Re: [請益] 版友提供的字彙測驗

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (影燕)時間13年前 (2011/04/06 21:08), 編輯推噓1(102)
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※ 引述《edwinking (我是大雄)》之銘言: : from史上最全托福單字 前面幾篇版友提供的~~~ : : 我花了四天做完........(一次做完眼睛應該會花掉XD) 正好這三題是2種不同的題形 我自己把單字題分3類 1.簡單字 考第二定義 2.考片語.介詞 3.難字 考同義字 338. Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few and short, usually extending from inland communities to the nearest river town or seaport. The word "primitive" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) unsafe (B) unknown (C) inexpensive (D) undeveloped primitive = at the early stage of social development 我選D 349. Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that their larvae might have a supply of fresh food when they hatch. The word "provisioning" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) supplying (B) preparing (C) building (D) expanding 這種題形我稱作2選一 大都會選到A 因為文章中有出現 更正之前的內容 ________ 如果當成片語題 這裡的句型是Ving provision sb/sth with sth = 向某人/物供給食物(常用於被動語態) = supply sb/sth with provisions of food or provision sb/sth for .... 供給...的糧食 ex: provision a truck for an expedition into the desert 顯然是這一句的用法 原句中的cell 與 nest是同意字 都指蜂巢 原句應該是指 在巢中準備了被麻醉的毛蟲與蜘蛛 所以 _________________________________ 而之所以有A.B選項 來自provision的名詞型態 1.供給+of ex the provision of food 2.為將來的...準備 (for / against) make provision for .... ex: He did not make any provision for his children's education. 因此 provision當動詞的時候 沒有 預備的解釋 同時 當名詞用時 後面必須接要對抗的事物 3.糧食 Provisions were kept in the storehouse 4.規定.條約+that According to the provisions of this agreement, you must continue to work fo\ r them another two years. 356. Many are uninhabitable, by virtue of their small size and particular characteristics, but even the most favored are very isolated fragments of land, strictly circumscribed by the ocean, strictly limited in terms of the numbers of people they can support. The phrase "by virtue of" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) regarding (B) because of (C) taking advantage of (D) in place of 片語題 by virtue of 由於.憑藉 不過片語題並不一定要背片語 請看看 virtue 應該知道 是 善.德行.美德 其實他也有 優點.長處 的意思 所以同意代換就可以選taking advantage of -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/06 23:35, , 1F
04/06 23:35, 1F

04/07 01:23, , 2F
感謝樓上P大跟原波S大回文的講解~~~有比較懂一些了 謝謝
04/07 01:23, 2F

04/09 05:35, , 3F
個人認為是A 主詞是cell........spider 原PO忽略with了
04/09 05:35, 3F
※ 編輯: snark 來自: (04/10 15:51)
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