[翻譯] Sandoval這孩子是真貨嗎?

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Mailbag: Is Sandoval the real deal? 郵包:Sandoval這孩子是真貨嗎? Looks like Pablo Sandoval might be the real deal. If he can handl positions he plays, I think they may have found a steal as a non-drafted free agent. I haven't seen a player that can hit like him since Will Clark. He so far has shown that he can handle Minor League and Major League pitching, and I believe he will be a yearly .300 hitter. What's your thought? -- Chuck A., Ventura, Calif. 看起來Sandoval像是個真貨!如果他能把他守的每個位置都上手,我想他將會是 未選秀簽約球員中的一偷。自從Will Clark後,我還沒見過誰的打擊跟這傢伙一 樣。如今他已證明了他能掌握小聯盟與大聯盟的投球,而我相信這孩子會成為平 均三成的打者。你覺得呢? -- Chuck A., Ventura, Calif My thought is that Sandoval is an intriguing player, to say the v His ability to catch and play the infield corners makes him extremely handy. At bat, it seems like there's no pitch he can't hit. That said, his Major League career is all of 21 games old, entering the Arizona series. Let's see how he handles his first slump, and let's see how diligently he prepares himself for Spring Training. After Sandoval drove in five runs on Sunday, we learned that he became the first Giants rookie to achieve that feat since ... Damon Minor. So don't let Sandoval's fast start seduce you. As with others, he must withstand the test of time. 對我而言,最低限度 Sandoval 也會是個吸引人的好球員。他能接捕,他能在內 野角落討生活,這讓他非常非常好用。在打擊上,似乎還沒有球是他打不到的! 目前他的大聯盟生涯就是這21場,進入亞利桑那的系列戰後,讓我們瞧瞧他怎麼 處理他的首次低潮,讓我們瞧瞧他如何在春訓時充分準備。禮拜天,Sandoval單 場打下 5分打點,他是在某人之後,第一個達到這個高度的菜鳥——笑面虎.... Damon Minor 囧!所以別急著讓 Sandoval 的快速起飛迷惑了你,如同其他人, 他必須挺過時間的考驗。 -- Remember when Albert Pujols first came up? The Cardinals had him little bit of everything (first base, third base, left field) and he eventually settled in at first. Because of his bat, they had to find a place for him. I say all of this because Sandoval reminds me of Pujols' situation. We are going to have to find a place for him because he can flat-out hit. What do you think the Giants are planning to do with Pablo? -- James J., Birmingham, Ala. 還記得撲吼獅當年被叫上來的光景嗎?紅雀隊讓他什麼都來一點:一壘、三壘、 左外野,而他最後安頓在一壘壘包上。他們得找個位置給他那傑出的打擊能力。 我說這些是因為── Sandoval 讓我想起了撲吼獅的狀況。我們必須替他和他 高效的打擊找出空間。你認為 Giants 打算怎麼處理呢? -- James J., Birmingham, Ala. With Bengie Molina signed for 2009 and Buster Posey ascending rap Sandoval's unlikely to wind up behind the plate. Since that obviously leaves first and third base, I'd imagine he'll land in the spot that's not taken by a big acquisition or a teammate (if Conor Gillaspie proves he's ready for third base or Travis Ishikawa or John Bowker takes command at first). 我們有摸你那的合約,到2009;我們有大物新人 Buster Posey 的迅速成長, Sandoval 似乎不會死死纏在本壘板後面。除了常見的一三壘外,我想他甚至 可能降落在任何一個沒有FA大物、沒有其他隊友卡位的位置。(如果二輪新秀 Conor Gillaspie 證明他能接手三壘,而石川或 John Bowker 順利吃下一壘 的話)。 (...