[外絮] Artosis對LotV的稱讚與對飛天坦克的支持

看板StarCraft作者 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)時間8年前 (2016/02/26 00:09), 編輯推噓50(50083)
留言133則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
http://scdojo.tumblr.com/post/139953518805/in-defense-of-flying-siege- tanks-and-why-legacy-of 因為很長 我會拆兩三段慢慢來.... Artosis自己也說他也還有更多想寫沒下筆的 看他哪天想到會再講 首先,是機械化 先上他對機械化的基礎觀點與機械化TvP TvP and MechTerran vs Protoss mech in SC1 is one of my favorite things ever. Building up the Most Powerful Unit Composition In The Game ®, a composition where each individual unit is very weak, but as you defend well and work your way to higher supplies, you gain power. In the early game, you are normally on the defense. You must quickly rush up your tech tree and defend carefully, one misstep will spell disaster. Slowly but surely, you push the map. You constantly reposition your army in response to your opponent’s unit movements. You have actual fronts which you must reinforce like in a real war. Eventually when you smell weakness, you unsiege and make a big move, whether it’s a killing move or just gaining more ground. You protect your flanks. You push the map. You zone out areas with cost effecient setups that deter enemy movement in that area. During all this you are harassing, trying to hurt your opponent any way you can, all while not using too many of your units, which would make your main defensive army too weak. It is a defensive playstyle where you are weak early in the game, but become stronger and stronger, eventually wearing your opponent down. BW裡面 TvP或者說機械化人族對決神族的機械部隊是我最喜歡的對決之一。 組織整個遊戲裡面最強悍的單位組成,藉由良好的防守與積累軍力,將各自 為戰的脆弱單位整合成鋼鐵洪流。在遊戲的早期發展階段,你必須要處於防守 態勢,快速攀升科技並且小心的防守,一個失誤可能就會葬送整場比賽。 穩步而確實地擴張,確切的重新佈署你的部隊來應對對手的衝擊。就如同在 打真實的戰爭一樣,你有明確的前線需要補給支援,直到你嗅到對手的弱點 而發力推出或繼續擴張步調。要保護你的側翼,要逐步推進,要劃定殺戮地帶 確保有效率的殺傷對手部隊與限制對手衝擊。同時你必須要持續騷擾,想盡辦法 打擊對手但又確保不要犧牲太多部隊導致主力薄弱。這是一種防守傾向的打法, 初期薄弱但逐步強化自己,直到耗盡對手。 SC2 Wings of Liberty and SC2 Heart of the Swarm Terran has more of a Starship Troopers (the book, not the movie) feel. You are super mobile, dropping all over the place, utilizing multitasking and tactics to find or force holes into your opponent’s play. 自由之翼與蟲群之心的人族卻不同,這是一種星艦戰將式的打法。 你擁有超高的機動性,到處空降將多線奔襲發揮的淋漓盡致與使用 各種高超的戰術將對手逐漸撕裂 (這邊Artosis特別指定了是星艦戰將的原小說,不過電影第一集也是經典 與星海二人族那種感覺也很像,可以看看) ANYWAYS, people are concerned, I guess, about the lack of mech strategies being used in Legacy of the Void right now. From Blizzard: 話歸從頭,我想玩家們都在想:為什麼星海二直到虛空之遺都沒什麼機械化的打法 根據Blizzard的說法: “Currently in the game, Terran bio-play can have the fire power of Siege Tanks without sacrificing mobility. This seems to be a main reason to play bio instead of mech. By removing this ability (picking up Siege Tanks in Siege Mode with a Medivac), and giving more strength to the Siege Tank, we wonder if we can have this clear distinction between the two playstyles appear once again.” 目前為止,人族的生化打法可以配合飛天坦克,在不犧牲機動性的情況下 發揮戰力,因此選手不會考慮機械化。透過移除飛天坦克,BUFF坦克支架 下的輸出能力,我們認為這可以讓兩個打法有更明確的分歧。 Mech doesn’t have to necessarily mean “an army composed of only mechanical units”. It just so happens that when the phrase was invented, the units being used were all mechanical. Mech is more of a playstyle than anything. 機械化其實根本不代表要全部都是從軍工廠生產出來的機械單位。那只是因為 當初發明這個打法的時候,我們使用的幾乎都是機械單位。 機械化只是一種特別的打法,以上以下皆不是 TY used mech to beat Patience in what the community agreed was one of the the best games of Legacy of the Void yet. Here’s the link: http://www.twitch.tv/gsl/v/36539719?t=03h26m44s 社群公認,TY使用機械化擊倒了Patience的比賽是虛空之遺目前最佳的對決之一 http://www.twitch.tv/gsl/v/36539719?t=03h26m44s <= VOD This game consisted of TY desperately trying to hold on vs an incredibly aggressive Protoss player. TY slowly but surely pushed out into the map, taking more bases. He defended his flanks. He moved his army in accordance with his enemy, defending where he pushed. He set up zones that would be very difficult to attack to deter Patience from attacking certain areas. Over time TY’s Liberator count grew and grew, and his entrenched positions become stronger and stronger. This game definitely felt to me more like mech than anything I’ve seen in a long time. 這場比賽的演變正是TY掙扎著應對一個極度侵略性的神族選手。 TY緩慢但確實的擴張,開出更多基地。他保護好了他的側翼, 針對對手的部屬調動他的部隊,以應對對手的攻擊。利用逐步 劃定安全地帶,他限制了Patience進攻的路線。經過時間累積, TY的解放者數量逐漸增加,並且將壕溝戰的強度逐步強化。 對我來說,這就是我等待已久的成功機械化打法。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1456416585.A.F56.html

