Re: [爆料] 老史專訪

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John Stockton on Jordan, Malone and post-NBA life Stockton對於久但,馬龍和 NBA之後的人生(的看法) In addition to leading the Utah Jazz to 19 consecutive playoff appearances and a pair of trips to the Finals, point guard John Stockton also totaled out more assists and more steals than any player in NBA history. Since retiring in 2003, the Hall of Famer has largely remained out of the spotlight. In late October, though, Stockton published his autobiography, Assisted. He took a few minutes to sit down with to discuss his career, his book and whether he has any interest in coaching in the NBA. 除了連續十九年帶領爵士進入季後賽,以及兩次進總冠軍賽之外,控球 後衛 Stockton 先生也累積了 NBA史上最多的助攻和抄截。從 2003 年退 休以來,這位名人堂球員已經鮮少在鎂光燈前出現。今年 10 月底, Stockton出了他的自傳,「助攻」。他接受了 SI.com的訪問,討論他的 籃球生涯、他的書和他有沒有任何想要在 NBA當教練的念頭。 First question -- Did Michael Jordan push off against Byron Russell? John Stockton: No question. I'm not saying that because I think it should have been called a foul. I don't. But he shoved him.第一個問題,久但有推 Russell嗎? S:絕對有。我這樣說並不是因為我認為那應該被吹犯規。我沒有這樣認為。 不過他的確有撞一下。 So he pushed off, but no foul. Stockton: Agreed.所以他推了,但沒犯規。 S: 對。 Got it. So the immediate reaction I get when I tell NBA people that you wrote a book is, "John Stockton wrote a book?" Have you been getting a lot of that? Stockton: Yeah. I have intentionally not been a very public person, and I've enjoyed that. The private life I have acquired since I retired. There was a void. There was time that I had to find something to do. I didn't want to just wallow through the days. I wanted to do something that I was proud of. So I approached my old coach with the idea and a project was born SI: 懂了。當我告訴 NBA圈子裡面的人,你寫了一本書。他們的第一個反應 是:「啊? Stockton寫了一本書?」你經常聽到這反應嗎? S: 是啊。我故意不想當一個非常公開的人,而且我很享受這種感覺。我退休 之後有著我的私人生活,其中有些空閒,有些時候我要找些事情來做。我不想 這些日子就就在那邊滾來滾去。我想要做一些我能夠感到驕傲的事。所以我 找了我的老教練,跟他講這個想法然後這本書就這樣出生了。 Who was the most surprised that you were writing a book? Stockton: I think that's still coming. The one who wasn't was Karl Malone. He was enthusiastically supportive. He didn't question it for a moment. That surprised me. SI: 誰對你寫書感到最驚訝? S: 我想還沒出現。不太意外的那個人叫 Karl Malone。他非常熱誠的支持我。 他沒有任何質疑。這讓我感到驚訝。 So ... why did you want to do it? Stockton: I had a lot of things I wanted to say to my children. We have car rides from sporting events but you don't get a chance to talk to them as much as you like. You don't get a chance to explain things. That was probably the start of it. I wasn't worried about publishing or anything else. I was just worried about doing it. That exercise was good for me. SI: 所以....你為什麼要寫? S: 我有很多想跟我孩子說的事情。我們會開車去體育活動不過你不會有那個 跟他們講很久的機會。你不會有解釋一些事情的機會。這可能是為什麼這件 事情會開始的原因。我對於出版這類的事情不太擔心。我只是對於寫書有點 擔心,這類的活動對我來說很好。 What kind of book is it? Stockton: I don't want to sound dramatic, but it's a little unique. It's not your typical sports book. It's not your typical novel. It's a large thank you note to a lot of people, and hopefully it is an encouraging book to a lot of people who don't realize the impact they have on people's lives. A lot of simple, everyday people make major contributions that turn people one way or another. I hope I capture that. SI: 這是一本怎樣的書? S: 我不想要聽起來很戲劇性之類的,不過這本書有點特別。他不是一本 典型的運動書。也不是你聽過得那種典型的小說。這是對於很多人的很多 感謝,希望這是一本讓很多人不了解他曾經影響別人的人生的一本振奮人 心的書。有很多簡單,平凡的人對於人們的人生轉折做出很多改變,我想 要紀錄這一切。 