[轉錄][外絮] Utah Jazz talked Kirilenko for …

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (薯小友)時間15年前 (2009/07/04 20:44), 編輯推噓29(29017)
留言46則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: jonesking (mythfrank) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Utah Jazz talked Kirilenko for McGrady trade 時間: Sat Jul 4 20:30:46 2009 Utah Jazz talked Kirilenko for McGrady tradeBy Tim Buckley Deseret News Published: Saturday, July 4, 2009 12:00 a.m. MDT 6 comments | E-MAIL | PRINT | FONT + - E-mail story It's easy. Send a link to the story you were just reading to a friend. Just fill out the form on this page and we'll send it along. Your name and e-mail address are transmitted to the recipient. Otherwise, it is considered private information; see Privacy policy. E-mail address of recipient (Only one address please; multiple addresses are not supported) Name of recipient Your e-mail address Your name The Jazz, it's been learned and confirmed, engaged in recent trade talk with the Houston Rockets about a possible deal that would have brought seven-time NBA All-Star swingman Tracy McGrady to Utah for small forward Andrei Kirilenko. The Jazz, however, have no current desire to make the trade — for reasons including, but not necessarily limited to, McGrady's health situation and contract status. McGrady, 30, underwent arthroscopic surgery on his left knee in May of 2008 and microfracture surgery on the same problematic knee late last February. He also has a history of back problems, played just 35 games last season, may or may not be able to play more than that next season and is the subject of frequent trade rumors. At $23,239,591 in the final year of his existing contract, McGrady also will be the NBA's highest-paid player next season. Kirilenko, 28 and a one-time All-Star small forward, is due $16,442,000 in 2009-10 — meaning one or more other players would have to be included to make such a swap conform to NBA trade rules, which call for next season's salaries to match within 25 percent. And unless the Jazz included enough additional salary in such a trade to trump McGrady's number, Utah — as its payroll stands now — would be taking on added luxury-tax burden. Story continues below But Kirilenko also is due about $17.8 million in 2010-11 — which means the Jazz, if they did somehow send enough salary to Houston to top McGrady's figure, could save about $18 million over the next two years by making such a deal. The trade talk evidently was conducted quite quietly. "I know nothing about it," said Kirilenko's agent, Marc Fleisher, who met with Jazz general manager Kevin O'Connor earlier this week to discuss the contract situation of another his clients, starting center Mehmet Okur. "I haven't heard from anybody in the Jazz office that they're going to trade Andrei. . . . They've given me no indication of that." ‧ Free agent updates No offers yet for Millsap, Harpring considering retirement and Turkoglu goes to Portland, D2 這是乳摸還是有交談? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 20:31,
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07/04 20:35,
如果這交易成真我會非常非常驚訝= =
07/04 20:35

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07/04 20:38,
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07/04 20:38,
火箭... 專門累積防守球員作啥?
07/04 20:38

07/04 20:39,
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07/04 20:39,
力王會接手筋 超強的
07/04 20:39

07/04 20:40,
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07/04 20:42,
AB:進攻交給我 防守交給你們了 AK Ariza B爺: 好!
07/04 20:42

07/04 20:43,
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07/04 20:44,
07/04 20:44
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 20:48, , 1F
07/04 20:48, 1F

07/04 20:49, , 2F
07/04 20:49, 2F

07/04 20:49, , 3F
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07/04 20:52, , 6F
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07/04 20:53, , 7F
07/04 20:53, 7F

07/04 20:54, , 8F
07/04 20:54, 8F

07/04 20:54, , 9F
" The Jazz have no current desire to make the trade "
07/04 20:54, 9F

07/04 21:05, , 10F
07/04 21:05, 10F

07/04 21:05, , 11F
不要啊 我的AK~~~~~~~~雖然T妹是真的可以為2010省錢啦
07/04 21:05, 11F

07/04 21:09, , 12F
哇 阿爵終於要有超級搖擺人了嗎?
07/04 21:09, 12F

07/04 21:22, , 13F
07/04 21:22, 13F

07/04 21:28, , 14F
碧潭 WITH 愛狗 and 江某
07/04 21:28, 14F

07/04 21:48, , 15F
07/04 21:48, 15F

07/04 21:57, , 16F
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07/04 22:02, , 17F
07/04 22:02, 17F

07/04 22:09, , 18F
07/04 22:09, 18F

07/04 22:10, , 19F
07/04 22:10, 19F

07/04 22:10, , 20F
成真的話 明年有約的只有DW CJ 大KK 妹娜...洗牌過一半
07/04 22:10, 20F

07/04 22:17, , 21F
歐康就可以放心的玩LIVE了 03梯三隻都簽到爵士來XD
07/04 22:17, 21F

07/04 22:19, , 22F
一隻算2000萬 這樣就沒錢簽替補了
07/04 22:19, 22F

07/04 22:27, , 23F
這樣玩的話 明年Jazz 也加入軍備競賽了
07/04 22:27, 23F

07/04 22:31, , 24F
07/04 22:31, 24F

07/04 22:34, , 25F
話是沒錯 不過T-MAC來要打哪個位置?他也算是要大量持球的
07/04 22:34, 25F

07/04 22:35, , 26F
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07/04 22:45, , 27F
07/04 22:45, 27F

07/04 22:52, , 28F
07/04 22:52, 28F

07/04 22:53, , 29F
傷兵史比AK還豐富... 而且也不合隊形
07/04 22:53, 29F

07/04 22:54, , 30F
可以打側翼 釀酒人專職防守 如果受傷 也有拼選秀的好處
07/04 22:54, 30F

07/04 22:58, , 31F
今年的主軸還是BOOZER OKUR DW,我覺得T-MAC來了之後
07/04 22:58, 31F

07/04 22:58, , 32F
可能會像之前的AK 一時找不到自己在隊裡的定位
07/04 22:58, 32F

07/04 23:00, , 33F
但他有10年的到期約 AK要等到11年
07/04 23:00, 33F

07/04 23:00, , 34F
換到的話 明年誰跟爵士比錢多XD
07/04 23:00, 34F

07/04 23:01, , 35F
1650+1260+500+515+650 空出5000多萬 兩個Kobe都吃的下!
07/04 23:01, 35F

07/04 23:01, , 36F
07/04 23:01, 36F

07/04 23:02, , 37F
那我們可以同時簽小皇帝跟KOBE了! 喔耶!
07/04 23:02, 37F

07/04 23:02, , 38F
瞬間變成全聯盟媒體寵兒 全球爵士迷瞬間超過一億
07/04 23:02, 38F

07/04 23:03, , 39F
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07/04 23:07, , 43F
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07/04 23:07, , 44F
07/04 23:07, 44F

07/04 23:14, , 45F
今年爵士版面相當多 續約~交易~薪資空間
07/04 23:14, 45F

09/11 07:39, , 46F
如果這交易達成明年爵士 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:39, 46F
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