[揭弊] INSIDER – FAQ on Gordon Hayward

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (everything)時間10年前 (2014/07/09 22:19), 10年前編輯推噓50(6111185)
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http://ppt.cc/fvNm INSIDER – FAQ on Gordon Hayward by David Locke According to Yahoo Sports and the Charlotte Observer, Gordon Hayward will receive a max offer sheet from the Charlotte Hornets totally 63 million over 4 years. Let me try to address a few questions on this issue. 根據雅虎新聞跟夏洛特觀察者(網站)的消息指出,黑娃"將會"接受來自紅色光頭的63m/4yr 的大約,讓我試著論述出這個議題的幾個問題 WHAT CAN THE JAZZ DO TO NOW THAT HAYWARD HAS AN OFFER SHEET? 爵士可以做些什麼呢 The Jazz have three choices. 爵士有三個選項 1) They can say no thank you this is too much money for Hayward and we are going to pass. This allows Hayward to leave and all the Jazz get is cap space. 爵士可以說謝謝在連絡,我們這一趴給黃蜂做,黑娃的價錢時在太高了 這樣放黑娃離開,爵士得到的就是薪資空間 2) They can try to negotiate a sign and trade deal where the Jazz would actually sign Hayward and then trade him to Charlotte for pieces the Hornets give the Jazz. However, the Hornets have very little the Jazz would be interested as their roster is currently constructed. 爵士可以先簽後換,把黑娃賣到夏洛特 但關鍵的問題在於,夏洛特應該沒有爵士想要的人 3) The Jazz can match the contract offer and assume the contract as their own. 不要多想,跟進黑娃合約就對了 WHEN DOES ALL THIS TAKE PLACE? 什麼時候發生? The offer sheet while reported today can’t be official until July 10th. Once the Jazz receives the offer they have 72 hours to match the deal. 這個報價到7/10方能正式化 爵士有三天的時間可以考慮是否跟進 WHAT WILL THE JAZZ DO? 爵士將會做些什麼? The Jazz will match the contract and retain Hayward under this 4 year 63 million dollar contract. 爵士將會跟進合約 WHY WOULD THE JAZZ MATCH THIS CONTRACT WHEN IT OVERPAYS HAYWARD? 為什麼爵士明知報價過高還要跟進這份合約 First, the Jazz have drafted and developed Hayward. He is there player and the Jazz can ill afford to let him walk without receiving anything in exchange. 首先,黑娃是爵士選進的,也是爵士養成的。爵士不能沒有回收任何東西就這樣白白放他 離開。 Hayward is really good. We can debate if he is a “max” player but he is really good. He is likely to average around 16 pts, 5 rebs and 5 ast for the rest of his career. He is an elite passer for a wing. He makes his teammates better. 黑娃是個優秀的球員,我們甚至可以花個幾天來戰他是否為值得頂薪的大魚,儘管這麼說 ,他還是一名優秀的球員。他生涯的平均有16分5籃板5助攻,他在側翼是個優異的傳球員 ,他可以讓球隊變得更好。 Yes, the contract is paying Hayward more than he has achieved at this point in his career, but that is the game of free agency and it only takes one team to bust open the bank for a player so the Jazz must deal with those consequences. 是的,這份合約超過黑娃目前的生涯成就。這不過就是自由球員市場競價後的結果,一支 球隊打開金庫報價,而爵士則必須面對這樣的結果。 Moreover, the Jazz are in a salary situation where they should still have between 20 and 26 million dollars of cap space next year and another 10 million before the luxury tax. 而爵士目前的薪資空間還有20M-26M到達最低限,還有10M到達豪華稅門檻 If the Jazz let Hayward walk what else would they do with that money? The Jazz wouldn’t be able to get a comparable player in the marketplace. Signing a veteran on a re-building team in Salt Lake City is impossible and trying to find another player of Hayward’s ability at 24 years old is nearly impossible. 