02/26 00:19, , 1F
02/26 00:19, 1F

02/26 00:30, , 2F
02/26 00:30, 2F

02/26 00:31, , 3F
02/26 00:31, 3F

02/26 00:32, , 4F
期待戰術會慢慢被開發出來 推
02/26 00:32, 4F

02/26 00:34, , 5F
是說問一下 這邊有多少人看過星艦戰將(Starship Troopers
02/26 00:34, 5F

02/26 00:36, , 6F
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02/26 00:39, , 7F
02/26 00:39, 7F

02/26 00:40, , 8F
我可能意思表達會有些偏差 也請多指教
02/26 00:40, 8F

02/26 00:41, , 9F
02/26 00:41, 9F

02/26 00:41, , 10F
是說starship troopers的影片不能貼過來XD 根本18X
02/26 00:41, 10F

02/26 00:42, , 11F
02/26 00:42, 11F

02/26 00:42, , 12F
作為星海人族的基礎設定來源也作為經典科幻 滿值得一看的
02/26 00:42, 12F

02/26 00:43, , 13F
神族可以看世界大戰 裡面那個機器根本巨像
02/26 00:43, 13F

02/26 00:45, , 14F
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02/26 00:46, , 15F
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02/26 01:02, , 17F
02/26 01:02, 17F

02/26 01:04, , 18F
02/26 01:04, 18F

02/26 01:05, , 19F
他認為機械化是一種風格 只是因為BW建立這種風格時候
02/26 01:05, 19F

02/26 01:05, , 20F
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02/26 01:05, , 21F
02/26 01:05, 21F

02/26 01:06, , 22F
真的,有前線僵持 衝鋒 好看啊
02/26 01:06, 22F

02/26 01:06, , 23F
當然這樣講 槍坦也可能被歸類進機械化...
02/26 01:06, 23F

02/26 01:07, , 24F
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02/26 01:07, , 25F
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02/26 01:07, , 26F
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02/26 01:07, , 27F
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02/26 01:08, , 28F
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02/26 01:09, , 29F
是不是全用軍工廠的單位很重要嗎?比賽好看 種族平衡
02/26 01:09, 29F

02/26 01:10, , 30F
這不就好了 幹嘛執著於全軍工廠單位..
02/26 01:10, 30F

02/26 01:10, , 31F
可以全選部隊衝陣 跟只能1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a一隊一隊去送
02/26 01:10, 31F

02/26 01:12, , 32F
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02/26 01:12, , 33F
02/26 01:12, 33F

02/26 01:12, , 34F
有些人認為不是 Artosis是這種
02/26 01:12, 34F

02/26 01:13, , 35F
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02/26 01:14, , 36F
02/26 01:14, 36F

02/26 01:14, , 37F
不然給T加個新科技 鋼鐵人裝 MM部隊全變成機械單位
02/26 01:14, 37F

02/26 01:14, , 38F
02/26 01:14, 38F

02/26 01:14, , 39F
被拉 自殺XD)
02/26 01:14, 39F
還有 54 則推文
02/26 10:37, , 94F
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02/26 12:11, , 95F
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02/26 12:12, , 98F
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02/26 12:13, , 99F
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02/26 12:14, , 100F
其實我想說團戰飛天坦加鳳凰imba 不過團戰跟平衡無
02/26 12:14, 100F

02/26 12:14, , 101F
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02/26 12:21, , 102F
02/26 12:21, 102F

02/26 12:22, , 103F
較合理. 支架本來就是固定坦克車體的.
02/26 12:22, 103F

02/26 12:23, , 104F
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02/26 12:23, , 105F
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02/26 12:24, , 106F
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02/26 12:25, , 107F
02/26 12:25, 107F

02/26 12:31, , 108F
你可以注意到 Artosis根本沒講到節奏的問題..
02/26 12:31, 108F

02/26 12:31, , 109F
TvP機械化當時的情況是 雷神砲(還有人記得嗎?)改成技能
02/26 12:31, 109F

02/26 12:32, , 110F
然後小圖 T發力一推P就死了
02/26 12:32, 110F

02/26 12:34, , 111F
雷神砲那場印象深刻 直接秒不朽之後SCV圍著修
02/26 12:34, 111F

02/26 12:41, , 112F
醫療艇連雷神都能吊 你執著合理性毫無意義。。
02/26 12:41, 112F

02/26 12:42, , 113F
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02/26 12:56, , 114F
02/26 12:56, 114F

02/26 12:56, , 115F
02/26 12:56, 115F

02/26 13:27, , 116F
戰狼都可以醫療艇補血了 執著於合理性根本沒意義
02/26 13:27, 116F

02/26 13:29, , 117F
02/26 13:29, 117F

02/26 13:29, , 118F
02/26 13:29, 118F

02/26 13:35, , 119F
雷神砲會暈太強惹 遇神殺神
02/26 13:35, 119F

02/26 13:36, , 120F
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02/26 13:36, , 121F
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02/26 14:46, , 124F
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02/26 15:49, , 125F
02/26 15:49, 125F

02/26 16:07, , 126F
在遊戲跟我說合理性? 你怎不說陸戰隊打的下戰巡
02/26 16:07, 126F

02/26 16:15, , 127F
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02/26 16:16, , 128F
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02/26 16:21, , 129F
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02/26 16:23, , 130F
02/26 16:23, 130F

02/26 17:24, , 131F
02/26 17:24, 131F

02/26 21:11, , 132F
換戰犬好啊 那請把任務裡面的 擴散暗影加入到神族裡面
02/26 21:11, 132F

02/26 21:11, , 133F
還有 哨兵可以補血 也加入
02/26 21:11, 133F
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