[情報] 5/23 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/05/24 01:05), 編輯推噓21(21016)
留言37則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
碎碎念: 差28K經驗值就能點出M103了,好久沒有衝一台車衝得這麼勤。 另外今天似乎在El Halluf遇上某位和我開同型車的鄉民。 - all the promo tanks have the same rules as the premium ones, when it comes to crew 推廣車/獎品車的組員規則和金幣車一樣。 (M60/7201/907可以直接把中坦/重坦組員放上去,不用轉訓) - the AMX-13/Chaffee hybrid will go to the nation, "to which it is more convenient" AMX-13/霞飛混合車會給「方便的」那國。 - whether it is introduced: "no comment" 至於什麼時候引入遊戲?慢慢等。 - if Object 430 is ever introduced, it will be tier 10 「如果」Obj.430 (T-64原型車,保證不含滑膛砲成份,請安心服用)引進遊戲,會是TX - in the next patch, the HEAT mechanic won't be changed further, after that - "no comment" 下一版HEAT的機制不會再有更多更動(限於前幾天說的內容),但是未來會怎樣不保證。 - British tanks won't have HESH rounds replaced with HEAT 英國戰車的HESH不會被HEAT取代 - the turret and hull hitpoint changes reason is better HP distribution when switching turrets 砲塔和車體的耐久度變動是為了換砲塔的時候會有更合理的耐久值分佈 - 0.8.6 won't be the last 0.8.X series patch 8.6之後會有其他8字頭更新。 - devs consider the "newly researched tanks get better MM" a proper thing 開發組認為給白板車更好的分房是OK的。 - T-43 lost the 100mm gun (long time ago), both because it wasn't historical and for balance reasons - 100mm D-10T won't return to the Soviet medium tanks on tier 7 - T-43 won't get an alternative gun in the future T-43的D-10T很久很久以前被拔掉是因為不符合史實&平衡需求,未來不會裝回去, 也不會給更好的新砲。 List of superheavy tanks (for the purpose of extra large spall liner): 超重戰車列表(要裝超大型防爆襯層) USSR: KV-4, KV-5 Germany: GW E, JT88, Jagtiger, Jagdpanzer E-100, VK4502 Ausf.B, Maus, Lowe, E-75, E-100, VK7201 US: T95, T110E3 UK: Tortoise, FV215b, TOG II - devs are permanently fighting illegal mods 開發組與違規mod的戰鬥永無止盡。 - there will be no game mode without arties 不會有無砲兵模式,Garbad仍需努力。 - it's possible that Walker Bulldog will be implemented as the US light tank one tier higher than Chaffee M41華克猛犬可能會放在霞飛的上一階。 - if you have a spall liner on Maus or other superheavies installed, it will be uninstalled automatically, changed to extra large and moved to depot 如果在超重型戰車上面已經裝了大型防爆墊,改版的時候會自動拔下來放進倉庫並且會 長大成超大型。 - 8.7 will apparently bring US rebalance + British arty (SS: earlier it was said that 8.7 will come very soon after 8.6, possibly within 2 weeks) 8.7會出英國砲兵同時調整美國車。 (SS:8.7會緊接在8.6後面,可能只要兩周) (T57HT終於要nerf了嗎?) - 8.8 will not contain German TD's 8.8還不會出德國第二TD線 - there is no plan to introduce decals for kills (SS: such as the German rings on barrel, or skulls like the fighter planes did) 不打算製作擊殺標誌(例如說砲管上漆擊破數之類的) - Storm explains the XP for detracks: "It will be only for XP, there will be no credit bonus. The detrack bonus will be 25 percent at the most (and not 50 percent like when lighting up). Storm解釋準備中的斷履帶分經驗機制:當一台敵車被打斷履帶,在這個情況下被友軍 攻擊時,打斷履帶那台車只分經驗不分錢,最多分25%。 - there will be more premium tier 8 tanks in 2013, they will be introduced gradually (not all at once) 今年會有更多T8金幣車,會慢慢出。 Also, you might have noticed there are basically 0.8.6 changes out already officially - allegedly, it's because the developers are certain that by the time the "finished" 0.8.6 hits the last phase of supertest, some supertester would leak the info anyway. In this sense, the leaks worked to open the "WG kitchen" a bit more. The EN translation is not exactly top notch either this time (for example EN "flight velocity of shells for short mortars will be nerfed by 50 percent" RU: "UP TO 50 percent") but it's okay. Big changes then. Here's what Storm commented under his article. 大意:8.6超測大致完工,開發組也預估到會有一些情報洩漏。目前流出的情報可能 有一些翻譯不精確,但是沒有太大影響。Storm的評論: Following changes were done to the economy - rebalance of gold shell prices: - with each gold shell, its effectivity was considered (taking into account its damage and penetration) and its price was changed to match its effectivity - subcaliber shells were sometimes made more expensive, sometimes cheaper - HEAT shells were almost all made more expensive, because they proved to be cheaper for the same performance of the subcaliber shells - premium HE shells were practically not touched, apart from some exceptions 經濟系統的變動,特種彈部分: 每種彈藥的有效程度都有分別計算(穿甲和傷害都有考量),依據這個有效程度去調整價格) 次口徑彈藥(APCR/APDS/HVAP)有些變貴,有些變便宜。 HEAT基本上都漲價,因為同樣表現下HEAT比次口徑便宜。 HE的爆風特裝彈除了幾個特例之外不動 (可以解釋一下德規75mm調整到7G是哪招嗎) - dynamic camera does mean that the camera will stop that nasty twitching, when the tank is going over the railway 動態攝影機視角在戰車通過鐵軌的時候,攝影機視角不會一直抖。 - there will be no special opportunity to buy new camos (camo reset + price refund) 不會讓玩家把車上的迷彩刮下來退貨然後免費換漆另外一種。 - 0.8.6 will come in June 8.6:六月。 - the Korea map will use winter camo 新的那張韓國地圖(Tundra)是冬季地圖 - Storm has no info on the Nvidia crash bug yet Storm目前沒有關於NV問題的資訊。 (WOT兩大系統問題:多核心優化&NV驅動程式) - France will (as seen on the previously released pictures) have more modern camos 法國會有更現代的迷彩塗裝 - the E-100 armor nerf reason is "unification" (SS: with Jpz E-100 I think) E100的裝甲變動是為了和JE100取得一致。 (側面有一塊裝甲帶從90改為30,正面觀測孔從80改為200,另外一塊側面裝甲我忘了) - railway tracks were not yet sunk into the ground (as Storm planned to do) in 0.8.6 8.6過鐵軌還是會上上下下。 -- Q: "Dear developers, does WoT generate so little profit that you have to reduce the profitability of the tanks?" A: "Dear players, do you play so bad that you have to imagine the profitability drops all the time?" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/24 01:10, , 1F
..KV1的122好像也不合史實 WIKI查到只上76mm...
05/24 01:10, 1F

