[新聞] Nole五盤大戰賽後專訪

看板SRB-CRO作者 (熱血網球)時間16年前 (2008/09/03 23:50), 編輯推噓18(1807)
留言25則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
話說翻譯昨天不爭氣了看了第一盤輸了以後才去睡 睡夢中還夢到Y大推文給我說Nole輸了(很扯但卻是事實XDDD) 整個睡不好今天又要頭昏眼花的來翻譯啦 因為我好怕我一沒有按時敢三點半ㄍㄚ票Nole就輸了怎麼辦(愛幻想) 好吧...聽說很長有16題...來吧! ==========================我是開始迷性準時翻譯的分界線======================== Q. How are you feeling? 感覺怎麼樣阿??(感覺你今天一定很搞威.....) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, very exhausted, but I've tried -- sorry you have been waiting for me over an hour. I've really been trying to pay attention on recovery priorities. So right now I feel better. Hopefully I'm going to be ready for next match. Nole說:ㄟ...筋疲力盡阿..但我試著... 等一下!(忽然驚醒貌) 你是不是在這裡等我等了超過一個小時啦 (Nole好貼心喔~~~但你是不是先去找治療師才來訪問阿...秀秀ㄋㄟ) 我實在很想以復原為優先.... 所以我現在好多了... 希望我可以準備好面對下一場挑戰(抖~~) Q. How's your hip? 屁屁沒事吧... (希望跟當年模仿Roddick發球俏臀時一樣靈活喔!! 趁機檢查一下是否無恙的翻譯XD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the hip was the problem, yeah, during the match, but it was more exhaustion. Nole說:ㄟ...屁股真的是個問題阿....(蛤?那我摸小力一點...) 在這場比賽中...屁屁真是筋疲力盡阿....(幫按摩的翻譯XDD) The physio helped me a lot, and it was a hot day. So mostly, you know, I don't think I would feel that bad today if I didn't finish that late two nights ago. 物理治療師幫了我很多忙..... 而且今天好熱阿(可是你帶帽子好可愛阿....>/////<) 所以大致上來說我如果前兩晚沒撐過我也不會覺得太遭... (你降講我真的好害怕阿...沒事吧孩子....不敢開玩笑的翻譯) So it was quite difficult schedule for me, but -- so you can recover two times playing four hours is not easy, so I had to really put an effort in. 這賽程對我來說實在很艱困阿....(翻譯看不到也覺得好艱困阿...) 所以可以從兩場歷經四小時的比賽中恢復真是不容易阿.... 我真的要好好努力阿!! (Nole加油!! 超正經的翻譯) Q. After the match, your mother sort of hit her heart and you did that, then you hit everything else. 比賽以後你和你阿母互相捶了一下心臟示意...然後你又對其他人捶心臟... (這個梗用很久了耶....記者現在才問到翻譯超想聽的問題XDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's just probably mixed emotions after the match, just trying to show them, you know, how much effort I put into this match. Nole說:ㄟ..........這只是賽後摻雜著情感的表現... 我只是試著要告訴大家:你看我付出了多少努力在這場比賽阿!!! (這句請畫紅線加螢光比張貼更大看板!!!沒有別的意思就是很開心XDDD) Q. Did you feel residual results? I mean, coming off of that late-night match coming in today, did you, starting out even in the first set, did you feel like you had less in the tank than you would ordinarily like? 你會覺得比數有點不完美嗎? 像上場比賽到到這場比賽第一盤都輸掉 你會不會覺得你表現不如以往...像油缸沒加滿阿??? (白目小孩...95加滿嗎?? 油價飆漲還是狂加的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I did. There is no doubt about that. I didn't feel well. The moment I stepped on the court, I felt, already, as you said, less energy in the tank. So I really tried to forget about that, to eliminate those things, but I just had to, you know. I had to take a medical timeout a couple of times, go to the bathroom, because just many things involved. You know, I want to do everything to win. Nole說:是的!我實在覺得不太舒服.... (承認就算了還這麼不委婉.....小心被說找藉口阿你...哀哀) 我在球場上的時候就像你說的油缸沒加滿...(有阿都寫在臉上阿XDD) 我試著想忘掉傷痛但我還是需要傷停好幾次 (我要哭了啦...我們不要打了回家休息好了....哭著抱走Nole的翻譯) 不然就是申請上廁所...因為我真的很想贏不想放棄..... Q. How's your ankle? Your right ankle? 那腳踝先生勒?右邊那位... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, well, if we start talking about things that are bothering me, as I said on the court, we'll chat for a long time. It's better I skip all these things and leave it behind. Hopefully I can be better. Nole說:ㄟ.....如果我們開始聊這個的話可能會聊超久的.... 所以就先跳過這些....我希望我會好起來..... (雖然很想聽你聊但我更想讓放你回去休息....那你後面還一堆要翻是怎樣= =") Q. Given all this, do you wonder how you won that match? 既然你之前這麼說.....你會不會有點納悶你是怎麼贏的阿?(花哈哈記者也入戲了) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Ah, well, again, trying to be positive. After that fourth set, I really doubted, you know, especially on that start of the fifth set, because I didn't know if I was able to continue on going on the high level, and he was just getting into the game more and more. Physically he was fitter than me, I had a feeling. And winning that fourth set, he gained confidence. So he was really going for the shots. Nole說: ㄟ....