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轉自Hoopchina Scola:火箭會轉型 August 31, 2009 11:08 PM By Alfredo R. Berrios ESPNdeportes.com http://myespn.go.com/blogs/truehoop/0-43-100/FIBA-Americas-Qualifier--Day-6.html http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0909/853868.html 阿根廷人Luis Scola很清楚他效力的休斯頓火箭隊將會下賽季經歷過渡期,這位6呎9的大前 鋒期待球隊能收穫一個不錯的賽季。“球隊正在面臨轉型,我們將看到球隊如何面對這些改 變,我們可能會和上賽季的打法有些不同,我們需要適應新體系。” Scola 表示姚明的缺陣並不會讓他對下賽季有特別的想法:「我並沒有期待任何特別的事情 會發生,事實就是我不確定我們將會變成什麼類型的球隊,我依然想看看我們還能做出什麼 樣子的改變或是不做。」 火箭休賽期已經簽下了澳大利亞內線球員David Andersen,而且也正在觀察波多黎各球員拉 John Ramos,後者和Scola一樣正在參加美洲錦標賽,並表現出色。 「我會盡我所能幫助球隊,我會繼續保持自己長期堅持的工作方式。」 Scola如此說道,他 還不清楚自己會何時前往火箭訓練營報導。 這次美洲錦標賽,Scola表現十分出色,作為第一階段的得分王,他平均每場比賽可以得到 23.5分。 ----------- 'Good shot' Rockets could trade guard Barry By JONATHAN FEIGEN Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Aug. 31, 2009, 10:13PM http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0909/853662.html http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/6595741.html 據一些知情人士透露,火箭正在與幾支球隊商談交易 Brent Barry,其中討論得最深入的快 艇、灰熊和雷霆。 其中快艇可能會給Barry繼續打球的機會,他在洛杉磯地區也有房子。(費根已經刪去了這句 話) 雖然一切都尚未發生,但火箭“很有可能”在10月28日訓練營開始前(原文如此,10月28日 是常規賽開始)將 Barry交易,以換來陣容空間。 火箭總經理莫雷拒絕對此評論,而Barry則暫時沒有聯繫上。 Barry 還有一年合同在身,價值206.2萬美元。他在2008年7月10日與火箭簽下了兩年的合同 。 火箭簽下37歲的 Barry,是希望這位久經季後賽考驗的老將能幫助球隊爭冠,但隨著姚明傷 停,踢妹依然在從微創手術中恢復,火箭已經在Barry的位置上簽下了新秀Jermaine Taylor 和Chase Budinger。 火箭預計將在本周簽下Pops Mensah-Bonsu,這將使球隊人數達到17人。其中Pops和White為 非保障合同。 如果火箭致力於年輕化,但無法完成交易,他們可能會尋求與Barry達成買斷協定。(費根已 經刪去了這句話) Barry有14年的NBA經歷,上賽季在火箭打了56場,場均3.7分,投籃命中率40.7%. ----------- 踢妹受訪實錄 http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0909/853778.html 國紅十字溫暖中國行動的第一站,踢妹在這一周將會在中國對蛋白粉、紅十字和us sport進 行宣傳,行程將一直持續到9月5號。在今天的發佈會現場麥蒂攜郎平和眾多NBA球星為癌症 患者送出了禮物,並且踢妹個人還為中國紅十字會捐出了3萬美元。 在發佈會結束之後,踢妹接受了網易體育的專訪,專訪中踢妹不僅談到了個人的恢復情況, 更是說到了下賽季姚明將很有可能缺陣的火箭。 踢妹身著紅色上衣,黑色長褲,在現場的發佈會結束之後他就被媒體圍得水泄不通,踢妹在 中國的人氣和影響可見一斑。 隨後踢妹接受了網易體育的專訪,剛和記者坐下,踢妹看到記者手中的紙寫滿了密密麻麻的 問題,踢妹馬上驚呼:“哇,等等,你準備了這麼多問題啊?”記者馬上回答說:“哦,放 心,只是會問一些問題而已。” 踢妹馬上鬆了口氣:“哦,那就好。” 踢妹臉上這才露出 了中國球迷非常熟悉的笑容。 上賽季阿泰來了,當人們都以為火箭隊將會出現有望奪冠的三巨頭陣容的時候,踢妹卻通過 火箭官網對外宣佈他的膝蓋必須進行手術,直到火箭結束賽季的時候,踢妹仍然無法出戰, 而現在,踢妹的傷勢已經得到了良好的康復,踢妹通過網易體育向所有球迷彙報了他現在的 身體健康狀況: 網易:現在你的膝蓋恢復得如何了,感覺還好嗎? 踢妹:我感覺良好,這個夏天我一直都在芝加哥訓練,我在那裏訓練了幾個月的時間,我一 直讓自己保持訓練以保持我的最佳狀態。 網易:你認為你現在已經恢復了百分之多少? 踢妹:我想就現在的情況來看的話我已經恢復了百分之八十,我還需要更多的時間,可能一 個多月吧,這個賽季我想我已經準備好了迎戰比賽。 