Re: [爆料] Catching Up with Derrick Favors

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Catching Up With Derrick Favors It has been a whirlwind first few years in the NBA for Derrick Favors, who was barely 19 years old when he made his on-court debut. His short career has included being drafted no. 3 overall by the New Joisey Nets; spending his entire rookie year as a key piece in the Carmelo Anthony trade talks; Anthony's trade to the Knicks; the Nets responding with an out-of-nowhere deal sending Favors and several other assets to Utah for Deron Williams; the subsequent NBA lockout; and a recently inked four-year contract extension that will pay Favors about $12 million per season. Favors 前幾年的NBA生涯什麼事情都發生得很迅速,他第一次上場的時候 才剛滿 19 歲沒幾天。他當前短暫的生涯已經包涵了第三順位被籃網選上, 整個新年球季都被討論著會被包在丟去換 Melo 的交易裡面;籃網最後來了 個不知道從哪跑出來的把他跟一些東西包一包丟去猶他換 DW 回來;之後遇 到 NBA封館,最近則是一個每年會給他1200萬,總共四年的合約。 Favors is now set as a long-term member of Utah's so-called "core four" of Favors, Enes Kanter, Gordon Hayward, and Alec Burks. During Utah's visit to Brooklyn this week, Favors sat down for a one-on-one with Grantland on his new deal, life in Utah, and the future of the Jazz. Favor 現在被認為是猶他所謂「四核心」長期培養成員的一部分,其中包 涵 Favor, Kanter, Hayward, 還有 Burks。 在猶他來到不滷課林的這時候 ,Favor 坐下來跟我們談了新合約、在猶他的生活,還有爵士的未來。 How involved were you in the extension talks? Did you meet with GM Dennis Lindsey and Kevin O'Connor at the end of last season and indicate a salary number you thought was fair? 問:延長合約的討論你參與了多少?你上個球季有和有和 Dennis Lindsey總裁和 KOC見面,然後跟他們說大概多少錢才公道嗎? That's more of an agent thing. They talked all summer and had conversations. But that's more for the agent and the front office. But I didn't have that much word in it. My agent really just asked me questions and stuff. 答:這更偏向是經紀人的事。他們整個夏天都在討論。不過這是我經紀人跟 制服組的事。我沒什麼意見啦。我的經紀人只有問我一些問題什麼的。 Did you independently have a number in mind? Did you feel you deserved the max? 問:你自己心中有什麼數字嗎?你認為你值得頂級合約嗎? I didn't get involved to that level. I left that to the agent and the front office. 答:我沒有參與到這麼細的層級。我把這些事情丟給我的經紀人和制服組。 Free agency at such an early stage is an interesting dilemma. Some guys prioritize security. Some guys like to play it out, hoping they can earn an even larger deal than might be available via an early extension. How did you balance those things? 問:在生涯這麼早的時候討論到自由球員資格是個兩難。有些人安全為先, 有些人喜歡踹踹看,希望他可以在延長合約以外的狀況賺到更多錢,你怎麼 平衡這兩邊? Yeah, security was very important to me. I just wanted to be somewhere where I know I'm going to be for a long time, and just be comfortable. 答:對,安全對我來說很重要。我只想要在一個可以打很久的地方而已, 然後打得很舒服就好。 Any celebratory purchases, even though the new deal doesn't kick in till next season? 問:那你有買什麼慶祝的東西嗎?即便這新合約一直到下球季才生效? Umm, no. I haven't bought anything yet. 答:婀,沒有,我沒買啥。 Nothing planned? 問:沒有計畫嗎? Not right now. I bought everything I needed with my rookie deal. So I'm good right now. 答:現在沒有。我已經在我新人年的合約買了我要買得所有東西了。所以我現在 很好。 