如果爵士就這樣讓黑娃走,那爵士(今年)也很難得到能跟黑娃(程度、身價)相提並論的球 員。在鹽湖城這個重建中的的球隊去簽一名沙場老將,原則上是很困難的,而去找另一名 球員,同樣24歲又具備黑娃的能力更是不可能。 The Jazz value Gordon Hayward as a player. He is a special talent. Not many players in this league can average 15-6-6 like Hayward can and if you look at almost all great teams have a playmaking wing. 爵士評估過黑娃,知道他有特殊的才能,聯盟中的球員要像黑娃一樣有平均15-6-6的表現 並不會太多 This is minor but the increases on the contract are only for 4.5% each season and cap is expected to grow each year at higher than that rate so Hayward will be less of the cap each season of the deal. 黑娃的合約每年成長約4.5%,而球隊新資上限的成長幅度則預期會高於黑娃的薪資 Let’s make sure we remember Hayward is our best player. You can’t lose your best player. 因此,我們認為黑娃事我們球隊的珍寶,而我們不能失去珍寶 BUT GORDON DIDN’T HAVE A GREAT YEAR LAST YEAR AND SHOT JUST 41% HOW CAN HE GET A MAX CONTRACT? 但黑娃還沒打出偉大的球季,上個球季的命中率僅41%,憑什麼拿大約 The market was oversaturated with money and lacked talent. When the market opened I counted 24 slots of 12 million or more available for players and only 12 players who were near worthy of a 12 million dollar contract. It also tells you how the rest of the league views a player that can produce the numbers I just mentioned. The league lacks talented wing players so the combination of playing a position that was in demand and a market that was overloaded with money created the ideal situation for Gordon Hayward. 當聯盟具有天分的側翼球員需大於供時(有錢的財主太多,有天賦的球員太少) 那對黑娃就是一個理想的處境 (這兩段在談的就是自由市場的供需反向的競價原則) HOW GOOD A PLAYER IS GORDON HAYWARD? 黑娃是一個多棒的球員 As I mentioned before, not a lot of players, average 16-5-5 in this league. Playmaking wings are really important and not a lot exist. 黑娃這種優秀的側翼球員並不常見 Hayward’s best talent is what he does for his teammates. 黑娃最優秀的點是他對隊友的正面能量 When Hayward was on the floor Favors shot 54% when Hayward was off the floor Favors shot 46%. The same goes for almost everyone on the Jazz last year. Trey Burke’s EFG% was 46.5% with Hayward on and 39.8% with him off. Same applies to Jefferson 55.6/51, Alec 50.5/47 and Kanter 50.5/46. 黑娃場上-不動產命中率54% 黑娃下場-不動產只剩下46% (我覺得這邊這樣衡量太偏頗啦,有沒有拉開區域,戰術是否主打不動產,或者主打黑娃不 動產補尾刀對不動產命中率都有影響...那TB反隊讓爵士掉出狀元排行榜不就超新星...) DOES GORDON WANT TO PLAY IN UTAH? 黑娃想繼續待在猶他嗎 Absolutely. Nothing that has taken place in this process means Gordon doesn’ t want to play in Utah. Hayward’s agent and family have done exactly what the process dictated them to do. Last year, the Jazz and Hayward were in negotiations and couldn’t come to an agreement. One of the main reasons, they couldn’t come to an agreement was Hayward’s agent understood what the marketplace would be this off-season for Gordon. Therefore, they went into restricted free agency and got a max deal. Now the Jazz are obligated to do what they said they would do the whole time, match the offer. The Jazz have been unbending in their belief in Gordon as a player and how important he is to the franchise. When the Jazz match the contract they will show action behind their words in this process. Hayward took the risk of playing a year without a long term contract and it paid off for him. The Jazz knowing the market decided to make Hayward get the offer and he was able to do that. That is how the rules dictate the game. Both people played it and at the end they are still together on the same team. 