當上賽季踢妹宣佈手術的時候,很多球迷都非常失望,很多人認為踢妹不夠強硬,踢妹輕易 地敗給了傷病,當火箭的所有球員在賽場上為了季後賽拼命的時候,踢妹卻非常無奈的只能 坐在場邊為隊友加油鼓勁,而自己卻上不了場,這對踢妹來說無疑是最艱難的時期,踢妹必 須頂住外界的所有壓力,承受著身心和精神上的痛苦努力去恢復,對此,踢妹卻表示對於一 個球員來說這是一個考驗: 網易:上賽季你由於受傷你缺席了基本整個賽季,在那麼艱難的情況下你是如何度過的? 踢妹:無論情況多麼糟糕你都必須前進,越困難的環境或者能將我磨礪地更加堅強和強大, 無論是身體上還是精神上我遭受到了一定的痛苦,但是我總是會試著重新激發自己,找回熱 情,找回狀態。 下賽季對於踢妹來說將是非常重要的一年,處於合同年的踢妹下賽季的表現火箭將非常看重 ,而已經在火箭和姚明並肩作戰了5個賽季的踢妹也表示非常喜歡火箭隊,踢妹本人表示他 非常喜歡火箭隊,對於他來說如果可以他願意一直為火箭效力直到退役。 網易:下賽季對於你來說非常重要,因為你將處於合同年,對於你來說你希望能夠在火箭效 力直到退役嗎? 踢妹:我很喜歡火箭這支球隊,很喜歡我的隊友,姚明是我的好兄弟,我不願意離開他們, 同時我也非常喜歡休士頓這座城市,如果可以我希望剩餘的賽季都能夠留在火箭。 在Ariza到來之後,有人說他將成為球隊的新領袖,而火箭總經理也曾說過八爺或將成為火 箭的新領袖,不過大家不要忘記在過往帶領火箭取得許多場勝利的領袖踢妹,姚明下賽季很 可能將缺席整個賽季,而目前傷勢恢復良好的踢妹直言下賽季他將再次成為球隊的領袖帶領 球隊取得更多的勝利: 網易:下賽季你仍將會是球隊的領袖,對嗎? 踢妹:毫無疑問,我一直是球隊的領袖,我要帶領球隊去取得更好的勝利。 上賽季由於踢妹的受傷原本被看好奪冠的三巨頭卻不能獲得完美的配合,而這個賽季姚明又 因為手術或將缺席一整個賽季,踢妹對此也感到非常遺憾,踢妹認為,沒有姚明的火箭將面 臨非常大的考驗: 網易:大家都知道姚明因為受傷接受了手術,而下賽季他將很可能缺席一整個賽季,這將對 火箭有何影響? 踢妹:下賽季對於火箭來說將會非常艱難,姚明是個統治能力非常強的球員,失去了姚明這 樣的主力中鋒對於全隊來說都是非常大的考驗,將對於我們來說也是個機會,在姚明不在的 時候我們就要挑起重任去爭取勝利,但無論如何,下賽季將會很艱難,不過我們會團結起來 ,我們一定會努力,我們一定會不負眾望。 在踢妹征戰NBA的12個賽季以來,他一直身披1號球衣,而1號也幾乎已經成為踢妹的象徵, 在暴龍、魔術以及在火箭的日子都是1號伴隨他度過了所有輝煌和低谷,而在下個賽季,踢 妹將更換他的號碼,顯然踢妹也希望自己能夠在新賽季有所改變: 網易:下個賽季你即將更換號碼,而1號將成為已經過去的神話。 踢妹(笑):謝謝你如此支持我(Thank you,thank you,baby),我很高興聽到你這麼說。 網易:下賽季你披上新的3號戰袍,你將會為所有的球迷帶來一段新的3號神話嗎? 踢妹:我一定會盡力,我很感謝那些一直支持我的球迷,當我走上賽場的時候能夠得到球迷 的支持是我最大的榮幸,我希望我能夠早日回到籃球賽場,很感謝中國一直支持我的球迷。 網易:希望下賽季火箭能夠取得更好的成績,祝你和火箭好運。 踢妹:請大家登陸USSPORTS去瞭解更多關於我和我的訓練營的情況,在那裏大家能夠瞭解到 關於健康關於訓練的東西,歡迎所有中國球迷登陸。 --------- 5 point guards to watch for 2009-10 By Austin Burton http://dimemag.com/2009/08/five-point-guards-to-watch-for-2009-10/ http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0909/853763.html After putting together the modified Top-50 list of players from ‘08-09, I had about 50 leftovers who just missed the cut. And from that, there could’ve been a whole sub-category titled “Wait ‘Til Next Year.” We’ve gone over the centers, two-guards and small forwards. Now here are five point guards who look the most ready to crack the 2010 Top-10 with their performances next season: Russell Westbrook — Summer league doesn’t mean anything, right? Tell that to the Warriors, who are ready to hand their franchise over to Anthony Randolph after his summer breakout, or Marcus Williams, who earned himself another chance at an NBA paycheck with a strong summer showing in Vegas. Far from that spotlight, Westbrook lit up the lower-profile Orlando Summer League, and is ready to join the NBA’s elite class of PG’s