Re: [閒聊] Fenway renovations start with pitching

看板RedSox作者 (Dent)時間12年前 (2011/10/15 03:03), 編輯推噓79(81278)
留言161則, 39人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《Orcish》之銘言: : 文中提到 : 如果搞得定投手戰力&這兩年還想競逐冠軍 那麼就留下Ells : 如果無力再簽大約(∵與A-Gon、CC簽下巨額長約) 那麼應該考慮交易掉Ells : 他目前交易價值很高 : 舉例來說 : 拿Ells+Buchholz/Daniel Bard換Felix Hernandez 再用Beckett換個先發外野… : : When the Red Sox ultimately get around to fixing their on-field problems, the : obvious focus should be on the pitching staff. And what the Red Sox need : there, more than anything else, can be summed up in one word. : Durability. 想解決襪子國的問題 一言以蔽之 擋頭!! : As the baton gets passed from Theo Epstein to Ben Cherington, let us all : acknowledge that the Red Sox' greatest fears were realized on the field this : season as much they were in their dysfunctional clubhouse. The Red Sox : entered 2011 with a shortage of pitching depth in their organization, a : problem that only magnified the clubhouse antics of a starting rotation that : should have been among the best in baseball. 經理換人不提 休息室內不足為外人道的那些以外 最大的就是先發輪值沒擋頭的問題 : Even before the fried chicken and beer, after all, there was reason to worry. : Among last year's projected rotation of Jon Lester, Josh Beckett, John : Lackey, Clay Buchholz and Daisuke Matsuzaka, the Red Sox had a disturbing : number of starters - specifically, four - who came with questions about their : durability. 一字排開我們的輪值至少有四個一看就知道沒擋頭 : Beckett? He has pitched 180 or more innings in consecutive seasons only once : in his career, that coming in 2006-07. Lackey? In three of the last four : seasons, amid persistent concern about his elbow, he has pitched 176 innings : or fewer. Meanwhile, linguine-thin righthander Clay Buchholz predictably : broke down (spinal stress fractures) and Daisuke Matsuzaka's elbow finally : popped after a career in which he demonstrated that he, too, is at best a : 175-inning pitcher. 貝基特? 生涯只有一次連兩季投破180局 06-07 雷姬? 近四季中有三季有手肘問題 最多也只能撐到176局 八扣子則是手臂跟(義大利)細麵一樣弱 很可能會有脊椎壓力性骨折 牛肉的手肘也終於在多年操勞下爆炸 同時也頂多一年只能投175局 : Through it all, the Red Sox got little or no help from their player : development system, which does not seem positioned to help much in 2012, : either. : For a team that has designs of playing in October, 175 innings should be a : floor, not a ceiling. 且最近的魚塭在輪值上也似乎沒什麼大魚能熟成 依照球隊需要的10月競爭力175局應該是基本 而不是輪值的擋頭上限 : On the field, what the Red Sox need more than anything else now is innings - : lots of 'em - though acquiring them is admittedly a tricky task. Short of : someone like Mark Buehrle, the free-agent market is seemingly devoid of a : true innings guy with a long history of being able to take the ball, at least : when considering the level of performance necessary to succeed in the : American League East. (Sorry, Javier Vazquez fans.) That makes someone like : Buehrle an obvious target, though luring him away from Chicago may be : impossible. 所以說 穩定的工作馬是球隊的首要目標 我們家養不出Mark Buehrle... 所以今年冬天可以試著把這隻長期穩定且在美東證明過身手的好馬弄來 (Javier Vasquez? 美東表示:__) 不過要他放下對白襪的愛恐怕不是容易的事 : For sure, C.J. Wilson is appealing. But with all the mistakes the Red Sox : have made on the free-agent market, is now the time to overpay again for the : best pitcher on the market? Didn't think so. 條子的CJ看來很棒 不過他近年表現好到可能讓這張約簽在生涯頂端 襪子似乎沒辦法再承受一張這樣的約 : Remember, too, that the Red Sox are likely to be subtracting pieces here, : whether they be Beckett, Lackey or both. Even if Daniel Bard, Alfredo Aceves : or both move into the starting rotation, the durability issues remain. (Bard : currently seems to fatigue at 70 innings, let alone 170; Aceves has a history : of injury.) What all this means is that the Red Sox need to aggressively : explore the trade market for front-line pitching, something that may require : them to part with any number of valuable assets depending on the return. 別忘了貝機特跟雷姬都有可能被交易 就算我們把丹巴跟中繼ACE通通拉進輪值 也看不出在擋頭上有什麼保證 (單巴中繼擋頭只有70局...進輪值170+...我看不容易@@ ACE也有傷痛史) 由此可見襪子需要用力挖來前段輪值人選 才有籌碼換掉這兩張長約 : Yes, Beckett should be able to get them something. But if the Sox can get : something valuable in return - and we're talking a true front-of-the-rotation : starter - then they must also consider moving Jacoby Ellsbury, who might very : well be the most valuable player of the American League. : With all due respect to Ellsbury fans, do the math. Ellsbury is eligible for : free agency in 2013 and, given his agent (Scott Boras) and history with the : Red Sox' medical staff, seems destined to depart following the 2013 season. : His trade value will never be higher than it is right now. If the Sox can get : something substantial for him - and that is a very big qualifier - they must : explore it now to benefit both the short-term and the long. 