[情報] FTR翻譯 - BOT創造者談BOT

看板Wargaming作者 (雪鳳)時間10年前 (2014/02/22 23:07), 編輯推噓16(16022)
留言38則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
連結:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/02/22/bot-creator-talks-about-bots/ 內文長 由於特殊原因某些內文可能翻得不是很好 請見諒 (原因看內文就知道了) P.S.我覺得翻譯可能有問題的會標上青色 Hello everyone, last night, I recieved an interesting e-mail about my older post about bots – from noone else than the CEO of the company, developing the Tankleader bot. The e-mail was signed with a full name, including e-mail and telephone number. No, I haven’t tried calling the gentleman, but it looks pretty legit. Either way, here is an excerpt of the letter, I think you will find it interesting like I did. The name was withheld for obvious reasons. I kept the original typos, the English is a bit flawed, but the man is from Germany. The “bold” marking is made by me. -SS 大家好,昨晚(當地時間應為21日晚上)我收到一封E-mail 這封信來自製作Tankleader(BOT程式名稱,以下簡稱TL)團隊的CEO E-mail裡附有真實姓名、E-mail以及電話號碼 我沒有嘗試去打給那位先生,但電話應該是真的 總之,我摘錄了一部分內容,我認為你們也能跟我一樣發現有趣的地方 名字被隱藏的原因應該不用解釋理由了 我保留了原本的"錯字",英文(語法)有點錯誤 但這位先生來自德國,粗體字(內文以高亮黃色表示)是我弄得 by SS ------信件內文摘錄分隔線------ Greetings Silentstalker, my name is -redacted- , and I am the CEO of the company behind Tankleader and some other automatization software for mmorpg/a. I did read your blog posts about Tankleader, and thought it would be nice, if I would reply you personally and give you some facts about the real usage of TL. SS你好: 我的名字是______,我是TL製作團隊的CEO,也製作過一些其他MMORPG的BOT 我閱讀過您部落格內關於TL的文章 我認為如果能給你一些私人的回應並且告訴你TL的真正用途是好事 First of all, the number of 100k sold licences, sounds impressive, and i would be very lucky if i had it, but its completely untrue. 首先,關於我們販售了10萬份的BOT程式,聽起來很驚人 如果真的有達到這目標的話真的是非常幸運,但這完全不正確 As i write you, right now, there are 133 TL bots online. And we have not sold anything near 6 or 5 digits in licenses as far as i know, and i for sure know. So you might a bit overestimate the role of Tankleader in the WoT battles. However the fact that we try to add a nice AI into our product, is true, that is why we have the most advanced bot, that still is been developed on. 當我寫給你這封mail的同時,有133個使用TL的BOT在線上 我很確定而且從來都不知道我們販售的量有到達5甚至是6位數 所以你有可能有點高估了TL在WOT裡的"角色"(譯:我覺得是指影響力) 然而,我們嘗試在我們的產品(TL)加入更強的AI是真的 那正是我們仍在開發中的先進BOT Some say, that while you need Premium or Gold on your WoT, that Wargaming might be behind it, no it is not true. We got contacted by Wargamings lawyers however, back in 2012. We told them that we can discuss that in front of a court if they like. We have not heard since from them. 有人說你需要用P帳或金幣讓WG(在你後面)當你靠山 這也是錯的,我們在2012年有跟WG的律師接觸過 我們這樣回覆:"如果你們想的話我們可以在法院討論這些內容" 然後我們就再也沒有聽到他們的聲音 Might be also the fact that we are in court with Activision Blizzard in Germany, to finally have some laws about online games, EULA, ToS, rights of the users and whatever there are no laws for in the gaming industry. You might also read about european court rulings that happened lately, they do not seem to share the same opinion with the companies trying to form licenses that the users have no rights in. Anyway this would be another story to tell, once we get to the German Supreme Court (BGH) and see what they have to say about the issues that are been discussed. 