當然!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 去年沒辦法順利續約是經紀人了解這個球季黑娃的市場性。也因此,黑娃?成為RFA必且得 到了這張大約(報價) 爵士知道黑娃會是一名關鍵球員,也因此爵士必須要報價 黑娃冒了沒有長約的風險風險,打了一年球。爵士也知道市場將會決定黑娃能讓多少,這 就是市場法則。 CAN THE JAZZ STILL SIGN ALEC BURKS AND ENES KANTER? 爵士可以留下小AB跟阿坎嗎 Nothing is as easy as a yes or no but basically yes. Hayward’s first year of his contract is for 14.75 million. The Jazz will still have 26 million in cap room and another 10 million or more until they hit the luxury tax so they should be able to sign both Alec and Enes in the off-season if they desire. 雖然這不是一個很簡單可以說出是或否的問題,但原則上是的。 第一年黑娃的合約是14.75M,爵士還有26M的薪資空間以及另外10M的豪華稅空間讓她們可 以留下小AB跟阿坎 WILL THIS CONTRACT EVER GET THE JAZZ IN MONEY PROBLEMS? 這筆合約會讓爵士營運上有財務問題嗎 The first time it could be an issue is when Trey Burke comes up for his extension in the 2017-18 season. A lot can take place between now and then, so basically I would say no. 接下來面臨到這個問題可能會是2017-18球季,TB的續約 但原則上我會說"不會" This is hard to project, but while Hayward is overpaid at 15 and 16 million a year in the first two years of the deal by the time the new TV contract kicks in his final two years may turn out to be the equivalent of 12 million dollar deals. 但這很難去預測 首兩年的合約分別是15、16M 若把新的電視合約拉進他後兩年的合約做討論,相當於只剩12M的支出 DOESN’T SIGNING A PLAYER FOR MORE THAN HE IS WORTH HURT THE JAZZ? 不去找其他比黑娃更好的球員來簽是否值得呢? Hard to say it is more than he is worth when the market dictates his worth. However, I get the concept of the question. In a lot of circumstances the answer is yes. However, in this case probably not. The Jazz aren’t expected to win a lot more games next year from what they did last year. The rebuild is still in its infancy stages and going to take some time before the big steps are taken. Therefore, over the next two years “ overpaying” Hayward while Exum, Kanter, Burke and the crew continue to develop their games under Quin Snyder is unlikely to hurt the franchise. 很難直接的定論 對於這種問題我有一個概念,多數的情況下答案是肯定的(找更佳或便宜的替代品) 然而,依爵士目前的情況答案可能是否定的(肯定跟進黑娃) 因為按照不離不棄的去年成績,爵士並不期待今年表現能夠大躍進 重建需要時間跟耐心,因此超額支付的黑娃在這些菜鳥於Quin麾下繼續磨練、發展的情況 下,目前沒有會排擠他們開發潛能的跡象 DOES THIS IMPACT THE JAZZ ABILITY TO SIGN EXTENSIONS FOR ALEC BURKS AND ENES KANTER? 這會影響到爵士未來續簽小AB跟阿坎嗎 This is where I think the impact will be felt. If you were Alec Burks and Enes Kanter and just saw Gordon Hayward get a max contract after his season last year would you sign an extension or would you want to go to the open market. Both of these players are going to assume they will be met with the same love as Gordon Hayward in the marketplace and this will make it very difficult for the Jazz to be able to sign either of them to extensions this off-season. 這就是我正在考慮的點 如果你是小AB跟阿坎你看到黑娃拿到這份大約,你會單純的忠誠續約還是會跳出市場測水 溫呢。 