in his second year. Overshadowed last season by fellow rookie PG Derrick Rose and OKC teammate Kevin Durant, Westbrook (15.3 ppg, 5.3 apg) put up numbers not far off R.O.Y. winner Rose. And even when Westbrook hit the wall — after averaging 20 points, six boards and just under six assists in the month of February, in April he averaged 11.9 points on 34% from the field and 18% from three — his assist and steal numbers still improved. Stronger and more prepared for Year 2, Westbrook is about to blow up. Aaron Brooks — Sans Yao, the Rockets have committed to running, and Brooks is one of the fastest point guards in the world who has been directing up-tempo offenses since high school. Taking over the starting PG job midway through last season after Rafer Alston was traded, Brooks really showed his game in the playoffs (16.8 ppg, 3.4 apg), which included a 34-point outing against the Lakers and two other games of 25-plus points against L.A. and Portland, respectively. Leading a crew that includes new pickup Trevor Ariza, constantly improving Luis Scola, a healthy T-Mac and a crew of hustling bench guys who can run, Brooks will put up numbers, even if the Rockets aren’t that good. 由於姚明傷退,這個賽季火箭隊將打炮轟。AB作為NBA速度最快的控衛之一,從高中起就善 於帶領球隊打快速進攻。 在上賽季中間從skip手中接過先發控衛的位置後,AB在季後賽中表現強勁,場均 16.8分3.4 助攻,有一場對湖人拿下34分,還有兩場對湖人和拓荒者都拿了25分以上。本賽季火箭隊中 有新加盟的Ariza,不斷進步的Scola,恢復健康的踢妹,以及一幫板凳匪徒。哪怕球隊戰績 不好,至少AB的資料會大漲的。 Gilbert Arenas — It’s been two years since we’ve seen the real Gilbert Arenas, but this season he’s (allegedly) back to form. Everybody from Wizards coach Flip Saunders to D.C. reporters to Barry Farms playground ballplayers who have seen Gil say he’s showing no ill effects of the knee injuries that have slowed down his career. And most importantly, he appears to be over the psychological hurdles that go with having a major injury or two. In his brief return to the court last season, Arenas averaged 13 points and a very un-Arenas-like 10 assists per game; if he can still be the scoring threat he once was while also taking on more of a playmaker’s mindset, the already potent Wizards offense (Caron Butler, Antawn Jamison, Randy Foye, Mike Miller, Nick Young) becomes highly flammable. Steve Nash — In what was undeniably a down year, Nash still put up 15.7 points and 9.7 assists, respectively eighth and third among NBA point guards in each category. Last year, the