[情報] 9/28 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2013/09/29 00:56), 編輯推噓19(19023)
留言42則, 25人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
- it’s technically possible to make a 1200*1200m WoT map 技術上製作1200*1200m大小的地圖是可行的 - Storm states that it’s not necessery to add the AAMG to some tanks, but it ’s pretty (SS: as in that pintle-mounted MG, that isn’t a part of collision model anyway) Storm表示幫戰車製作防空機槍模型並非必要,不過防空機槍好帥啊。 (SS:就是那些裝在桿式槍架上的機槍,總之沒有命中判定) (譯註:像IS-7或是IS-6砲塔頂部的機槍) - it’s completely possible that when tank overturning is implemented, a tank, going down hill full speed will roll on its back if it gets detracked by intertia 當戰車翻車機制引入後,戰車如果全速衝下山又因為慣性斷履帶,那整台車翻過來是 完全有可能的 - for now there are no plans for more TD’s with more alpha than Jpz E-100 暫時不打算引入更多比JPE100更大管的TD (大致可以解讀為FV4005短期內不會出現) - for now, it’s not planned to delete inactive accounts, that are “blocking ” attractive names, as there are difficulties connected with that 不打算把佔著ID不玩遊戲的非活躍帳號刪掉,因為有相關的困難處。 - MM weight of vehicles will not be officially disclosed 車輛分房權重不會由官方公開。 - the 60mm frontal armor T-34 variant (intended as the hull option for T-34) is not the Leningrad “s ekranami” variant (with spaced armor), the 60mm plate is apparently homogenous 擁有60mm前裝甲的T-34次型號(設定上是T-34未來的車體研發選項)並不是列寧格勒生產的 s ekranami型(裝了間隙裝甲的版本),而是60mm均質鋼板。 http://tankarchives.blogspot.tw/2013/08/s-ekranami.html http://tankarchives.blogspot.ca/2013/05/research-into-soviet-armour-protection .html 延伸閱讀。 - optional hull variants with spaced armor will be kept separate from turrets with spaced armor apparently (SS: as in, there will be an option to install only the hull with spaced armor, while the spaced armor on the turret (where possible) might appear either as equipment, or as a separate turret module) 車體與砲塔的間隙裝甲研發選項會是分開的。 (SS:也就是說未來可以選擇只在車體上加掛間隙裝甲,而砲塔的間隙裝甲可能以研發選項 或是裝備的形式出現) - SerB states that he doesn’t consider earlier-implemented vehicles to be obsolete by the fact WG implemented newer high alpha vehicles SerB表示即使WG引入新的高alpha車種,比較早推出的車並不會因此而顯得過時沒有競爭力 - T-34-2 is worse than Type 59? “Don’t play T-34-2〃 T-34-2比59式差? 「不爽不要開」 - the gold ammo for credits statistics are “fine”, which also means WG won’ t be limiting this in high tiers (SS: some player was whining that too many people shoot gold on tier 10) 金彈銀買的數據表現良好,這也表示WG不會在高階金彈銀買上追加任何限制。 (SS:某些玩家在抱怨太多人在TX場打金彈) - NPC tanks won’t be introduced to WoT, as it is much complicated to make AI tanks than AI planes (like in WoWp) NPC戰車不會引入,因為戰車的自動駕駛系統比戰機難做太多。 - SerB states that this MM is normal SerB覺得這個分房沒什麼問題 http://cs313519.vk.me/v313519808/50da/-RKAenKgNVY.jpg
- Q: “Will there be a post-battle player performance rating by other players, something like the reputation on forums?” A: “‘I WILL NEGREP YOU YOU CAMPING BUSH-LOVING WANKER!!111!!’ yea right…” 「會追加功能讓玩家在戰鬥之後給予其他玩家評價,像是論壇上的評價系統嗎? 「『我要給你負評,你這個龜樹叢的爛貨啊哈哈哈』,聽起來真棒...」 - Japanese planes in WoWp being fragile is an intended feature WoP日本飛機像是紙糊的是故意設計的國家特徵。 - T-34-3 price is fine T-34-3的價錢沒問題 http://ppt.cc/~Z1k 額外資訊:WoWS,日本帝國海軍高雄級重巡洋艦。 順手翻一翻好了,不過翻譯品質比較沒保證。 