05/24 01:14, , 2F
05/24 01:14, 2F

05/24 01:14, , 3F
是史實,Object.229 (KV-9)
05/24 01:14, 3F

05/24 01:15, , 4F
白板車會有更好的分房? 主意不錯但有點難定義白板
05/24 01:15, 4F

05/24 01:20, , 5F
NV跟WOT合作送金幣促銷 但是驅動問題一直沒改善
05/24 01:20, 5F

05/24 01:20, , 6F
05/24 01:20, 6F

05/24 01:21, , 7F
05/24 01:21, 7F

05/24 01:33, , 8F
05/24 01:33, 8F

05/24 01:33, , 9F
05/24 01:33, 9F

05/24 01:33, , 10F
05/24 01:33, 10F

05/24 01:37, , 11F
05/24 01:37, 11F

05/24 01:37, , 12F
05/24 01:37, 12F

05/24 01:38, , 13F
05/24 01:38, 13F

05/24 01:51, , 14F
Walker Bulldog! 是時候儲 exp. 了
05/24 01:51, 14F

05/24 03:19, , 15F
05/24 03:19, 15F

05/24 06:16, , 16F
05/24 06:16, 16F

05/24 08:08, , 17F
05/24 08:08, 17F

05/24 08:25, , 18F
05/24 08:25, 18F

05/24 08:26, , 19F
05/24 08:26, 19F

05/24 08:26, , 20F
05/24 08:26, 20F

05/24 08:30, , 21F
霞飛和T-50-2都存了一堆經驗 期待都能繼續延伸下去
05/24 08:30, 21F

05/24 09:02, , 22F
WG一方面說要符合史實 一方面又說要真實去加入軍隊
05/24 09:02, 22F

05/24 09:02, , 23F
05/24 09:02, 23F

05/24 09:03, , 24F
不不 應該說玩遊戲本來就是爽就好
05/24 09:03, 24F

05/24 09:04, , 25F
保持歷史趣味性同時要平衡遊戲品質 我覺得做的還OK
05/24 09:04, 25F

05/24 09:09, , 26F
05/24 09:09, 26F

05/24 09:20, , 27F
05/24 09:20, 27F

05/24 09:27, , 28F
關於KV-1的122榴 可以查一下"KV-9"
05/24 09:27, 28F

05/24 11:39, , 29F
霞飛下一階可以不要再血尿修車費嗎,贏輸都賠 @@"
05/24 11:39, 29F

05/24 11:40, , 30F
05/24 11:40, 30F

05/24 12:08, , 31F
05/24 12:08, 31F

05/24 12:14, , 32F
完全不是這麼一回事= =
05/24 12:14, 32F

05/24 12:40, , 33F
修正一下是KV-1S才對的樣子 :P
05/24 12:40, 33F

05/24 14:47, , 34F
05/24 14:47, 34F

05/24 16:34, , 35F
05/24 16:34, 35F

05/24 17:34, , 36F
KV-85是使用kv-1s的車體加上新式砲塔(85mm D-5T)
05/24 17:34, 36F

05/27 14:14, , 37F
05/27 14:14, 37F
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