追憶似水年華-Thanks for everything, Michael …

看板Tennis作者 (無止境的奮戰)時間21年前 (2003/08/26 11:38), 編輯推噓11(1100)
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簡單說,老張帶給我的啟示就是四個字:『永不放棄』。很簡單的處世哲學, 不是嗎?但無論在網球場上或是漫長的人生中,能做到的人都寥寥可數。在球場 上,無論他贏球輸球,總是繼續兢兢業業地練習,希望能有更好的表現;從不詆 毀或輕視對手,從不摔拍。更重要的是,即使遭到多麼大的挫敗,也從不放棄。 我永遠忘不了,96年美網決賽落敗後,山普拉斯贏球的風采與老張輸球的落寞 神情;也永遠忘不了那個青澀少年在巴黎舉起冠軍盃時,那稚嫩卻又堅定的臉 龐。他是在乎的,在乎那一盤搶七裡的截擊失誤,在乎那場比賽第三盤盤末的賽 末點,在乎這麼多他曾經擁有過的好機會,即便他仍然相信是勝是負,都有上帝 的旨意。因為他在乎,所以他能在網壇這樣競爭的環境下,連續六年拿到年終八 強入場券;也因為他太在乎,97年才會在前兩戰拖了太久的情況下,被搶走了 原先應該屬於他的那一座美國公開賽冠軍。 下面是他96年冠軍賽及97年美網四強賽後的訪問: Q. How frustrating is it to be in the finals of another Grand Slam and not win it? MICHAEL CHANG: Well, it is obviously - to a point, it is disappointing, but I think that in my life, it has been something where I have always seemed to be challenged with to persevere, and I don't think that this is any exception. I think that you have an opportunity to just take things step by step. People say, well, you can't come close to winning a major or you can't get to this particular ranking and you go out there and you take things little by little, and you concur things little by little. The way I look at it is that today things didn't go my way, but, you know, just going to keep my head up and continue to work hard and just, you know, strive for bigger and better things, but, you know, I know that the Lord has his timing for everything and to me, that is very, very important and, you know, I still feel like - I still feel like my best tennis is ahead of me. And that, for me, you know, is a good thing. You lose in the finals of a U.S. Open, you can look at it well, it was disappointing, but yet you can look at the positive side and say, well, this is the first time I have gotten to the U.S. Open final. And you think and you work hard and hopefully you say, okay, well next year we will work at it and try to take it a step further. Just stay real positive. Q. Michael, what is it you need to go the extra mile to win another Grand Slam? MICHAEL CHANG: I'm not sure right now, to be honest with you, I'm really not sure. You know, I feel like, you know, you go through periods of stages. Sometimes you think, "You need to be stronger, you need to work on some things." You know, I felt like I was able to do that. Once again , maybe run into that word perseverance. I have hope that perseverance will pay off one day. You know, it's been tough, you know. I think, you know, to be able to come out and say that it's not tough, I'd be kidding you. You have opportunities to win a Grand Slam. You have chances whether you're in the semifinals or Finals on a few occasions. It is frustrating, it's disappointing. But, you know, somehow you've got to bounce back. Somehow you've got to keep your head up and keep on working at it. Obviously, I think that this is something that, at least in my life -- am I babbling here (laughter)? Next question. I'll tell you my life story right here. 我想,很難不為他的積極樂觀而動容,對我來說。 回顧這些訪問,想著當年的情景,總讓人有點難過,卻又懷念。畢竟,再怎 麼燦爛的煙火,終歸會奔向黑暗,消失無蹤;然而,那一瞬間產生的光亮,就已 足以常留心頭。幸運的是,我能有機會看到這幾位美國名將活躍在他們的顛峰時 期,即便是在電視上。Sampras、Agassi、Courier、老張,一場又一場的經典, 就在那幾年之中連番上演,綻放出無限的光芒。能想像沒有Sampras的溫布頓 嗎?能想像沒有Agassi跟老張的美網嗎?97年美網後到現在,我還是很難相信 那年原來不只是老張最接近第二個大滿貫冠軍的機會,竟然也是他最後一次打進 大滿貫四強;而直到去年溫布頓,我才突然發現,原來網前截擊、高壓扣殺並不 像Sampras過去所顯示給我們看到的,那樣理所當然。我曾經真的很希望,96 年那場美網八強賽,輸的是Sampras;現在,Sampras要退休了,但取而代之 的情緒,卻是悵然若失。 世事的發展,也許就是這樣吧?驚覺自己可能已經錯過了什麼,歲月卻不留 情地悄悄飛逝。就在前些天,我度過了生命的第二十四個年頭;而就在這個八月 底,老張跟Sampras卻即將雙雙引退了。除了遺憾難過之外,還剩下了什麼呢? 我想大概就是滿滿的回憶跟感謝了吧!太多熬夜的夜晚,太多鮮明的影像,太多 聲響,常在我腦海裡打轉,無法磨滅。球拍觸球時發出的砰砰聲,球鞋因為救球 而發出的摩擦聲,擊球時骴牙咧嘴的表情,太多太多,老張帶給我的,太多了。 今年的法國公開賽,老張哭了,我的眼淚也快要奪眶而出。上帝虧待了老張 嗎?我並不認為。能夠在網壇擁有這樣的成績,能夠讓全世界的球迷跟著他一起 成長,這些成就跟回憶,說真的,夠了。 Thanks for all the support! I just wanted to thank all you guys and gals for all your prayers and support! It has meant a lot to me and it's encouraging to see so many people on this board! The Lord has definitely blessed me here as well as having prayers from my home church, family and friends while I'm on the road. It's so great to It's funny that I have felt more support and care from people all over the world during the past couple of years than I have at any other time in my life and it's something I have come to treasure because the 'norm' is for people to be behind you while you're doing great but once you struggle, they just kind of forget about you and move on. For me, it has been anything but that and I praise the Lord for people like yourselves who care regardless of circumstance. :) Thank you for that! May God bless you ever so abundantly!:) Created on Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:12 PM ICT by Michael Chang 這是2000年六月,老張在他的官方網站上給球迷的留言。記得當時我的一 個社團的同學(超感謝他!)剛好有機會到洛杉磯去,就在那年八月他在現場看 到老張打球,順便幫我要到了簽名。熟悉老張的人應該都知道他會簽什麼-那就 是『God bless you』。雖然並不特別,但老張虔誠的信仰展露無遺。 正如同過去那些偉大的名將一般,現在創造歷史的人們,終究會成為歷史。 感謝老張,感謝Sampras、Agassi及其他認真的選手,帶給我們太多太多讓人 感動的比賽,那是生於那個年代的人們,深深的幸福。到了很久很久的以後,相 信還是會有很多家長們,指著電視上的球星,跟孩子們述說著這一段段精彩的歷 史吧,我是這麼認為的。 現在,我只想對老張說:Thanks for everything you brought to me, Michael!你帶給所有球迷的回憶,將會永遠永遠在他們的心上,不曾磨滅。在 那個美好的網球年代,曾經有一群人那麼努力過,燦爛過,and you are one of them,夠了! Goodbye,Michael! 即使你從未登上世界排名第一,你永遠是我心中的球王! -- 紀念一些情緒,一些回憶;以此文誌之。 -- 哼!!偶門的邁摳一向速醉牆蒂!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:

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