[劇透] 最新官方小說 戰爭之潮(大雷,已證實)

看板WOW作者 (我不是鬼塚英吉)時間11年前 (2012/08/18 11:52), 編輯推噓217(2192152)
留言373則, 158人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1179624-Tides-of-War-(massive-spoilers) 這是在MMO-C上看到的 情報來源有待考證 畢竟這本書10天之後才會出版 現在這情報由於太雷了 害我根本不太敢相信是真的 Richard A. Knaak表示: Christie Golden你好樣的! 有大雷(先說 這雷超級大 真的!) . Jaina has a new pink haired appentice from Dalaran at Rhonin's insistance 在羅甯的堅持下,珍娜收了一位來自達拉然,粉紅色頭髮的學徒 . She meets up secretly with Thrall 珍娜與索爾秘密會面(阿格拉表示...) . Blue dragonflight decide to move the focusing Iris to a secret hiding place but the 5 dragon escort gets killed 藍龍們決定將聚源虹膜移到一個更隱密的場所,沒想到負責運送的五條龍被殺 . Kalecgos goes after the Iris as being a former aspect he has a stronger link to it 卡雷苟斯作為一個和聚源虹膜有強烈連結的前任守護巨龍,開始探查它的下落 . Kalec goes to Jaina for help through Rhonins suggestion 羅甯建議卡雷克(就是卡雷苟斯)向珍娜尋求協助 . Garrosh gathers all the leaders of the horde together and says he wants to take over the whole of kalimdor starting with Northwatch Hold and Theramore 卡爾洛斯集合了所有部落首領來開會,他表達了想要將整個卡林多變成部落的領土 而首要的目標就是北方城堡及塞拉摩 .Garrosh has a mean Blackrock Orc as a bodyguard 卡爾洛斯帶著一個黑石獸人作為保鑣(所謂的合作是吧...) .Baine and Vol'jin constantly question Garrosh 貝恩跟沃金不斷質疑卡爾洛斯的所作所為 . After taking Northwatch Hold, including using elemental beasts summoned by shamans 他們攻佔了北方堡壘(就是棘齒城下方的聯盟營地) 其中動用了薩滿招換了元素野獸 . Baine sends a runner to Thermore along with Fearbreaker (to prove the runner is legit) 在那之後,貝恩派遣一名信使前往塞拉摩 為了證明是貝恩派的,信使身上還帶有著破懼者 (這把戰錘是矮人國王麥格尼送給安度因的禮物,而安度因又轉送給了貝恩) . Jaina calls in 7th stormwind Fleet, some of Storwind's best generals and goes to the Kirin Tor who agree to let a few magi help along with Rhonin and Veressa. Kalec does some rounds looking for the focusing Iris but it keeps moving about so he waits it out with Jaina 珍娜調來了第七艦隊,包括一些暴風城最好的將領, 而羅甯跟凡蕾莎也在祈倫托派來的幾個法師的陪同下抵達塞拉摩 卡雷克製造了一些力場用來尋找聚源虹膜,但它的位置一直移動,所以他跟珍娜一起等待 . Horde attack Theramore and initally they are forced back out but as the wounded and injured are being attended to the goblin airship with the arcane bomb attached which is being powered by the focusing Iris comes over theramore 部落襲擊了塞拉摩,起初他們被擊退了 隨著傷者不斷的增加,他們派遣了一個哥布林飛船, 上面攜帶著用聚源虹膜的能量注入的奧術炸彈抵達塞拉摩 (卡爾洛斯好樣的...) .Kalec trys to stop the airship but fails 卡雷克想要阻止這艘飛船,但是他失敗了 .Rhonin manages to open a portal in Jaina's tower and tries to get the bomb to come to it as it has more shielding and can minimise the damage 羅甯在珍娜的法師塔裡面開了一個傳送門 並且嘗試把炸彈引過來,因為塔這邊有更多的防護罩可以將傷害降到最低 .Rhonin pushes Jaina through the portal at the last moment 在最後一刻羅甯把珍娜推進了傳送門 .