[紅襪] Managerial Notes

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間12年前 (2012/10/10 01:59), 編輯推噓6(600)
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Managerial Notes http://t.co/SBIYMgrZ ‧The Red Sox will start their search for a new manager in earnest in the next few days, ESPN.com’s Buster Olney writes. Boston will start by asking the Blue Jays for permission to speak with John Farrell, Olney reports. Ausmus could be a candidate in Boston, too. 接下來幾天就要開始找總教練了,第一步是取得藍鳥的許可,跟John Farrell談話。 另外Ausmus也是人選。 Bobby Valentine may have been paid not to criticize the Red Sox following his dismissal, rival officials suggested to Olney. Such financial incentives are not uncommon, according to Olney. 敵隊告訴Olney紅襪拿錢塞住8BV的嘴巴。(Olney表示非不常見) --- 感覺很有可能欸wwwwwwww --- http://t.co/wQgVWz7D Francona on whether smaller market (not Philly/Bos) was alluring: 'I didn't come her to go to pasture...I came here b/c I'm not afraid of a challenge. 我不畏懼挑戰 I thought I was treated very well by the media in Boston... I had no complaints about that. Maybe one.' 波士頓媒體待我很好,我沒有怨言。 Maybe one. Francona: 'I didn't come here to go to pasture.' On 4-yr-deal: 'I don't want to be a rental manager' 談四年約:我不是來當打工仔的 Francona on notion that money can't always buy success: 'You're darn right it doesn't. [It will] make you an analyst' 錢 != 成功 --- http://t.co/Hav3Uxrd 賣肉表示現在不是當總教練的好時機(未來有可能) -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/10 02:34, , 1F
"are not uncommon" 非不常見
10/10 02:34, 1F
ㄆ 昏頭了 感謝~

10/10 10:46, , 2F
10/10 10:46, 2F
※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (10/10 11:19)

10/10 12:45, , 3F
10/10 12:45, 3F

10/10 14:42, , 4F
10/10 14:42, 4F

10/10 19:07, , 5F
10/10 19:07, 5F

10/10 23:22, , 6F
10/10 23:22, 6F
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