Let's talk on-court stuff. You're a defense-first guy, and defending the pick-and-roll is job one on that end in the NBA. You've defended it here in Utah in lots of different styles. Sometimes you jump out far to attack point guards above the 3-point line. Sometimes you drop back to meet them near the foul line. Which way do you prefer? 問:我們來討論場上吧。你是一個防守優先的球員,防守檔切是在 NBA的第 一道課題。你現在在猶他已經用很多不同的方法防了。有些時候你會跳很遠 到三分線去防守控衛。有些時候你會退到罰球線附近去守,你比較喜歡哪種? I'm comfortable with both styles. I can do both really well. I can hedge out on the screen-and-roll, I can fall back, and I can switch. I'm pretty good with everything on the pick-and-roll. 答:我都可以啦。我兩種都幹得不錯。我可以去外面擋 P n R,我可以退到 後面去,我也可以交換防。P nR 防守我都可以啦。 So no preference, then? You're cool with whatever? 問:所以都沒差喔?啊然後你都可以喔? Whatever coach tells me to do, that's what I do. 答:教練叫我幹麼我就幹麼。 It does seem to vary game-by-game for you guys, depending on the opponent — the skills of the particular point guard, the screeners, the offensive system. Right? 問:似乎每場遇到不同對手防守方式都不一樣 ---- 每個控衛的技巧、擋的人 進攻系統,對吧? Yeah, yeah, it does vary. There are some guys, you have to hedge hard on them. Some guys you can fall back on. It just depends on the opponent. 答:對啦。都不太一樣,有些你要在在外面擋很用力,有些人要退後防,就看 對手怎樣。 You're fast enough to chase a point guard 25 feet from the rim, and then run all the way back to stuff someone's shot at the basket. You ever get anyone like that and have them say, "Oh, come on, man. Where'd you come from?" 問:你夠快所以可以到25呎以外的三分線去防控衛。你有遇到任何人讓他對你說: 「喔你怎麼可以追到這邊來?」 There was one guy who asked me that. And I forgot what team he was on. But he asked me how I do it, and I said, "It's just God-given." 答:有個人問我這個。我忘記他哪隊的了。不過他問我說我怎麼作到的?然後 我說「老天給我的啦!」 You don't remember him? I'd remember something like that. But you do block a lot of shots, so … 問:你不記得是誰了?是我的話我就會記得。不過你是八了很多鍋啦,所以... I can't remember, man. It was, like, my second year in the league. I can't remember who said it, but I remember telling him it was God-given. 答:我不記得啦,老兄。我就,第二年吧,我不知道誰說得,不過我記得 我是回他老天給我的。 What's one part of your defensive game you need to improve? 問:你哪個防守的部份需要加強? Just defense overall. In the past years, I got in a lot of foul trouble because I was out of position, or because I was just too aggressive. I was trying to block too many shots. It's really just learning when to take a chance at blocking shots, and to get to spots early. 答:整體的防守。去年我經常陷入犯規麻煩然後失位,因為我太積極了。 我是著要蓋太多鍋。這是要學著何時是蓋火鍋的好時機,然後早點去那個 位置。 I asked LARRY SANDERS! this last week, because he's had foul issues, too: How do you learn NOT to foul? 問:我上禮拜也問了 Larry Sanders!因為他也有犯規問題,你怎麼避免犯規? It's kinda hard. When you first come in the league as a big man, they tell you to be physical down there. No layups, all that kind of stuff. So you have to buy into it, because you think it's going to get you more playing time. But it really just gets you more foul trouble. I had to learn how to not foul so much, and not try to be too aggressive early in the game. 答:這有點難。