就積極正面阿... 其實四盤後我其實有點懷疑... 尤其是第五盤的開始...我其實不太知道我有沒有辦法撐下了 (尤其是第五題開始我其實已經開始不確定我有沒辦法撐下去了....) 因為體能上他真的比我好........ 而且贏了第四盤他整個信心大增阿....(難怪我昨天作惡夢) But somehow I managed. I managed to really stay focused and play the right shots at the right time. 但我還是努力並全心全意的再關鍵時刻擊出好球 (所以翻譯也要因為你的搞威堅強起來!!!幫自己喊話的翻譯XDD) Q. Was there any moment where you thought of pulling out? You really looked spent. 哪個時機讓你覺得你可以脫身...因為你看起來真的快累死了...(邊翻邊噴淚的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, there was, of course, but I didn't want. I said to myself, if I play for three-and-a-half hours, you know, four sets, I'll hold on for another sets. We'll see how it goes. Nole說:ㄟ.....我也不想齁.... 我跟自己說如果我能保住第四盤然後花三個半小時就能贏 我們就可以看看會發生什麼事.... (對不起...我哽咽的說不出話了...整個很愛演哭戲的翻譯XDD) Q. Which match was tougher, this year's or last year's against Stepanek first round? 比起去年第一輪對上Stepanek...今年和去年比哪一場比較艱辛?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, it's difficult to compare, but both of them, they were really exhausting. This match had more rallies, I can say. And we played more -- with Stepanek, it was more on serve and volley, and, you know, varieties in the game. Nole說:後..很難比耶.... 但兩場都超筋疲力盡的啦....(exhausting你是要用幾次啦...很恐怖耶!) 這場比較多那種多次來回對抽.... 對上Stepanek...發球和截擊上也有更多的對決... 很多都不一樣耶.......... (先生您記性真好阿XDD是老實丸的副作用嗎XDDD) But here it was, it was more from the baseline, so we both had really long rallies. Can't really say which one... 但這場超多底限對抽的....所以很多超多次來回對抽 所以真的很難比....(還在苦惱XDDD) Q. What did you do to your hip? What exactly happened? 那你打算對你的屁屁怎麼負責...人家都受傷了耶...(屁屁:我被摸了所以翻譯也負責XDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: After the long match on Sunday night, I didn't have so much time, as I said, to recover. One day I went to sleep at 4:30 in the morning. With all the adrenaline in my blood, all these things, you can't really sleep right away. Nole說:自從禮拜天那場四盤大戰後....我實在沒什麼時間可以復原 我有天是早上四點半才睡覺 但我帶著太多腎上腺素實在很難馬上睡著... (睡不著快去給我學中文接受訪問阿.....我應該不用負責翻成英文XDD) So I kind of, you know, ruined that biorhythm, and this morning I woke up, I didn't feel really great. I felt soreness in my muscles and mostly in my hip. 所以我整個在惡整生理時鐘阿.... 而且今天早上我起床的時候感覺不太妙的 我覺得肌肉酸痛而且痛痛都集中在屁屁上...(秀秀喔~~~再摸XDD) I made some quick movements in the match, and reacted. Luckily for me, it wasn't really that bad. 我在比賽中有一些靈巧的移位....超幸運的沒啥事.. (結果說不講傷痛的事情那上面那堆一長串是什麼啦??? 吃完豆腐不認帳的翻譯) Q. Whoever wins, it's going to be a tough match, tough opponent in the next go around. The fact that you're able to, you know, wake up this morning, not feel well, come to the stadium and prevail under very difficult conditions, I mean, can you draw some confidence in that, whether you face Fernando or Andy in the next round? 不管是誰贏接下來這場都會很艱辛.....對手會很難纏... 所以事實就是你必須要很不舒服的早起然後來到球場然後戰勝這些糟糕的情況 我想問一下你對下一輪比賽有信心嗎?? (來...握著我的雙手...看著我的眼睛說...溫愛堅強下去阿!!哩公丟恩丟!!!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's always good to have the tough matches in the Grand Slams. Not too much, of course, for physical condition, but again, mentally, you grow stronger. I get that feeling. Over the years, I've been playing, most of these long matches I have positive score, so this is very encouraging. Nole說:ㄟ.....其實在大滿貫遇到艱困的比賽也不錯啦 但請不要太多...因為身體受不了.... 可是心臟可以變猛男阿XDDD 我覺得這幾年打下來我在長時間的比賽中都能得到美賣的成績 所以這是很棒鼓勵... So I will have now more time to recover, and I think it's more or less matter of my physical condition, if I will be fit enough to challenge one of these two guys. Whoever I play is going to be really difficult encounter. 我現在有更多的時間可以養傷...依身體復原情況而定 如果我能恢復元氣去對上接下來的兩位的其中一位 不管是誰應該都是很難贏的對手齁... (不管是誰你都給我好好打阿!!跟他拼了!去扛蠻牛的翻譯...) Q. Here they play the semifinals and finals back to back. If this was a semifinal, how would you feel going into the final, if this had been a semifinal today? