Re: [情報] [轉錄]稍微翻譯了一下TES5特色整理

看板RealPlaying作者 (Mr.喬)時間13年前 (2011/01/27 17:14), 編輯推噓6(609)
留言15則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
: 劇情: : 1.背景設在第四代Oblivion兩百年之後 : 2.The plot is that you are possibly the last Dragonborn, a group : characterized by their ability to hunt dragons. The Septim line was a : prominent Dragonborn line protected by the Dragonguards which eventually : became the blades. After the death of the Septim line, the Blades were hunted : down and killed one by one and now are almost completely gone. The return of : the dragons was foretold in the Elder Scrolls and was ushered in by the : destruction of the Staff of Chaos, the creation of the Numidium, the events : at Red Mountain and the Oblivion Crisis. There is a blade you come across, : named Esbern (Voiced by Mark Von Sydow.) that will train and guide you : through the game. The last event to unfold before the dragons return was the : people of Skyrim turning against each other which is happening at the : beginning of the game. Dragons start to appear in greater and greater numbers : as the game goes on and will eventually culminate with Alduin possibly coming : into the world.(太長了我沒時間翻,大家自己看看吧^ ^) 這邊開頭的意思大概是說 Septim的血脈本身就是最有名的龍裔血脈 而負責保護龍裔的血脈就是龍衛(Dragonguards) 也就是後面所說的Blades 這定位就跟我之前認知的不同 因為我記得Blades是Tiber為了蒐尋Numidium碎片而組織的 不過也可能 Blades本來就是Septim家的家傳護衛軍 只是後來才改稱為Blades 然而隨著Martin Septim的消失 這條龍裔血脈斷了 緊接著Blades所代表的龍衛也被追殺殆盡 主角碰到一個名叫Esbern的末代blade 他訓練主角並指引他方向 文中另外提到上古捲軸早有預言龍族將再起 混亂手杖被摧毀(一代劇情 戰法師用手杖打開異界之門囚禁皇帝 好像後來自己把手杖摧毀的樣子 我不是很確定) 、Numidium被建造出來(二代結局之一) 、紅色山脈事件(三代劇情)以及Oblivion造成的危機(四代主線) 都是龍族再起的預兆 預言的最後一個預兆就是五代遊戲開頭即將發生的 Skyrim省將陷入空前的混亂 龍族的數量越來越多 最後傳說Alduin會出現 Alduin可能就是時間之龍神Akatosh的Nord版本 好比希臘的阿芙柔黛蒂之於後來羅馬的維納斯 只是我上網查了一下 Alduin好像不是很友善 有一個傳說 說Alduin可以把人的 "年齡" 吃掉 據說在某一次被招喚的情況下 Alduin把整個Nord人的年紀都吃掉 全部的人都變成六歲 囧 Akatosh被稱為時間之龍神 代表有祂的出現才開始有時間 據說Numidium的出現造成了某種 "Dragon break" 也就是時間的混亂 某個地方出現大浩劫 這部分我就不是很清楚了 : Background (What happens in the two centuries between the Oblivion Crisis and : Skyrim) : 4E 1 — End of the Oblivion Crisis : * The banishing of Mehrunes Dagon from Tamriel by the Champion of : Cyrodiil, Martin Septim, and the avatar of Akatosh ends the Oblivion Crisis. : The Septim bloodline ends and the Amulet of Kings is destroyed. The Third Era : ends, marking the beginning of the Fourth. Mehrunes Dagon被從Tamriel驅逐 四代主角、Martin、Akatosh的化身聯手結束了Oblivion入侵人界的危機 Septim血脈斷絕 帝國權力象徵 王者護身符毀滅 第三紀元結束 : * The Fourth Era begins with no Emperor on the throne of Tamriel. High : Chancellor Ocato, the Elder Council, and the Blades try to maintain order. : The provinces start to take opportunities on the state of Empire. 第四紀元開始時沒有皇帝 議長Ocato以及長老議會、Blades試圖穩定政局 但是... : 4E ?? — The Empire Collapses : * Black Marsh secedes from the Empire; it is soon followed by Elsweyr. Black Marsh省獨立 : 4E ?? — Titus Mede is crowned the new emperor by conquest. Titus Mede自立為皇? : 4E ?? — Morrowind is conquered by the Argonians. : * With the absence of Vivec, the Ministry of Truth becomes unstable. : Vuhon creates an Ingenium in order to keep the rock stable by using first : dozens of dying souls, then a small number of living ones as fuel. Sul fights : Vuhon over his wife, who was being used as a living battery causing the : Ministry of Truth to crash into Vvardenfell, destroying much of the island : and killing many of the people. The Argonians of Black Marsh invade and : conquer the crippled Dunmer. 齁齁~ 亞龍人 (就是長得很像蜥蜴的那種) 征服晨風省 因為Vivec的消失 Ministry of Truth變得很不穩定 Ministry of Truth似乎是一顆從Oblivion掉下來的隕石 (在TES裡的設定 日月星辰都是連接Oblivion與人界的裂痕) 因為Vivec的力量讓它飄浮在空中 變成一個監獄 在三代可以用漂浮術跑進去 主線會要跑到裡面救人 但最後大隕石掉下來 幾乎毀掉Vvardenfell島 BlackMarsh省的亞龍人趁機入侵晨風省 : 4E 18 — Prince Attrebus Mede is born. Titus Mede的兒子 他們的事蹟被記載在The Infernal City這本小說裡 (是現實世界有的小說 不是遊戲裡的小說) 但我沒看過所以也不知道發生什麼事 : 4E 23 — Annaïg Hoïnart is born. : 4E 40s — The Infernal City : * Umbriel, a floating city, appears on the coast of Black Marsh, heading : toward Morrowind. The city of Lilmoth, Black Marsh, the home of Annaïg, is : destroyed in the process. : * Attrebus Mede, on his way to intercept Umbriel, is nearly assassinated : by one of his own men in a plot by Letine Arese. : * Sul and Attrebus confront Vuhon in the sky above Umbriel. In an : escalating crescendo of violence, Umbriel vanishes. 總之這本小說是目前最新劇情 後來會發生什麼事就要等五代啦 大概是Cyrodiil帝國即將崩塌 龍族又即將復甦 大陸又(千篇一律的)陷入危機 新一代的英雄又要出現 不過我猜第四代主角還會再出現? 畢竟他是Sheogorath 眾家Daedra Prince本來就是每代必現身的固定班底 (反正就代代都來亂就對了) 另外三代主角Nerevarine離開Tamriel跑到另個大陸自助旅行 也是不知道發生什麼事? 說不定過了兩百多年還活著 又一隻老妖怪~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/27 17:32, , 1F
01/27 17:32, 1F