也許貝基特還有不錯的交易價值 但如果沒能換來什麼站前段輪值的好手 可能就得考慮拿愛絲貝力(今年可能的MVP)當籌碼 考量到他的經紀人以及之前跟球團互動不佳的經驗 他不太可能在紅襪長留 而他的交易價值也不可能比現在更高了 拿他換球隊的未來想必是很划算的一件事 : Let's make this clear: if the Sox can address their pitching needs and keep : Ellsbury, making them a championship contender for the next two seasons, then : keep him. But given the money the Sox have tied up in Carl Crawford ($142 : million total from 2011-2017) and Adrian Gonzalez ($160 million total from : 2011-2017), another blockbuster contract seems unlikely. The Red Sox owe it : to themselves to look into dealing Ellsbury now because there may not be : another chance. 說明白點: 要是襪子能穩住輪值並留下愛絲貝瑞且連續衝擊美東冠軍 那當然留住他 但給尻佛和AGON的巨大約...讓這可能性極低 : What if the Sox can get Felix Hernandez from the Seattle Mariners for : Ellsbury (an Oregon native) and, say, Buchholz or Daniel Bard? What if : Beckett could then be dealt for a starting outfielder? Given the Sox' : decision involving Mike Cameron two winters ago, the team clearly has : reservations about Ellsbury's ability to play center field, anyway. So long : as Dustin Pedroia, Gonzalez and Kevin Youkilis remain in the middle of the : Boston lineup, the Red Sox have some offense to deal. 若是能用愛斯貝瑞跟八扣子或單巴包起來換到水兵的KING 何樂而不為? 成真後再拿貝基特去換個先發外野手就好 反正今年季前我們高層對艾斯貝瑞(先發中外)的信任有所保留 我們的中心打線還有小派 AGON跟光頭 應該能撐得住少一個愛司貝瑞才對 : Again, do not misunderstand. Nobody is saying the Red Sox should blow up a : roster that looked like a dream team at the beginning of the year. But major : changes must be explored. If the price is right, Aramis Ramirez might be a : viable short-term solution at third base (a la Adrian Beltre) that would : allow the Sox to employ Youkilis as a designated hitter and backup corner : infielder, helping to prevent some of the wear and tear on Youkilis. (David : Ortiz could then get his wish of playing in New York.) Starting in 2012, : Hanley Ramirez's contract escalates to $15 million in Florida; is he : available? What about Matt Kemp, who is due to hit free agency at the end of : 2012? Andre Ethier? Shane Victorino or B.J. Upton? The Red Sox need to look : at all of it. 並不是說紅襪必須組成像今年開季看上去同等夢幻的輪值 但輪值明顯需要調整 價錢OK的情況下 Aramis Ramirez跟貝爾吹都是很好的三壘人選 這樣光頭可以站站DH或是在其他人輪休時擋一壘或三壘 (而老爹則能順利去紐約打球) (<-譯按:哪個襪迷會這樣說話?) 2012年小亨利的約將破15M 小魚付得起嗎? 躲人雙臉Kemp跟Ethier? Shane Victorino? B.J. Upton? 要勇敢在市場上先開槍啊!! : And they need to be willing to pull the trigger. : During the watch of Epstein, at least, the Sox were unafraid to think big. So : long as John Henry, Tom Werner and Larry Lucchino are still at the core of : the decision-making, that is not likely to change. The last time the Red Sox : failed so spectacularly was in 2003, which happens to be the last time the : Sox fired a manager. That winter, Epstein had deals in place that would have : brought Alex Rodriguez (from Texas) and Magglio Ordonez (from the Chicago : White Sox) to Boston for Manny Ramirez (to Texas) and Nomar Garciaparra (to : Chicago). The deals blew up only when the players union objected to a : restructuring of Rodriguez' contract. 襪子很敢賭大的 老板們沒換 帥哥經理常常放手一搏 上次襪子球季如此慘澹已經是03年的事 當然那年也是火掉前經理的那次 Theo一上任弄了個A-rod(條子) 騙人布(白襪) in 咩泥(去條子) Nomar(去白襪) out 的超大交易案 可惜被球員工會阻止了 : Whether the Sox would consider such bold moves now is open to debate, but : they have chips to deal. Beckett, Ellsbury and even Ryan Lavarnway have some : value. If a shortstop is coming back, Jose Iglesias could go, too. But : regardless of what the Red Sox do with their lineup - and they have lots of : options there - the one absolute certainty is that they must get one or two : starting pitchers who can come as close as possible to guaranteeing them 32 : starts. 今年球隊敢不敢賭那麼大很難說 但球隊不是沒有籌碼 貝基特 愛斯貝瑞 魚塭的Ryan Lavarnway或 假如有買游擊的話 小鷹俠也能賣 不過不管對打線有什麼想法 輪值的調整已勢在必行 弄來一個能先發32次以上的投手是當務之急 : In so many ways, after all, the starting pitchers of the Red Sox in 2011 were : just so darned unreliable.# 說了這麼多 都是因為今年的輪值表現實在太他媽不穩定了 -- ※ 發信站 :批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/15 03:15, , 1F
10/15 03:15, 1F