實際上我們有和動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard)要在德國打官司 甚麼最終用戶許可協議(EULA)、服務條款(ToS)等等還是啥的 那些東西沒有太大的法律效力 你或許可以閱讀一些歐洲法院近期的相關文件 法官似乎不認為(軟體/遊戲)公司可以用一些條款去限制用戶(玩家) 搞得用戶(玩家)一點權力都沒有<註1> 總之那是另一段故事了 當我們到德國最高法院(打AB社的官司時)時我們會聽聽看他們有甚麼問題要討論的 You wrote: “that running the most popular and probably the best bot (Tankleader) requires a premium account or gold?” Gold and or Premium is a decision we made from day one. We do not want to hurt the Developers. 你(文章)寫到:"使用最熱門,而且可能是最好的BOT(TL)時需要P帳或金幣?" 金幣或P帳是我們第一天就做的決定 我們不想因此害到製作組 You wrote: “According to the Tankleader webpage, this bot has about 130k users.” According to the Tankleader page, our community -> thebuddyforum, has 130k registered users, for right now 7 bots that can be discussed about there. And Honorbuddy is the one with probably half of them. And from there on your logic just took the wrong path :/ 你(文章)寫到:"根據TL的網頁,TL有將近13萬的使用者" 我們的社群網頁"thebuddyforum"註冊用戶有13萬人 但是我們有7種(不同遊戲的)BOT在這討論 而且光是Honorbuddy(WoW的BOT)就非常有可能超過半數(13萬) 所以你邏輯推錯了 You wrote: “Why are bots a problem at all, since some seem to play better than your average Joe Tomato?” and then you explained why. However our head developer had over 3k games played, before he started working on Tankleader, and another 2k in process of the development, and i am talking about manual played games. With his expertise the bot has the following target: getting as much XP and Credits as fast as possible. We are not even sure that average Joe will help you in any situation, so there is no difference between him and the bot, except if the bot is in your range, then it will engage to get its kills up, and therefore more XP and Credits. 你(文章)寫到:"所以為什麼BOT會是個大問題?" 接著你這樣回答:"因為某些BOT甚至打得比普通人還好" 我們的開發組的領導人在開發TK以前玩過3千場以上 另一個在開發過程中也玩了2千場 而且我講的場數是自己玩,不是掛機 憑藉著他們對遊戲的認知,BOT會有這個目標:盡快並且盡量賺取經驗以及銀幣 我們不能確定普通人在甚麼情況下會幫你 所以BOT跟玩家其實沒有差別 除非BOT跟你在不遠的範圍內與敵人交戰 他會搶你的擊殺,連帶搶了你的經驗和銀幣 You wrote: “Automated means could work better – for starters a bot memory scan like World of Warcraft has. It works fairly well, despite bots evolving all the time.” You might be misinformed on this one, WOW does not scan Memory, they would be stupid to do so and intrude any personal laws in the EU. WOW scans only the Memory it uses itself. But if you do not inject in a game, there is no injection to be found. 你(文章)寫到:"自動操作可以運作的更好,給剛開始接觸BOT的人一個例子: WoW的一個記憶體掃描BOT,隨時間不斷進化並且運作非常良好" 你可能被誤導了,WoW不會掃描記憶體 他們如果笨到這樣做就會觸犯歐盟任何有關隱私的法律 WoW只會掃描他所使用的記憶體 你沒有進入遊戲,就掃描不到記憶體裡有關遊戲的資料 SS: There you have it. Now, I don’t mind being wrong or corrected. After all, I am not a programmer. I think it’s actually some pretty interesting stuff. This man confirms the Wargaming version that the “bot plague” might have been a bit overblown, but that does not change the fact that there are currently quite a few bots active – enough to run into one at least two or three times, if you play an entire day (either that, or I was extremely unlucky). SS:正如你所見。 現在的我不介意我是對的或是錯的,畢竟我不是一個程式設計師 我認為這其實有些有趣的點 這位先生證實了WG聲稱的BOT瘟疫(指BOT對遊戲生態的破壞)太吹了 但這不會改變目前仍然有部分BOT正在運作的事實: 量多到如果你打一整天的話會遇到至少一個,甚至兩三個 (還是說我真的是有夠衰) <註1> 這一段主要內容大致上是出自我朋友 因此附上他對原文的理解與解釋內容: 歐洲那邊的法官應該是抱持花錢買斷 如何使用是個人行為的態度 就像買刀子要做菜還是殺人是個人行為 賣刀的人無權去干涉 因此軟體(遊戲)公司沒有權利要求用戶(玩家)怎麼去"使用"軟體 舉個例子:我用正版win7來進行詐騙 我違法 但是微軟沒有權力因為這樣就把我的正版win7給解除 所以EULA還是ToS之類的碗糕不太具有法律效力 -- 譯:這些是在歐洲的情況 最好還是不要以身試法比較好) 然後關於青色字的部分 理由其實跟SS差不多 我不是coder 對WoW不熟 內文又是德國人寫的 到底該怎麼翻才能正確還請高手出馬了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 23:16, , 1F
雖然他的論述大多是站得住腳的 但是特地出來發一篇
02/22 23:16, 1F