Suns were plagued by a controversial coaching/system change (Nash didn’t do Terry Porter any favors by not buying into the system), a change back to the “old style” midway through, constant trade rumors surrounding superstar Ama’re Stoudemire, then Stoudemire’s season-ending eye injury, and an eventual spot in the Lottery. Today, things are more stable in Phoenix, even if they’re not exactly better. Shaq is gone, Amar’e is back, the D’Antonio system (via Alvin Gentry) is back, Grant Hill is back, J-Rich is there for a full season, Leandro Barbosa has been playing well at the FIBA Americas tourney this summer after a down season of his own, and Nash just signed a two-year $22 million extension. If he’s only got one more big season left in him, this will be it. Kemba Walker — If you only saw the first part and the last part of UConn’s season, you saw what then-freshman PG Kemba Walker has to offer. In the second and third games of his college career, the (generously listed) 6-foot-1 Walker averaged 22 points against Hartford and La Salle; then in the Elite Eight against Missouri, dropped 23 points to help send the Huskies to the Final Four. As a sophomore, the key for Walker will be finding that spark consistently throughout the season. But with former starter A.J. Price gone to the pros, Kemba will at least have the playing time necessary to do it. The Bronx native is one of the quickest players in the country, plus a defensive demon who has all that stereotypical New York heart/swagger the announcers are always talking about. A big season and another deep NCAA Tournament run should propel Kemba into a position where he may enter the 2010 Draft. --- 聽說Barry爺已經搬離休士頓了...如果真的離開火箭 祝福他 看到AB跟Nash和Arenas的名字擺在同一個名單裡...真是..... 爽! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/01 22:46, , 1F
期待下季踢妹 :D
09/01 22:46, 1F

09/01 23:00, , 2F
09/01 23:00, 2F

09/01 23:15, , 3F
09/01 23:15, 3F

09/01 23:28, , 4F
不是我翻低~ XD 我自己每天一邊整理一邊看新聞啦~
09/01 23:28, 4F

09/02 00:04, , 5F
09/02 00:04, 5F

09/02 08:43, , 6F
09/02 08:43, 6F

09/02 16:15, , 7F
T-Mac一哥!!!!!!!!!!! AB:What?!
09/02 16:15, 7F

09/02 20:14, , 8F
AB 不講話XD
09/02 20:14, 8F

09/02 23:18, , 9F
09/02 23:18, 9F

09/03 00:56, , 10F
09/03 00:56, 10F

09/04 18:31, , 11F
09/04 18:31, 11F

12/12 20:09, , 12F
AB 不講話XD https://noxiv.com
12/12 20:09, 12F
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