作為一個大個子剛進聯盟的時候,他們會告訴你要打得兇一 點,不給上籃,之類的。所以你必須要聽進去他們講得這些,因為你想說這樣 幹會讓你上場久一點。不過其實這會讓你陷入犯規麻煩。我必須要學會如何避 免犯太多規,不要在比賽開始前段太積極。 Any kind of foul you saw on film a lot and said to yourself, "I have to wipe that one out"? 問:在看片的時候,你什麼時候會跟自己說:「啊,我以後一定不要犯這種?」 It's just bumping guys when they come to the basket. It's getting into position late, or reaching on pick-and-rolls or in the post. Just doing silly fouls 20 feet away from the basket. I had to learn how to back away from those. 答:就那種撞進正在上籃的人。就太晚進去該進的位置,或是在 P n R上 打手或是在低位犯規。那些在20呎之外的愚蠢犯規。我必須要學會避免這些。 Who wins a midrange-shooting contest: you or Enes Kanter? Me. Yeah, all the time. 問:誰會贏中距離跳投比賽,你還是 Kanter? 答:我啦,都是我。 Wow. Strong. But he's a good shooter though. 問:挖,強耶~ 答:不過他也不錯啦~ You can't back off now! Nah, nah. But I will give him credit though. He's a good shooter. But during practice, whenever we have our competitions, I usually win. 問:你現在可以不要這麼邱嗎! 答:婀,婀。不過我也很贊同他這一點就是。他是個好射手。不過練習的 時候,不管什麼比拼,我通常都會贏。 How will you guys work together on offense, now that the front line is yours? He's a back-to-the-basket force, and while you've posted up now and then, you're a pick-and-roll guy, too. I remember last season, you'd roll to the hoop down one side of the paint, and he'd seal his guy for a post-up on the other side. Is that an example of one way you guys can maximize your skill sets? Is that going to be a challenge? It's just that we're still learning how to play with each other — how to feed off each other, kind of like how Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol do in Memphis. They know each other's strengths and how to play with each other, and we're still learning. 問:現在整個前場都你們的了,你們兩個怎麼練習的?他是個背框的人 ,當你背框要球的時候,你也是個 Pn R的人。我記得去年你會跑到禁區 的另一邊去,然後他會從另一邊上來單打。這是你們兩個可以最大化你們 的技巧嗎?這會不會有什麼挑戰? 答:這就是我們仍然在學著怎麼跟對方一起打 ---- 怎麼互相餵球,就像 軟豆腐跟假鎖在揮雄幹得事情一樣。你知道對方的強項和怎麼和他打,然 後我們還在學啦。 You guys run a lot of side pick-and-rolls, and last season you'd roll down the right side, catch the ball open, see a third help defender coming toward you, and stop for a little 12-foot jumper. But those are hard shots, right? Oh, man. They are. I've been working on them — me and the coaching staff, they've talked to me about it. If you roll all the time, there's gonna be a defender there waiting for you, so you gotta develop that little midrange push shot right there. 問:你們跑很多 P n R,去年你會跑到右邊,接球,然後看到幫忙防守的 球員過來,就噴了一個 12 呎跳投。不過這是不太好的投籃機會,對吧? 答:喔對,他們的確不太好。我有在練這個 -- 我和教練團們,他們會跟我 講這個。如果你每次都跑掉,一定會有一個人跑來等你,所以你必須要練出 一些中距離來。 What's more important: getting better at that little jumper, or working for better shots — by driving to the rim on one dribble or passing to the open man as the defense rotates around? 問:哪個比較重要:練出跳投,或者是找到更好的投籃機會 --- 用一步切入 禁區或是傳給那些因為防守輪替所以有空檔的? It's sort of both, you know? I want to be able to make that shot, so the defense has to respect it. And also, so that I can suck in the defense toward me, and I can go right past them — instead of having them just waiting there for me, to take a charge or an offensive foul. 