[Sim5] 4/12 bug fixed

看板Simcity作者時間11年前 (2013/04/13 05:22), 編輯推噓6(602)
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作者 taiautumn (浩浩) 看板 Simcity 標題 [Sim5] 4/12 bug fixed 時間 Sat Apr 13 05:22:25 2013 ─────────────────────────────────────── 原文 http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/9437292.page 更新在公共的TEST伺服器(你可以玩到的 Updates currently on our Public Test Server: ‧ Join Region Filter: Results will only show regions with available slots. ‧ Leaderboards: Leaderboards restored. (回來啦 更新在EA家裡的developed伺服器(你玩不到的... Updates currently in our Development Test environment: What’s New Mayors Mansion: Mayor will now drive his fancy cars to work. Mayor will take his helicopter, limo, or sports car if the modules are present. Data maps: Now show in their normal color when a color filter is enabled (unless in a colorblind mode) ‧ HUD: Now color-corrects when in a colorblind mode. Fixes and Updates ‧ Cities not Processing/rollbacks: Fix to mitigate the chance of future occurrences of cities not processing and rollbacks. ‧ Leaderboards: Restoring leaderboards to all servers. ‧ Invitations: Invitations to join a region should be sent and received more quickly. ‧ Region Filters: Now sorts regions with available cities to the top ‧ Tourism: Fixes for unexplained fluctuation of tourists. Tourists more smartly counted on transit. ‧ Casinos: Casinos tuned so that Gambling will be a more profitable specialty. Players can bulldoze and replace existing casinos to see effects of tuning. ‧ More Casinos: Raised module limit on Sci-Fi and Sleek Casinos to 6 modules. ‧ Region Play: Cash gifts can now be received in a bankrupt city. ‧ Education: Fixed school buses getting stuck at the high school. Existing Schools will fix themselves. (每天也只塞幾次啦... ‧ Education: Fixed school buses picking up students at neighboring cities that didn’t have school bus stops. (原來有這件事XD ‧ Education: Fix to more accurately track regional student population. ‧ Education: Fix where kids leaving the school bus stop would teleport to the nearest pedestrian path instead of walking directly into the school. ‧ Education: University wings now give the proper bonus. ‧ Recycling: Fix for the Recycling Center where it would sometimes stop working, recycling services will visit other cities. (資源回收回來了!!!!!!!!!! ‧ Air pollution: Fixed issue where air pollution would appear to come from nowhere. Fix issues where your regional air pollution would be reflected back into your box for a double penalty. ‧ Fire Service: Fire Trucks don’t clump, dispatch to fires more efficiently. (希望不要再擠在一起了 ‧ Water: Water pumps are now capable of pumping water from rivers at a larger radius so they can take better advantage of the water table in a city. ‧ Disasters: Cooldown for random disasters: Some players were getting hit too frequently with random disasters, this introduces a cooldown where no random disasters will occur. ‧ Trade: Fix for trade ports that suddenly stop shipping. ‧ Transit: Street Cars and Buses go to high volume stops first. ‧ Transit: A city with residents and public transit will now provide the accurate amount of workers and shoppers to its neighbors. ‧ Transit: A transit vehicle stuck in a pick-up or drop off loop will now go back to a garage instead of trying to pick up more people. ‧ Transit: Neighbors buses will now come in lower numbers into the city and do a better job at picking up local passengers first. (不會塞別人城市了 ‧ Tuning: Residential-only cities have failure state. ‧ Budgets: Fixed bug with monthly transactions being used to get around systems pushing back. -- 偉大的科學家們死後都會進入天堂,無聊的時候他們就玩躲貓貓解悶! 當貓貓的人找到躲的要叫出對方的名字才算找到。 一天,牛頓和愛因斯坦等一起玩,輪到愛因斯坦當鬼。他數到100後開始找,卻發現牛 頓很囂張地站在一塊1m*1m的地磚上。 愛因斯坦當然不會客氣,叫:“牛頓,我找到你了,我贏了!” 可是牛頓說:“不,你沒有贏,我現在不是牛頓,我現在是帕斯卡。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: taiautumn 來自: (04/13 05:30) ※ 編輯: taiautumn 來自: (04/13 05:30)

04/13 07:22, , 1F
04/13 07:22, 1F

04/13 07:48, , 2F
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04/13 09:13, , 3F
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04/13 10:02, , 4F
倒數第四點的重點應該不是pick up more吧?是會先送人回車庫
04/13 10:02, 4F

04/13 11:19, , 5F
我去測服去用我之前在那邊蓋的電車跟公車 公車好很多
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04/13 11:19, , 6F
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04/13 15:15, , 7F
公務車消失還是沒修? 囧~
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04/13 15:36, , 8F
靠 更新在自家的還拿出來吊胃口
04/13 15:36, 8F
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