[情報] 7/30 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/07/31 11:03), 編輯推噓16(16011)
留言27則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
各位抱歉,昨天晚上一群朋友糾團送行喝多了所以拖到現在XD = 蘇聯T3LT LTP確認是15周年慶的禮物車,RU在8/12會送出,其他伺服器還不確定。 - it looks like the T92 will not be the tier 8 American light tank after all 看來T92LT沒辦法放T8。 - SerB wasn’t the WG vice-president in the beginning, he got promoted from the position of lead game designer SerB是從遊戲總設計師的位置晉升為(開發)副總裁。 - after the chat is reworked, the clanmembers will apparently recieve the status of a “friend”, when it comes to the question, whether you can recieve a whisper (PM) from them or not 當聊天系統重做之後,同公會成員會拿到和好友一樣的權限,可以互發私人訊息。 - after 8.7 the MM is working fine, according to SerB SerB表示8.7後MM運作良好 - SerB on historical battles: “Correctly made historical mode is somewhat complicated. We are working on that. Wait for announcements, there will be tests of some of its elements (including those, that will not be most likely implemented in the end, but most of the players want them, because they don’ t know how will they look in the game)” SerB評論歷史戰役:「想把歷史模式做對某種意義上挺複雜的,我們還在作業中,等公告 。我們還會測某些歷史戰役中的元素(包含那些玩家很想要但不是最有可能加入的元素─ ─其實玩家自己都搞不清楚他們想要的元素在遊戲裡面究竟長怎樣) - the chance to set the already burning tank on fire again is technically the same, of course it’s a bit different with destroyed fueltanks (it’s easier to do that once they are damaged), but that’s not a process based on probability 讓著火的戰車再被點燃一次的機率在技術上一樣,當然這和油箱全毀的機率不同(黃色 的油箱比較容易被打紅,紅了就燒了),後者不是基於機率。 (簡單說,無論著火與否,引擎著火機率都是固定數字。而油箱全毀之前都不會燒) - Object 416 will be balanced “as usual” Obj.416會「照老方法」平衡。 - the tier 9 new Soviet med branch problem is caused by general lack of data, not only the drawings 蘇聯MT二線缺T9不只是缺草圖,其實資料東缺西缺。 - it’s possible that the Israeli centurion (Sho’t Kal) did fire HESH rounds in real life (SS: this is not related to WoT, player asked because of some movie) 以色列版本的百夫長(Sho't)在史實上有用過HESH (這和遊戲無關,只是有人看了電影上來問) - Nuclear-powered tanks (such as the TV-8) will not be implemented into the game 不會有核動力戰車,例如說克萊斯勒TV8之類的。 - FV4202 is doing fine statistically FV4202數據上表現OK - Germans did experiment with uranium penetrators in real life (SS: but not depleted uranium, simply uranium, it was a program to compensate for the lack of tungsten) 納粹德國曾考慮用鈾當穿甲彈芯(不是耗乏鈾,鈾235未分離),做為缺鎢的代替方案。 - when a gun damages a module (with the “damage to modules” being a hidden stat), this damage is also subjected to +/-25 RNG (SS: in other words, damage to modules is known to be roughly equal to gun caliber, so a 100mm gun does 100 damage to module HP, but this 100 damage in reality is 75-125) 砲的模組破壞力也有25%RNG變動。 順帶一提這個數字大約和口徑正比。 - it’s possible that the WoWp tier 1 airplanes will also come with 100 percent crew in the future 未來WoP的T1機可能也會拿到100%組員。 (其實不是T1撞牆,是T3。當初開Ar.80被Bf109電慘了) - WG has a special deparment, that tracks the economy situation in the game (for example the game being too overflooded with silver due to too generous awards) WG有個特殊部門專門追蹤遊戲中的經濟狀況(例如說活動是不是太好導致銀幣太多之類) - the aforementioned department also makes sure that there is no inflation in the game at all 前述部門也負責保障遊戲中不會出現通膨。 - there will be some training room filter re-work (to make looking for training rooms easier), “it’s done when it’s done” 訓練房過濾系統會重製,讓找訓練房比較簡單。WIDID。 - E-100 150mm gun uses HEAT shells and not subcaliber ones, because the barrel is not long enough for subcaliber shells (SS: subcaliber penetrators, being smaller from definition, are easier to influence by outside environment need longer barrel to reach higher velocities to be accurate enough, otherwise they fly all over the place) E-100的150mm主砲使用HEAT而非APCR是因為砲倍徑數太低,APCR彈需要夠長的砲管加速 才能達成穩定彈道。 - the crew member uniform pictures will not be changed (SS: as in, Bundeswehr uniforms looked different than Wehrmacht ones) 組員制服不會改變(例如說換乘iPanzer、PTA和Leo的時候組員制服不會從國防軍換成 聯邦國防軍的版本。) - LTP means “Legkij Tank Provornova – Provornov’s light tank” – it’s named after its designer LTP的意思是Learn To Play,開這台車打爆敵人可以嘲笑對方「UCCU LTP」(大誤) 原本的名字轉寫成拉丁字母是Legkij Tank Provornova,「Provornov輕戰車」,依設計 者的名字命名。 - IS-7 is not underpowered according to SerB SerB表示IS7不會太弱 - the reason the SU-85B has worse depression than SU-76 despite the chassis being the same is the gun (SS: the breech, being larger, often interferes with that) SU-85B和SU-76用同一個車體,但是85B的主砲比較大,所以俯角比較差。 SS提到砲閂會妨礙主砲往下降,其實主砲防盾也可能。 - there might be special rewards (“high level content”) also for players not playing CW’s, but it won’t be “for free” (as in, easy to get) 未來可能會有給非CW高端玩家的獎品,但是也不會太好拿。 (以NA來說,拿M60靠的是活躍玩家、外交和指揮,和個人技術無關。昨天看到SSGS的開M60 出來三排,沒一個勝率過51%的。) - SerB states it’s virtually impossible to create a game where planes and tanks fight each other on one map, he states that even War Thunder developers, who initially promised such a thing, are slowly and silently backing down from that concept (SS: actually, the question was about WoT players being able to play against War Thunder players, but I think SerB got confused and answered something else) SerB表示基本上不可能製作一個飛機和戰車可以同時對戰的地圖,即使WT當初把這個當賣 點,最近卻對這個概念裝死同時開始默默吃書。 (SS:其實SerB搞錯了,原本是問WOT的玩家能不能和WT的玩家對戰。) (SerB大概會回答「想對戰?自己去找個有兩台電腦的房間...」) - Separate server for training, with everything for free and 0 costs of repairs? “And what’s in it for us? :)” (SS: Storm answered, not SerB) 分離的訓練用伺服器,什麼東西都免費,包含修車也免費? Storm:「那我們賺什麼?」 Actually, it was said earlier by SerB that Storm got so pissed with whiners that he started appearing less and less in the Q&A thread, which is true – he didn’t answer stuff in ages. SerB稍早表示Storm被論壇上的白癡惹毛了,所以他開始不爽回Q&A。 -- 30 second countdown, someone types the master plan: "All the noobs rush the hill and the rest def" random guy: "What is def ?" "You, rush the hill..." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/31 11:06, , 1F
07/31 11:06, 1F