答:兩個都很重要啦,知道吧?我想要可以練出那個跳投,所以防守者會尊重我。 所以這樣我也可以把防守者吸到我這邊來,然後我就可以切過他們了 ---- 而不是 只有在那邊等我,然後等著作我進攻犯規。 Reading the defense and passing on the move — that's a hard skill for a lot of young big men. 問:解讀防守並在移動時傳球 ---- 這對年輕長人來說是有點難的技巧。 Yeah, I worked on that since my rookie year, actually. Coming off pick-and-rolls, dudes are rotating over. And I've gotten a lot of offensive foul calls, because I was just catching the ball and running those dudes over. 答:對啊,其實我在我新人球季就開始努力搞這個了。面對 Pn R,對方會 輪替。我有很多進攻犯規是因為我剛接到球就把對方輾過去了。 I noticed that. You are a vicious charge machine sometimes. And it wasn't because I was being stupid. It's just that I really wasn't comfortable passing the ball. I had to work on that over the summer. I watched a lot of film with the coaches. 問:我有注意到。你有些時候是個兇猛的進攻犯規機器。 答:這並不是因為我很笨啦。我只是因為沒有傳球傳很好。我必須在暑假 的時候鍊這個。我和教練一起看很多比賽影片。 Do you work on one or two specific passes out of the pick-and-roll? Like, dumping it to Enes on the opposite side of the lane? Or kicking it to an open shooter way across the floor? It's whoever's man comes to help. Because I know where my teammates are going to be. I know Enes is going to be down there in the post. And I know there are going to be players up top, on the wing, and in the corner. So it's really just, whoever's man I see coming, that's the pass I make. 問:你有練哪種或哪兩種特別的PnR後外傳嗎?就像把球丟給底線另一邊的 Kanter?還是丟給另一邊的射手? 答:這主要是取決於誰來幫忙防守。因為我知道我隊友們會在哪。我知道 Kanter會在低位。我知道會有幾個在壺頂、側翼和角落接球。所以就我看到 可以傳的我就傳了。 Tell me something about Utah, and Salt Lake City, a lot of people might not know. It's not as bad as you might think it is. And that surprised me, because when I first got traded, I was like, "Oh, man. Utah? Where is Utah?" But when I got there, I fell in love with it. It's a great city. It may not have a nightlife like New York has, or whatever, but I love it, it's a great city. 問:告訴我一些關於猶他和鹽湖城的事情,很多人應該不知道。 答:這沒有像你想得那麼差啦。這我有點下到,因為我剛被交易的時候,我是 想到:「靠,猶他?猶他在哪?」不過當我來這之後,我愛上這裡了,這是個 好城市。我可能不會有像紐約那樣的夜生活,不過不管怎樣,我喜歡他,這是 個好城市。 Do you spend your offseason there now? Yeah, this offseason, I did stay there a lot more, just so I could get my work in. And to get used to it. 問:你在休季待在這嗎? 答:是啊,本季是。我現在真的比較常待在這裡,因為這樣我可以做好我的 工作。然後好好適應他。 In the huddles, when the coach is talking, do you ever get distracted watching Jazz Bear do his crazy stunts? My second year, when I wasn't playing that much, I definitely did. But now that I'm playing a lot, I don't have time. I can't be doing that. 問:在你們在場邊跟教練圍在一起討論戰術的時候,你有沒有被爵士熊搞一些 特技干擾到? 答:第二年的時候:當我沒啥上場那麼多的匙後,我的確有一點啦。不過現在我 上很多了,所以我就沒時間,我不能這樣幹啊。 Ah. You have to pay attention now. Yeah. I remember one time, he walked into the stands and got my girlfriend with the Silly String. 問:婀,所以你現在比較專注了。 答:對,我記得一次,他走進觀眾席然後給我馬子噴了一堆白爛噴噴。 Wait: Did he know she was your girlfriend? I didn't even know what happened! She told me after the game. And she was hot. 問:熊知道她是你馬子嗎? 