What's one thing in the book about Karl Malone that we don't know Stockton: He was incredibly generous, both with his time and his good fortune. He sees people's needs and helps them. He has done it time and time again. He was approached at an airport baggage claim once by some lady who mistook him for a skycap. She said, "Excuse me, can you help me with my bag." And the whole team was standing around watching. And he says, "Why, sure," picks up her bags and walks them out to a car that was full of people who knew exactly who he was. He never broke character. He just put the bags in the car. She offered him a tip and he said, "This one is on me." SI: 所以這本書裡面有什麼我們不知道的 Malone 嗎? S: 他非常的寬厚,不管是他的時間或他的財富上。他看見人們的需要並且 幫助他們。他一次又一次的做出這樣的事。他曾經有一次有個女的誤認他是 個機場搬運工。她說:「不好意思,可以幫我拿我的包包嗎?」然後整隊都 看著他。然後他說:「喔好啊,沒問題,」他拎了他的包包然後在旁邊一堆 人都知道他是誰的狀況下,把這些包包帶到車上。他把包包送上車。她給了 他小費,而他說:「這次算我的。」 How close were you two? Stockton: We were like brothers. We went back a long ways, and that was even before our NBA careers started. We met in 1984, at the Olympic trials. Both of us were cut eventually but it started something. And when he was drafted, we rekindled it right away. The nature of our games meshed and jelled. And we both found homes in Salt Lake City. Yeah, but personality-wise, you guys seem like completely different people ... Stockton: But we had a lot of respect for each other. We didn't agree on anything; we came from entirely different cultures. But I have great respect for everything he has done down in Louisiana. The fact that we learned to say and do everything with complete comfort around each other helped create a long-lasting friendship. SI: 你們兩個有多親近? S: 我們就像兄弟一樣。在我們還很年輕的時候,甚至是我們的 NBA生涯開始 之前。我們第一次見面是 1984,在奧林匹克的試訓上。我們兩個後來都被砍 掉了但是這就是我們的開始。當他被選上的時候,一切又重新點燃了。我們 的球技就這樣環繞和凍結在一起。而我們兩個都在鹽湖城找到了自己的家。 SI: 嗯,不過從個性上來說,你們兩個似乎是完全不一樣的人..... S: 不過我們兩個相當互相尊重。我們不會每件事情都完全同意,我們來自於 兩個完全不同的文化。不過我對於他在路易斯安那所作的任何事情都很尊敬 。事實上我們學會了如何在讓對方感到滿意的狀況下說並做任何事情,並且 因為這樣而讓我們有了堅定的友誼。 When did you realize that on the court, you guys might have something special? Stockton: The first practice playing with him, even though he was an immediate starter and I was still a backup, something just clicked. He knew where I was going to throw passes. I seemed to know where he was going to be open. I knew it was something special. Did you like playing for Jerry Sloan? Stockton: Loved it. It was an absolute honor. Frank Layden was the perfect guy for me to start with, but Jerry was the perfect guy for all of us to expand. Frank turned the Jazz from a perennially losing team to a team that started to win. Jerry took the winning team he set up and made us believe we could be champions. He was a no-excuse guy. He was demanding but not unreasonable. I can't give him enough compliments. He took the Jazz to a whole new level and put us on the brink of a couple championships. It would have been difficult without him. SI: 你什麼時候發現你們在場上有些特別的? S: 我第一次跟他練習的時候,即便他是一個馬上就先發的,而我還從替補出 發,有些事情就這樣合在一起了。他知道我會把球丟到哪邊去。我似乎知道他 會在哪邊有空檔。我知道我們之間有些特別就是。 SI: 你喜歡為 Sloan打球嗎? S: 我愛。這是至高的榮譽。 Layden對我來說是個完美的生涯開始的教練, 不過 Jerry是讓我們所有人來說都是繼續成長的完美教練。 Layden 把爵士 從一個每年都輸的球隊變成開始贏球的球隊。 Jerry Sloan接下了這隻會贏 球的球隊然後讓我們相信我們能夠變成冠軍隊。他是個不理你講藉口的人。 他會要求很多但不是沒有理由的。你很難再找到更多能稱讚他的詞。他把 爵士帶到了一個全新的層級,並讓我們有兩個拿到冠軍的機會。沒有他的話 ,這一切很難達成。 