[推薦] Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger

看板Songs作者 (seraph)時間13年前 (2011/04/21 18:41), 編輯推噓5(502)
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綠洲的live幾乎都會合唱,但聽到這萬人大合唱實在很感動 這輩子不知還能不能看到綠洲的live 這場是2005年在City of Manchester Stadium的演唱會 還創下最高入場人數6萬人 原汁原味在這裡 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQqR1tmzClQ
"Liam smashing the piano and Noel completely drunk" lolololololol ===============================這段是廢話啊=============================== 這首歌有很多不一樣的解釋,可能每個人聽完感覺都不一樣 已下是我照自己的意思翻的,部分是用意譯。 A better place to play這句有些會翻譯成更能滋意遊玩的地方 但我認為這首歌前面其實是一個搖滾樂手與自己內心的對話 所以我把play解釋是演奏,整句就是找到一個更適合自己地方的意思 So I start the revolution from my bed Cos you said the brains I have went to my head 這段是致敬John Lennon說過的話 "Trying to start a revolution from my bed, because they said the brains I had went to my head." 來源是John Lennon & Yoko Ono 發起的反戰運動 Bed-In 開頭的前奏也是致敬John Lennon的Imagine ===============================廢話結束了啊=============================== 《Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger》 Slip inside the eye of your mind 悄悄溜進你的內心深處 Don't you know you might find 你難道不曉得你或許也能找到 A better place to play 一個更適合自己演出的地方嗎? You said that you'd never been 你說你從未發現那種地方 But all the things that you've seen 然而所有你曾見過的一切 Will slowly fade away 卻都將逐漸逝去 So I start the revolution from my bed 所以我決定從我的床上發起一場革命 Cos you said the brains I have went to my head 因為你說我只活在自己的世界裡 Step outside the summertime's in bloom 走出去 夏日正在綻放 Stand up beside the fireplace 站起來 靠近爐火邊 Take that look from off your face 臉上別再擺出那副表情 You ain't never gonna burn my heart out 你永遠無法澆熄我的內心 So Sally can wait 所以 莎莉繼續等待 She knows it's too late as we're walking on by 她知道當我們走過時一切都已經太遲 Her soul slides away 她的靈魂漸漸遠去 But don't look back in anger 但別憤怒的回首過去 I heard you say 我聽見妳這麼說著 Take me to the place where you go 帶我前往妳所要去的地方 Where nobody knows if it's night or day 那無人分的清晝夜的地方 Please don't put your life in the hands 請不要把妳的人生寄託在 Of a Rock 'n Roll band 所謂搖滾樂團的手中 Who'll throw it all away 他們不會給予任何承諾 I'm gonna start the revolution from my bed 我要從我的床上發起ㄧ場革命 Cos you said the brains I have went to my head 因為你說我只活在自己的世界裡 Step outside the summertime's in bloom 走出去 夏日正在綻放 Stand up beside the fireplace 站起來 靠近爐火邊 Take that look from off your face 臉上別再擺出那副表情 Cos you ain't never gonna burn my heart out 因為你永遠無法澆熄我的內心 So Sally can wait 所以 莎莉繼續等待 She knows it's too late as she's(we're) walking on by 她知道當她(我們)走過時一切都已經太遲 My(Her) soul slides away 我(她)的靈魂漸漸遠去 But don't look back in anger 但別憤怒的回首過去 I heard you say 我聽見妳這麼說著 So Sally can wait 所以 莎莉繼續等待 She knows it's too late as we're walking on by 她知道當我們走過時一切都已經太遲 Her soul slides away 她的靈魂漸漸遠去 But don't look back in anger 但別憤怒的回首過去 I heard you say 我聽見妳這麼說著 So Sally can wait 所以 莎莉繼續等待 She knows it's too late as she's walking on by 她知道當她走過時一切都已經太遲 My soul slides away 我的靈魂漸漸遠去 But don't look back in anger 但別憤怒的回首過去 Don't look back in anger 別憤怒的回首過去 I heard you say 我聽見妳這麼說著 At least not today 至少別在今天 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: seraph01 來自: (04/21 19:25)

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