我腦補這兩位應該都會假設他們應該在市場都會得到跟黑娃一樣的愛,而這將會是爵士之 後的一個挑戰 WHEN WILL THE JAZZ MATCH THE CONTRACT? 爵士什麼時候應該跟進合約 The Jazz will wait the entire 72 hours before matching the contract for two reasons. First, the Jazz aren’t going to do the Hornets any favors by releasing their obligation to this money by matching it early. Secondly, the Jazz will have an extra 6 million dollars they can spend in those 72 hours. Gordon Hayward’s current cap hold is about 8 million dollars. Once the Jazz match he will take up 14.7 million of the cap. Therefore, for the 72 hours that the Jazz waits they could sign a player with that 6 million. After signing, Hayward the Jazz will still have about 8 million and as much as 11 million of cap space. 爵士應該會在7/10後的,黃蜂正式報價近滿72hr後宣布跟進合約,原因有2 1.爵士太早跟進會爽到黃蜂 2.在爵士在這72小時將會有額外的6M空間可以花費 (這兩段原理可能要再請比較懂規則的人解釋一下) HAS CHARLOTTE DONE ANYTHING TO MAKE THE CONTRACT UNAPPEALING TO THE JAZZ? 黃蜂是否在這張合約加了什麼料 It sounds, though not confirmed, that the Hornets have placed a trade kicker and a player option in the deal. The player option would be for the last year and that is the first time the Jazz will have some financial issues with Trey also due for his extension. The trade kicker is complicated, but the easiest way to think of it is that it will make it harder for the Jazz to trade Hayward in the 4th year of his contract. A year he may be able to opt out of anyway. If Hayward is worth more than the 16.7 on his final year and wants to opt out of his contract the Jazz should be pleased he has improved that much as a player. 有黃蜂把交易補貼及球員選項放入合約的傳聞,但一切都還是乳摸 若黑娃屆時(4yr)覺得自己值得超過16.7M,想跳出合約,他應該要進步到那個程度在說 WILL GORDON HAYWARD BECOME A BETTER PLAYER NOW THAT HE HAS A MAX CONTRACT? 黑娃有了這張大約後,還會進化嗎 This is going to be the hardest part of this situation. Gordon is not going to change as a player. He may have more success in Quin Snyder’s open floor, pick and roll heavy, spread offense than in the post centric offense of Sloan and Corbin. Gordon is an elite open floor player. If the Jazz can get him more opportunities in the open than he will look better. However, he is not going to change as a player and he is probably not going to be what you perceive a max player to be. 就目前來說,這是個很難預測的狀況。黑娃依舊是黑娃,但是他在Quin系統下可以取得更 多的成功(相較教皇、烤餅重禁區,Quin是更分散、空間更大的的進攻系統)。 黑娃很適合這種體系,如果在這個體系中,讓黑娃有更多的機會去表現,他會看起來更棒 不過,他可能還是不會是人們所認知的頂薪球員... WHY DIDN’T JAZZ GET A DEAL DONE BEFORE THIS OFFER SHEET? 為什麼爵士不在這個報價前完成簽約呢 A little bit because the Hayward camp wanted to get a max offer and that was their goal. It was important for them that Hayward was regarded as a max player. The Jazz opened up this portion of the negotiations with an effort to get a deal done, but the Hayward camp wanted to see what the market would deliver. Good on them. In the first portion of the negotiation prior to the start of last season the Jazz may look back and wish they had offered more and given more to get a deal done rather than paying the max contract now. 因為黑娃陣營想拼大約,想跳到市場測水溫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1404915587.A.988.html