What percentage of plays did Jerry call from the sideline? Stockton: Most of them. He saw things from a different perspective. I was always available to let him know what we wanted to do also. It wasn't like he was calling the shots and we were a bunch of robots. I was glad to have him and [assistant coach] Phil Johnson making those calls from the bench. It was our job just to execute them. It always seemed strange to me, you, one of the best point guards of all time, taking play calls from the bench Stockton: We wanted to play fast -- and people didn't want to believe we played up-tempo, but we did -- but when it was time to slow it down you better be able to play that way. If you can't play slowly in this league, you can't win. And Jerry saw things from the bench that we didn't. But we did want to play fast. The fewer plays we called the better. SI: 大概有幾趴的戰術是 Jerry從場邊喊出來的? S:大部分。他看事情的角度不太一樣。不過我也永遠都會讓他能夠知道我 想要幹什麼。這不是說他指揮投球然後我們就像機器人一樣。我很高興有 他和(助理教練)Phil Johnson在場邊叫戰術。我們的工作就是執行這些 戰術。 SI:這讓我覺得有點怪。你是史上最偉大的控衛之一(譯按:可以把之一 去掉嗎?),照著場邊的戰術來執行。 S: 我們想要快速的打 ---- 而人們不想相信我們是打著快節奏的比賽, 不過我們的確這樣打---- 但是當是把節奏慢下來的時候,你最好能夠這樣 打。如果你不能在聯盟裡面慢慢打,你不會贏。 Jerry可以從板凳上看到 一些我們看不到的東西。不過我們真的想要打塊。越少從板凳上喊出來的 戰術越好。 What's the worst thing Jerry did to Greg Ostertag? Stockton: (Laughs) Anything Jerry says you have to change the wording a little bit. Greg got his doses. Nobody went unscathed. Some guys were more focused than others. If you were more focused, you probably heard it less than the guys who were less focused. I wouldn't say Greg was the lone whipping boy, though. Did you ever want to leave Utah? Stockton: No. Early on, when I didn't know what my fate was with the team, when I didn't know if they wanted me around or not, I wondered about other teams. Occasionally you would hear rumors or interest from other teams. But that was the extent of it. I never put myself in a position and the Jazz never let it get to a position where it was a possibility. SI: Sloan對 Ostertag幹過最糟的事情是什麼? S: (笑)Jerry Sloan對你說了什麼,你(按:聽進去的時候)必須要稍微改 變他的措辭。而 Tag有他自己的解藥。每個人都會被掃到。有些人和別人比 起來比較專注一點。如果你比較專注,你可能會比那些比較不專注的人少聽 一點。不過我不會說 Tag是那唯一一個代罪羔羊就是了。 SI: 你有曾經想要離開猶他嗎? S: 沒有。一開始,當我不知道我的命運會和這隻球隊綁在一起的時候,當我 不知道他們有沒有要我的時候,我有在想其他球隊。有些時候你會聽到有一些 乳摸說有些球隊想要你。不過差不多就這樣。我從來沒有把自己放在一個有這 種可能,而爵士也沒有把我放在這種可能的位置上。 In today's NBA, everyone is obsessed with free agency. Why didn't you want it? Stockton: The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I don't know if I qualify as being on the same level of the guys that are doing that. You see a lot of phenomenal players today buddying up and creating a dynasty. I would rather have the team that I have, work at it, get better and try to win it that way. It's just my way. It's like how there are different ways in AAU to get it done. Some people go out and recruit. I prefer to have local kids and go to work. Just a personal preference. SI: 現在的 NBA每個人都醉心於變成自由球員。你為什麼不要? S: 外國的月亮並不會一定比較圓。我不知道我有沒有到那些這樣幹的球員的 等級。你看到很多很棒的球員報隊變成一個王朝。我寧願在一個我本來就在 的球隊,努力經營,然後用這樣的方式試著贏球。這就像很多業餘球隊(AAU) 有很多不同的經營方法一樣。有些人去找人進來。我喜歡找當地的小孩然後 把他們練起來。就是我自己不一樣的偏好而已。 What playoff loss hurt the most? Stockton: Either one of the Finals losses against Chicago. They were the greatest experiences and the most difficult finishes. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. It's difficult to lose something when you are so close to grasping it. You can see so many reasons why you did or didn't get it done, and yet the opportunity is one that I will cherish. To play in that environment is very special. The sad part about championships is that they are not often won when they are blowouts. They are two- or three-point games. One play can flip the game. That's the hard part. One play, one shot, one call can change anything. It's a lot of fun and a lot of disappointment, too. SI: 那系列季後賽輸球最痛? S: 兩次對紐牛輸球都是。