注: WiiU表示......) -------------------------------------- 累屎惹..... 有幾篇不屬於Q&A,但我覺得挺有意思的就順便翻了 有沒有在NA的大腿要跟1500場的Noob一起解E25啊~ 沒人陪我玩好寂寞捏.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1442118249.A.A8D.html

09/13 12:41, , 1F
WTF 火砲變這樣子....
09/13 12:41, 1F

09/13 12:49, , 2F
砲車在現行HE下 傷害力已經夠弱了 這她媽是在...
09/13 12:49, 2F

09/13 13:03, , 3F
09/13 13:03, 3F

09/13 13:03, , 4F
09/13 13:03, 4F

09/13 13:03, , 5F
不能從現在的spotting ray模式(玩家躲在障礙物後面
09/13 13:03, 5F

09/13 13:03, , 6F
09/13 13:03, 6F

09/13 13:03, , 7F
09/13 13:03, 7F

09/13 13:05, , 8F
09/13 13:05, 8F

09/13 13:06, , 9F
09/13 13:06, 9F

09/13 13:06, , 10F
09/13 13:06, 10F

09/13 13:09, , 11F
09/13 13:09, 11F

09/13 13:10, , 12F
爽,不要再一發入魂了 火炮去去走
09/13 13:10, 12F

09/13 13:13, , 13F
Arty cunt nerf給推
09/13 13:13, 13F

09/13 13:39, , 14F
09/13 13:39, 14F

09/13 13:46, , 15F
超爽的 最恨SPG
09/13 13:46, 15F

09/13 13:52, , 16F
09/13 13:52, 16F

09/13 13:52, , 17F
09/13 13:52, 17F

09/13 14:04, , 18F
不論怎樣都會有人抱怨被一發入魂 而SPG玩家也總是聲
09/13 14:04, 18F

09/13 14:04, , 19F
稱SPG玩起來很苦命 兩邊從來不可能相信對方
09/13 14:04, 19F

09/13 14:05, , 20F
不過我還是要秉持著不公開不公正的評論觀點 會說SPG
09/13 14:05, 20F

09/13 14:06, , 21F
要找NA玩家可以考慮到OH-R的RC問? 25580491
09/13 14:06, 21F

09/13 14:06, , 22F
炸很爽的人9成根本逛大街不找掩體被炸活該 要他們自
09/13 14:06, 22F

09/13 14:07, , 23F
09/13 14:07, 23F

09/13 14:08, , 24F
SPG最大的問題是和其他玩法格格不入 一堆人都當旁觀
09/13 14:08, 24F

09/13 14:09, , 25F
指指點點 眾說紛紜太強或太弱 WOWS的CV也有那樣的味
09/13 14:09, 25F

09/13 14:10, , 26F
道 但改版前的日CV有著上打兩階的無恥均傷成績讓明
09/13 14:10, 26F

09/13 14:11, , 27F
眼人都知道日CV就是OP沒啥好說 SPG到現在不論均傷勝
09/13 14:11, 27F

09/13 14:11, , 28F
不... WOWS上一版的CV真的太強 這一版強不強嘛...
09/13 14:11, 28F

09/13 14:12, , 29F
率都是不起眼的路人甲 這樣還說SPG該nerf的人說不用
09/13 14:12, 29F

09/13 14:12, , 30F
我覺得空中玩空中 水上玩水上 討論強不強完全沒意義
09/13 14:12, 30F

09/13 14:12, , 31F
09/13 14:12, 31F

09/13 14:13, , 32F
目前CV我也能接受 反正性質真的差太多 就CV自己玩其
09/13 14:13, 32F

09/13 14:13, , 33F
他船自己玩也好 至少短時間內問題不會擴大
09/13 14:13, 33F

09/13 14:14, , 34F
要拔傷害可以 那瞄準時間懲罰不跟著拔掉說不過去
09/13 14:14, 34F

09/13 14:14, , 35F
09/13 14:14, 35F

09/13 14:15, , 36F
不過以後國家數量增加是遲早的事 有預感CV又會是各
09/13 14:15, 36F

09/13 14:16, , 37F
種OP 魯蛇 buff nerf
09/13 14:16, 37F

09/13 14:23, , 38F
09/13 14:23, 38F

09/13 14:23, , 39F
這種大部分無視技術 賭隊友跟骰運的車種......
09/13 14:23, 39F
還有 196 則推文
09/14 04:32, , 236F
09/14 04:32, 236F