07/09 22:31, , 1F
雖然只翻到一半 不過我覺得說得很好
07/09 22:31, 1F

07/09 22:33, , 2F
07/09 22:33, 2F

07/09 22:35, , 3F
07/09 22:35, 3F

07/09 22:35, , 4F
07/09 22:35, 4F

07/09 22:36, , 5F
這篇沒有愛狗大啦XDD 這篇把我的想法說了個八成 不滿意但
07/09 22:36, 5F

07/09 22:36, , 6F
可以接受 尤其如果能簽4年的話就還好 而且真的跟AK狀態
07/09 22:36, 6F

07/09 22:36, , 7F
07/09 22:36, 7F

07/09 22:36, , 8F
是截然不同的 AK甚至比黑娃適合當老大 他問題是當老三~老四
07/09 22:36, 8F

07/09 22:37, , 9F
就欠缺一些能力 黑娃我早前說過 他是相當好的百搭老二/三
07/09 22:37, 9F

07/09 22:37, , 10F
07/09 22:37, 10F

07/09 22:37, , 11F
不然我們可以問問他哪個不會? 至少都在一般水平之上
07/09 22:37, 11F

07/09 22:37, , 12F
切傳投三脅都有 具備單防補防能力 可以無球可以控球
07/09 22:37, 12F

07/09 22:38, , 13F
07/09 22:38, 13F

07/09 22:40, , 14F
07/09 22:40, 14F

07/09 22:41, , 15F
說真的啦 簽了這個只是定下很好的老二老三 黑娃打的如何其實
07/09 22:41, 15F

07/09 22:41, , 16F
07/09 22:41, 16F

07/09 22:41, , 17F
也不是爵士根本性的問題 Favors能否好好用/Exum的養成才是
07/09 22:41, 17F

07/09 22:42, , 18F
重點 因為他們兩個更是有真核心的可能
07/09 22:42, 18F

07/09 22:43, , 19F
07/09 22:43, 19F

07/09 22:47, , 20F
07/09 22:47, 20F

07/09 22:47, , 21F
安心(亞)看球吧......我們現在就只缺一個正牌先發 C
07/09 22:47, 21F

07/09 22:47, , 22F
有一處可以稍微潤改 供過於需容易被誤會
07/09 22:47, 22F

07/09 22:47, , 23F
意思比較接近"市場有錢的人太多 有天賦的稀少"
07/09 22:47, 23F

07/09 22:47, , 24F
快點把偷米客找來ㄚㄚㄚ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
07/09 22:47, 24F

07/09 22:49, , 25F
今年是巨頭年 也是不利因素 大家把薪資空間預留下來了
07/09 22:49, 25F

07/09 22:49, , 26F
只不過 這麼快就被小蜜蜂錶 有點給他意外
07/09 22:49, 26F

07/09 22:59, , 27F
07/09 22:59, 27F

07/09 23:00, , 28F
07/09 23:00, 28F

07/09 23:00, , 29F
07/09 23:00, 29F

07/09 23:00, , 30F
07/09 23:00, 30F

07/09 23:01, , 31F
07/09 23:01, 31F

07/09 23:07, , 32F
黃蜂怎麼會沒有我們要的人 不就big Al
07/09 23:07, 32F
※ 編輯: always0410 (, 07/09/2014 23:11:24

07/09 23:10, , 33F
放大爵 先簽後換林加高富珍 替補陣容穩了
07/09 23:10, 33F

07/09 23:18, , 34F
16-5-5好像很強 0.41-0.30-0.81的三圍怎麼樣?
07/09 23:18, 34F

07/09 23:19, , 35F
07/09 23:19, 35F

07/09 23:19, , 36F
這篇基本上把我的整個思考的方式講完了 主要是下一輪續約
07/09 23:19, 36F

07/09 23:19, , 37F
的難度以及黑娃在這體系的重要性 除非Quin要把整個系統砍
07/09 23:19, 37F
還有 180 則推文
還有 1 段內文
07/11 00:16, , 218F
話說馬嫂現在有算overpaid嗎 XD 當初沒跟不知道是對是錯
07/11 00:16, 218F

