Re: [請益] 請問升學路線怎麼抉擇?

看板Soft_Job作者 (..........)時間14年前 (2009/10/29 22:45), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
離題。 警示:此文內含大量英文。tl;dr 最近剛好看到 reddit 的 proggit faq,其中提到學歷問題: * Is a computer science degree necessary? A CS degree is for working in software development. Certification programs are for working in IT. If you want to be a sysadmin, pursue certifications. If you want to be a software developer, pursue a CS degree, preferably in a good institution. A CS degree is a plus for working in IT, but not necessary. The rest of the answers regarding employment refer to jobs in software development. * Is a CS degree necessary to being a programmer? No. * Is a CS degree worthwhile to being a programmer? Yes, very much. * Is a CS degree necessary to get a job as a programmer? No, but * you'll be pushing your luck, even if you're very talented. * Is a CS degree worthwhile in order to get a good job as a * programmer? Yes, especially if you're young and inexperienced. Are advanced degrees worthwhile? Yes for MSc. No for PhD, unless you're looking for an academic career or an industry career in chip design. Are advanced degrees necessary to get a job or advance your career? Yes for academic careers. No for everything else. Financially, they're not worth it. Do them only if you like studying CS. Other degrees: Software Engineering, but it is basically the same thing as most CS programs. Other Information Science, MIS, certification programs and similar degrees that are not proper CS or Software Engineering are looked down upon and for good reasons. Don't go near those. Bottom line: If you want to program, get a good bachelor CS degree. ※ 引述《followmeyo (簡簡單單)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《jeffonett (吃四個便當果然增重了)》之銘言: : : 小朋友想走電腦應用管理 : : 網友說 : : 高中比高職好,科大重應用 : : 所以是 國三→高中→科大 ? : 高中有比高職好? 這點我有點保留 : 除非不認真唸 不然的話 認真唸書 : 去高職可以先學點基礎反而比較好 : 高中的歷史 地理等等 對於將來走資訊 根本沒啥關係 浪費時間 : 至於科大或大學 若考的上 選系比較重要 看哪個學校的資訊相關係比較強大 : 可以的話 最後考一間台清交的研究所漂個白 或者出國唸也行 : : 那科系走資工、資管還是其他 ? : 資工資管都OK 重點在CODING能力夠強 : 而CODING能力跟自己學習能力比較有關係 跟科系沒關 : : 還是推薦哪所大專院校的科系? : : 感謝 -- 凡祈求的,就得著;尋找的,就尋見;叩門的,就給他開門。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/29 23:00, , 1F
前半段滿中肯, 不過後面就.....
10/29 23:00, 1F

10/30 00:56, , 2F
後半段講的沒錯呀 一堆certification programs根本是雞肋
10/30 00:56, 2F

10/30 07:12, , 3F
10/30 07:12, 3F

10/30 07:13, , 4F
10/30 07:13, 4F

10/30 11:43, , 5F
的確是這樣 問題就現實面來看 當你只是個實力普普的普通
10/30 11:43, 5F

10/30 11:44, , 6F
人 學歷又不好 想找份好工作就真的只能說good luck
10/30 11:44, 6F

10/30 14:16, , 7F
10/30 14:16, 7F

10/30 22:56, , 8F
美國碩士很貴 所以文中說划不來
10/30 22:56, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AwQgATJ (Soft_Job)