Re: [新聞] Bora$你好狠......

看板RedSox作者 (lilneige)時間17年前 (2006/11/18 04:22), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串6/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《lilneige (lilneige)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《nickdarren (共筆免疫不全症)》之銘言: : : 個人覺得這只是談判的開始 : : Boras也應該不會真的認為2年30M是合理的 : : 談判開始當然要先開高一點 : : 總不能一開始就喊底線吧 : : 這樣很容易一方不接受就無法談下去了 : : 松?雖然經過數據換算後是名很好的投手 : : 甚至可能是MLB前10的好投手〈忘記哪裡看到的外國評論〉 : 這個是付費文章的節錄 Steve Chicago: With the Red Sox having big over $51 million, and probably going to dish out another $50 million to sign him, is this guy really a $100 million dollar pitcher? That sounds a little crazy to me, especially when he is almost 27 yrs old and unproven in the major leagues...your thoughts. SportsNation Jim Callis: (2:19 PM ET ) I'll give you my short answer. 1) He's one of the top five or 10 pitchers in the world. 2) He's only 26 and has many years ahead of him. 3) We have no idea how much of that $51.11 million is real money; it's very possible that Seibu will kick some of that in towards Matsuzaka's contract to make sure a deal gets done. 4) It's an extremely unique situation, where a guy this good, this young and with this track record goes on the open market with exclusive signing rights (as opposed to just becoming a free agent). So under those circumstances, yes, he's a $100 million pitcher. Imagine if Johan Santana were posted -- the money would be very similar. People are up in arms about the dollars, but the Red Sox have more money to spend than anybody but the Yankees. To compare it to a normal free agent, that's just silly, because it's apples and oranges. SportsNation Jim Callis: (2:20 PM ET ) I guess that wasn't a very short answer, huh? 基本上這個球評把松板歸納於跟Santana差不多同等級的投手 : Josh (Bethlehem, PA): Jim, How can you call Matsuzaka one of the : Top 10 pitchers in the world? The dude has pitched only a handful of : innings against the premier hitters in the world. You being a prospect : guy and all should know great stuff and scouting reports isnt a guarantee : to translate into MLB success. (And no, I'm not just a bitter Yankee fan, : I'd be saying the same thing if the bombers won the bid too) : SportsNation Jim Callis: (2:52 PM ET ) There's no guarantee of anyone : being successful. But I've talked to scouts and read numerous stories : and reports on Matsuzaka. Good luck finding someone who doesn't think : he's a frontline pitcher. He's 26, has succeeded in the Japanese majors : and in numerous international tests, and he has five or six plus pitches, : some plus-plus. Yeah, he's one of the Top 10 pitchers in the world. : Mike (columbus OH): Not that it is very comparable but Irabu was supposed : to be the next great thing. Turn the tides coming from Japan, that worked : out. : SportsNation Jim Callis: (3:04 PM ET ) Irabu had a big arm and bad makeup. : Matsuzaka has more polish and better makeup. We've seen Hideo Nomo come : over and be a star, Kaz Sasaki come over and be a top closer, Akinori : Otsuka come over and exceed expectations. Most of the top pitchers who : have come over from Japan have mirrored their success over there. : Jeff (Iowa): So if Matsuzaka is a Top 10 pitcher, where does he rank among : Santana, Oswalt, Clemens, Carpenter, Peavy, Webb, Wang, Schilling, : Verlander, etc? : SportsNation Jim Callis: (2:57 PM ET ) We're talking about for the future. : I'd much rather have Matsuzaka's future than Clemens and Schilling, no : question. I'd take him over at least half of the guys on that list. : Josh (mpls, MN): Who is the TOP pitcher in the world? : SportsNation Jim Callis: (2:58 PM ET ) Johan Santana. : : 而我昨天PO的文章認為他的風險極小 : : 但是這是數據不是現實情況 : : 他在日本使用過度的情況 : : 會不會在美國出問題 : : 他真的有那麼殺嗎 : : 這都是紅襪的風險 : : 以一個未打過MLB的選手 : : 個人認為10M是合理可以被接受的 : : 但是Boras應該不會讓價位這麼低 : : 在一來一往之間 : : 12M1年是應該為大家所能接受的最高限度 : : 而且至少要簽4年約 : : 否則乾脆讓給別隊 : : 這對紅襪來說 : : 已經很有誠意了 : : 如果松?不接受那也沒有辦法 : : 那不如讓洋基的鄰居去談吧 : : METS能比這高嗎 : : 那也未必 : : 松有潛在的風險 : : 大都會未必肯出比紅襪多的錢 : : 如果談不成 : : 松?回日本 : : 吃最多虧的是他自己和西武 : : 因為他不想在日本多待了 : : 談不成那就明年再來 : : 再被操一年 : : 總之我個人認為紅襪還是會簽下松? : : 只是會比一年15M少上許多 : : 想當初並不想松?來紅襪的 : : 沒想到他來了 : : 是福是禍大家走著瞧吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/18 05:01, , 1F
11/18 05:01, 1F

11/18 14:44, , 2F
我覺得大家不用太早生氣 Boras還是受雇於松阪 所以松阪的
11/18 14:44, 2F

11/18 14:45, , 3F
決定才是重點 我認為不管怎樣松阪一定會簽約 因此Boras最大
11/18 14:45, 3F

11/18 14:47, , 4F
最優先的任務是把松阪送進MLB 那個就當他喊價就好
11/18 14:47, 4F
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