10/15 03:21, , 2F
推翻譯! 幹今年輪值!
10/15 03:21, 2F

10/15 04:01, , 3F
10/15 04:01, 3F

10/15 05:52, , 4F
輪值看起來很威~實際上= =
10/15 05:52, 4F

10/15 06:02, , 5F
先發真是大問題 但要弄來King..甘無可能=.=
10/15 06:02, 5F

10/15 06:08, , 6F
10/15 06:08, 6F

10/15 06:09, , 7F
10/15 06:09, 7F

10/15 06:27, , 8F
10/15 06:27, 8F

10/15 06:43, , 9F
10/15 06:43, 9F

10/15 07:35, , 10F
10/15 07:35, 10F

10/15 07:35, , 11F
今年Ellsbury打出MVP成績之後 還是要交易他 Great!!
10/15 07:35, 11F

10/15 07:57, , 12F
掀發隱憂這麼大 真的會動北極嗎..
10/15 07:57, 12F

10/15 07:57, , 13F
10/15 07:57, 13F

10/15 08:18, , 14F
話說老闆今天說話了 Crawford應該感到很欣慰
10/15 08:18, 14F

10/15 09:08, , 15F
10/15 09:08, 15F

10/15 09:36, , 16F
推翻譯 順便幹今年輪值澇賽...
10/15 09:36, 16F

10/15 10:08, , 17F
10/15 10:08, 17F

10/15 10:09, , 18F
10/15 10:09, 18F

10/15 10:19, , 19F
Nomar都賣過了 為啥不敢賣Ells
10/15 10:19, 19F

10/15 10:51, , 20F
我們是需要工作馬 不是需要Ace......
10/15 10:51, 20F

10/15 10:52, , 21F
10/15 10:52, 21F

10/15 10:56, , 22F
說真的輪值他媽的超廢.. 沒一個吃得了局數的
10/15 10:56, 22F

10/15 10:57, , 23F
Ells 當然可以賣.. Manny和Nomar都賣過了
10/15 10:57, 23F

10/15 11:00, , 24F
什麼叫Nomar都賣過了 為啥不敢賣Ells 情況完全不一樣吧
10/15 11:00, 24F

10/15 11:04, , 25F
任何球隊有Buehrle這類型投手 會使人安心不少
10/15 11:04, 25F

10/15 11:05, , 26F
如果之前所說有部分人不盡力的話 那這位盡力的人不覺得
10/15 11:05, 26F

10/15 11:06, , 27F
10/15 11:06, 27F

10/15 11:09, , 28F
是應該留+今年鬼神戰績 但國外的預測多半是留不住 囧
10/15 11:09, 28F

10/15 11:11, , 29F
沒有甚麼非賣品 但他媽的現在輪值圈是垃圾
10/15 11:11, 29F

10/15 11:12, , 30F
就算真的換好了 Mazz說Ells+Buchholz?
10/15 11:12, 30F

10/15 11:12, , 31F
10/15 11:12, 31F

10/15 11:13, , 32F
結果今年一個打出MVP成績 一個就算常受傷 但起碼也是
10/15 11:13, 32F

10/15 11:13, , 33F
前三號先發 會不會賠太大?
10/15 11:13, 33F

10/15 11:30, , 34F
如果真的換到King 應該不會賠很大.... 不過有可能嗎= =
10/15 11:30, 34F

10/15 11:33, , 35F
水手也不是傻子 覺得以Bucky的傷病史 水手自認還虧勒
10/15 11:33, 35F

10/15 11:34, , 36F
況且King是何等人物 未來十年 年年都可以是賽揚熱門人選
10/15 11:34, 36F

10/15 11:36, , 37F
Ells的經紀人 讓他很難長留Boston 不過就算不換 我們也還
10/15 11:36, 37F

10/15 11:36, , 38F
10/15 11:36, 38F

10/15 11:37, , 39F
10/15 11:37, 39F
還有 82 則推文
10/17 18:05, , 122F
有消息指出你們可能會收到Matt Szczur,Jay Jackson
10/17 18:05, 122F