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's not a semifinal, so it was just the fourth round. And, you know, I play every match like it's final. Like, you know, it's very important for me to create this consistency in my head, especially, you know, just to try to not underestimate any opponents and play the same way against everybody. Everybody's motivated more to play great against you if you're a favorite in that match. So most of the matches I play, I'm favorite on the paper, of course. You know, you have to get used to if you want to stay on top. Q. How do you feel about the back?to?back semifinals and finals? 你覺得重返球場如何阿??重回到準決賽和決賽的懷抱~~~ NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Which back to back? Nole說:蛤?什麼背靠背XDDD (老實丸的最新副作用是產生耳瞎的狀態...請小心服用XDD) Q. Well, you play on Saturday semifinal here and final Sunday. Other Grand Slams you have a day between. 就你禮拜六會在這裡比準決賽...禮拜天會在這裡比決賽.... (坑整個挖很大喔! 往下看深不見底的翻譯XDDD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I can't --I can't affect on that, obviously. Obviously it's not my decision, but depends, you know. Nole說:ㄟ....這不是我能決定或能影響的耶...這要是情況而定... (呼~~~~~safe!!!成功繞過闖關得分~~~~發獎品的翻譯XDDD) Last year was good, because I wasn't playing a lot of long matches in that second week. I had straight set win in the semifinals and quarterfinals, as well. But this year it's been different. So it's more or less same for everybody, you know. You can't really judge. 去年就很好阿...(什麼?你還要講什麼啦...以為Nole回答完的翻譯) 我第二週沒有打太多場五盤大戰.... 而且我八牆和四強都是直落三耶...但今年整個大不同阿... 所以每個人狀況都不太一樣...實在很難判斷誰輸誰贏... (不錯麻小子...回答得很好阿!又開始發獎品的翻譯XDD) Q. Do you plan to watch the Roddick match tonight? If Roddick does win tonight, what are your thoughts on potentially facing him next round? 你今天會看Roddick的比賽嗎? 如果他贏了你會怎麼想即將對上他的事情?? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah, I'm going to have a look, of course. My coach more. Nole說:ㄟ....我可能會看一下..然後我教練會看更多.. (Roddick根本就不用看你比賽看你訪問就有超多筆記可以作了= =") As I said, whoever wins, it's going to be a tough match. Both of them very experienced, great players. Many years in top 10, both of them. Roddick, we all know, he's former U.S. Open champion, couple times Grand Slam finalist, of course, and No. 1. So he has all the things, you know, under his belt that he needs to have. He's playing in front of his crowd, on his favorite tournament. It's always a difficult one to play against Roddick wherever, but especially here. So I cannot say who I wish to have in quarterfinals. Q. Last year the crowds loved you. You were doing the impersonations. 去年觀眾整個愛你阿....你做了搞笑模仿阿... NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Not anymore. (laughter.) Nole說:絕版摟~~~(DVD限量發行中...請拿號碼牌...開始發號碼牌的翻譯XD) Q. I know. This year you mentioned they were in favor of Robredo? Does that surprise you? And why do you think that is? 我知道啦..(知道你還問....第一次想巴記者頭的翻譯= =") 今年你有提到觀眾比較中意Robredo....這有嚇到你嗎?為什麼會這麼想阿? (對不起阿記者大爺...這題後面我也很想聽XDD 巴完頭才後悔的翻譯) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know. I felt that, but it's -- I can't really affect on that too much. Maybe they didn't like the way I throw the racquet in one point, so I don't know. I just really don't know. Maybe they don't like me anymore. Nole說:不知道耶....我覺得...我其實沒有注意太多 或許他們不喜歡我摔拍吧... (就算我們這麼愛你也不喜歡齁...感覺Nole邊講邊在角落畫小圈圈..害我想大笑XDD) 所以我也不知道耶..我真的不知道...或許他們不再愛我了.. (好啦我知道你真的不知道啦...而且你也不知道這麼多人愛你阿..整個像小朋友很介意) ==============================討債鬼結束翻譯分界線========================== W小弟說要還我兩題XDDD 請仔細認真看完翻譯的翻譯文然後把空下來的兩題"精華"翻好阿XDDDD (我好奸詐....ㄏ一ㄚˋ ㄏ一ㄚˋ ㄏ一ㄚˋ=>配上奸詐的笑聲) 最後一題Nole整個好可愛喔(明明愛生氣卻覺得他可愛的偏心翻譯) 尤其最後那個我不知道講好幾次... 因為覺得人家不愛他整個語無倫次了XDD 感覺他還是很在乎人家的看法麻... 難怪會因為自己白目被罵一直說要改進(雖然還是沒改完XDD) 八強加油阿!!接下來很辛苦....不管怎樣我們都愛你喔!! (明明很抖卻要信心喊話的翻譯XDD) -- ╭═╮ ╭═╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ :暴躁小孩我要跟你切八段!!! (怒吼~~~) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╯ ───────╮ ╭─────── ╰ ╰ ╰═╯ ╰═ ╰═╯ 我是食指 │ │我也是食指 mental advantage 云鬼 ───────╯ ╰─────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 23:53, , 1F
09/03 23:53, 1F