*Boom* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! (Knaak: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Christie Golden還我卡薩斯,還我羅甯!) .Jaina awakens white hair and eyes and goes back to theramore and sees everyone dead, (inc. Rhonin) she then steals the focusing iris 珍娜醒來時回到了塞拉摩,看到了所有人都死了(包括羅甯QQ) 她的頭髮跟眼睛都變白了,並且帶走了聚源虹膜 . Only Vereessa and Shandaris Feathermoon survive as they are out of theramore at that momnet and Kalec because I think he was flying at the time 只有凡蕾莎、珊蒂斯‧羽月因為在塞拉摩外面所以存活 卡雷克也活著(原發表者說應該是因為他當時正在飛行) .She goes to Varian and Anudin after they refuse to attack orgimaar in retaliation. she calls Varian a coward and Anudin a peace loving hippie (not in those words but essentially that) she apologies for helping making him that way 珍娜找到瓦里安跟安度因,並且希望能為了復仇攻擊奧格瑪,但遭到他們兩個的拒絕 她罵瓦里安是懦夫,又說安度因是愛好和平的小鬼(這不是書中的詞 但意思差不多) 她向安度因道歉,因為珍娜認為安度因變成這樣(愛好和平)都是她的錯 .She goes to Dalaran/Kirin Tor and they refuse to help too 她前往達拉然向祈倫托尋求協助,但也被拒絕了 . She steals a tome about using the Focusing Iris from the Dalaran Library 於是珍娜前往達拉然圖書館並且偷走了一本關於使用聚源虹膜的書 . She goes to Echo Islands and uses the Iris to combine hundreds of Water Elementals into a tidal wave she intends to unleash on Orgimaar 隨即珍娜前往回音群島,她利用聚源虹膜的力量將上百個水元素合體成一個巨大的海嘯 (這也就是這本書 "戰爭之潮" 的命名原因之一) 她打算將這個海嘯在奧格瑪裡釋放 . At this time Stormwind get a fleet together to fight a Horde ship blockade near orgimaar with Varian on the ship and Anudin left in Storwind as "king" 此時暴風城的艦隊則在奧格瑪附近與部落的船進行激戰 瓦里安也在船上,而安度因則以"國王"的名義留在暴風城 .Thrall tries stopping Jaina but fails but Kalec comes at the last moment and manages to get Jaina to stop 索爾想要阻止珍娜,但是他失敗了 幸好卡雷克在最後一刻的時候讓珍娜停止了施法 . Jaina uses some of the Water elementals still summoned to help the alliance in the naval battle 珍娜將一部分的水元素前去幫助聯盟的海戰 . Varian and Garrosh fight again 瓦里安跟卡爾洛斯又再次打了起來 . Northwatch hold is taken back and Garrosh retreats 北方城堡收復,卡爾洛斯撤退 . Garrosh declares every able man and woman must fight and even children must help in the war effort 卡爾洛斯宣告每一個部落的子民,包括男的女的甚至小孩,都必須加入戰爭的行列 .Last of Blue dragonflight go their seperate ways 剩下的藍龍軍團解散了,他們各分東西 . Jaina and Kalec go back to Dala and returns the tome to them and gives them the focusing iris too and then asks to join the Kirin Tor as a novice member but they decide to make her Leader and they let Kalec in too. 珍娜跟卡雷克回到達拉然,並將那本書及聚源虹膜歸還給祈倫托, 她希望能以學徒的身分再次回到達拉然 但祈倫托決定讓珍娜作為他們的新領導,並且讓卡雷克也加入 . Jaina speaks at Rhonin's funeral 珍娜在羅甯的葬禮上發表了演說(QQ) . Jaina and Kalec kiss. (最後這句我不用翻了吧...) -- 結論 卡爾洛斯必須死! 而Knaak的小說愛將現在都死光了,不知道這次他會不會原諒Golden... -- 我不是無所不知,只是剛好知道而已。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/18 11:55, , 1F
這雷炸得也太驚悚… 不要啊…
08/18 11:55, 1F

