[情報] 11/23 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2014/11/24 21:51), 編輯推噓22(22017)
留言39則, 26人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
- when testing the new viewrange system (with only LT’s having good viewrange), developers are aware of the potential situation where hightier LT ’s just sit back and camp due to their very good viewrange and competitive guns 測試新開光系統(只有輕坦有高視距)時,開發人員發現有些狀況下,高階輕坦可以 仗著高視距和不錯的砲,只須龜在家裡就好 - apparently the T-34-3 buff went well T-34-3 的 buff 做得不錯 - gun damage does NOT have to correspond to the gun caliber, it’s a balance parameter 傷害值並未取決於砲管口徑,它是個平衡用參數 - Yurko2F (developer) explains how the M53/M55 model got screwed: “We are working on many tanks outside of what is interesting for players the most – game characteristics. Well and if something gets broken, we try to fix it quickly.” Yurko2F 解釋為啥 M53/M55 模組會被惡搞:「除了玩家最在乎的數值之外,我們也會處理 車輛的其他部份。嗯,如果搞砸了,我們會試著盡快修好。」 (譯者:有講跟沒講一樣嘛,很弱吔) - the “individual missions” will be the same for everybody (SS: so where’s the “individual” part? o.O) 每個人的『個人任務』都會一樣(SS:那『個人』的意義在哪??) - old LT8′s will be buffed “if necessery” 「如果有必要」,會 buff 舊八階輕坦 - IM conditions too tough? “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Wait for the feature to come out.” 個人任務太難?「別擔心,耐心等進一步消息。」 - Storm on supertesters: “Various players are recruited to supertest. Including those with poor skill. That’s done for the test statistics to be more representative. So it is more like random battles.” 談到超測玩家,Storm:「超測玩家各式各樣,也包涵技術差的玩家。這是為了讓測試環境 更接近隨機戰鬥。」 Storm also made a post, where he is asking for a feedback on the role of armor in current WoT. Here are the answers from it: Storm 之前開了個主題聽取玩家對現行裝甲重要性的意見,以下來自其回答: - Storm states that the usage of gold ammo is not that high. Even if the gold ammo was hardcapped at 5 pieces, it wouldn’t help Maus, because everyone would just shoot the gold shells in it anyway. Storm 表示金彈的用量並沒有想像的高。就算限制每台車只能帶5顆金彈,鼠式的日子也 不會比較好過,因為大家還是會用金彈招呼牠。 - Storm states that one of the main reasons why gold shells are not hardcapped, is the fact it would reduce Wargaming’s profit Storm 表示不限制金彈數量的主要原因之一是這會降低 WG 的營收 - according to statistics, IS-6 and KV-5 do bounce at least 50 percent of all shells from tanks of the same tier (including gold) 數據顯示,同階車砸在 IS-6 和 KV-5 身上的砲彈至少有一半未擊穿(包括金彈) - IS-6 armor ricochets shells more than it bounces them IS-6 的裝甲造成的跳彈比未擊穿來的多 - Maus will not be buffed, it has some of the best stats of its tier. The opinion of some players that it sucks is not based on reality. 不會 buff 鼠式 - developers will ban (forcibly disable) the mod, that shows what type of shell hits your tank (gold/credit). The reason for the ban is that the same mod not only tells you the type of the shell, but also who is shooting at you. 會強制禁用彈種顯示模組。因為除了彈種外,它也會顯示攻擊者是誰。 - developers are still analyzing the feedback on reported several second freezes 還在分析據報在遊戲中卡住數秒的問題 - Q: “I miss times where IS-4 on tier 9 could stand in the middle of the field and bounce everything.” A: “And you consider that normal?” Q:「真懷念以前IS-4還是九階車,可以隨地停車享受跳彈樂趣的時光」A:「你覺得這樣是 正常狀況?」 - T-35 (multiturret heavy tank) will not come in 2015 T-35 明年無望 - increasing gun penetration loss over distance is not an option, as it would cause issues on low and mid tiers in many cases 增加穿深衰減也不可行,因為會在中低階的戰鬥中造成問題 - Storm states that when it comes to two options what to do with gold shells (reduction of damage, increase of price), both are reasonable in a way, but both also have disadvantages, specifically monetization and attitude of general playerbase to such a change and others. But they haven’t been scrapped yet. Storm 表示兩種金彈的修改方式(減傷或加價)都有些道理,但也都有缺點,例如公司收 益、主要玩家對這改動的態度之類的。然而,這兩個方案未被廢棄 - the loss of profits is one of the internal parameters that the developers will take into account when deciding what to do with gold ammo 在更動金彈時,開發人員也會考量這對公司收益的不良影響 - +/-1 MM spread was rejected long time ago - +/-3 MM will not be retuned either ±1 或 ±3 分房都不會出現 - Storm never did beat anyone physically for poor work, his maximum was yelling over Skype, but he states he can’t do it, he’s an anti-conflict person Storm 從未因為某人工作不力就扁人,他的極限頂多到透過Skype罵人;但他表示這他也 沒做過,因為他不喜歡衝突。 - the developers were discussing the role of armor internally for quite some time already 裝甲的角色的問題吵很久了 - developers are discussing what to do with the M48 Patton, they differ in their opinions about the vehicle and what should be done with it 還在吵M48要怎麼改 - accuracy will be nerfed a bit – not the parameter per se, but the distribution within the circle will be changed 會稍微下修精準度;帳面數據不會變,而是修改瞄準圈內的落彈分佈 - apparently, the plan to change the render range from a square to a circle collided with the new version of Bigworld and therefore got delayed a bit, Storm hopes to implement it in first half of 2015 預計在新版Bigworld引擎中把繪圖範圍改成圓形,進度有點耽擱,Storm 希望在2015上半 年可以實裝 - new motion physics will improve the tank dynamics in the game (smaller loss of speed on hills, obstacles etc.) 新移動系統會改善遊戲中的車輛移動 - IS-7 will not be buffed, statistically it’s fine more or less IS-7 數據上沒問題,不會buff http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/23/23-11-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1416837104.A.F9E.html