09/03 23:53, , 2F
09/03 23:53, 2F

09/03 23:53, , 3F
未看先推 我是中午很著急跑到圖書館看比數
09/03 23:53, 3F

09/03 23:57, , 4F
原po偷摸Nole屁屁兩次 (指)
09/03 23:57, 4F

09/03 23:59, , 5F
夢見我推文說他輸 XXDD
09/03 23:59, 5F

09/04 00:00, , 6F
09/04 00:00, 6F

09/04 00:01, , 7F
09/04 00:01, 7F

09/04 00:02, , 8F
我不愛他摔拍 可是我愛他 XXDD
09/04 00:02, 8F

09/04 00:10, , 9F
我也愛他XD NOLE加油阿!! c大翻譯我每次都要讚賞一下:P
09/04 00:10, 9F

09/04 11:18, , 10F
nole加油阿 我賭一個提拉米蘇在你身上科科
09/04 11:18, 10F

09/04 11:30, , 11F
那...樓上是跟誰賭啊~~(不論輸贏都自己吃嗎? 囧rz)
09/04 11:30, 11F

09/04 12:16, , 12F
我跟我朋友賭阿 他賭納豆 我賭nole誰是美網冠軍
09/04 12:16, 12F

09/04 14:20, , 13F
賭太快 Nole前方還有重重關卡 XD
09/04 14:20, 13F

09/04 14:24, , 14F
說得也是齁 這樣也有可能兩個人都沒得吃 XD
09/04 14:24, 14F

09/04 14:25, , 15F
話說我奧運就已經輸一個了 不過那時候是賭費神 XD!!
09/04 14:25, 15F

09/04 14:43, , 16F
09/04 14:43, 16F

09/04 19:07, , 17F
09/04 19:07, 17F

09/04 19:25, , 18F
09/04 19:25, 18F

09/04 20:47, , 19F
09/04 20:47, 19F

09/04 20:50, , 20F
XDDDDDDD不知道原po有沒有頭 版主好醜呢?XDDDDD
09/04 20:50, 20F

09/04 20:55, , 21F
我這是稱讚阿! 很搞威但是很可愛!!!!!XD 超愛你的翻譯
09/04 20:55, 21F

09/04 20:57, , 22F
09/04 20:57, 22F

09/04 20:58, , 23F
09/04 20:58, 23F

09/04 21:03, , 24F
09/04 21:03, 24F

09/04 22:10, , 25F
09/04 22:10, 25F
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文章代碼(AID): #18lh8kQj (SRB-CRO)