他們是最有經驗而最難在比賽最後搞定的球隊。不 過我不會讓任何東西來交換我這經驗。在你很接近一件事情的時候失去他是很 痛的。你找不到任何一個不能完成的理由,而這樣的機會是我相當珍惜的。在 那樣的環境下打球是很特別的。冠軍讓人心痛的部份原因,就是因為通常不是 一面倒的殺爆的比賽,通常都是兩三分決勝負,一個 play 就可以翻轉整場比 賽。這是最難的一部分。一個play,一次投球,一個吹判可以決定一切。這很 有趣,但也很令人心痛。 What's a day in the life of John Stockton these days? Stockton: Well, it's kind of a mess of activities. There is not the same structure -- I don't have practice at 10, games at 7; I get to pick and choose my spots. But it's very busy. I'm in a number of businesses. I'm in a couple of construction projects. I'm doing a lot of coaching, some high school, some younger. When I first retired, I was an assistant on seven or eight teams at once. SI: 這些日子以來 Stockton都在幹麻? S: 喔,有很多事情啦。沒有這麼有結構就是 ---- 我不會早上十點起來投球, 比賽也不會在七點開始。我必須要自己安排時間。不過我很忙,我有幾個生意 在做,我也參與了幾項建築工程。我也教很多球,有些高中,有些比較小一點。 當我鋼退休的時候,我一次當七到八個球隊的助理教練。 You still play pickup games?s Stockton: Yep. Once a week. How's your game? Stockton: It's a distance from what it was 10 years ago. SI: 你還是會鬥牛嗎? S:嗯,一個禮拜一次。 SI: 那你打得怎樣? S: 跟十年前很遠了啦。 Did you ever think about getting back into it? Stockton: No. I had dreams about it. That was the closest thing. I never regretted the decision to retire. It was time. I had a great time playing, the best times of my life. But it was time. I was playing adequately. I was still enjoying the games. But my family was growing up. And sitting in the hotel room waiting for games wasn't making up for what I was missing at home. I wanted to change that. And I think my attitude has softened. I wasn't happy with where I would be as a competitor. I didn't want to go through the motions. SI:你有想過再回到球場嗎? S:沒有,但我有夢過。那大概是最接近的吧。我從來沒有對於退休這決定後悔過。 是時候了。我打球的時候感覺很棒,是我人生最棒的時候。不過是時候了。 我打得還不錯,我還很享受比賽的感覺。不過我的家庭已經長大了。而在旅館的 房間等球賽開始,並不會彌補我想家的心情。我想要改變這件事。而我認為我的 態度已經軟化了。我對於我不再是個競爭者感到不高興,我不想要虛應故事。 Your old backcourt-mate, Jeff Hornacek, is now a head coach. Jason Kidd is now a head coach. A lot of guards have become head coaches. Ever think about it? Stockton: I've thought about it. But even if I started right away, like Jason did, it wouldn't have answered the problem of wanting to spend more time with my family. I would be right back in that mold. If I was going to do that, I might as well play. I'd rather play. Playing is a lot more fun. Coaching is a rough business. SI: 你場上的老相好 Hornacek現在已經是個總教練了。Kidd也變成了總教練。 很多後衛也變成教練了,你有想過嗎? S: 我曾經想過。不過即便我就像 Kidd一樣馬上開始,也無法回答讓我想要 陪伴家庭多一點時間的這個問題。如果我有這樣的心情,我會馬上回來。如 果我要這樣的話,那我可能也會繼續打。我寧願打球,打球比較好玩,當教 練比較累。 Will we ever see you back in the NBA? Stockton: I've never ruled it out. I have not sought it out either. It's just not time for me. I don't know that I'm an office guy in any way shape or form. If I were to come back, it would be on the coaching side. More challenging for John Stockton: Writing a book or doing all this publicity for the book? Stockton: The interviews. Hopefully, though, the interviews are a lot more short lived. SI:我們會看到你再回到 NBA嗎? S:我從沒有完全否定喔。不過我也還沒找到解決方法就是。現在就不是時候, 我知道我不是個制服組的人。所以我回來的話一定是在當教練。 SI: 對老史來說:那個比較有挑戰性?寫書或者是為了書而跑出來宣傳? S: 訪問比較難。不過幸妤訪問只要一下下而已。 Read More: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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讚啦 但看到Ostertag時我笑了
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