01/27 18:22, , 2F
01/27 18:22, 2F

01/27 19:49, , 3F
期末考壓力可以更大一點,我喜歡這樣 XD
01/27 19:49, 3F

01/27 20:22, , 4F
好M,哈哈 推翻譯用心! ((Alduin吃齡事件真的超囧XD
01/27 20:22, 4F

01/27 23:22, , 5F
Sheogorath 資料片算正史?
01/27 23:22, 5F

01/27 23:22, , 6F
ㄆㄆ 主角也是dagon難怪四代打dagon這麼簡單 XD
01/27 23:22, 6F

01/27 23:38, , 7F
因為三代的資料片到四代都算是正史 所以我猜資料片也是
01/27 23:38, 7F

01/27 23:39, , 8F
01/27 23:39, 8F

01/27 23:39, , 9F
另外 資料片主角會不會成神其實還沒有定論
01/27 23:39, 9F

01/27 23:39, , 10F
主角繼承了Sheogorath的空缺 但一開始Sheogorath說主角
01/27 23:39, 10F

01/27 23:41, , 11F
不會變成一個Daedra 但在結局時Jyggalag有暗示 說主角
01/27 23:41, 11F

01/27 23:41, , 12F
的命運依然未定 畢竟沒有什麼是不可能的
01/27 23:41, 12F

01/28 01:03, , 13F
好棒的期末壓力.. 以後還要喲!
01/28 01:03, 13F

02/03 10:03, , 14F
02/03 10:03, 14F

02/03 10:03, , 15F
02/03 10:03, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1DGJU40X (RealPlaying)
文章代碼(AID): #1DGJU40X (RealPlaying)