07/31 11:11, , 2F
最後一個只想說 好貼蘿菠,平常戳人居然生氣
07/31 11:11, 2F

07/31 11:27, , 3F
07/31 11:27, 3F

07/31 11:28, , 4F
07/31 11:28, 4F

07/31 11:30, , 5F
07/31 11:30, 5F

07/31 11:40, , 6F
M60都有人抱大腿去拿了 勝率不滿50不意外XD"?
07/31 11:40, 6F

07/31 11:42, , 7F
昨天才遇到某印尼工會M60組排 勝率 48 49 48
07/31 11:42, 7F

07/31 11:42, , 8F
07/31 11:42, 8F

07/31 11:48, , 9F
07/31 11:48, 9F

07/31 12:05, , 10F
07/31 12:05, 10F

07/31 12:12, , 11F
IS-7...是不弱 但怕這台的人肯定不多
07/31 12:12, 11F

07/31 12:15, , 12F
歷史戰役 有可能出史達林格勒之類的嗎? 感覺很酷~
07/31 12:15, 12F

07/31 12:20, , 13F
核動力戰車爆炸 周圍50m的戰車會一起受到高爆傷害嗎
07/31 12:20, 13F

07/31 12:24, , 14F
其實Serb挺聰明的 平常就troll人 才不會對白癡認真
07/31 12:24, 14F

07/31 12:24, , 15F
被白癡搞到不想回Q&A真的挺可惜的 很棒的資料平臺
07/31 12:24, 15F

07/31 12:25, , 16F
07/31 12:25, 16F

07/31 12:49, , 17F
Storm中嘲諷了 震怒中
07/31 12:49, 17F

07/31 12:50, , 18F
MM娘沒壞??我才不信哩 http://ppt.cc/2SBj
07/31 12:50, 18F

07/31 12:52, , 19F
07/31 12:52, 19F

07/31 12:54, , 20F
剛剛排到的 秒進...
07/31 12:54, 20F

07/31 12:59, , 21F
連Storm都怒了 這個問題應該是真的很蠢 XD
07/31 12:59, 21F

07/31 12:59, , 22F
看來SerB修養很好阿... (茶
07/31 12:59, 22F

07/31 13:13, , 23F
07/31 13:13, 23F

07/31 13:14, , 24F
07/31 13:14, 24F

07/31 13:14, , 25F
07/31 13:14, 25F

07/31 13:25, , 26F
開IS7 打E5正面的無力感...
07/31 13:25, 26F

07/31 15:46, , 27F
59式就是給非CW高端玩家的 真的不會太好拿..(躺
07/31 15:46, 27F
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