08/18 11:56, , 2F
如果羅甯因為這樣沒了,6.0 埋下風行者槓上珍娜的梗?No…
08/18 11:56, 2F

08/18 11:56, , 3F
08/18 11:56, 3F

08/18 11:57, , 4F
which is ture
08/18 11:57, 4F

08/18 11:58, , 5F
08/18 11:58, 5F

08/18 11:59, , 6F
08/18 11:59, 6F

08/18 11:59, , 7F
08/18 11:59, 7F

08/18 12:00, , 8F
08/18 12:00, 8F

08/18 12:00, , 9F
08/18 12:00, 9F

08/18 12:01, , 10F
咦? 所以人龍混種會生出啥??
08/18 12:01, 10F

08/18 12:01, , 11F
08/18 12:01, 11F

08/18 12:01, , 12F
08/18 12:01, 12F

08/18 12:02, , 13F
08/18 12:02, 13F

08/18 12:02, , 14F
08/18 12:02, 14F

08/18 12:04, , 15F
08/18 12:04, 15F

08/18 12:04, , 16F
[團隊副本] 卡爾洛斯必須死!
08/18 12:04, 16F

08/18 12:04, , 17F
08/18 12:04, 17F

08/18 12:04, , 18F
5.0 根本是該死的部落中二吼要得罪多少人吧 ! 去死吧 !!
08/18 12:04, 18F

08/18 12:05, , 19F
08/18 12:05, 19F

08/18 12:05, , 20F
卡爾洛斯的確是要去死沒錯阿? ._.
08/18 12:05, 20F

08/18 12:05, , 21F
08/18 12:05, 21F

08/18 12:07, , 22F
08/18 12:07, 22F

08/18 12:07, , 23F
08/18 12:07, 23F

08/18 12:07, , 24F
08/18 12:07, 24F

08/18 12:07, , 25F
08/18 12:07, 25F

08/18 12:07, , 26F
08/18 12:07, 26F

08/18 12:08, , 27F
別到5.x又說被炸爛的只是羅甯的鏡像還是啥的 -_-a
08/18 12:08, 27F

08/18 12:09, , 28F
08/18 12:09, 28F

08/18 12:09, , 29F
08/18 12:09, 29F

08/18 12:09, , 30F
08/18 12:09, 30F

08/18 12:10, , 31F
BZ會吐便當也不是一兩天的事了 說不定沒死咧
08/18 12:10, 31F

08/18 12:12, , 32F
08/18 12:12, 32F

08/18 12:13, , 33F
08/18 12:13, 33F

08/18 12:14, , 34F
歡迎轉錄 但是請注意這篇的消息並不是100%準確
08/18 12:14, 34F

08/18 12:14, , 35F
08/18 12:14, 35F

08/18 12:14, , 36F
我決定quit了 羅甯是我玩wow的偶像
08/18 12:14, 36F

08/18 12:14, , 37F
中二吼惹火了珍阿姨 你死定了XDD
08/18 12:14, 37F

08/18 12:15, , 38F
08/18 12:15, 38F

08/18 12:15, , 39F
08/18 12:15, 39F
還有 294 則推文
還有 2 段內文
08/18 21:39, , 334F
08/18 21:39, 334F

08/18 21:44, , 335F
08/18 21:44, 335F

08/18 21:46, , 336F
08/18 21:46, 336F

08/18 22:09, , 337F
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08/18 22:12, , 338F
08/18 22:12, 338F

08/18 22:12, , 339F
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08/18 22:33, , 340F
08/18 22:33, 340F

08/18 22:52, , 341F
08/18 22:52, 341F

08/19 00:30, , 342F
08/19 00:30, 342F

08/19 00:32, , 343F
08/19 00:32, 343F

08/19 00:32, , 344F
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08/19 00:43, , 345F
08/19 00:43, 345F

08/19 00:44, , 346F
08/19 00:44, 346F

08/19 00:52, , 347F
08/19 00:52, 347F

08/19 00:58, , 348F
我只覺得卡爾洛斯在扮黑臉 ... 從北裂以來都是這樣 ...
08/19 00:58, 348F

08/19 01:44, , 349F
08/19 01:44, 349F

08/19 02:42, , 350F
如果聯盟誰要來殺卡爾洛斯 我會跪在門外迎接你
08/19 02:42, 350F

08/19 02:45, , 351F
08/19 02:45, 351F

08/19 02:56, , 352F
08/19 02:56, 352F

08/19 03:03, , 353F
08/19 03:03, 353F

08/19 03:05, , 354F
08/19 03:05, 354F

08/19 10:16, , 355F
08/19 10:16, 355F

08/19 11:12, , 356F
08/19 11:12, 356F

08/19 11:45, , 357F
08/19 11:45, 357F

08/19 12:17, , 358F
大家都誤會卡雷克了 他是犧牲自己坦住天煞孤星!
08/19 12:17, 358F

08/19 14:46, , 359F
08/19 14:46, 359F

08/19 15:19, , 360F
08/19 15:19, 360F

08/19 17:18, , 361F
08/19 17:18, 361F

08/19 17:26, , 362F
新學徒是法師吧 小圓拿弓箭的啊
08/19 17:26, 362F

08/19 17:32, , 363F
08/19 17:32, 363F

08/19 20:10, , 364F
08/19 20:10, 364F

08/19 20:11, , 365F
08/19 20:11, 365F

08/19 21:08, , 366F
08/19 21:08, 366F

08/20 02:19, , 367F
08/20 02:19, 367F

08/20 02:54, , 368F
08/20 02:54, 368F

08/20 06:20, , 369F
不能說好 或不好 但是WC3的英雄已經快被消耗光了...
08/20 06:20, 369F

08/20 08:39, , 370F
to kakyun, 只是"暫代"國王而已,就像瓦哥出使那次一樣
08/20 08:39, 370F

08/20 11:55, , 371F
這幾天陸續把幾隻小朋友練到80 收到羅甯寄來的禮物...
08/20 11:55, 371F

08/20 11:56, , 372F
天哪!從沒這麼想哭過QQ 我決定不放煙火了...
08/20 11:56, 372F

08/21 17:17, , 373F
08/21 17:17, 373F
文章代碼(AID): #1GBn5kt6 (WOW)