答:我根本不知道發生了啥事!她賽後告訴我,不過她很爽就是了。 Really? Oh, yeah. She was hot about it. 問:真的嗎? 答:對啊,她對這件事很爽。 Did you confront him? This is great. I didn't say nothing to him. 問:那你有跟他起衝突嗎?這樣超棒的 答:我啥都沒跟他說 Maybe he didn't know. I don't think he knew, but I didn't say anything to him, because I didn't think it was a big deal. But she was hot about that. 問:說不定他不知道。 答:我不認為他知道,不過我沒對他說啥啦,因為我認為這不太重要。不過她 還蠻爽的。 Are you still with the same girl? Still with her. 問:你現在還是跟她在一起嗎? 答:一樣。 Whew. So Jazz Bear didn't contribute to the end of any relationship. Oh, no. We're fine. 問:所以爵士熊沒有造成任何分手事件。 答:喔對,我們沒怎樣。 What's the worst thing you've ever heard a Jazz fan say to an opposing player? You know Utah fans are legendary for getting on the other team. To tell you the truth, I've never anything. 問:什麼事一個爵士隊球迷曾經對對方球員說過最糟的話?爵士隊球迷 傳奇性的愛挑釁。 答:告訴你實話,我從沒聽過什麼。 Come on. I'm serious! They probably are saying all that down by [the opponent] bench. 問:拜託.... 答:我是認真的!他們可能會全部對對面板凳說啦。 What's the state of your post-up game, in your opinion? You've got a lot of moves down there — spins, drop steps, other stuff. Is there one thing you want to make your go-to move? I just have to learn how to put it all together. I have so much stuff, sometimes it gets out of control. 問:以你自己來講,你的低位單打目前狀況怎麼樣?你在低位有很多動作, 轉身、低位之類的。什麼是你想要變成你的吃飯工具的東西? 答:我只是要把這些東西都融合在一起就好。我有很多東西,只是有時候會 失控而已。 That jumps off the film. You'll spin one way, then the other, then a drop step. It's complicated. 問:輕輕跳,轉一邊,轉到另一邊,然後墊步之類的,有點複雜。 Yeah. I just gotta learn how to take my time with it. 答:對,我只是要學會每次怎麼用而已。 Any other individual goals for the season? I don't really pay attention to it. I just go out there and play. But I'd love to be able to lead the league in rebounding. 問:你有任何本季個人目標嗎? 答:我沒啥注意這個。我只是要上場然後打球而已。不過我希望可以在聯盟 拿到籃板王。 That's doable, though Kevin Love and Dwight Howard will be in there. What about making an All-Defense team? Do you set specific goals that way? I'd love that. But I don't have it my head. I just go out and play. 問:這有可能啊,雖然Love跟DH還在那邊就是了。不然當個防守第一隊怎樣? 你會特別在這方面設定目標嗎? 答:可以的話很好啊。不過我沒有什麼特別想要的就是了,我就上場然後打球。 Everyone has you guys losing a ton of games this season, and the front office obviously opted to let two key guys walk and fill cap space with reserve-type players. The T-word [tanking] has been thrown around. Do you guys use that as motivation? I mean, do players actually discuss it among themselves, explicitly: "Let's prove everyone wrong"? That's our whole motivation. Everybody says we're not gonna win a lot of games, and whatever. But that's motivation for us. That's why we come out and play as hard as we can, and get wins every night. 問:每個人都認為你們會輸一屁股球賽,制服組顯然的選擇讓兩個重要球員 離開並補進替補等級的球員。這種(tanking)(編按:[小字典]就是擺爛) 的搞法甚囂塵上。你們會認為這是一種激勵嗎?我是說,你們真的會自己 之間互相討論,就像:「讓我們證明他們是錯的?」 答:這就是我們整體的激勵因素。每個人都我們不會營多少比賽,或怎樣。 不過這就是我們之間的激勵動力。這就是我們為什麼我們要出場然後把我 們最認真的表現出來,然後每個晚上都贏。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/07 15:55, , 1F
11/07 15:55, 1F