09/14 04:32, , 237F
09/14 04:32, 237F

09/14 04:34, , 238F
09/14 04:34, 238F

09/14 04:40, , 239F
你自己丟的圖請看清楚,我跟你的login server是一樣
09/14 04:40, 239F

09/14 04:41, , 240F
09/14 04:41, 240F

09/14 04:42, , 241F
09/14 04:42, 241F

09/14 04:43, , 242F
09/14 04:43, 242F

09/14 04:47, , 243F
09/14 04:47, 243F

09/14 09:30, , 244F
09/14 09:30, 244F

09/14 09:30, , 245F
擺?隱蔽機制?你頂多算個前置量 可以說是最不需要
09/14 09:30, 245F

09/14 09:30, , 246F
技術的車 紅猴把你一炮歸西時你就知道是啥感覺了
09/14 09:30, 246F

09/14 09:46, , 247F
09/14 09:46, 247F

09/14 09:47, , 248F
09/14 09:47, 248F

09/14 14:24, , 249F
所以反過來說 Arty也是最沒辦法用技術去影響戰局的
09/14 14:24, 249F

09/14 14:25, , 250F
被紅猴一砲歸西時 我一向會檢討自己 不會檢討砲車
09/14 14:25, 250F

09/14 15:27, , 251F
09/14 15:27, 251F

09/14 15:29, , 252F
09/14 15:29, 252F

09/14 15:30, , 253F
09/14 15:30, 253F

09/14 15:32, , 254F
09/14 15:32, 254F

09/14 16:47, , 255F
其實Arty也是有東西需要學習的 不然場均會不太好看
09/14 16:47, 255F

09/14 16:48, , 256F
09/14 16:48, 256F

09/14 16:49, , 257F
我昨天炸死一隻FBB的滿血WT4 他全頻打??? 但事實上
09/14 16:49, 257F

09/14 16:49, , 258F
09/14 16:49, 258F

09/14 16:50, , 259F
09/14 16:50, 259F

09/14 16:52, , 260F
但是靠北FV304以外的砲車太OP實在太幽默了 XD
09/14 16:52, 260F

09/14 18:37, , 261F
09/14 18:37, 261F

09/14 18:37, , 262F
09/14 18:37, 262F

09/14 18:39, , 263F
09/14 18:39, 263F

09/14 20:14, , 264F
現在砲車大砍跟地圖重做 砲車已經很廢了還在叫 以前
09/14 20:14, 264F

09/14 20:15, , 265F
el hulf跟現在比 幾場下來均傷差多少
09/14 20:15, 265F

09/15 00:01, , 266F
HT被砸就認了 MT LT 時速60 不停甩尾 還有第六感
09/15 00:01, 266F

09/15 00:02, , 267F
09/15 00:02, 267F

09/15 00:09, , 268F
09/15 00:09, 268F

09/15 00:10, , 269F
我開CGC 中距離要砸到人至少過2秒
09/15 00:10, 269F

09/15 00:11, , 270F
09/15 00:11, 270F

09/15 00:11, , 271F
09/15 00:11, 271F

09/15 19:42, , 272F
09/15 19:42, 272F

09/15 19:42, , 273F
09/15 19:42, 273F

09/15 19:44, , 274F
09/15 19:44, 274F

09/15 19:44, , 275F
09/15 19:44, 275F
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