10/17 18:05, , 123F
Ryan Flaherty 1-2位球員
10/17 18:05, 123F

10/17 20:44, , 124F
樓上好像就是Matt Szczur的ID持有者? 要來襪襪當2013不
10/17 20:44, 124F

10/17 20:44, , 125F
動一棒嗎? 哈哈 (前提是小帥哥沒走吧)
10/17 20:44, 125F

10/17 21:01, , 126F
10/17 21:01, 126F

10/17 21:03, , 127F
10/17 21:03, 127F

10/17 21:04, , 128F
10/17 21:04, 128F

10/17 21:13, , 129F
10/17 21:13, 129F

10/17 21:14, , 130F
10/17 21:14, 130F

10/17 21:15, , 131F
10/17 21:15, 131F

10/17 23:06, , 132F
10/17 23:06, 132F

10/17 23:30, , 133F
我還是蠻希望CC可以狠狠打我臉的 既然都簽了還是有夢最美
10/17 23:30, 133F

10/17 23:37, , 134F
轉RF然後每年打出去年的成績 才算對得起他的約
10/17 23:37, 134F

10/17 23:37, , 135F
不過我實在是不敢期待 至於發球機 長痛不如短痛
10/17 23:37, 135F

10/17 23:38, , 136F
我相信老大 一個還有救 另一個就算了吧
10/17 23:38, 136F

10/17 23:59, , 137F
10/17 23:59, 137F

10/18 00:00, , 138F
10/18 00:00, 138F

10/18 00:01, , 139F
10/18 00:01, 139F

10/18 00:15, , 140F
10/18 00:15, 140F

10/18 00:28, , 141F
大Z XDD...是要再一個參戰吧
10/18 00:28, 141F

10/18 00:39, , 142F
10/18 00:39, 142F

10/18 00:40, , 143F
CC我覺得可以再等看看= = 至於雷機,就放他去吧=_=...
10/18 00:40, 143F

10/18 03:09, , 144F
10/18 03:09, 144F

10/18 08:45, , 145F
10/18 08:45, 145F

10/18 11:41, , 146F
10/18 11:41, 146F

10/18 12:09, , 147F
Orcish你是哪隻眼睛看到X迷 看到黑影就開槍 又愛討拍
10/18 12:09, 147F

10/18 12:09, , 148F
我看你才是X迷 不爽不要來啦! 這樣講很爽嗎? 查個鬼咧
10/18 12:09, 148F

10/18 12:12, , 149F
我也收回抱歉 對你這種愛討拍的不需要^^
10/18 12:12, 149F

10/18 12:20, , 150F
補推回來 不是噓PO啦
10/18 12:20, 150F

10/18 13:29, , 151F
10/18 13:29, 151F

10/18 13:34, , 152F
沒有100%確定 因此打上「如果」 不過連討拍都搞不清楚 算了
10/18 13:34, 152F

10/18 13:44, , 153F
如果是我搞錯 那麼我為此事道歉 最近被ㄐ群勾勾狄 冒用id
10/18 13:44, 153F

10/18 13:46, , 154F
冒用id幹譙 剪貼篡改我的推文 不一而足
10/18 13:46, 154F

10/18 13:50, , 155F
不在總版推文反擊 是為避免被圍、被桶 因此回來襪版牢騷
10/18 13:50, 155F

10/18 13:56, , 156F
既未引戰 也沒回嗆 這算討拍?! 版規沒禁 也有若干襪迷共鳴
10/18 13:56, 156F

10/18 13:58, , 157F
閣下不悅 自然敢請別看 不然我能怎辦?
10/18 13:58, 157F

10/18 14:18, , 158F
"如果"都是襪迷 那麼請互相尊重吧 像我不喜歡幹譙自家球員
10/18 14:18, 158F

10/18 14:20, , 159F
板規允許 我有什麼資格去干涉?! 因此我盡量不看戰況文
10/18 14:20, 159F

10/18 14:24, , 160F
這就叫「不爽不要看」 而不是在情緒推文下留看了實在很厭煩
10/18 14:24, 160F

10/18 14:25, , 161F
換作是你 又當何想?! 言盡於斯
10/18 14:25, 161F
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