07/11 00:26, , 219F
其實我比較傾向S&T,然後把evan turner盤來
07/11 00:26, 219F

07/11 00:30, , 220F
去年提前續約就沒事了 然後不要老是拿我用什麼數據有問題又不
07/11 00:30, 220F

07/11 00:31, , 221F
真的討論數據 我通常都只是丟出最快的東西 沒有把它當唯一的證
07/11 00:31, 221F

07/11 00:32, , 222F
據或是鐵律 CP的表現實際上就沒有比Hayward差到哪 你說Hayward
07/11 00:32, 222F

07/11 00:33, , 223F
的模板best case高也好 問題是這也不是只有你覺得 沒打出來就
07/11 00:33, 223F

07/11 00:35, , 224F
是沒打出來 摸摸良心黃蜂開max deal 爵士又跟 兩隊是不是在賭
07/11 00:35, 224F

07/11 00:35, , 225F
博好嗎 明明頭兩季我對Hayward也都是好評啊
07/11 00:35, 225F

07/11 00:39, , 226F
去年50M/4y沒續 就是希望今年被提的offer sheet不要太高啦 然
07/11 00:39, 226F

07/11 00:39, , 227F
07/11 00:39, 227F

07/11 00:41, , 228F
根本就是資敵 其他人過來會想留嗎 每年養新人就只是農場
07/11 00:41, 228F

07/11 00:41, , 229F
後期待落空這樣 就簡單一句會怕那就提前搞定就對了 之前想省小
07/11 00:41, 229F

07/11 00:42, , 230F
錢才遇到這個狀況 接著Kanter要是不願意提前續 會有更多比留不
07/11 00:42, 230F

07/11 00:43, , 231F
下他麻煩的事 我認為Hayward沒有貴很多 Kanter應該也留的下 但
07/11 00:43, 231F

07/11 00:46, , 232F
07/11 00:46, 232F

07/11 00:53, , 233F
還有真的不要太小看CP 他打出那個數據的USG% 只用了19.3 Hayw-
07/11 00:53, 233F

07/11 00:59, , 234F
ard這季使用進攻權的效率是很有問題的 也反應在戰績上
07/11 00:59, 234F

07/11 01:05, , 235F
#1IPM7FG5 這系列討論串討論過的東西 大家可以看看再想想 是不
07/11 01:05, 235F

07/11 01:05, , 236F
只好學小說<基地>一樣用宗教在各地扎根 等他們將來長大
07/11 01:05, 236F

07/11 01:06, , 237F
科研重鎮鹽湖城也開發出微型核裝置 年輕球員就只會想來
07/11 01:06, 237F

07/11 01:07, , 238F
07/11 01:07, 238F

07/11 01:09, , 239F
是有些人可能出於挺球隊的感情因素 產生前後標準不一致 我講的
07/11 01:09, 239F

07/11 01:10, , 240F
07/11 01:10, 240F

07/11 01:10, , 241F
很委婉 因為這實際上是球迷難免的表現 我有時候也會這樣
07/11 01:10, 241F

07/11 01:11, , 242F
07/11 01:11, 242F

07/11 01:12, , 243F
記者來放風聲影響球團決策 就像<紙牌屋>裡面副總統放消息
07/11 01:12, 243F

07/11 01:12, , 244F
07/11 01:12, 244F

07/11 01:15, , 245F
我是覺得不要把焦點只放在overpay 而是overpay多少 這樣
07/11 01:15, 245F

07/11 01:15, , 246F
比較能討論下去 比方我前面提過 可能球團覺得overpay 2M
07/11 01:15, 246F

07/11 01:16, , 247F
還能接受就會硬著頭皮跟 主要是黑娃在其他年也不是10-12M
07/11 01:16, 247F

07/11 01:17, , 248F
07/11 01:17, 248F

07/11 01:18, , 249F
然後我覺得球團要思考怎麼跟經紀人體系對抗 談判的邏輯如
07/11 01:18, 249F

07/11 01:19, , 250F
果被抓到了 以後要留自家養出的大物(有這種東西嗎?)或是
07/11 01:19, 250F

07/11 01:19, , 251F
不被胡亂抬價留人 就不是一件容易的事了
07/11 01:19, 251F

07/11 02:32, , 252F
07/11 02:32, 252F

07/11 02:33, , 253F
07/11 02:33, 253F

07/11 02:35, , 254F
07/11 02:35, 254F

07/11 02:36, , 255F
07/11 02:36, 255F

07/11 10:09, , 256F
不管怎麼說 爵士終於有了聯盟前十名的前鋒了 至少在薪資上
07/11 10:09, 256F

07/11 10:45, , 257F
07/11 10:45, 257F
文章代碼(AID): #1JlK-3c8 (UTAH-JAZZ)
文章代碼(AID): #1JlK-3c8 (UTAH-JAZZ)