11/07 15:56, , 2F
11/07 15:56, 2F

11/07 15:57, , 3F
11/07 15:57, 3F

11/07 15:59, , 4F
11/07 15:59, 4F

11/07 16:00, , 5F
11/07 16:00, 5F

11/07 16:02, , 6F
翻的很好笑呀 尤其阿坎那段XD 也難怪之前那麼多文章
11/07 16:02, 6F

11/07 16:02, , 7F
都認為他個性相當適合爵士 不怎麼慕名利只想有個家
11/07 16:02, 7F

11/07 16:02, , 8F
11/07 16:02, 8F

11/07 16:21, , 9F
留學是假的 看比賽更方便才是本體
11/07 16:21, 9F

11/07 16:36, , 10F
嚴重懷疑Favors說謊 中距離怎麼可能贏阿坎
11/07 16:36, 10F

11/07 16:43, , 11F
11/07 16:43, 11F

11/07 16:43, , 12F
聯盟:抓到了! 爵士擺爛!
11/07 16:43, 12F

11/07 16:47, , 13F
11/07 16:47, 13F

11/07 17:23, , 14F
11/07 17:23, 14F

11/07 17:41, , 15F
11/07 17:41, 15F

11/07 18:45, , 16F
11/07 18:45, 16F

11/07 19:39, , 17F
11/07 19:39, 17F

11/07 19:51, , 18F
"爵士隊的球迷傳奇性的愛挑釁" 果然阿爵都是臭酸宅XDDDDDD
11/07 19:51, 18F

11/07 20:35, , 19F
11/07 20:35, 19F

11/07 23:07, , 20F
那個,silly string 是這個
11/07 23:07, 20F

11/07 23:12, , 21F
12 呎跳投個不是不好的機會,是很難(hard)投的球
11/07 23:12, 21F

11/08 00:24, , 22F
我覺得hard shot翻不好的機會沒啥問題耶 意思有到
11/08 00:24, 22F

11/08 02:51, , 23F
silly string單純我耍白爛直接省略st兩個字母
11/08 02:51, 23F
※ 編輯: nobody 來自: (11/08 02:53)

11/08 02:54, , 24F
hard shot不就是被守到或是位置角度不好,那就是機會不好啊
11/08 02:54, 24F

11/08 02:55, , 25F
意譯跟直譯都會有人有意見啦 上面的sam有意見的是直譯
11/08 02:55, 25F

11/08 02:55, , 26F
11/08 02:55, 26F

11/08 03:20, , 27F
推翻譯 挑點小問題 "so i'm good right now"那邊i'm good
11/08 03:20, 27F

11/08 03:23, , 28F
很口語地表達"不"的意思 在此比較像(因為該買的都買了 所
11/08 03:23, 28F

11/08 03:25, , 29F
11/08 03:25, 29F

11/08 03:48, , 30F
啊就沒有買啊 這邊沒啥問題吧?
11/08 03:48, 30F

11/08 04:30, , 31F
11/08 04:30, 31F

11/08 09:07, , 32F
就是該簽這樣的球員. 反觀
11/08 09:07, 32F

11/08 12:00, , 33F
我覺得山姆應該是在稱讚Favors不是在講直譯啦 XDXD
11/08 12:00, 33F

11/08 12:43, , 34F
XDDDD 我也不知道 xD
11/08 12:43, 34F

11/08 13:00, , 35F
對阿 我是認為挺好笑的 所以才節錄你的翻譯到推文
11/08 13:00, 35F

11/08 13:00, , 36F
11/08 13:00, 36F

11/08 14:22, , 37F
好啦我這次小人之心了 說聲抱歉摟
11/08 14:22, 37F

11/08 15:09, , 38F
喝喝不會啦這個版就是歡樂嚕 你會產生誤會也很正常
11/08 15:09, 38F

11/08 15:10, , 39F
因為你翻的真的很好笑 哈哈 ^^
11/08 15:10, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #1IUqKmmb (UTAH-JAZZ)
文章代碼(AID): #1IUqKmmb (UTAH-JAZZ)