[情報] 7/9 5.4 PTR Patch Note

看板WOW作者 (夜取)時間11年前 (2013/07/09 11:04), 編輯推噓31(31056)
留言87則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10158897/54_PTR_Coming_Soon-6_11_2013 ※General Player spells with different target limits depending on raid size will gradually increase their limits based on the number of players in Flexible Raid difficulty. ※Battlegrounds and Arenas Conquest Point rewards for winning a random or call-to-arms Battleground match has been increased. First win of the day now awards 150 Conquest Points (up from 100). Subsequent wins now awards 75 Conquest Points (up from 50). ‧Strand of the Ancients Bombs are no longer an item held in the player's inventory and will now do considerably more damage, 4500 (up from 1250). Players carrying a bomb now have a button that allows them to place it with a spell effect over their heads. Placing a bomb takes 2 seconds, and can be interrupted like a Battleground capture point. Disarming a bomb takes 2 seconds, and can be interrupted like a Battleground capture point. Demolishers will no longer have the Ram ability and only one will spawn at each stage. ※Death Knight Scent of Blood now also has a chance to activate when the Death Knight dodges or parries a melee attack. ※Druid Guardian: Guardian Druids now gain Vengeance when their Treant takes damage. ※Hunter Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22. Silencing Shot is no longer a talent and is now an ability that replaces Counter Shot for Marksman Hunters. ※Monk Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger's summoned version of Xuen will no longer taunt off players that are tank-specialized. For Brewmaster Monks, they now gain Vengeance when Xuen takes damage. Keg Smash now deals 18% less damage. Mastery: Bottled Fury has been redesigned. The Mastery now gives a chance to generate an additional charge of Tigereye Brew when the Monk gains one normally. Tigereye Brew received a number of adjustments. Stacks up to 30 charges (up from 20 charges). Can be consumed 15 at a time (up from 10 at a time). Increases damage by 5% per stack, (up from 1% per stack) but is no longer increased by Mastery. The Monk gains 1 charge of Tigereye Brew for every 4 Chi spent (down from 1 charge per 3 Chi spent). ※Paladin Seal of Insight no longer has a chance to restore mana on attacks. Glyph of Battle Healer has been redesigned. The glyph now causes Seal of Insight to heal the most wounded raid or party member instead of the Paladin. Grand Crusader no longer has a chance to activate from Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous, but now has a 30% chance to activate when dodging or parrying a melee attack (up from 12%). ※Priest Shadowy Apparitions now creates a shadowy version of the Priest that floats towards the target and deals damage. The apparitions are now treated as a missile, and is no longer an attackable creature. ※Shaman Chain Heal's effectiveness will no longer decrease with each jump (up from a 30% reduction to healing with each jump). Earth Elemental Totem's summoned Greater Earth Elemental will no longer taunt off players that are tank-specialized. Healing Rain's radius has been increased to 12 yards, up from 10 yards. For 25-player instances, Healing Rain will heal for a reduced amount when healing more than 14 raid members. It remains the same in 10-player instances, healing for a reduced amount when healing more than 6 raid members. New Talent: Rushing Streams. This new talent replaces Healing Tide Totem, increases healing done by Healing Stream Totem by 100%, and causes the totem to heal 2 targets at once. Healing Tide Totem is no longer a talent and is a baseline ability for all Shamans. Additionally, this totem will now heal 12 raid members (up from 5) when used in a 25-player instance. Purification once again increases healing done by all water totems. Elemental Shaman 2-piece PvP set bonus has been changed. It now allows Lightning Shield to be triggered once every 1.5 seconds instead of once every 3 seconds. ※Warlock Archimonde's Vengeance has been redesigned. For the passive portion of the talent, each time the Warlock or their pet takes damage, the Warlock now gains 1% of the unmitigated damage back as spell power for 20 seconds. Glyph of Everlasting Affliction will be redesigned. Glyph of Soul Swap will be redesigned. Agony now deals 5% more damage. Drain Soul now deals 40% less damage, and if other periodic Affliction damage effects are triggered by Drain Soul, they now deal 60% of their normal damage (down from 100%). Haunt now deals 50% more damage, and increases damage done by all of the Warlock's other spells against the target by 45%. Malefic Grasp now deals 40% less damage, and causes all of of the Warlock's other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 30% of their normal periodic damage (down from 50%). Nightfall now gives Corruption a 7% chance to generate a Soul Shard (up from a 5% chance), but the increased chance only works on the most recently applied Corruption. Soul Swap no longer does any damage, and now copies damage-over-time effects instead of just moving them without needing a glyph. Copied effects now once again preserve their power and duration. Duration has been reduced to 6 seconds (down from 20 seconds). Unstable Affliction now deals 10% more damage. ※Warrior Revenge now generates 20 Rage (up from 15 Rage). ※Rogue Eviscerate now deals 10% less damage. Burst of Speed's cost has been reduced to 15 Energy (down from 30 Energy). Cheat Death now reduces damage taken by 85% after activating (up from 80%). Cloak and Dagger now allows the Rogue to use Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot from 40 yards away (up from 30 yards). Shadowstep now has a reduced cooldown of 20 seconds (down from 24 seconds). Assassination Rogues should no longer be eligible for any other weapon types except daggers in situations where loot is automatically awarded(Raid Finder, Bonus Rolls, Heroic/Normal Scenarios, and the upcoming Flexible Raid difficulty.) Backstab now deals 315% weapon damage (up from 275%). Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapons damage (up from 140%); 232% weapons damage if a dagger is equipped (up from 203% for daggers). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/09 11:06, , 1F
07/09 11:06, 1F

