[情報] 8/28 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間9年前 (2014/08/29 00:04), 編輯推噓15(15023)
留言38則, 19人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
28次打卡完成,拿到3200G退款和一個車位。 - Cannoneer explains the current situation with British and Japanese light tanks: “For the Japanese, there is nothing above the current Ke-Ho light tank. For the British, it’s better.” Cannoneer解釋英日兩國LT狀況:「沒有找到比Ke-Ho更高階的東西,不過英國有些車可 用」 - Cannoneer, regarding hightier British light tanks: “There is a general problem with data – for example there is very little data or no pictures whatsoever. There were ideas, but it’s not me deciding what gets implemented and when.” 至於高階英國輕坦─「資料上有些共通問題,例如說沒圖沒真相。有點子沒錯,但是 決定權不在我身上。」 - regarding Tetrarch CS with 3 inch howitzer: “It’s already in the game but it has one huge flaw – the muzzle velocity is 182 m/s, which means you can even dodge the shell. It would be much more playable on tier 3 than on tier 4, yes.” 關於裝了三吋榴砲的Tetrach CS(CS=Close Support,步兵火力支援車)─ 「已經放進遊戲了,可是有個超大問題:砲口速度只有182m/s,看到開砲後再躲都來得及 放在T3會比放T4更好玩。」 - regarding the Contentious with 17pdr gun as a high tier British LT (as was presented on FTR): “Yes, that’s an option, but it has two problems: little data and frontal armor (upper frontal plate, there is a fuel tank behind it and then there is another internal plate of armor).” (both plates are 40mm thick) 裝備17磅的裁決式作為高階LT─「的確是個選項,不過有兩個問題。其一,缺資訊; 其二,正面裝甲。裝甲板後面有油箱,油箱後面又有一層裝甲(兩層都是40mm)。 - Q: “Storm, and wasn’t there an idea to implement bonus for light tanks for the total amount of targets scouted within the battle (not just for the first detection) and/or for the total amount of time the tank keeps scouting (even without damage done by allies)? ….. It could become a speciality of light tanks… ” A (Storm): “Interesting” 玩家問Storm是否可能更動LT的偵查經驗,除了首次開光之外,戰鬥中和敵車保持接觸 (即使沒有輔助傷害)也會有經驗,而這種賺經驗方式是LT限定。 Storm:「有意思。」 - “presets” (default setups) of equipment for each tank wont be implemented 預設裝備組功能不會加入遊戲。 - changing the size of ingame interface will not be implemented 遊戲介面的尺寸不開放變更 - M8A1 US TD is not called Scott in the game because the name is not widely used and widely known M8A1之所以沒有被稱為"Scott"是因為這個暱稱太冷門。 - the garage UI was changed in 9.3, because there was not enough space in the hangar 車庫介面在9.3更動是因為車庫內空間不夠 - there are no plans for Sturmtiger and Brummbar 突擊虎/灰熊又被扔進冷凍庫了 - Storm: “Sturmtiger will be not in the game. At least not player-controlled one.” Storm表示突擊虎不會以玩家可操控型式放進遊戲中 - Storm will talk to developers about the future of maps Storm會找開發組討論地圖的未來發展 - Japanese heavy tanks: “When it’s done it’s done” 日本重坦WIDID - if you have current KV-1S in the game, you will not have the tier 5 KV-1S unlocked, you’ll have to unlock it yourself 即使有六階KV-1S,9.3以後的五階KV-1S也不會自動解鎖,要重練。 - it’s completely possible that there will be PvE cooperative mode in the game 完全可能有PvE模式。 - there is no nerf of E-25 planned – for now 目前不打算nerf E25 (也不需要,彈藥太少+劣勢下carry能力太差) - it’s possible T49 TD (renamed to T67 in 9.3) will be nerfed in the future T49TD在9.3會更名為T67,未來可能會再nerf (抄家滅族(蓋章)) - the client will not be split into SD and HD 客戶端程式不會分為普通/HD - no special work is being done on increasing the Kharkov map performance 不打算特別作業來提升卡爾可夫的表現。 - there will be no “league” system in random battles (SS: as in, skill MM) 隨機模式中不會有天梯(SS:就是沒有技術分房) (問的應該RO BAN兩周。) - general accuracy nerf: “When it’s done it’s done” 整體準度nerf:WIDID - premium Panther will not get the gas turbine engine 豹F mit. 88mm/L71不會有燃氣渦輪引擎 - Storm confirms that in order to get additional XP for “tanking” (blocking damage with your tank), the shell trajectory has to intersect the main hull. Storm確認坦傷賺經驗前提是砲彈軌跡會射進車體 (純履帶吸傷沒經驗) - Storm (with rather colourful language) states that in 9.3, Murovanka doesn’ t become a corridor map – it became 1,5 times larger (its surface) and there will be many more places for MT’s and LT’s to go Storm表示9.3板的Murovanka不再是射擊長廊式的地圖,不僅變成1.5倍大,還多了很多 LT/MT可以跑的地方。 - the old Murovanka will definitely be removed, the new one won’t just be added as extra 舊Murovanka會移除,不會以Ruinberg/Himmelsderp模式加入 - Storm states that when it comes to game performance, it significantly improved since 9.0 Storm表示9.0之後表現顯著改進。 - not only German tanks will benefit from the transmission split in 9.3 傳動分離(之前說T8以上前置傳動中彈後不會燒了)不只嘉惠德國車而已 - Storm confirms that the only reward for “tanking” will be the XP, credit gains are not needed Storm確認坦傷只會有經驗,沒有錢。 -- 30 second countdown, someone types the master plan: "All the noobs rush the hill and the rest def" random guy: "What is def ?" "You, rush the hill..." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1409241891.A.478.html

