[題目] 文法題目

看板TOEIC作者 (lala)時間14年前 (2010/02/21 21:05), 編輯推噓1(108)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/12 (看更多)
---------為加速板友們提供解答,請仿照以下範例提供足夠題目資訊----------------- 標題請依 [題目] Longman 3/e Pxx(頁數) or [題目] OG Pxx(頁數) 的格式書名:Longman 書名:oxford tactics for toeic 頁數:19 題目:126. the houses on the street are fairly clos to ------- ; however, the fences that surround each property help to ensure privacy a. one another b. another c.the other d.other 疑問:答案是a 但為什麼不是c呢?? 135. work in excess of 8 hours per day,------- authorized by the clien will be invoiced at 1.3 times the regular hourly rate. a. when b.as if c. so that d. than 答案是a 可是看不太懂這句話是甚麼意思 可以麻煩大家幫我一下嗎?? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 22:06, , 1F
1.one another用於三者之間 如果選c的話應該改成the
02/21 22:06, 1F

02/21 22:07, , 2F
others 2.當客人授權情形下 工作一天超過八小時
02/21 22:07, 2F

02/21 22:07, , 3F
02/21 22:07, 3F

02/22 00:46, , 4F
改成the others語意變成"那些房子很靠近其他的房子"
02/22 00:46, 4F

02/22 00:47, , 5F
改成each other應該會比較好...
02/22 00:47, 5F

02/22 00:53, , 6F
原句:When work in excess of 8 hours per day which
02/22 00:53, 6F

02/22 00:53, , 7F
is authorized by the client will be invoiced at
02/22 00:53, 7F

02/22 00:54, , 8F
1.3 times the regular hourly rate.
02/22 00:54, 8F

02/23 00:13, , 9F
謝謝你們 我懂了
02/23 00:13, 9F
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