The construction of the heavy cruiser Takao, along with the other same class ships (Atago, Chōkai, Maya), was initially considered as a modernized and improved sequel of the successful Myōkō-class vessels. 重巡洋艦高雄與其姊妹艦──愛宕、鳥海、摩耶被認定是妙高級重巡的現代化改良版本。 This new ship not only was an upgraded version of her predecessor, but also carried significant additions like strengthened belt armor, a swivel-mounted 3 barrel torpedo launchers, hull made out of Ducol steel and 3 seaplanes aboard. Realization of the vast majority of these innovations was accomplished thanks to mediation of Vice Admiral Yuzuru Hiraga who was head of the project in its early stages. He learned about these improvements from his friend – veteran shipbuilder Eustace Tennyson d'Eyncourt when during one of their conversations they touched on contemporary British battleships. Hiraga decided to keep up with British constructors. 這艘新艦不只是她前級艦的升級版,同時也具備了明顯的額外特徵,例如強化裝甲帶、 迴轉台式三管魚雷發射器、杜克勒鋼(低錳結構鋼)建造的船體與三架水上機。大部分的 創新設計得以實裝必須歸功於造艦計畫的領導者──海軍技術中將平賀讓。平賀在與好友 ──英國資深船艦設計師尤斯塔斯‧田尼森‧德-埃文科從男爵談論當代英國戰艦時得知 這些改良方案,從而決定與英國造艦者採取一致步調。 (譯註:原文似乎搞錯了什麼,高雄竣工時裝的魚雷管是4座雙聯裝,42年改裝為4座四聯裝 ,應該沒有搭載三聯裝魚雷發射管的紀錄) From the technical point of view Takao was quite close to excellence, though at the same time her name was rather simple (same applies for her sister ships). Takao, Chōkai, Maya and Atago traditionally got their names after 4 Japanese mountains. It’s worth mentioning that “Takao” was quite popular among the navy - 3 other ships (all decommissioned and scrapped by that time) were named exactly the same way. 從技術觀點上,高雄頗為優秀。而她的命名方式則頗簡單,高雄、鳥海、摩耶、愛宕的艦 名來自日本四座山岳。同時,「高雄」這個名字在日本海軍中頗受歡迎,有三艘軍艦( 在高雄級服役時已經全數退役解體)曾以相同的名稱命名。 (譯註:分別是京都府高雄山、秋田/山形縣境的鳥海山、兵庫的摩耶山和京都府愛宕山 ;之前叫做高雄的軍艦分別是戊辰戰爭時的高雄丸、明治時期的運兵艦高雄丸、同時期 的三等海防艦高雄。) Takao was commissioned in 1932 and during her service experienced three modernizations of equipment; several times she was badly damaged. Takao also participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, where she was hit by torpedoes from submarine USS Darter. 重巡洋艦高雄於1932年進入服役序列,曾經經歷三次現代化改裝與數次嚴重受損。 高雄參加了萊特灣海戰,於戰役中被美軍潛艇Darter發射的魚雷擊中大破。 (譯註:美軍二戰潛艇多以魚類名稱命名,不過我沒查到Darter中文該怎麼翻...) The last place of her service was Seletar Harbor (Singapore) where together with “older sister” Myōkō she was moored as floating AA batteries. The Royal Navy looking for revenge after several rather embarrassing defeats developed a sophisticated sabotage operation to sank both of them - midget submarine HMS XE3 sneaked under ship's keel and placed there 6 limpet mines that when set off would detonate 4 tons of explosives located at the bottom of the ship. The explosion caused a huge breach in the ship's hull partially sinking it, thus Takao never sailed again. 高雄的最終任務是在新加坡的實里達港,與學姊艦妙高共同擔任水上防空砲台工作。 英國皇家海軍在數次受挫之後為了找回面子而策劃了緻密的破壞行動以除去這兩艘重巡 ──微型潛艇XE3摸到高雄的龍骨正下方且安裝了六枚帽貝狀水雷,啟動時高雄船底的 四噸炸藥將會被引爆。這次爆破在船體上炸出一個大洞,同時讓艦體部分浸水。自此之後 高雄再也沒有出海。 -- Tier1 似乎很好玩的樣子... Tier7 你能面對白板車嗎? Tier2 新主砲真是太令人高興了   Tier8 把組員賣掉的我,真是個笨蛋 Tier3 已經沒什麼好研發的了     Tier9 那樣的前置變速箱,我絕不允許 Tier4 死組員、壞零件,都是存在的 Tier10 再也不依靠隊友 Tier5 怎麼可能會爆彈藥架 Tier11 最後留下的科技樹 Tier6 燒兩次車絕對很奇怪啊 Tier12 我最好的開發商(WG) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/29 01:02, , 1F
09/29 01:02, 1F