無敵工具人?) -- Sandoval can play. Posey is another Bob Horner or Barry Bonds, meaning he needs little or no time in the Minors. When you sign players that no other general manager wishes to touch during a rebuilding year, you get no knockout offers before the waiver deadline. Molina to the Yankees instead of Pudge Rodriguez was a no-brainer. Brian Sabean did not make it happen. Why on earth does Molina need to be with this team, as it's assembled? He is a warrior and deserved to be with a winner. Why do the Giants not hold Sabean to a higher standard? Do you dare put this question in your mailbag and mention the Dave Roberts contract or the Joe Nathan trade? -- John B., St. James City, Fla. Sandoval 能打球,而 Posey,是下一個Bob Horner or Barry Bonds(?!),他 不會花太多時間蹲小聯盟。當你簽了一個任何GM在重建期都不會想碰的球員, 而在交易截止前居然沒有出擊!摸你那去洋基!而不該是小胖 I-ROD去洋基! 如此不用大腦思考的事情,Brian Sabean居然沒想到!為什麼摸你那必須待在 這個球隊?當蒐集品嗎?他是個戰士,他值得成為贏家 (...心酸)。巨人軍為 什麼不用高一點的標準檢視 Sabean?你敢把這個問題放在 mailbag 上順道提 及 Dave Roberts的爛合約或 Joe Nathan那筆交易嗎?!(...心酸 again) -- John B., St. James City, Fla. I don't need to mention the Roberts contract or the Nathan trade -- you just did. Certainly, Sabean has made his share of regrettable deals. But look at what Detroit got in exchange for Rodriguez: right-handed reliever Kyle Farnsworth. This indicates that the Yankees didn't have much to offer for Molina, who the Giants need if they're going to sustain any sort of resurgence next season. It's a little early to throw Sandoval or Posey into an everyday Major League catching role. 你已經提及Dave Roberts的爛合約或 Joe Nathan那筆交易了,的確,Sabean 該為他那幾筆心碎交易感到慚愧。但是看看洋基丟出了什麼換小胖吧! Kyle 放肆火!這不說明了洋基也沒什麼可以拿來交易摸你那──這個巨人下季若 想或多或少的復甦的重心。另一方面,現在把 Sandoval or Posey丟上來每 天接捕,似乎也有些操之過急。 -- What are the chances of Randy Winn still being a Giant next season? He is hitting brilliantly at the moment. But he also is on a relatively large salary ($8.25 million next year), and with Aaron Rowand, Roberts, Fred Lewis and Winn on the roster, there clearly is an odd man out. Roberts would be the ideal man to move, but he is injury-prone and expensive, as opposed to Winn, who is expensive but is currently doing wonders to help his trade value. The Rays may be willing to welcome him back to use his experience, professionalism and quality, and should be in a financial position to pay him. What are your thoughts? -- Ian W., San Francisco Randy Winn 明年還有可能當巨人嗎?他打擊不賴,不過也吃了一大堆薪資 (一年8.25M),而且我們有 Rowand, Roberts, Lewis, 再加一個 Winn,似 乎有點多餘了。Roberts 應該是出清的理想人選,但他又傷又貴 。相對來 說 Winn 雖貴,而工作績效優良,有拍賣價值 。光芒可能會想要他回去貢 獻經驗、敬業精神,以及他的才能。而且他們出得起錢。你說呢? -- Ian W., San Francisco I'd guess that Winn is more likely to remain with the Giants than to depart. I agree that his trade value never will be higher, so I'm sure that the Giants will listen to offers for him. By the way, in citing the personnel logjam, you forgot Nate Schierholtz, who could be the biggest factor in prompting the Giants to move an outfielder. Winn can block deals to 10 clubs, so that might make him somewhat difficult to deal. Also, teams want power-hitting outfielders -- there's not as much demand for competent high-average hitters like Winn, believe it or not. And Lewis' foot problems could force the Giants to keep their outfield well-stocked to protect themselves. 比起離開,我猜 Winn會更想留在巨人。 他的交易價值可能真的到頂了,我 確定巨人會好好聽取對他的報價。還有,在你那堆舉例裡,你忘了一個名字: Nate Schierholtz。他可能是巨人去動外野手的重要因素 。 