08/29 00:14, , 1F
08/29 00:14, 1F

08/29 00:37, , 2F
沒技術分房就算了 好歹配隊伍的時候把勝率平衡嘛
08/29 00:37, 2F

08/29 00:38, , 3F
剛剛一場橘+紅打綠+兩個紫 也太搞笑了
08/29 00:38, 3F

08/29 00:39, , 4F
都已經不玩德車了才要做傳動分離 把我的滅火器還來
08/29 00:39, 4F

08/29 00:50, , 5F
扛炮快給經驗吧 剛剛黑王子班長扛了3000傷 打了
08/29 00:50, 5F

08/29 00:50, , 6F
1000初傷害 結果經驗只有2500傷害黑槍虎的一半
08/29 00:50, 6F

08/29 01:12, , 7F
...T49 nerf..................
08/29 01:12, 7F

08/29 01:28, , 8F
XDD 米國TD線得罪太多人了嗎,滿門抄斬囉~
08/29 01:28, 8F

08/29 01:31, , 9F
在砍就回去玩M8A1了 XDDD
08/29 01:31, 9F

08/29 01:34, , 10F
老實講 M8A1 T49 貓車三台都是OP炸裂
08/29 01:34, 10F

08/29 02:43, , 11F
08/29 02:43, 11F

08/29 02:48, , 12F
08/29 02:48, 12F

08/29 02:49, , 13F
"日本重坦".... 還我的突擊虎啊啊啊
08/29 02:49, 13F

08/29 02:49, , 14F
08/29 02:49, 14F

08/29 02:50, , 15F
08/29 02:50, 15F

08/29 02:51, , 16F
08/29 02:51, 16F

08/29 02:52, , 17F
08/29 02:52, 17F

08/29 02:53, , 18F
08/29 02:53, 18F

08/29 02:54, , 19F
08/29 02:54, 19F

08/29 02:55, , 20F
08/29 02:55, 20F

08/29 02:56, , 21F
樓上不好意思 魔法森林被黑表示1.對方開光車來了
08/29 02:56, 21F

08/29 02:56, , 22F
08/29 02:56, 22F

08/29 02:58, , 23F
08/29 02:58, 23F

08/29 02:58, , 24F
2更不用說了 不甘他的事
08/29 02:58, 24F

08/29 03:00, , 25F
08/29 03:00, 25F

08/29 03:37, , 26F
08/29 03:37, 26F

08/29 04:12, , 27F
08/29 04:12, 27F

08/29 04:14, , 28F
08/29 04:14, 28F

08/29 04:15, , 29F
08/29 04:15, 29F

08/29 07:20, , 30F
E25遇到崩很快的場 ...真的不能做啥XD
08/29 07:20, 30F

08/29 08:40, , 31F
08/29 08:40, 31F

08/29 08:41, , 32F
08/29 08:41, 32F

08/29 08:41, , 33F
08/29 08:41, 33F

08/29 09:16, , 34F
08/29 09:16, 34F

08/29 10:21, , 35F
08/29 10:21, 35F

08/29 10:35, , 36F
08/29 10:35, 36F

08/29 13:48, , 37F
除非 跨下改放彈藥架 不然毛子會這麼好心?
08/29 13:48, 37F

08/30 00:42, , 38F
08/30 00:42, 38F
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