09/29 01:02, , 2F
WoWS不知會不會跟艦これ合作 XD
09/29 01:02, 2F

09/29 01:02, , 3F
09/29 01:02, 3F

09/29 01:03, , 4F
09/29 01:03, 4F

09/29 01:06, , 5F
09/29 01:06, 5F

09/29 01:11, , 6F
09/29 01:11, 6F

09/29 01:13, , 7F
09/29 01:13, 7F

09/29 01:15, , 8F
09/29 01:15, 8F

09/29 01:16, , 9F
09/29 01:16, 9F
※ 編輯: hsinhanchu 來自: (09/29 01:51)

09/29 01:33, , 10F
09/29 01:33, 10F

09/29 01:54, , 11F
阿 不就跟喵式一定燒起來是同樣道理嗎XDDDD
09/29 01:54, 11F
※ 編輯: hsinhanchu 來自: (09/29 01:57)

09/29 02:17, , 12F
艦娘玩一玩 現在都沒辦法正眼看戰艦討論了..
09/29 02:17, 12F

09/29 02:25, , 13F
零式真的超級紙 被掃到就去掉半條
09/29 02:25, 13F

09/29 02:25, , 14F
09/29 02:25, 14F

09/29 02:46, , 15F
09/29 02:46, 15F

09/29 02:46, , 16F
09/29 02:46, 16F

09/29 03:09, , 17F
零式那個是基於史實沒錯 但說成國家特色實在是有點
09/29 03:09, 17F

09/29 03:09, , 18F
09/29 03:09, 18F

09/29 03:12, , 19F
09/29 03:12, 19F

09/29 03:41, , 20F
Darter如果是指魚的話 多半翻成鏢鱸 一種北美淡水魚
09/29 03:41, 20F

09/29 07:08, , 21F
09/29 07:08, 21F

09/29 09:55, , 22F
09/29 09:55, 22F

09/29 11:34, , 23F
零式的脆弱是符合史實 要說是國家特性也無可厚非
09/29 11:34, 23F

09/29 11:51, , 24F
09/29 11:51, 24F

09/29 12:27, , 25F
09/29 12:27, 25F

09/29 12:28, , 26F
09/29 12:28, 26F

09/29 12:42, , 27F
讓敵人打不中跟神風 裝甲好壞就沒差阿
09/29 12:42, 27F

09/29 14:39, , 28F
最大管的不是183嗎? 怎麼會用百突來做比較基準XD
09/29 14:39, 28F

09/29 14:44, , 29F
09/29 14:44, 29F

09/29 15:44, , 30F
09/29 15:44, 30F

09/29 15:49, , 31F
09/29 15:49, 31F

09/29 17:49, , 32F
Darter翻成海鯽是錯的... 因為Darter是淡水魚
09/29 17:49, 32F

09/29 17:56, , 33F
09/29 17:56, 33F

09/29 18:04, , 34F
仔細查了一下 這台SS-227的中文譯名真的是滿天飛
09/29 18:04, 34F

09/29 18:13, , 35F
09/29 18:13, 35F

09/29 18:14, , 36F
09/29 18:14, 36F

09/29 18:25, , 37F
60mm裝甲厚的T-34都沒人覺得IMBA嗎= =?
09/29 18:25, 37F

09/29 18:26, , 38F
09/29 18:26, 38F

09/29 18:30, , 39F
09/29 18:30, 39F

09/29 19:32, , 40F
09/29 19:32, 40F

09/29 19:40, , 41F
09/29 19:40, 41F

09/30 13:36, , 42F
09/30 13:36, 42F
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