[情報] 重要!9.3 HD材質包需要另外下載並安裝

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/09/23 23:16), 10年前編輯推噓13(13011)
留言24則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Attention! This is important, please read. 重要!必讀 Hello everyone, this is something that was not announced before, oddly enough. According to RU portal, from 9.3 onwards the HD textures for tanks will be downloaded as a separate ZIP file (for 9.3, the size of HD textures is 980 megabytes). 據俄服官網文章(連結見下方),自9.3起 HD 材質是放在另一個獨立的zip檔裡面(9.3 版此檔案有 980Mb) http://worldoftanks.ru/ru/news/pc-browser/1/9_3_release/ According to the same article, this was done to save traffic and computer space. It has to be done manually (at least the Russians had to) by downloading and installing separate texture pack – why it wasn’t done automatically via the launcher? Hell if I know. 據稱此舉動是為了降低網路流量。這個zip檔需要手動下載並安裝(至少在俄服是這樣) 不要問我為啥不能用起動器一併下載。 Either way, please note that if your PC is strong enough to run full resolution HD textures (maximal texture quality), you have to manually install the HD textures separately! I am posting this here to make sure everyone remembers that, so you avoid the “WTF, tanks look lowres like shit on my new rig” questions on forums. 如果你的電腦強到能用全HD材質(最高畫質)時不會在放幻燈片,它會需要你手動安裝才 能使用。所以不要在更新完後立即上官網痛罵材質怎麼變差了。 To install HD textures: 安裝指南 - you download them in a ZIP file (once it is available for EU/US client) 下載材質包 - you unpack them to WoT folder 解壓縮至WoT資料匣 - you have to run the client and set the texture quality to maximum 開啟遊戲將畫質調到最高 Wow. Manual texture installation, that is some stronk programink – that’s mod/cracked game stuff, not the besterest F2P game level. 居然要手動安裝…官方也只有MOD寫手的水準嗎?科科…… http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/09/23/patch-9-3-separate-hd-textures/ 補一下俄服的材質包載點 http://goo.gl/VoNkr4 應該通用吧(不負責猜測)。想節省時間的可以先載 -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1411485416.A.5D5.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 09/23/2014 23:18:56

09/23 23:27, , 1F
09/23 23:27, 1F
sry 已更正

09/23 23:32, , 2F
WG:嚼嚼 我還有點餓 (吃書中
09/23 23:32, 2F

09/23 23:33, , 3F
WG:我又不是第一天吃書 今天這本好吃
09/23 23:33, 3F

09/23 23:35, , 4F
09/23 23:35, 4F

09/23 23:43, , 5F
09/23 23:43, 5F

09/24 00:13, , 6F
09/24 00:13, 6F
可以,材質包純粹是視覺效果 省空間是好事,只是實現的方式很…簡略 ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 09/24/2014 00:24:30

09/24 00:27, , 7F
比起省空間 我比較怕跑不動 這可能也是WG這樣做的理
09/24 00:27, 7F

09/24 00:27, , 8F
由 避免人直接運行HD版本拖垮FPS?
09/24 00:27, 8F

09/24 00:36, , 9F
09/24 00:36, 9F

09/24 01:33, , 10F
09/24 01:33, 10F

09/24 03:34, , 11F
現在的Client每次點到M4雪曼, 邱I等有HD的車都會重
09/24 03:34, 11F

09/24 03:34, , 12F
09/24 03:34, 12F

09/24 07:53, , 13F
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09/24 09:24, , 17F
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09/24 09:36, , 18F
樓上的論點才是正確 沒用到的東西綑在一起明顯浪費
09/24 09:36, 18F

09/24 09:37, , 19F
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09/24 13:23, , 20F
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09/24 15:37, , 23F
09/24 15:37, 23F

09/24 18:02, , 24F
不使用的話可以增加F P S嗎
09/24 18:02, 24F
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