07/09 11:08, , 2F
臘A又多個技能了 但我看不到用途...
07/09 11:08, 2F

07/09 11:14, , 3F
終於等到了 治療鍊終於不遞減的 ...
07/09 11:14, 3F

07/09 11:16, , 4F
不遞減 但增加了隱藏的治療未命中(誤
07/09 11:16, 4F

07/09 11:17, , 5F
御風武僧精通又改了 WTF
07/09 11:17, 5F

07/09 11:19, , 6F
07/09 11:19, 6F

07/09 11:20, , 7F
07/09 11:20, 7F

07/09 11:22, , 8F
07/09 11:22, 8F

07/09 11:25, , 9F
不只喔 這樣改可以喝15層 會被爆發三輪喔揪咪^.<*
07/09 11:25, 9F

07/09 11:33, , 10F
07/09 11:33, 10F

07/09 11:34, , 11F
會讓人有種沒穿鎧甲只穿布拉甲的錯覺.. (要是人類武僧就..
07/09 11:34, 11F

07/09 11:37, , 12F
新天賦-圖騰一次治療2個目標 所以是2倍數目?
07/09 11:37, 12F

07/09 11:37, , 13F
不過以這樣更動來說 平均主撐精通大概每層增傷4.x%
07/09 11:37, 13F

07/09 11:39, , 14F
最多消耗10層增傷4X% 更動後每層固定給5% 最多消耗15層
07/09 11:39, 14F

07/09 11:40, , 15F
增傷75% 但由3氣消費換一層調整成4氣消費 新精通就很微妙
07/09 11:40, 15F

07/09 11:40, , 16F
07/09 11:40, 16F

07/09 11:41, , 17F
07/09 11:41, 17F

07/09 11:42, , 18F
07/09 11:42, 18F

07/09 11:42, , 19F
07/09 11:42, 19F

07/09 11:42, , 20F
看看某版懲戒的聖光之手 以及上版武僧精通連段破 XDD
07/09 11:42, 20F

07/09 11:43, , 21F
3->4堆疊速度-25%上下 固定5%傷害...humm...這微妙
07/09 11:43, 21F

07/09 11:43, , 22F
連段破是個失敗的設計啊 等於精通堆到一定程度以後根本
07/09 11:43, 22F

07/09 11:44, , 23F
沒用了 XD 是幾近完全無用喔 不是投報率變低.....
07/09 11:44, 23F

07/09 11:44, , 24F
而且所謂堆到一定程度的門檻也是奇低無比 很糟的設計
07/09 11:44, 24F

07/09 11:45, , 25F
07/09 11:45, 25F

07/09 11:45, , 26F
不是變低 是無法預測 連送你五發免費虎掌會哭出來
07/09 11:45, 26F

07/09 11:45, , 27F
沒 你大概tier 1 raid的裝收完左右 你會發現你的精通
07/09 11:45, 27F

07/09 11:46, , 28F
07/09 11:46, 28F

07/09 11:46, , 29F
07/09 11:46, 29F

07/09 11:47, , 30F
溢出的氣跟能量 = 完全無用 XD
07/09 11:47, 30F

07/09 11:49, , 31F
那是因為除了昇華沒啥好點啊 0rz
07/09 11:49, 31F

07/09 11:49, , 32F
昇華buff以前也是渣 不過buff以後頗不賴 :D
07/09 11:49, 32F

07/09 11:49, , 33F
尤其是對坦僧 讚(大拇指
07/09 11:49, 33F

07/09 11:51, , 34F
如果把強化符文武器跟真氣爆裂一起來比 特別是冰DK
07/09 11:51, 34F

07/09 11:52, , 35F
你可以打三發主攻技能的滅寂 但後者不能讓你連踹三次翔陽
07/09 11:52, 35F

07/09 12:14, , 36F
埃 又要buff戰坦啦 下一版傷害提升 狂怒恢復加倍 復仇怒
07/09 12:14, 36F

07/09 12:14, , 37F
提高 如果這樣會平衡 那這版的戰坦是在玩什麼? XD
07/09 12:14, 37F

07/09 12:27, , 38F
樓上 當然是玩沙呀
07/09 12:27, 38F

07/09 12:35, , 39F
07/09 12:35, 39F

07/09 12:41, , 40F
07/09 12:41, 40F

07/09 12:42, , 41F
07/09 12:42, 41F

07/09 12:43, , 42F
07/09 12:43, 42F

07/09 12:46, , 43F