02/22 23:16, , 2F
02/22 23:16, 2F

02/22 23:16, , 3F
02/22 23:16, 3F

02/22 23:17, , 4F
02/22 23:17, 4F

02/22 23:17, , 5F
02/22 23:17, 5F

02/22 23:17, , 6F
02/22 23:17, 6F

02/22 23:18, , 7F
不能這樣嗎? 把BOT寫入使用者規範之類的
02/22 23:18, 7F

02/22 23:24, , 8F
什麼! 原來那些紅人都不是BOT?
02/22 23:24, 8F

02/22 23:29, , 9F
02/22 23:29, 9F

02/22 23:45, , 10F

02/22 23:46, , 11F
02/22 23:46, 11F

02/22 23:46, , 12F
02/22 23:46, 12F

02/22 23:59, , 13F
原來如此 難怪我常看到有人打輸BOT
02/22 23:59, 13F

02/23 00:32, , 14F
我剛剛遇到BOT 發指令會跟著我...這正常嗎?!
02/23 00:32, 14F

02/23 00:58, , 15F
個人看法 關於BOT不是"使用遊戲的犯罪工具"
02/23 00:58, 15F

02/23 00:58, , 16F
02/23 00:58, 16F

02/23 01:02, , 17F
另外 非經授權修改遊戲程式 並有營利行為
02/23 01:02, 17F

02/23 01:03, , 18F
02/23 01:03, 18F

02/23 01:05, , 19F
02/23 01:05, 19F

02/23 01:09, , 20F
WOW的BOT一堆穿牆、穿地板 沒改程式能這麼IMBA?
02/23 01:09, 20F

02/23 01:10, , 21F
02/23 01:10, 21F

02/23 01:15, , 22F
那麼..是否可預期未來的BOT 子彈可穿牆打人? SPG go!
02/23 01:15, 22F

02/23 01:18, , 23F
靠 突然想到WOW的降CD外掛 以後遇到loading超短的...
02/23 01:18, 23F

02/23 01:18, , 24F
02/23 01:18, 24F

02/23 01:19, , 25F
除非你駭進他們伺服器 但是這樣所有人都會跟你一樣
02/23 01:19, 25F

02/23 01:29, , 26F
哪些程式是客戶端運算 哪些是伺服端運算 小怒伯哪懂
02/23 01:29, 26F

02/23 01:30, , 27F
我只是說出我所遇過的BOT 加上又是同家外掛公司出品
02/23 01:30, 27F

02/23 02:40, , 28F
BOT有些真的還滿不錯的XD 說不定哪天會成長成神操作
02/23 02:40, 28F

02/23 07:26, , 29F
02/23 07:26, 29F

02/23 08:38, , 30F
02/23 08:38, 30F

02/23 08:39, , 31F
02/23 08:39, 31F

02/23 08:40, , 32F
02/23 08:40, 32F

02/23 08:40, , 33F
02/23 08:40, 33F

02/23 10:54, , 34F
02/23 10:54, 34F

02/23 10:54, , 35F
02/23 10:54, 35F

02/23 12:14, , 36F
02/23 12:14, 36F

02/23 12:14, , 37F
02/23 12:14, 37F

02/24 17:36, , 38F
BOT業配文嘛? 我要買
02/24 17:36, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1J2BqyED (Wargaming)