11/24 21:58, , 1F
IS-6那段不太懂 ricochet跟bounce意思一樣吧?
11/24 21:58, 1F

11/24 21:59, , 2F
11/24 21:59, 2F

11/24 22:00, , 3F
11/24 22:00, 3F

11/24 22:02, , 4F
剛google發現ricochet是強制跳彈 bounce是未擊穿
11/24 22:02, 4F

11/24 22:02, , 5F
11/24 22:02, 5F

11/24 22:03, , 6F
11/24 22:03, 6F

11/24 22:06, , 7F
因為-6側面是內凹 打穿側裙的間隙進去不是沒力或跳
11/24 22:06, 7F

11/24 22:07, , 8F
11/24 22:07, 8F

11/24 22:14, , 9F
11/24 22:14, 9F

11/24 22:15, , 10F
早就覺得這MOD很OP了 沒想到現在才禁
11/24 22:15, 10F

11/24 22:22, , 11F
沒想到現在才禁 +1
11/24 22:22, 11F

11/24 22:36, , 12F
11/24 22:36, 12F

11/24 22:47, , 13F
沒想到現在才禁 +2
11/24 22:47, 13F

11/24 23:01, , 14F
11/24 23:01, 14F

11/24 23:02, , 15F
11/24 23:02, 15F

11/24 23:03, , 16F
11/24 23:03, 16F

11/24 23:17, , 17F
希望他們早點想通吧 新的視距系統實在無法讓人歡迎
11/24 23:17, 17F

11/24 23:19, , 18F
11/24 23:19, 18F

11/24 23:20, , 19F
and 圓形才對啊(敲碗) 正方形各方面都超詭異的
11/24 23:20, 19F

11/24 23:23, , 20F
是還滿OP的 但要是只有看得到的敵人可以顯示不行嗎
11/24 23:23, 20F

11/24 23:54, , 21F
-6側面不是內凹 跟-3比 間格裝甲後面就是履帶了
11/24 23:54, 21F

11/25 00:50, , 22F
11/25 00:50, 22F

11/25 00:56, , 23F
11/25 00:56, 23F

11/25 01:53, , 24F
11/25 01:53, 24F

11/25 05:09, , 25F
沒想到現在才禁++ 之前覺得太OP就刪了
11/25 05:09, 25F

11/25 05:10, , 26F
11/25 05:10, 26F

11/25 09:18, , 27F
11/25 09:18, 27F

11/25 09:47, , 28F
11/25 09:47, 28F

11/25 10:21, , 29F
-7:麥擱問阿 沒事就是好事
11/25 10:21, 29F

11/25 18:34, , 30F
傷害值的設定 讓虎王跟M-4單挑還不一定贏~~XX平衡~
11/25 18:34, 30F

11/25 20:13, , 31F
11/25 20:13, 31F

11/25 21:34, , 32F
當時變準之後玩家變得更龜 我支持改準度
11/25 21:34, 32F

11/25 21:35, , 33F
11/25 21:35, 33F

11/25 22:15, , 34F
逼玩家拉近作戰距離 當初改準都有人拿短122/152黑槍
11/25 22:15, 34F

11/25 22:26, , 35F
11/25 22:26, 35F

11/25 22:28, , 36F
11/25 22:28, 36F

11/25 23:21, , 37F
以前比較好+1 可以期待看到猴子黑到惱羞亂罵
11/25 23:21, 37F

11/25 23:21, , 38F
11/25 23:21, 38F

11/26 16:20, , 39F
11/26 16:20, 39F
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