[情報] 5/27 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/05/28 13:55), 9年前編輯推噓16(17115)
留言33則, 16人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
好像很久沒有看到Q&A了(? 這一篇RG雖然打5/26但據信是5/27 - Storm doesn't agree that the shadows under tanks (that you cannot disable now) should be possible to turn off ("it's made so that the tanks don't look like they are hovering in the air"). In fact, quite the opposite: "When we improve the shadows to have better performance, we will make it so that they won't be possible to switch off at all on any settings." Storm不認為戰車陰影需要做成「可關閉」(這樣會讓車輛像是在空中停留。)相反的, 「當我們能夠優化陰影讓他的效能表現更出色,我們最終會讓他完全不能關。」 - Storm confirms that the minimal shadows that cannot be disabled under the tank have no influence on FPS Storm確認了車輛下最小而不能去除的陰影設定對FPS沒有影響。 - some players do not like the change to the post-battle window (specifically that the name of the map and mode disappeared), Storm took note 有些玩家不喜歡戰鬥報告的新介面(特別是地圖名稱和模式被去掉的部分), Storm記下了。 - shadows were not touched in 9.8 9.8沒有動陰影設定。 - some players are annoyed by the automated announcement of dynamic platoon creation on enemy team, Storm answers that he honestly doesn't consider this a problem, there is no way to disable this message but Storm will monitor the forums and if there are lots of annoyed reports about this, it will be reviewed 有些玩家深受敵對玩家的動態組隊邀請提示所困擾,Storm表示他誠心認為這並不是個問 題,而且目前沒有方法來關掉這些提醒。但他還是會持續監控論壇狀況,如果太多人回 報這個問題,他們會重新檢視這個部分。 - Type T-34 and Type 58 tracks have different colors, this will be fixed Type T-34和Type-58的履帶顏色不同是BUG,會修。 - HD M10 Wolverine received a new top engine (it was apparently not properly announced) M10 HD有增加一台新的頂引擎。(版本說明沒提。) - Storm reacting on players complaining on 9.8 bugs: "Where were you all during 9.8 testing? How come all was okay back then?" Storm回應某些玩家抱怨關於9.8BUG的問題:「你們9.8測試時在哪裡?為什麼當時一 點問題也沒有?」 - Storm confirms that it's completely possible for dynamic platoons to break the rule that both teams have to have the same amount of platoons Storm確認了動態組隊系統完全有可能讓兩邊隊伍的組隊數量相等的規則被打破。 (譯:本來組隊數量就常常不對等吧...) - according to Storm the credit bonus personal reserve missions were removed because the developers don't want to break the game economy and players are earning enough credits as it is 根據Storm表示個人儲備的銀幣加成任務被移除了,因為開發組不想要因此破壞遊戲經濟 且玩家透過一般戰鬥已經能賺到足夠的錢了。 - in the future, developers will check whether popular mods are working with their patches (to make sure they do) 未來,開發組會檢查那些受歡迎的模組是否能夠相容於遊戲版本。 - T-62A changes when it comes in HD? "Wait for the test, more I cannot say" T-62A轉HD時會有其他改變?「等測試,我不能透漏更多。」 - personal reserves will be activated before 9.9 在9.9之前就會開通個人儲備功能。 - the archive (game files) reformatting in 9.8 is a part of the game optimization process, maps are loading faster 9.8的遊戲檔案重組是遊戲優化處理的一部份,藉此地圖的載入會更快一點。 - Storm on XVM creators: "I am not diminishing their merits. But saying that they are fixing all the issues of the game is wrong" (context: players were whining that they HAVE to install XVM because without it they are missing critical features) Storm針對XVM開發者的回應:「我不會特別忽略他們的優點,但他們軟體解決了遊戲所有 問題的說法是錯。」(背景:玩家抱怨他們必須要裝XVM,否則他們錯過某些關鍵性的功 能。) - Storm states that the chat displaying links as smileys will not be fixed, it's intentional Storm表示聊天連結顯示成表情符號的問題不會修正,那是故意的。 - in 9.8, the "Sisterhood of steel" perk was fixed, now it is really a 0 level perk 9.8中「女版BIA」歷練修正了,現在他會被當作是第零技。 - the circle render range was never promised for 0.9.8 according to Storm. It will come but later. 根據Storm的說法渲染範圍轉球體並沒有保證會在9.8出現,他會推出但會晚點。 - Storm states that 90 percent of game crashes during map loading are caused by mods Storm表示發生在地圖讀取時的當機有90%是模組造成的。 - there is nothing new regarding ultra-HD textures for now 目前沒有任何關於超高解析貼圖的消息。 - developers are still working on extra XP for tanking 開發組還在努力有關坦傷經驗獎勵的機制。 - the "thank you" function (for good teammates) is not planned for now 目前暫無加入「感謝隊友」功能的計畫了。 - there is apparently a bug in 9.8 where dynamic platoons get identical numbers as regular ones, this will be fixed 現在9.8有個動態組排的序號跟一般組排一樣的BUG,之後會修正。 - progress indicator for individual missions in battle is planned 計畫在戰鬥中做出個別任務的進度指示。 - apparently there is a bug in 9.8 where the arty aim circle twitches nastily, Storm is aware of the issue now 目前9.8有個BUG是關於SPG瞄準圈會有奇怪的抖動,Storm現在知道這個問題了。 - in 9.8, when you complete the 15th individual mission, you cannot select an other individual mission of the same class (for another vehicle) before you accept the reward (the "girl") - this is intentional 9.8中在你接受該任務的女性組員獲取之前,完成第十五個任務之後你不能選許另外下一 台車的同階任務,這是故意設計的。 - session statistics and damage log in the game? "There are reasons why these things are not implemented." 在遊戲中推出戰鬥統計訊息與傷害紀錄的可能性?「有很多理由讓我們決定不推出。」 From a podcast interview regarding CW 2.0: 公會戰訊息我大致翻 - there will be an "absolute" category clan tournament soon, it will be announced in June (transcript says July but that's likely a typo) 六月會有新的分類公會戰事。 - when you capture a province, it will lose 1 level of upgrade 當你占領一個省份,他會上喪失一等的升級。 - CW 2.0 will be split into seasons 公會戰2.0會分成數季。 - the first test of CW 2.0 consists both of veteran players and noobs, all in all around 100 clans participated in the test 公會戰2.0會包含老鳥組跟菜鳥組,各地會有大約一百多個工會加入測試。 - CW 2.0 open beta will be in summer, it will be released after that 暑假會有公會戰2.0的OB,並在那之後推出。 - when attacking a Stronghold belonging to a noob (bad rating) clan, good players will not be able to use artillery strike and air strike but the noobs will 當老鳥攻擊菜鳥公會的堡壘時,不能使用砲擊支援和空中支援,但菜鳥方可以。 - it will be possible to farm influence in Stronghold mode 堡壘模式會有農影響力的可能性。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/05/26052015-q_27.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1432792533.A.57D.html