Winn可以提出 對 10支球隊的交易否決, 這也讓他的比較難處理掉。還有一點,比起Winn 這樣的高打率打者,球隊更愛巨砲外野手 (最好是....),信不信由你!最後, 基於 Lewis的腳傷,巨人可能會繼續囤積大量外野手。 -- I know it is wrong to ever root for the Dodgers, but is it OK to secretly want them to beat Arizona so Brandon Webb won't get a bonus in the Cy Young Award voting? -- Kawamoto C., San Jose, Calif. 我知道我們應該痛恨躲人一生一世但是偷偷希望他們打爆小蛇隊布蘭登韋伯 讓林盲腸多拿點 CYA的票好像又還OK怎麼辦?!?!?! -- Kawamoto C., San Jose, Calif. I donned layers of orange-and-black clothing, squatted at the site where home plate used to be at Candlestick Park, arranged photographs of the Giants' Hall of Famers around orange-and-black candles, smeared on some of Will Clark's unused eye black, chanted Brian Johnson's name as if it were a mantra, played cassette tapes of Giants highlights from the Russ Hodges-Lon Simmons era and waited for a sign. The answer came: Yes. 想當年我穿著橘黑色衣服蹲在燭臺球場幫那些Hall of Famers拍照.... (以下刪去 5 行倚老賣老的回憶) 答案是:Yes. -- Will Bowker get a chance to reclaim the first-base job in September? I, for one, was actually shocked the Giants would play yo-yo with him. I don't want to see him turn into another Damon Minor, Lance Niekro, or Todd Linden. On a power-starved team, you can't keep messing with the power prospects. -- Christopher C., Benecia, Calif. 九月裡 Bowker是否還有機會被叫上來當一壘手?我個人對巨人把他當溜溜球 實在有點震驚。我不想看見他變成另一個笑面虎 Minor、蝴蝶球王子 Niekro、 5項全能4A球員 Linden。在一個渴望長打力的球隊,你不能繼續這樣摧殘 自己的 power prospects呀。 -- Christopher C., Benecia, Calif. Given that Ishikawa, Scott McClain and Sandoval seem to be rotating at first base, Bowker's best shot appears to be 2009 Spring Training. I agree that potential power hitters should be nurtured, not neglected. But if the Giants decide that Ishikawa or Sandoval has more pop (at 36, McClain's long-term value appears limited), cracking the lineup will be difficult for Bowker. 看來石川、老人 McClain、Sandoval 已經接掌一壘的位置了, Bowker最好的 切入點在09年春訓。我同意有砲瓦的作物要好好養,莫亂來;不過如果巨人 覺得石川或 Sandoval更有愛 (老將 McClain價值有限),那闖進先發名單對 Bowker 而言就有難度了。 -- As a theoretical exercise, what sort of return could we get if Tim Lincecum was available on the trade market, and do you think the Giants would ever consider this option? -- David S., Sydney, Australia 純就理論而言,把林盲腸放到交易市場會得到怎麼樣的回報? 你想巨人會考慮這樣的可能性嗎? -- David S., Sydney, Australia At least three top prospects, or a proven non-arbitration-eligible hitter (good luck finding one of those) along with a decent pitcher or two. At least. As a theoretical exercise, I wonder how many orderlies from the closest mental hospital would be required to round up the Giants' front-office officials if they dealt Lincecum. That's a long-winded way of saying that I doubt the Giants will consider this option. 至少三名頂級新秀,或一名不具仲裁資格,已證明的好打者,( 如果找得到那 還真好運) 外加一兩個不錯的投手。純就理論而言,此舉若成真,不知附近的 精神病院需要新聘多少看護。總之,巨人真會做出這一步選擇?我嚴重懷疑。 -- 這次的 mailbag討論主題是Sandoval! 很期待這個能捕又能打的新秀,但前有摸你那卡位,後有大物波西虎視眈眈, 現在高層好像有意讓他多練幾個位置,增加上場空間; 一如當年一三遊外野捕手都來一點的菲力。 我覺得有點可惜,畢竟有棒子的好捕手難找, 現在摸你那沒狠下心交易出去,球團還希望靠他一年多贏幾場, Sandoval似乎就是打游擊戰了。 大家看法如何呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Motownjunk 來自: (09/09 16:52)

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