裝上戰地醫者之後 洞察聖印是一秒十萬的智慧治療耶
07/09 12:46, 43F

07/09 12:46, , 44F
07/09 12:46, 44F

07/09 12:46, , 45F
BZ一定是腦殘吧 哪個補的智能治療可以一秒十萬的...
07/09 12:46, 45F

07/09 12:47, , 46F
之前洞察聖印只會補坦 大部份都溢補,改智慧治療之後..
07/09 12:47, 46F

07/09 12:48, , 47F
07/09 12:48, 47F

07/09 12:59, , 48F
御風開場就看不到爆發職車尾燈了 重新分配變屎後更慘
07/09 12:59, 48F

07/09 13:00, , 49F
現在還可以靠150%+的增傷慢慢追 之後最多75% 怎麼追
07/09 13:00, 49F

07/09 13:02, , 50F
07/09 13:02, 50F

07/09 13:06, , 51F
我很好奇為啥要改掉洞察的法力恢復 是不想讓補PAL在近
07/09 13:06, 51F

07/09 13:06, , 52F
07/09 13:06, 52F

07/09 14:07, , 53F
07/09 14:07, 53F

07/09 14:08, , 54F
07/09 14:08, 54F

07/09 14:08, , 55F
07/09 14:08, 55F

07/09 14:10, , 56F
07/09 14:10, 56F

07/09 14:11, , 57F
07/09 14:11, 57F

07/09 14:11, , 58F
你可能誤會什麼了 現在戰地醫者佔坦騎的治療量很低的
07/09 14:11, 58F

07/09 14:12, , 59F
只有十字軍、普攻、公正盾的20%傷害治療隊友 前兩個吃
07/09 14:12, 59F

07/09 14:12, , 60F
武器傷害的 那個傷害量之悲慘...
07/09 14:12, 60F

07/09 14:12, , 61F
07/09 14:12, 61F

07/09 14:13, , 62F
07/09 14:13, 62F

07/09 14:13, , 63F
洞察聖印吃45% SP 平均0.9秒觸發一次..不是戰地能比的啊
07/09 14:13, 63F

07/09 14:23, , 64F
07/09 14:23, 64F

07/09 14:24, , 65F
07/09 14:24, 65F

07/09 14:24, , 66F
越往後面的戰鬥越低 10H的戰鬥戰地比例都10%上下而已
07/09 14:24, 66F

07/09 14:24, , 67F
07/09 14:24, 67F

07/09 14:25, , 68F
坦騎的補量直接算比例是不對的 因為溢補太多了...
07/09 14:25, 68F

07/09 14:26, , 69F
07/09 14:26, 69F

07/09 14:26, , 70F
07/09 14:26, 70F

07/09 14:27, , 71F
07/09 14:27, 71F

07/09 14:30, , 72F
07/09 14:30, 72F

07/09 14:30, , 73F
07/09 14:30, 73F

07/09 14:35, , 74F
07/09 14:35, 74F

07/09 14:36, , 75F
07/09 14:36, 75F

07/09 14:40, , 76F
其實我覺得5.3的聖騎就已經夠誇張了 BZ也沒反應啊XD
07/09 14:40, 76F

07/09 14:40, , 77F
奇怪單刷40人野外Boss和單刷當前raid 10人boss都當沒看見
07/09 14:40, 77F

07/09 15:09, , 78F
07/09 15:09, 78F

07/09 15:39, , 79F
只有一行的 打臉兄弟會會長
07/09 15:39, 79F

07/09 15:41, , 80F
07/09 15:41, 80F

07/09 15:50, , 81F
為了拼H模式的dps傷害 坦補都要有輸出 所以拼加速正常?
07/09 15:50, 81F

07/09 15:51, , 82F
換句話說 坦補因應扣血補血有人類自然的反應瓶頸
07/09 15:51, 82F

07/09 15:52, , 83F
所以BZ才把腦袋動到調高boss的血 要大家拼輸出
07/09 15:52, 83F

07/09 16:05, , 84F
其實25人都沒這些問題 是10人坦克DPS太重要..
07/09 16:05, 84F

07/09 16:05, , 85F
07/09 16:05, 85F

07/09 18:41, , 86F
07/09 18:41, 86F

07/09 18:41, , 87F
07/09 18:41, 87F
文章代碼(AID): #1HsttMOh (WOW)