05/28 14:06, , 1F
說是這樣說 最後還不是把最後敵蹤加入官方功能裡-_-
05/28 14:06, 1F

05/28 14:08, , 2F
靠 那那個扛砲的計算是做辛酸用的?
05/28 14:08, 2F

05/28 14:08, , 3F
05/28 14:08, 3F

05/28 15:29, , 4F
扛砲提示結果沒經驗? Storm:我們覺得這樣很Cool~
05/28 15:29, 4F

05/28 15:35, , 5F
05/28 15:35, 5F

05/28 16:41, , 6F
05/28 16:41, 6F

05/28 16:43, , 7F
05/28 16:43, 7F

05/28 16:45, , 8F
05/28 16:45, 8F

05/28 16:45, , 9F
平常不會特意確認 XDD
05/28 16:45, 9F

05/28 16:47, , 10F
05/28 16:47, 10F

05/28 16:48, , 11F
05/28 16:48, 11F

05/28 16:53, , 12F
高傷我賺分 扛傷又我賺 別人血300我血800
05/28 16:53, 12F

05/28 16:53, , 13F
05/28 16:53, 13F

05/28 17:00, , 14F
扛傷不是這樣算的好嗎 跟自身血量沒關係
05/28 17:00, 14F

05/28 17:01, , 15F
05/28 17:01, 15F

05/28 17:01, , 16F
Matilda:Pzic乖~你過來 我絕對不會傷害你的
05/28 17:01, 16F

05/28 17:07, , 17F
05/28 17:07, 17F

05/28 17:26, , 18F
05/28 17:26, 18F

05/28 19:41, , 19F
反應 bug 被怪怎麼不參加測服 How terrible~
05/28 19:41, 19F

05/28 21:47, , 20F
05/28 21:47, 20F

05/28 21:47, , 21F
05/28 21:47, 21F

05/28 21:48, , 22F
Storm 沒想戳人,只是感嘆
05/28 21:48, 22F
再次感謝Orz ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 05/28/2015 22:11:36

05/29 08:10, , 23F
05/29 08:10, 23F

05/29 09:18, , 24F
05/29 09:18, 24F

05/29 09:18, , 25F
05/29 09:18, 25F

05/29 09:24, , 26F
要嘛就花時間玩低階車賺錢 要嘛就台票下去金車刷錢
05/29 09:24, 26F

05/29 09:25, , 27F
不想花台票又不想花時間又要有錢 還是別玩啦最賺
05/29 09:25, 27F

05/29 09:33, , 28F
公會戰賺金幣買金車 不花一塊臺幣 小弟是過來人
05/29 09:33, 28F

05/29 09:36, , 29F
這也是一個方法囉 前提是你有那技術跟車輛公會願意
05/29 09:36, 29F

05/29 09:37, , 30F
收你進去打公會戰 不然其他人還是乖乖認份吧
05/29 09:37, 30F

05/29 09:46, , 31F
是啦 就看要花錢還是花時間囉
05/29 09:46, 31F

05/29 12:18, , 32F
05/29 12:18, 32F

05/29 16:34, , 33F
05/29 16:34, 33F
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